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ref: ea8d0981d5c0c820f543073299c56a3a3e2c44fc
parent: 732b5d42b2c1adb5b9ef36b79c10c786b28aee39
author: Ask Bjørn Hansen <[email protected]>
date: Thu Feb 27 18:30:12 EST 2014

Make per-page url overrides take precedence over section permalink settings

This seems more reasonable to me.

I didn't understand why the pUrl comparision was on len > 2; I changed it to 0.

Closes #212.

--- a/hugolib/page.go
+++ b/hugolib/page.go
@@ -235,17 +235,19 @@
 	var permalink string
 	var err error
+	if len(pUrl) > 0 {
+		return helpers.MakePermalink(baseUrl, pUrl), nil
+	}
 	if override, ok := p.Site.Permalinks[p.Section]; ok {
 		permalink, err = override.Expand(p)
 		if err != nil {
 			return nil, err
-		//fmt.Printf("have an override for %q in section %s → %s\n", p.Title, p.Section, permalink)
+		// fmt.Printf("have a section override for %q in section %s → %s\n", p.Title, p.Section, permalink)
 	} else {
 		if len(pSlug) > 0 {
 			permalink = helpers.UrlPrep(p.Site.Config.UglyUrls, path.Join(dir, p.Slug+"."+p.Extension))
-		} else if len(pUrl) > 2 {
-			permalink = pUrl
 		} else {
 			_, t := path.Split(p.FileName)
 			permalink = helpers.UrlPrep(p.Site.Config.UglyUrls, path.Join(dir, helpers.ReplaceExtension(strings.TrimSpace(t), p.Extension)))
--- a/hugolib/page_permalink_test.go
+++ b/hugolib/page_permalink_test.go
@@ -11,26 +11,33 @@
 		dir         string
 		base        template.URL
 		slug        string
+		url         string
 		uglyurls    bool
 		expectedAbs string
 		expectedRel string
-		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z", "", "", false, "/x/y/z/boofar", "/x/y/z/boofar"},
-		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z/", "", "", false, "/x/y/z/boofar", "/x/y/z/boofar"},
-		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z/", "", "boofar", false, "/x/y/z/boofar", "/x/y/z/boofar"},
-		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z", "http://barnew/", "", false, "http://barnew/x/y/z/boofar", "/x/y/z/boofar"},
-		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z/", "http://barnew/", "boofar", false, "http://barnew/x/y/z/boofar", "/x/y/z/boofar"},
-		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z", "", "", true, "/x/y/z/boofar.html", "/x/y/z/boofar.html"},
-		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z/", "", "", true, "/x/y/z/boofar.html", "/x/y/z/boofar.html"},
-		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z/", "", "boofar", true, "/x/y/z/boofar.html", "/x/y/z/boofar.html"},
-		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z", "http://barnew/", "", true, "http://barnew/x/y/z/boofar.html", "/x/y/z/boofar.html"},
-		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z/", "http://barnew/", "boofar", true, "http://barnew/x/y/z/boofar.html", "/x/y/z/boofar.html"},
+		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z", "", "", "", false, "/x/y/z/boofar", "/x/y/z/boofar"},
+		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z/", "", "", "", false, "/x/y/z/boofar", "/x/y/z/boofar"},
+		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z/", "", "boofar", "", false, "/x/y/z/boofar", "/x/y/z/boofar"},
+		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z", "http://barnew/", "", "", false, "http://barnew/x/y/z/boofar", "/x/y/z/boofar"},
+		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z/", "http://barnew/", "boofar", "", false, "http://barnew/x/y/z/boofar", "/x/y/z/boofar"},
+		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z", "", "", "", true, "/x/y/z/boofar.html", "/x/y/z/boofar.html"},
+		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z/", "", "", "", true, "/x/y/z/boofar.html", "/x/y/z/boofar.html"},
+		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z/", "", "boofar", "", true, "/x/y/z/boofar.html", "/x/y/z/boofar.html"},
+		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z", "http://barnew/", "", "", true, "http://barnew/x/y/z/boofar.html", "/x/y/z/boofar.html"},
+		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z/", "http://barnew/", "boofar", "", true, "http://barnew/x/y/z/boofar.html", "/x/y/z/boofar.html"},
+		// test url overrides
+		{"x/y/z/", "x/y/z", "", "", "/z/y/q/", false, "/z/y/q/", "/z/y/q/"},
 	for _, test := range tests {
 		p := &Page{
 			Node: Node{
-				UrlPath: UrlPath{Section: "z"},
+				UrlPath: UrlPath{
+					Section: "z",
+					Url:     test.url,
+				},
 				Site: SiteInfo{
 					BaseUrl: test.base,
 					Config: &Config{