shithub: hugo

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ref: f2ab0b2608a1c4dc7109733be7eff80738ae9712
parent: e64e571b679b429f547b38ebcb1f8aab8d785e7b
author: Anthony Fok <[email protected]>
date: Mon Aug 3 23:15:12 EDT 2015

Improve formatting of Hugo command descriptions

Trying to make them look good both in the terminal (`hugo help [command]`)
and in the web browser (  :-)

--- a/commands/benchmark.go
+++ b/commands/benchmark.go
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
 var benchmark = &cobra.Command{
 	Use:   "benchmark",
-	Short: "Benchmark hugo by building a site a number of times",
-	Long: `Hugo can build a site many times over and analyze the
-running process creating a benchmark.`,
+	Short: "Benchmark hugo by building a site a number of times.",
+	Long: `Hugo can build a site many times over and analyze the running process
+creating a benchmark.`,
 	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
 		bench(cmd, args)
--- a/commands/check.go
+++ b/commands/check.go
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 var check = &cobra.Command{
 	Use:   "check",
 	Short: "Check content in the source directory",
-	Long: `Hugo will perform some basic analysis on the
-    content provided and will give feedback.`,
+	Long: `Hugo will perform some basic analysis on the content provided
+and will give feedback.`,
 	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
 		site := hugolib.Site{}
--- a/commands/convert.go
+++ b/commands/convert.go
@@ -32,8 +32,10 @@
 var convertCmd = &cobra.Command{
 	Use:   "convert",
-	Short: "Convert will modify your content to different formats",
-	Long:  `Convert will modify your content to different formats`,
+	Short: "Convert your content to different formats",
+	Long:  `Convert your content (e.g. front matter) to different formats.
+See convert's subcommands toJSON, toTOML and toYAML for more information.`,
 	Run:   nil,
@@ -40,8 +42,8 @@
 var toJSONCmd = &cobra.Command{
 	Use:   "toJSON",
 	Short: "Convert front matter to JSON",
-	Long: `toJSON will convert all front matter in the content
-	directory to use JSON for the front matter`,
+	Long: `toJSON converts all front matter in the content directory
+to use JSON for the front matter.`,
 	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
 		err := convertContents(rune([]byte(parser.JSON_LEAD)[0]))
 		if err != nil {
@@ -53,8 +55,8 @@
 var toTOMLCmd = &cobra.Command{
 	Use:   "toTOML",
 	Short: "Convert front matter to TOML",
-	Long: `toTOML will convert all front matter in the content
-	directory to use TOML for the front matter`,
+	Long: `toTOML converts all front matter in the content directory
+to use TOML for the front matter.`,
 	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
 		err := convertContents(rune([]byte(parser.TOML_LEAD)[0]))
 		if err != nil {
@@ -66,8 +68,8 @@
 var toYAMLCmd = &cobra.Command{
 	Use:   "toYAML",
 	Short: "Convert front matter to YAML",
-	Long: `toYAML will convert all front matter in the content
-	directory to use YAML for the front matter`,
+	Long: `toYAML converts all front matter in the content directory
+to use YAML for the front matter.`,
 	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
 		err := convertContents(rune([]byte(parser.YAML_LEAD)[0]))
 		if err != nil {
--- a/commands/genautocomplete.go
+++ b/commands/genautocomplete.go
@@ -14,19 +14,23 @@
 	Use:   "genautocomplete",
 	Short: "Generate shell autocompletion script for Hugo",
 	Long: `Generates a shell autocompletion script for Hugo.
-	NOTE: The current version supports Bash only. This should work for *nix systems with Bash installed.
-	By default the file is written directly to /etc/bash_completion.d for convenience and the command may need superuser rights, e.g:
-	sudo hugo genautocomplete
-	Add --completionfile=/path/to/file flag to set alternative file-path and name.
-	Logout and in again to reload the completion scripts or just source them in directly:
-	. /etc/bash_completion
-	`,
+NOTE: The current version supports Bash only.
+      This should work for *nix systems with Bash installed.
+By default, the file is written directly to /etc/bash_completion.d
+for convenience, and the command may need superuser rights, e.g.:
+	$ sudo hugo genautocomplete
+Add ` + "`--completionfile=/path/to/file`" + ` flag to set alternative
+file-path and name.
