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ref: de8fc8761aa507ca25fae9163374ec59c5f585ce
parent: e5e1bcc271246fa96ea8ffdb6a8bbc879cf296ce
author: Bjørn Erik Pedersen <[email protected]>
date: Thu Mar 17 11:51:52 EDT 2016

Re-render shortcode on template or data file change

Fixes  #1971

--- a/hugolib/handler_page.go
+++ b/hugolib/handler_page.go
@@ -134,6 +134,6 @@
 	p.Content = helpers.BytesToHTML(tmpContent)
 	p.TableOfContents = helpers.BytesToHTML(tmpTableOfContents)
+	p.rendered = true
 	return HandledResult{err: nil}
--- a/hugolib/page.go
+++ b/hugolib/page.go
@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@
 	linkTitle           string
 	frontmatter         []byte
 	rawContent          []byte
-	contentShortCodes   map[string]string
+	contentShortCodes   map[string]string // TODO(bep) this shouldn't be needed.
+	shortcodes          map[string]shortcode
 	plain               string // TODO should be []byte
 	plainWords          []string
 	plainInit           sync.Once
@@ -82,6 +83,7 @@
 	Position `json:"-"`
+	rendered bool
 type Source struct {
@@ -907,9 +909,15 @@
 	// these short codes aren't used until after Page render,
 	// but processed here to avoid coupling
-	tmpContent, tmpContentShortCodes, _ := extractAndRenderShortcodes(string(p.rawContent), p, t)
-	p.rawContent = []byte(tmpContent)
-	p.contentShortCodes = tmpContentShortCodes
+	// TODO(bep) Move this and remove p.contentShortCodes
+	if !p.rendered {
+		tmpContent, tmpContentShortCodes, _ := extractAndRenderShortcodes(string(p.rawContent), p, t)
+		p.rawContent = []byte(tmpContent)
+		p.contentShortCodes = tmpContentShortCodes
+	} else {
+		// shortcode template may have changed, rerender
+		p.contentShortCodes = renderShortcodes(p.shortcodes, p, t)
+	}
--- a/hugolib/shortcode.go
+++ b/hugolib/shortcode.go
@@ -263,8 +263,11 @@
 func extractAndRenderShortcodes(stringToParse string, p *Page, t tpl.Template) (string, map[string]string, error) {
+	if p.rendered {
+		panic("Illegal state: Page already marked as rendered, please reuse the shortcodes")
+	}
 	content, shortcodes, err := extractShortcodes(stringToParse, p, t)
-	renderedShortcodes := make(map[string]string)
 	if err != nil {
 		//  try to render what we have whilst logging the error
@@ -271,6 +274,19 @@
+	// Save for reuse
+	// TODO(bep) refactor this
+	p.shortcodes = shortcodes
+	renderedShortcodes := renderShortcodes(shortcodes, p, t)
+	return content, renderedShortcodes, err
+func renderShortcodes(shortcodes map[string]shortcode, p *Page, t tpl.Template) map[string]string {
+	renderedShortcodes := make(map[string]string)
 	for key, sc := range shortcodes {
 		if sc.err != nil {
 			// need to have something to replace with
@@ -280,8 +296,7 @@
-	return content, renderedShortcodes, err
+	return renderedShortcodes
 var shortCodeIllegalState = errors.New("Illegal shortcode state")
--- a/hugolib/site.go
+++ b/hugolib/site.go
@@ -475,91 +475,99 @@
 	// If a content file changes, we need to reload only it and re-render the entire site.
-	if len(sourceChanged) > 0 {
-		// First step is to read the changed files and (re)place them in site.Pages
-		// This includes processing any meta-data for that content
+	// First step is to read the changed files and (re)place them in site.Pages
+	// This includes processing any meta-data for that content
-		// The second step is to convert the content into HTML
-		// This includes processing any shortcodes that may be present.
+	// The second step is to convert the content into HTML
+	// This includes processing any shortcodes that may be present.
-		// We do this in parallel... even though it's likely only one file at a time.
-		// We need to process the reading prior to the conversion for each file, but
-		// we can convert one file while another one is still reading.
-		errs := make(chan error)
-		readResults := make(chan HandledResult)
-		filechan := make(chan *source.File)
-		convertResults := make(chan HandledResult)
-		pageChan := make(chan *Page)
-		fileConvChan := make(chan *source.File)
-		coordinator := make(chan bool)
+	// We do this in parallel... even though it's likely only one file at a time.
+	// We need to process the reading prior to the conversion for each file, but
+	// we can convert one file while another one is still reading.
+	errs := make(chan error)
+	readResults := make(chan HandledResult)
+	filechan := make(chan *source.File)
+	convertResults := make(chan HandledResult)
+	pageChan := make(chan *Page)
