ref: afd74c04166cc70a18f519ffab65c6e9cf125e86
parent: f51c3127ed2a277489722c40aaa947b7fab7040f
author: Roberto E. Vargas Caballero <[email protected]>
date: Fri Jul 5 15:36:13 EDT 2013
Don't accept empty declarations A line with only a ';' it is an statement, not a expression, and it causes that if we are working in c89 the following declarations are not allowed.
--- a/decl.c
+++ b/decl.c
@@ -218,8 +218,6 @@
register struct ctype *tp;
register struct node *np = NULL;
- while (accept(';'))
- /* nothing */;
if (!(tp = spec())) {
if (curctx != CTX_OUTER || yytoken != IDEN)
goto end;