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ref: af67ad8af119b5eaf6d817dc43887ddf36182fbb
parent: e46ab29bd24caa9e2cfa51f24ba15037750850d6
author: Bjørn Erik Pedersen <[email protected]>
date: Fri Mar 16 10:44:55 EDT 2018

hugolib: Trim some now superflous tests

These were written as a development aid in some kind of structural change at some point.

They served their purpose then, but these are tests covered elsewhere and is deleted to reduce maintainance.

The reported test covrage is not reduced because of this.

--- a/hugolib/node_as_page_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,832 +1,0 @@
-// Copyright 2016 The Hugo Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package hugolib
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"strings"
-	"testing"
-	"time"
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	This file will test the "making everything a page" transition.
-	See
-func TestNodesAsPage(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	for _, preserveTaxonomyNames := range []bool{false, true} {
-		for _, ugly := range []bool{true, false} {
-			doTestNodeAsPage(t, ugly, preserveTaxonomyNames)
-		}
-	}
-func doTestNodeAsPage(t *testing.T, ugly, preserveTaxonomyNames bool) {
-	/* Will have to decide what to name the node content files, but:
-		Home page should have:
-		Content, shortcode support
-	   	Metadata (title, dates etc.)
-		Params
-	   	Taxonomies (categories, tags)
-	*/
-	var (
-		cfg, fs = newTestCfg()
-		th      = testHelper{cfg, fs, t}
-	)
-	cfg.Set("uglyURLs", ugly)
-	cfg.Set("preserveTaxonomyNames", preserveTaxonomyNames)
-	cfg.Set("paginate", 1)
-	cfg.Set("title", "Hugo Rocks")
-	cfg.Set("rssURI", "customrss.xml")
-	writeLayoutsForNodeAsPageTests(t, fs)
-	writeNodePagesForNodeAsPageTests(t, fs, "")
-	writeRegularPagesForNodeAsPageTests(t, fs)
-	sites, err := NewHugoSites(deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg})
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	require.NoError(t, sites.Build(BuildCfg{}))
-	// date order: home, sect1, sect2, cat/hugo, cat/web, categories
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "index.html"),
-		"Index Title: Home Sweet Home!",
-		"Home <strong>Content!</strong>",
-		"# Pages: 4",
-		"Date: 2009-01-02",
-		"Lastmod: 2009-01-03",
-		"GetPage: Section1 ",
-	)
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "sect1", "regular1"), "Single Title: Page 01", "Content Page 01")
-	nodes := sites.findAllPagesByKindNotIn(KindPage)
-	require.Len(t, nodes, 8)
-	home := nodes[7] // oldest
-	require.True(t, home.IsHome())
-	require.True(t, home.IsNode())
-	require.False(t, home.IsPage())
-	require.True(t, home.Path() != "")
-	section2 := nodes[5]
-	require.Equal(t, "Section2", section2.title)
-	pages := sites.findAllPagesByKind(KindPage)
-	require.Len(t, pages, 4)
-	first := pages[0]
-	require.False(t, first.IsHome())
-	require.False(t, first.IsNode())
-	require.True(t, first.IsPage())
-	// Check Home paginator
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "page", "2"),
-		"Pag: Page 02")
-	// Check Sections
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "sect1"),
-		"Section Title: Section", "Section1 <strong>Content!</strong>",
-		"Date: 2009-01-04",
-		"Lastmod: 2009-01-05",
-	)
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "sect2"),
-		"Section Title: Section", "Section2 <strong>Content!</strong>",
-		"Date: 2009-01-06",
-		"Lastmod: 2009-01-07",
-	)
-	// Check Sections paginator
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "sect1", "page", "2"),
-		"Pag: Page 02")
-	sections := sites.findAllPagesByKind(KindSection)
-	require.Len(t, sections, 2)
-	// Check taxonomy lists
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "categories", "hugo"),
-		"Taxonomy Title: Taxonomy Hugo", "Taxonomy Hugo <strong>Content!</strong>",
-		"Date: 2009-01-08",
-		"Lastmod: 2009-01-09",
-	)
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "categories", "hugo-rocks"),
-		"Taxonomy Title: Taxonomy Hugo Rocks",
-	)
-	s := sites.Sites[0]
-	web := s.getPage(KindTaxonomy, "categories", "web")
-	require.NotNil(t, web)
-	require.Len(t, web.Data["Pages"].(Pages), 4)
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "categories", "web"),
-		"Taxonomy Title: Taxonomy Web",
-		"Taxonomy Web <strong>Content!</strong>",
-		"Date: 2009-01-10",
-		"Lastmod: 2009-01-11",
-	)
-	// Check taxonomy list paginator
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "categories", "hugo", "page", "2"),
-		"Taxonomy Title: Taxonomy Hugo",
-		"Pag: Page 02")
-	// Check taxonomy terms
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "categories"),
-		"Taxonomy Terms Title: Taxonomy Term Categories", "Taxonomy Term Categories <strong>Content!</strong>", "k/v: hugo",
-		"Date: 2009-01-14",