+Logout and in again to reload the completion scripts,
+or just source them in directly:
+	$ . /etc/bash_completion`,
 	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
 		if autocompleteType != "bash" {
 			jww.FATAL.Fatalln("Only Bash is supported for now")
--- a/commands/gendoc.go
+++ b/commands/gendoc.go
@@ -24,11 +24,12 @@
 	Use:   "gendoc",
 	Short: "Generate Markdown documentation for the Hugo CLI.",
 	Long: `Generate Markdown documentation for the Hugo CLI.
-	This command is, mostly, used to create up-to-date documentation for
-	It creates one Markdown file per command with front matter suitable for rendering in Hugo.
-	`,
+This command is, mostly, used to create up-to-date documentation
+of Hugo's command-line interface for
+It creates one Markdown file per command with front matter suitable
+for rendering in Hugo.`,
 	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
 		if !strings.HasSuffix(gendocdir, helpers.FilePathSeparator) {
--- a/commands/hugo.go
+++ b/commands/hugo.go
@@ -43,11 +43,12 @@
 var HugoCmd = &cobra.Command{
 	Use:   "hugo",
 	Short: "hugo builds your site",
-	Long: `hugo is the main command, used to build your Hugo site. 
-Hugo is a Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with love by spf13 and friends in Go.
+	Long: `hugo is the main command, used to build your Hugo site.
-Complete documentation is available at`,
+Hugo is a Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator
+built with love by spf13 and friends in Go.
+Complete documentation is available at`,
 	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
--- a/commands/list.go
+++ b/commands/list.go
@@ -30,7 +30,9 @@
 var listCmd = &cobra.Command{
 	Use:   "list",
 	Short: "Listing out various types of content",
-	Long:  `Listing out various types of content. List requires a subcommand, eg. hugo list drafts`,
+	Long:  `Listing out various types of content.
+List requires a subcommand, e.g. ` + "`hugo list drafts`.",
 	Run:   nil,
@@ -37,7 +39,7 @@
 var listDraftsCmd = &cobra.Command{
 	Use:   "drafts",
 	Short: "List all drafts",
-	Long:  `List all of the drafts in your content directory`,
+	Long:  `List all of the drafts in your content directory.`,
 	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
@@ -62,7 +64,8 @@
 var listFutureCmd = &cobra.Command{
 	Use:   "future",
 	Short: "List all posts dated in the future",
-	Long:  `List all of the posts in your content directory who will be posted in the future`,
+	Long:  `List all of the posts in your content directory which will be
+posted in the future.`,
 	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
--- a/commands/list_config.go
+++ b/commands/list_config.go
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 var config = &cobra.Command{
 	Use:   "config",
 	Short: "Print the site configuration",
-	Long:  `Print the site configuration, both default and custom settings`,
+	Long:  `Print the site configuration, both default and custom settings.`,
 	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
 		allSettings := viper.AllSettings()
--- a/commands/new.go
+++ b/commands/new.go
@@ -48,9 +48,11 @@
 	Short: "Create new content for your site",
 	Long: `Create a new content file and automatically set the date and title.
 It will guess which kind of file to create based on the path provided.
-You can also specify the kind with -k KIND
-If archetypes are provided in your theme or site, they will be used.
+You can also specify the kind with ` + "`-k KIND`" + `.
+If archetypes are provided in your theme or site, they will be used.`,
 	Run: NewContent,
@@ -59,8 +61,7 @@
 	Short: "Create a new site (skeleton)",
 	Long: `Create a new site in the provided directory.
 The new site will have the correct structure, but no content or theme yet.
-Use 'hugo new [contentPath]' to create new content.
-	`,
+Use ` + "`hugo new [contentPath]`" + ` to create new content.`,
 	Run: NewSite,
@@ -70,8 +71,7 @@
 	Long: `Create a new theme (skeleton) called [name] in the current directory.
 New theme is a skeleton. Please add content to the touched files. Add your
 name to the copyright line in the license and adjust the theme.toml file
-as you see fit.
-	`,
+as you see fit.`,
 	Run: NewTheme,
--- a/commands/undraft.go
+++ b/commands/undraft.go
@@ -26,7 +26,9 @@
 var undraftCmd = &cobra.Command{
 	Use:   "undraft path/to/content",
 	Short: "Undraft changes the content's draft status from 'True' to 'False'",
-	Long:  `Undraft changes the content's draft status from 'True' to 'False' and updates the date to the current date and time. If the content's draft status is 'False', nothing is done`,
+	Long:  `Undraft changes the content's draft status from 'True' to 'False'
+and updates the date to the current date and time.
