ref: ed4f1edbd729bf75af89879b76fbad931693cd67
parent: 058cc6c2c3f72bdc4a703380a6d9cb39afe3dd2f
author: Bjørn Erik Pedersen <>
date: Fri Sep 21 06:10:11 EDT 2018
hugolib: Compare every element in pages cache It is slightly slower, but correctnes is, of course, more important: ```bash benchmark old ns/op new ns/op delta BenchmarkSortByWeightAndReverse-4 367 645 +75.75% benchmark old allocs new allocs delta BenchmarkSortByWeightAndReverse-4 2 2 +0.00% benchmark old bytes new bytes delta BenchmarkSortByWeightAndReverse-4 64 64 +0.00% ``` Running the same benchmark without any cache (i.e. resorting the slice on every iteration) and then compare it to the current version shows that it still is plenty worth it: ```bash ▶ benchcmp 2.bench 1.bench benchmark old ns/op new ns/op delta BenchmarkSortByWeightAndReverse-4 1358757 645 -99.95% benchmark old allocs new allocs delta BenchmarkSortByWeightAndReverse-4 17159 2 -99.99% benchmark old bytes new bytes delta BenchmarkSortByWeightAndReverse-4 274573 64 -99.98% ``` Closes #5239
--- a/hugolib/pageCache.go
+++ b/hugolib/pageCache.go
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
return false
for i, p := range pageLists {
- if !fastEqualPages(p,[i]) {
+ if !pagesEqual(p,[i]) {
return false
@@ -103,10 +103,8 @@
-// "fast" as in: we do not compare every element for big slices, but that is
-// good enough for our use cases.
-// TODO(bep) there is a similar method in pagination.go. DRY.
-func fastEqualPages(p1, p2 Pages) bool {
+// pagesEqual returns whether p1 and p2 are equal.
+func pagesEqual(p1, p2 Pages) bool {
if p1 == nil && p2 == nil {
return true
@@ -123,13 +121,7 @@
return true
- step := 1
- if len(p1) >= 50 {
- step = len(p1) / 10
- }
- for i := 0; i < len(p1); i += step {
+ for i := 0; i < len(p1); i++ {
if p1[i] != p2[i] {
return false
--- a/hugolib/pageCache_test.go
+++ b/hugolib/pageCache_test.go
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
p2, c2 := c1.get("k1", nil, p)
assert.True(t, c2)
- assert.True(t, fastEqualPages(p, p2))
- assert.True(t, fastEqualPages(p, pages))
+ assert.True(t, pagesEqual(p, p2))
+ assert.True(t, pagesEqual(p, pages))
assert.NotNil(t, p)
--- a/hugolib/pageSort_test.go
+++ b/hugolib/pageSort_test.go
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
assert.Equal(t, 9, p2[0].fuzzyWordCount)
assert.Equal(t, 0, p2[9].fuzzyWordCount)
// cached
- assert.True(t, fastEqualPages(p2, p1.Reverse()))
+ assert.True(t, pagesEqual(p2, p1.Reverse()))
func TestPageSortByParam(t *testing.T) {
--- a/hugolib/pages_related.go
+++ b/hugolib/pages_related.go
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
// This assumes that a lock has been acquired.
func (s *relatedDocsHandler) getIndex(p Pages) *related.InvertedIndex {
for _, ci := range s.postingLists {
- if fastEqualPages(p, ci.p) {
+ if pagesEqual(p, ci.p) {
return ci.postingList