ref: d3abb93cc7a2a61557560543919f2e4c0a1cbd7a
parent: b7aa230458bd5477412f23f40c7bd4986757303d
author: Cameron Moore <[email protected]>
date: Fri Feb 17 05:47:21 EST 2017
tplimpl: Fix instagram shortcode panic on invalid ID Instagram doesn't return a valid JSON response when the requested ID is invalid or not found. Fixes #3048
--- a/tpl/tplimpl/template_embedded.go
+++ b/tpl/tplimpl/template_embedded.go
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
{{ end }}`)
t.AddInternalShortcode("gist.html", `<script src="//{{ index .Params 0 }}/{{ index .Params 1 }}.js{{if len .Params | eq 3 }}?file={{ index .Params 2 }}{{end}}"></script>`)
t.AddInternalShortcode("tweet.html", `{{ (getJSON "" (index .Params 0)).html | safeHTML }}`)
- t.AddInternalShortcode("instagram.html", `{{ if len .Params | eq 2 }}{{ if eq (.Get 1) "hidecaption" }}{{ (getJSON "" (index .Params 0) "/&hidecaption=1").html | safeHTML }}{{ end }}{{ else }}{{ (getJSON "" (index .Params 0) "/&hidecaption=0").html | safeHTML }}{{ end }}`)
+ t.AddInternalShortcode("instagram.html", `{{ if len .Params | eq 2 }}{{ if eq (.Get 1) "hidecaption" }}{{ with getJSON "" (index .Params 0) "/&hidecaption=1" }}{{ .html | safeHTML }}{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ else }}{{ with getJSON "" (index .Params 0) "/&hidecaption=0" }}{{ .html | safeHTML }}{{ end }}{{ end }}`)
func (t *GoHTMLTemplate) EmbedTemplates() {