+If the content's draft status is 'False', nothing is done.`,
 	Run:   Undraft,
--- a/commands/version.go
+++ b/commands/version.go
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 var version = &cobra.Command{
 	Use:   "version",
 	Short: "Print the version number of Hugo",
-	Long:  `All software has versions. This is Hugo's`,
+	Long:  `All software has versions. This is Hugo's.`,
 	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
 		if hugolib.BuildDate == "" {
 			setBuildDate() // set the build date from executable's mdate
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo"
 slug: hugo
 url: /commands/hugo/
@@ -11,12 +11,13 @@
 ### Synopsis
-hugo is the main command, used to build your Hugo site. 
-Hugo is a Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with love by spf13 and friends in Go.
+hugo is the main command, used to build your Hugo site.
-Complete documentation is available at
+Hugo is a Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator
+built with love by spf13 and friends in Go.
+Complete documentation is available at
@@ -25,34 +26,35 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-  -h, --help=false: help for hugo
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for hugo
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
-      --noTimes=false: Don't sync modification time of files
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --noTimes[=false]: Don't sync modification time of files
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
-  -w, --watch=false: watch filesystem for changes and recreate as needed
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
+  -w, --watch[=false]: watch filesystem for changes and recreate as needed
-* [hugo benchmark](/commands/hugo_benchmark/)	 - Benchmark hugo by building a site a number of times
+* [hugo benchmark](/commands/hugo_benchmark/)	 - Benchmark hugo by building a site a number of times.
 * [hugo check](/commands/hugo_check/)	 - Check content in the source directory
 * [hugo config](/commands/hugo_config/)	 - Print the site configuration
-* [hugo convert](/commands/hugo_convert/)	 - Convert will modify your content to different formats
+* [hugo convert](/commands/hugo_convert/)	 - Convert your content to different formats
 * [hugo genautocomplete](/commands/hugo_genautocomplete/)	 - Generate shell autocompletion script for Hugo
 * [hugo gendoc](/commands/hugo_gendoc/)	 - Generate Markdown documentation for the Hugo CLI.
 * [hugo help](/commands/hugo_help/)	 - Help about any command
@@ -62,4 +64,4 @@
 * [hugo undraft](/commands/hugo_undraft/)	 - Undraft changes the content's draft status from 'True' to 'False'
 * [hugo version](/commands/hugo_version/)	 - Print the version number of Hugo
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.802527731 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.032773309 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo benchmark"
 slug: hugo_benchmark
 url: /commands/hugo_benchmark/
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
 ## hugo benchmark
-Benchmark hugo by building a site a number of times
+Benchmark hugo by building a site a number of times.
 ### Synopsis
-Hugo can build a site many times over and analyze the
-running process creating a benchmark.
+Hugo can build a site many times over and analyze the running process
+creating a benchmark.
 hugo benchmark
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   -n, --count=13: number of times to build the site
       --cpuprofile="": path/filename for the CPU profile file
-  -h, --help=false: help for benchmark
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for benchmark
       --memprofile="": path/filename for the memory profile file
@@ -31,27 +31,28 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
 * [hugo](/commands/hugo/)	 - hugo builds your site
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.80030401 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.029178075 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo check"
 slug: hugo_check
 url: /commands/hugo_check/
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 ### Synopsis
-Hugo will perform some basic analysis on the
-    content provided and will give feedback.
+Hugo will perform some basic analysis on the content provided
+and will give feedback.
 hugo check
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ### Options
-  -h, --help=false: help for check
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for check
 ### Options inherited from parent commands
@@ -28,27 +28,28 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
 * [hugo](/commands/hugo/)	 - hugo builds your site
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.800150805 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.028981006 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo config"
 slug: hugo_config
 url: /commands/hugo_config/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 ### Synopsis
-Print the site configuration, both default and custom settings
+Print the site configuration, both default and custom settings.
 hugo config
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ### Options
-  -h, --help=false: help for config
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for config
 ### Options inherited from parent commands
@@ -27,27 +27,28 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
 * [hugo](/commands/hugo/)	 - hugo builds your site
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.800015664 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.028773512 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo convert"
 slug: hugo_convert
 url: /commands/hugo_convert/
@@ -6,19 +6,21 @@
 ## hugo convert
-Convert will modify your content to different formats
+Convert your content to different formats
 ### Synopsis
-Convert will modify your content to different formats
+Convert your content (e.g. front matter) to different formats.
+See convert's subcommands toJSON, toTOML and toYAML for more information.
