ref: 0c5e2751bdf1b8db6700733e84b2887f7f38aabc
parent: 4f3e4465ccb3e7c611c7996793abefe399787983
author: Roberto E. Vargas Caballero <[email protected]>
date: Fri Jul 24 10:03:59 EDT 2015
Allow only integer expressions in switch convert() can do some conversions that are not allowed in a switch, like for example from a float to integer.
--- a/cc1/stmt.c
+++ b/cc1/stmt.c
@@ -219,8 +219,9 @@
expect ('(');
cond = expr();
- if ((cond = convert(cond, inttype, 0)) == NULL)
+ if (cond->type->op != INT)
error("incorrect type in switch statement");
+ cond = convert(cond, inttype, 0);
expect (')');
lbreak = newsym(NS_LABEL);