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ref: 8964018d89e7405c5a16d32b994738ba10d73f9e
parent: 423f75f011f84fbc1ae9b439e34860f1d09d583f
author: Roberto E. Vargas Caballero <[email protected]>
date: Wed Aug 5 18:36:24 EDT 2015

Check format of enum constant

--- a/cc1/decl.c
+++ b/cc1/decl.c
@@ -327,12 +327,10 @@
 		sym->flags |= ISCONSTANT;
 		sym->type = inttype;
 		if (accept('=')) {
-			Node *np = constexpr();
-			/*
-			 * TODO: check that the type of the constant
-			 * expression is the correct, that in this
-			 * case should be int
-			 */
+			Node *np = iconstexpr();
+			if (np == NULL)
+				error("invalid enumeration value");
 			val = np->sym->u.i;