 ### Options
-  -h, --help=false: help for convert
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for convert
   -o, --output="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --unsafe=false: enable less safe operations, please backup first
+      --unsafe[=false]: enable less safe operations, please backup first
 ### Options inherited from parent commands
@@ -25,24 +27,25 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
@@ -51,4 +54,4 @@
 * [hugo convert toTOML](/commands/hugo_convert_totoml/)	 - Convert front matter to TOML
 * [hugo convert toYAML](/commands/hugo_convert_toyaml/)	 - Convert front matter to YAML
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.800919 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.029941981 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo convert toJSON"
 slug: hugo_convert_toJSON
 url: /commands/hugo_convert_tojson/
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 ### Synopsis
-toJSON will convert all front matter in the content
-	directory to use JSON for the front matter
+toJSON converts all front matter in the content directory
+to use JSON for the front matter.
 hugo convert toJSON
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ### Options
-  -h, --help=false: help for toJSON
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for toJSON
 ### Options inherited from parent commands
@@ -28,29 +28,30 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
   -o, --output="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-      --unsafe=false: enable less safe operations, please backup first
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+      --unsafe[=false]: enable less safe operations, please backup first
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
-* [hugo convert](/commands/hugo_convert/)	 - Convert will modify your content to different formats
+* [hugo convert](/commands/hugo_convert/)	 - Convert your content to different formats
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.800453812 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.029372273 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo convert toTOML"
 slug: hugo_convert_toTOML
 url: /commands/hugo_convert_totoml/
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 ### Synopsis
-toTOML will convert all front matter in the content
-	directory to use TOML for the front matter
+toTOML converts all front matter in the content directory
+to use TOML for the front matter.
 hugo convert toTOML
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ### Options
-  -h, --help=false: help for toTOML
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for toTOML
 ### Options inherited from parent commands
@@ -28,29 +28,30 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
   -o, --output="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-      --unsafe=false: enable less safe operations, please backup first
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+      --unsafe[=false]: enable less safe operations, please backup first
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
-* [hugo convert](/commands/hugo_convert/)	 - Convert will modify your content to different formats
+* [hugo convert](/commands/hugo_convert/)	 - Convert your content to different formats
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.800610431 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.029568477 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo convert toYAML"
 slug: hugo_convert_toYAML
 url: /commands/hugo_convert_toyaml/
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
 ### Synopsis
-toYAML will convert all front matter in the content
-	directory to use YAML for the front matter
+toYAML converts all front matter in the content directory
+to use YAML for the front matter.
 hugo convert toYAML
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ### Options
-  -h, --help=false: help for toYAML
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for toYAML
 ### Options inherited from parent commands
@@ -28,29 +28,30 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
   -o, --output="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-      --unsafe=false: enable less safe operations, please backup first
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+      --unsafe[=false]: enable less safe operations, please backup first
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
-* [hugo convert](/commands/hugo_convert/)	 - Convert will modify your content to different formats
+* [hugo convert](/commands/hugo_convert/)	 - Convert your content to different formats
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.800758702 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.029752904 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo genautocomplete"
 slug: hugo_genautocomplete
 url: /commands/hugo_genautocomplete/
@@ -12,20 +12,23 @@
 Generates a shell autocompletion script for Hugo.
-	NOTE: The current version supports Bash only. This should work for *nix systems with Bash installed.
-	By default the file is written directly to /etc/bash_completion.d for convenience and the command may need superuser rights, e.g:
-	sudo hugo genautocomplete
-	Add --completionfile=/path/to/file flag to set alternative file-path and name.
-	Logout and in again to reload the completion scripts or just source them in directly:
-	. /etc/bash_completion
+NOTE: The current version supports Bash only.
+      This should work for *nix systems with Bash installed.
+By default, the file is written directly to /etc/bash_completion.d
+for convenience, and the command may need superuser rights, e.g.:
+	$ sudo hugo genautocomplete
+Add `--completionfile=/path/to/file` flag to set alternative
+file-path and name.
+Logout and in again to reload the completion scripts,
+or just source them in directly:
+	$ . /etc/bash_completion
 hugo genautocomplete
@@ -34,7 +37,7 @@
       --completionfile="/etc/bash_completion.d/": Autocompletion file
-  -h, --help=false: help for genautocomplete
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for genautocomplete
       --type="bash": Autocompletion type (currently only bash supported)
@@ -42,27 +45,28 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
 * [hugo](/commands/hugo/)	 - hugo builds your site
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.802059052 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.032217938 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo gendoc"
 slug: hugo_gendoc
 url: /commands/hugo_gendoc/
@@ -12,12 +12,13 @@
 Generate Markdown documentation for the Hugo CLI.
