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ref: be6696c34b1ac262eccb90ab8785128cc4065444
parent: e8ca8602c003862fe3da87306c2b2c27918b29cc
author: bep <[email protected]>
date: Sun Mar 29 16:12:13 EDT 2015

Handle views in combo with Ace base templates

As views looks like a regular template, but doesn't need a base template, we have to look inside it.

Altough really not needed by this commit, reading the full file content into memory just to do a substring search is a waste.
So this commit implements a `ReaderContains` func that in most cases should be much faster than doing an `ioutil.ReadAll` and `bytes.Contains`:

benchmark                   old ns/op     new ns/op     delta
BenchmarkReaderContains     78452         20260         -74.18%

benchmark                   old allocs     new allocs     delta
BenchmarkReaderContains     46             20             -56.52%

benchmark                   old bytes     new bytes     delta
BenchmarkReaderContains     46496         1258          -97.29%

Fixes #999

--- a/helpers/general.go
+++ b/helpers/general.go
@@ -112,6 +112,42 @@
 	return bytes.NewReader(in)
+// ReaderContains reports whether subslice is within r.
+func ReaderContains(r io.Reader, subslice []byte) bool {
+	if len(subslice) == 0 {
+		return false
+	}
+	bufflen := len(subslice) * 4
+	halflen := bufflen / 2
+	buff := make([]byte, bufflen)
+	var err error
+	var n, i int
+	for {
+		i++
+		if i == 1 {
+			n, err = io.ReadAtLeast(r, buff[:halflen], halflen)
+		} else {
+			if i != 2 {
+				// shift left to catch overlapping matches
+				copy(buff[:], buff[halflen:])
+			}
+			n, err = io.ReadAtLeast(r, buff[halflen:], halflen)
+		}
+		if n > 0 && bytes.Contains(buff, subslice) {
+			return true
+		}
+		if err != nil {
+			break
+		}
+	}
+	return false
 // ThemeSet checks whether a theme is in use or not.
 func ThemeSet() bool {
 	return viper.GetString("theme") != ""
--- a/helpers/general_test.go
+++ b/helpers/general_test.go
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 package helpers
 import (
+	"bytes"
+	"io/ioutil"
@@ -42,6 +44,101 @@
 	assert.Equal(t, "Hello World!", asString)
 	asReader := StringToReader(asString)
 	assert.Equal(t, asString, ReaderToString(asReader))
+var containsTestText = (`На берегу пустынных волн
+Стоял он, дум великих полн,
+И вдаль глядел. Пред ним широко
+Река неслася; бедный чёлн
+По ней стремился одиноко.
+По мшистым, топким берегам
+Чернели избы здесь и там,
+Приют убогого чухонца;
+И лес, неведомый лучам
+В тумане спрятанного солнца,
+Кругом шумел.
+Τη γλώσσα μου έδωσαν ελληνική
+το σπίτι φτωχικό στις αμμουδιές του Ομήρου.
+Μονάχη έγνοια η γλώσσα μου στις αμμουδιές του Ομήρου.
+από το Άξιον Εστί
+του Οδυσσέα Ελύτη
+Sîne klâwen durh die wolken sint geslagen,
+er stîget ûf mit grôzer kraft,
+ich sih in grâwen tägelîch als er wil tagen,
+den tac, der im geselleschaft
+erwenden wil, dem werden man,
+den ich mit sorgen în verliez.
+ich bringe in hinnen, ob ich kan.
+sîn vil manegiu tugent michz leisten hiez.
+var containsBenchTestData = []struct {
+	v1     string
+	v2     []byte
+	expect bool
+	{"abc", []byte("a"), true},
+	{"abc", []byte("b"), true},
+	{"abcdefg", []byte("efg"), true},
+	{"abc", []byte("d"), false},
+	{containsTestText, []byte("стремился"), true},
+	{containsTestText, []byte(containsTestText[10:80]), true},
+	{containsTestText, []byte(containsTestText[100:110]), true},
+	{containsTestText, []byte(containsTestText[len(containsTestText)-100 : len(containsTestText)-10]), true},
+	{containsTestText, []byte(containsTestText[len(containsTestText)-20:]), true},
