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ref: afa1694d36865e5f2d5858e641c573502edaef92
parent: dbb2ca15669b9542a46f2232ce74c3f95afd2902
author: Roberto E. Vargas Caballero <[email protected]>
date: Sat Jul 18 05:08:28 EDT 2015

Fix #line

The validation of the fields in #line were incorrect, and the last
token was not consumed, generating an error in cpp() due to garbage
at the end of the line.

--- a/cc1/cpp.c
+++ b/cc1/cpp.c
@@ -409,15 +409,14 @@
 static void
-	Type *tp;
 	long n;
+	char *endp;
 	if (cppoff)
-	if ((n = strtol(input->p, &input->p, 10)) <= 0 || n > USHRT_MAX)
-		error("first parameter of #line is not a positive integer");
-	if (yytoken != CONSTANT || yylval.sym->type != inttype)
+	n = strtol(yytext, &endp, 10);
+	if (n <= 0 || n > USHRT_MAX || *endp != '\0')
 		error("first parameter of #line is not a positive integer");
 	input->nline = yylval.sym->u.i;
@@ -425,11 +424,11 @@
 	if (yytoken == EOFTOK)
-	tp = yylval.sym->type;
-	if (yytoken != CONSTANT || tp->op != ARY && tp->type != chartype)
+	if (*yytext != '\"'|| yylen == 1)
 		error("second parameter of #line is not a valid filename");
 	input->fname = xstrdup(yylval.sym->u.s);
+	next();
 static void