-	This command is, mostly, used to create up-to-date documentation for
-	It creates one Markdown file per command with front matter suitable for rendering in Hugo.
+This command is, mostly, used to create up-to-date documentation
+of Hugo's command-line interface for
+It creates one Markdown file per command with front matter suitable
+for rendering in Hugo.
 hugo gendoc
@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@
       --dir="/tmp/hugodoc/": the directory to write the doc.
-  -h, --help=false: help for gendoc
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for gendoc
 ### Options inherited from parent commands
@@ -33,27 +34,28 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
 * [hugo](/commands/hugo/)	 - hugo builds your site
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.802209793 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.032407873 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo help"
 slug: hugo_help
 url: /commands/hugo_help/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 ### Options
-  -h, --help=false: help for help
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for help
 ### Options inherited from parent commands
@@ -28,27 +28,28 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
 * [hugo](/commands/hugo/)	 - hugo builds your site
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.802371739 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.032577924 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo list"
 slug: hugo_list
 url: /commands/hugo_list/
@@ -11,12 +11,14 @@
 ### Synopsis
-Listing out various types of content. List requires a subcommand, eg. hugo list drafts
+Listing out various types of content.
+List requires a subcommand, e.g. `hugo list drafts`.
 ### Options
-  -h, --help=false: help for list
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for list
 ### Options inherited from parent commands
@@ -23,24 +25,25 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
@@ -48,4 +51,4 @@
 * [hugo list drafts](/commands/hugo_list_drafts/)	 - List all drafts
 * [hugo list future](/commands/hugo_list_future/)	 - List all posts dated in the future
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.801756747 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.031129252 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo list drafts"
 slug: hugo_list_drafts
 url: /commands/hugo_list_drafts/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 ### Synopsis
-List all of the drafts in your content directory
+List all of the drafts in your content directory.
 hugo list drafts
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ### Options
-  -h, --help=false: help for drafts
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for drafts
 ### Options inherited from parent commands
@@ -27,27 +27,28 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
 * [hugo list](/commands/hugo_list/)	 - Listing out various types of content
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.801489239 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.030650499 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo list future"
 slug: hugo_list_future
 url: /commands/hugo_list_future/
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
 ### Synopsis
-List all of the posts in your content directory who will be posted in the future
+List all of the posts in your content directory which will be
+posted in the future.
 hugo list future
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@
 ### Options
-  -h, --help=false: help for future
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for future
 ### Options inherited from parent commands
@@ -27,27 +28,28 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
 * [hugo list](/commands/hugo_list/)	 - Listing out various types of content
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.801618973 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.030877499 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo new"
 slug: hugo_new
 url: /commands/hugo_new/
@@ -13,10 +13,11 @@
 Create a new content file and automatically set the date and title.
 It will guess which kind of file to create based on the path provided.
-You can also specify the kind with -k KIND
-If archetypes are provided in your theme or site, they will be used.
+You can also specify the kind with `-k KIND`.
+If archetypes are provided in your theme or site, they will be used.
 hugo new [path]
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@
   -f, --format="toml": frontmatter format
-  -h, --help=false: help for new
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for new
   -k, --kind="": Content type to create
@@ -33,24 +34,25 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
@@ -58,4 +60,4 @@
 * [hugo new site](/commands/hugo_new_site/)	 - Create a new site (skeleton)
 * [hugo new theme](/commands/hugo_new_theme/)	 - Create a new theme
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.80134962 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.030477738 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo new site"
 slug: hugo_new_site
 url: /commands/hugo_new_site/
@@ -13,8 +13,7 @@
 Create a new site in the provided directory.
 The new site will have the correct structure, but no content or theme yet.
-Use 'hugo new [contentPath]' to create new content.
+Use `hugo new [contentPath]` to create new content.
 hugo new site [path]
@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@
   -f, --format="toml": config & frontmatter format
-  -h, --help=false: help for site
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for site
 ### Options inherited from parent commands
@@ -31,27 +30,28 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
 * [hugo new](/commands/hugo_new/)	 - Create new content for your site
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.80106191 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.030129171 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo new theme"
 slug: hugo_new_theme
 url: /commands/hugo_new_theme/
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
 New theme is a skeleton. Please add content to the touched files. Add your
 name to the copyright line in the license and adjust the theme.toml file
 as you see fit.