+	{containsTestText, []byte("notfound"), false},
+// some corner cases
+var containsAdditionalTestData = []struct {
+	v1     string
+	v2     []byte
+	expect bool
+	{"", []byte("a"), false},
+	{"a", []byte(""), false},
+	{"", []byte(""), false},
+func TestReaderContains(t *testing.T) {
+	for i, this := range append(containsBenchTestData, containsAdditionalTestData...) {
+		result := ReaderContains(StringToReader(this.v1), this.v2)
+		if result != this.expect {
+			t.Errorf("[%d] Got %t but expected %t", i, result, this.expect)
+		}
+	}
+func BenchmarkReaderContains(b *testing.B) {
+	b.ResetTimer()
+	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+		for i, this := range containsBenchTestData {
+			result := ReaderContains(StringToReader(this.v1), this.v2)
+			if result != this.expect {
+				b.Errorf("[%d] Got %t but expected %t", i, result, this.expect)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+// kept to compare the above
+func _BenchmarkReaderContains(b *testing.B) {
+	b.ResetTimer()
+	for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+		for i, this := range containsBenchTestData {
+			bs, err := ioutil.ReadAll(StringToReader(this.v1))
+			if err != nil {
+				b.Fatalf("Failed %s", err)
+			}
+			result := bytes.Contains(bs, this.v2)
+			if result != this.expect {
+				b.Errorf("[%d] Got %t but expected %t", i, result, this.expect)
+			}
+		}
+	}
 func TestFindAvailablePort(t *testing.T) {
--- a/helpers/path.go
+++ b/helpers/path.go
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
 import (
+	""
+	jww ""
+	""
@@ -22,10 +25,6 @@
-	""
-	jww ""
-	""
 // FilepathPathBridge is a bridge for common functionality in filepath vs path
@@ -151,6 +150,17 @@
 		return len(list) == 0, nil
 	return fi.Size() == 0, nil
+// Check if a file contains a specified string.
+func FileContains(filename string, subslice []byte, fs afero.Fs) (bool, error) {
+	f, err := os.Open(filename)
+	if err != nil {
+		return false, err
+	}
+	defer f.Close()
+	return ReaderContains(f, subslice), nil
 // Check if a file or directory exists.
--- a/tpl/template.go
+++ b/tpl/template.go
@@ -1349,6 +1349,8 @@
 const baseAceFilename = "baseof.ace"
+var aceTemplateInnerMarker = []byte("= content")
 func isBaseTemplate(path string) bool {
 	return strings.HasSuffix(path, baseAceFilename)
@@ -1391,14 +1393,22 @@
 			// ACE templates may have both a base and inner template.
 			if filepath.Ext(path) == ".ace" && !strings.HasSuffix(filepath.Dir(path), "partials") {
-				// Look for the base first in the current path, then in _default.
-				p := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(path), baseAceFilename)
-				if ok, err := helpers.Exists(p, hugofs.OsFs); err == nil && ok {
-					baseTemplatePath = p
-				} else {
-					p := filepath.Join(absPath, "_default", baseAceFilename)
+				// This may be a view that shouldn't have base template
+				// Have to look inside it to make sure
+				needsBase, err := helpers.FileContains(path, aceTemplateInnerMarker, hugofs.OsFs)
+				if err != nil {
+					return err
+				}
+				if needsBase {
+					// Look for the base first in the current path, then in _default.
+					p := filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(path), baseAceFilename)
 					if ok, err := helpers.Exists(p, hugofs.OsFs); err == nil && ok {
 						baseTemplatePath = p
+					} else {
+						p := filepath.Join(absPath, "_default", baseAceFilename)
+						if ok, err := helpers.Exists(p, hugofs.OsFs); err == nil && ok {
+							baseTemplatePath = p
+						}