+	fileConvChan := make(chan *source.File)
+	coordinator := make(chan bool)
-		wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
-		wg.Add(2)
-		for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
-			go sourceReader(s, filechan, readResults, wg)
-		}
+	wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
+	wg.Add(2)
+	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
+		go sourceReader(s, filechan, readResults, wg)
+	}
-		wg2 := &sync.WaitGroup{}
-		wg2.Add(4)
-		for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
-			go fileConverter(s, fileConvChan, convertResults, wg2)
-			go pageConverter(s, pageChan, convertResults, wg2)
+	wg2 := &sync.WaitGroup{}
+	wg2.Add(4)
+	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
+		go fileConverter(s, fileConvChan, convertResults, wg2)
+		go pageConverter(s, pageChan, convertResults, wg2)
+	}
+	go incrementalReadCollator(s, readResults, pageChan, fileConvChan, coordinator, errs)
+	go converterCollator(s, convertResults, errs)
+	if len(tmplChanged) > 0 || len(dataChanged) > 0 {
+		// Do not need to read the files again, but they need conversion
+		// for shortocde re-rendering.
+		for _, p := range s.Pages {
+			pageChan <- p
+	}
-		go incrementalReadCollator(s, readResults, pageChan, fileConvChan, coordinator, errs)
-		go converterCollator(s, convertResults, errs)
+	for _, ev := range sourceChanged {
-		for _, ev := range sourceChanged {
+		if ev.Op&fsnotify.Remove == fsnotify.Remove {
+			//remove the file & a create will follow
+			path, _ := helpers.GetRelativePath(ev.Name, s.absContentDir())
+			s.RemovePageByPath(path)
+			continue
+		}
-			if ev.Op&fsnotify.Remove == fsnotify.Remove {
-				//remove the file & a create will follow
+		// Some editors (Vim) sometimes issue only a Rename operation when writing an existing file
+		// Sometimes a rename operation means that file has been renamed other times it means
+		// it's been updated
+		if ev.Op&fsnotify.Rename == fsnotify.Rename {
+			// If the file is still on disk, it's only been updated, if it's not, it's been moved
+			if ex, err := afero.Exists(hugofs.SourceFs, ev.Name); !ex || err != nil {
 				path, _ := helpers.GetRelativePath(ev.Name, s.absContentDir())
+		}
-			// Some editors (Vim) sometimes issue only a Rename operation when writing an existing file
-			// Sometimes a rename operation means that file has been renamed other times it means
-			// it's been updated
-			if ev.Op&fsnotify.Rename == fsnotify.Rename {
-				// If the file is still on disk, it's only been updated, if it's not, it's been moved
-				if ex, err := afero.Exists(hugofs.SourceFs, ev.Name); !ex || err != nil {
-					path, _ := helpers.GetRelativePath(ev.Name, s.absContentDir())
-					s.RemovePageByPath(path)
-					continue
-				}
-			}
-			file, err := s.ReReadFile(ev.Name)
-			if err != nil {
-				errs <- err
-			}
-			filechan <- file
+		file, err := s.ReReadFile(ev.Name)
+		if err != nil {
+			errs <- err
-		// we close the filechan as we have sent everything we want to send to it.
-		// this will tell the sourceReaders to stop iterating on that channel
-		close(filechan)
-		// waiting for the sourceReaders to all finish
-		wg.Wait()
-		// Now closing readResults as this will tell the incrementalReadCollator to
-		// stop iterating over that.
-		close(readResults)
+		filechan <- file
+	}
+	// we close the filechan as we have sent everything we want to send to it.
+	// this will tell the sourceReaders to stop iterating on that channel
+	close(filechan)
-		// once readResults is finished it will close coordinator and move along
-		<-coordinator
-		// allow that routine to finish, then close page & fileconvchan as we've sent
-		// everything to them we need to.
-		close(pageChan)
-		close(fileConvChan)
+	// waiting for the sourceReaders to all finish
+	wg.Wait()
+	// Now closing readResults as this will tell the incrementalReadCollator to
+	// stop iterating over that.
+	close(readResults)
-		wg2.Wait()
-		close(convertResults)
+	// once readResults is finished it will close coordinator and move along
+	<-coordinator
+	// allow that routine to finish, then close page & fileconvchan as we've sent
+	// everything to them we need to.
+	close(pageChan)
+	close(fileConvChan)
-		s.timerStep("read & convert pages from source")
+	wg2.Wait()
+	close(convertResults)
+	s.timerStep("read & convert pages from source")
+	if len(sourceChanged) > 0 {
 		if err = s.BuildSiteMeta(); err != nil {
 			return err