 hugo new theme [name]
@@ -24,7 +23,7 @@
 ### Options
-  -h, --help=false: help for theme
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for theme
 ### Options inherited from parent commands
@@ -31,27 +30,28 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
 * [hugo new](/commands/hugo_new/)	 - Create new content for your site
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.801202688 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.030301827 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo server"
 slug: hugo_server
 url: /commands/hugo_server/
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@
 ### Options
-      --appendPort=true: append port to baseurl
+      --appendPort[=true]: append port to baseurl
       --bind="": interface to which the server will bind
-      --disableLiveReload=false: watch without enabling live browser reload on rebuild
-  -h, --help=false: help for server
+      --disableLiveReload[=false]: watch without enabling live browser reload on rebuild
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for server
       --meminterval=100: interval to poll memory usage (requires --memstats)
       --memstats="": log memory usage to this file
   -p, --port=1313: port on which the server will listen
-  -w, --watch=false: watch filesystem for changes and recreate as needed
+  -w, --watch[=false]: watch filesystem for changes and recreate as needed
 ### Options inherited from parent commands
@@ -36,27 +36,28 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
 * [hugo](/commands/hugo/)	 - hugo builds your site
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.799665309 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.028196949 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo undraft"
 slug: hugo_undraft
 url: /commands/hugo_undraft/
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
 ### Synopsis
-Undraft changes the content's draft status from 'True' to 'False' and updates the date to the current date and time. If the content's draft status is 'False', nothing is done
+Undraft changes the content's draft status from 'True' to 'False'
+and updates the date to the current date and time.
+If the content's draft status is 'False', nothing is done.
 hugo undraft path/to/content
@@ -20,7 +22,7 @@
 ### Options
-  -h, --help=false: help for undraft
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for undraft
 ### Options inherited from parent commands
@@ -27,27 +29,28 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
 * [hugo](/commands/hugo/)	 - hugo builds your site
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.801883978 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.031353807 +0000 UTC
--- a/docs/content/commands/
+++ b/docs/content/commands/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-date: 2015-05-21T20:03:19+02:00
+date: 2015-08-04T03:11:10-06:00
 title: "hugo version"
 slug: hugo_version
 url: /commands/hugo_version/
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 ### Synopsis
-All software has versions. This is Hugo's
+All software has versions. This is Hugo's.
 hugo version
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 ### Options
-  -h, --help=false: help for version
+  -h, --help[=false]: help for version
 ### Options inherited from parent commands
@@ -27,27 +27,28 @@
   -b, --baseUrl="": hostname (and path) to the root eg.
-  -D, --buildDrafts=false: include content marked as draft
-  -F, --buildFuture=false: include content with publishdate in the future
+  -D, --buildDrafts[=false]: include content marked as draft
+  -F, --buildFuture[=false]: include content with publishdate in the future
       --cacheDir="": filesystem path to cache directory. Defaults: $TMPDIR/hugo_cache/
       --config="": config file (default is path/config.yaml|json|toml)
   -d, --destination="": filesystem path to write files to
-      --disableRSS=false: Do not build RSS files
-      --disableSitemap=false: Do not build Sitemap file
+      --disableRSS[=false]: Do not build RSS files
+      --disableSitemap[=false]: Do not build Sitemap file
       --editor="": edit new content with this editor, if provided
-      --ignoreCache=false: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
-      --log=false: Enable Logging
+      --ignoreCache[=false]: Ignores the cache directory for reading but still writes to it
+      --log[=false]: Enable Logging
       --logFile="": Log File path (if set, logging enabled automatically)
-      --pluralizeListTitles=true: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --pluralizeListTitles[=true]: Pluralize titles in lists using inflect
+      --preserveTaxonomyNames[=false]: Preserve taxonomy names as written ("Gérard Depardieu" vs "gerard-depardieu")
   -s, --source="": filesystem path to read files relative from
-      --stepAnalysis=false: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
+      --stepAnalysis[=false]: display memory and timing of different steps of the program
   -t, --theme="": theme to use (located in /themes/THEMENAME/)
-      --uglyUrls=false: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
-  -v, --verbose=false: verbose output
-      --verboseLog=false: verbose logging
+      --uglyUrls[=false]: if true, use /filename.html instead of /filename/
+  -v, --verbose[=false]: verbose output
+      --verboseLog[=false]: verbose logging
 * [hugo](/commands/hugo/)	 - hugo builds your site
-###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-05-21 18:03:19.799870429 +0000 UTC
+###### Auto generated by spf13/cobra at 2015-08-04 09:11:10.028562395 +0000 UTC