-		"Lastmod: 2009-01-15",
-	)
-	// Check taxonomy terms paginator
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "categories", "page", "2"),
-		"Taxonomy Terms Title: Taxonomy Term Categories",
-		"Pag: Taxonomy Web")
-	// RSS
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Home Sweet Home! on Hugo Rocks", "<rss")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "sect1", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Section1 on Hugo Rocks", "<rss")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "sect2", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Section2 on Hugo Rocks", "<rss")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "categories", "hugo", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Taxonomy Hugo on Hugo Rocks", "<rss")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "categories", "web", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Taxonomy Web on Hugo Rocks", "<rss")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "categories", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Taxonomy Term Categories on Hugo Rocks", "<rss")
-func TestNodesWithNoContentFile(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	for _, ugly := range []bool{false, true} {
-		doTestNodesWithNoContentFile(t, ugly)
-	}
-func doTestNodesWithNoContentFile(t *testing.T, ugly bool) {
-	var (
-		cfg, fs = newTestCfg()
-		th      = testHelper{cfg, fs, t}
-	)
-	cfg.Set("uglyURLs", ugly)
-	cfg.Set("paginate", 1)
-	cfg.Set("title", "Hugo Rocks!")
-	cfg.Set("rssURI", "customrss.xml")
-	writeLayoutsForNodeAsPageTests(t, fs)
-	writeRegularPagesForNodeAsPageTests(t, fs)
-	sites, err := NewHugoSites(deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg})
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	require.NoError(t, sites.Build(BuildCfg{}))
-	s := sites.Sites[0]
-	// Home page
-	homePages := s.findPagesByKind(KindHome)
-	require.Len(t, homePages, 1)
-	homePage := homePages[0]
-	require.Len(t, homePage.Data["Pages"], 4)
-	require.Len(t, homePage.Pages, 4)
-	require.True(t, homePage.Path() == "")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "index.html"),
-		"Index Title: Hugo Rocks!",
-		"Date: 2010-06-12",
-		"Lastmod: 2010-06-13",
-	)
-	// Taxonomy list
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "categories", "hugo"),
-		"Taxonomy Title: Hugo",
-		"Date: 2010-06-12",
-		"Lastmod: 2010-06-13",
-	)
-	// Taxonomy terms
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "categories"),
-		"Taxonomy Terms Title: Categories",
-	)
-	pages := s.findPagesByKind(KindTaxonomyTerm)
-	for _, p := range pages {
-		var want string
-		if ugly {
-			want = "/" + p.s.PathSpec.URLize(p.title) + ".html"
-		} else {
-			want = "/" + p.s.PathSpec.URLize(p.title) + "/"
-		}
-		if p.URL() != want {
-			t.Errorf("Taxonomy term URL mismatch: want %q, got %q", want, p.URL())
-		}
-	}
-	// Sections
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "sect1"),
-		"Section Title: Sect1s",
-		"Date: 2010-06-12",
-		"Lastmod: 2010-06-13",
-	)
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "sect2"),
-		"Section Title: Sect2s",
-		"Date: 2008-07-06",
-		"Lastmod: 2008-07-09",
-	)
-	// RSS
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "customrss.xml"), "Hugo Rocks!", "<rss")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "sect1", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Sect1s on Hugo Rocks!", "<rss")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "sect2", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Sect2s on Hugo Rocks!", "<rss")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "categories", "hugo", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Hugo on Hugo Rocks!", "<rss")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "categories", "web", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Web on Hugo Rocks!", "<rss")
-func TestNodesAsPageMultilingual(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	for _, ugly := range []bool{false, true} {
-		t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("ugly=%t", ugly), func(t *testing.T) {
-			doTestNodesAsPageMultilingual(t, ugly)
-		})
-	}
-func doTestNodesAsPageMultilingual(t *testing.T, ugly bool) {
-	mf := afero.NewMemMapFs()
-	writeToFs(t, mf, "config.toml",
-		`
-paginage = 1
-title = "Hugo Multilingual Rocks!"
-rssURI = "customrss.xml"
-defaultContentLanguage = "nn"
-defaultContentLanguageInSubdir = true
-languageName = "Nynorsk"
-weight = 1
-title = "Hugo på norsk"
-languageName = "English"
-weight = 2
-title = "Hugo in English"
-languageName = "Deutsch"
-weight = 3
-title = "Deutsche Hugo"
-	cfg, err := LoadConfig(mf, "", "config.toml")
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	cfg.Set("uglyURLs", ugly)
-	fs := hugofs.NewFrom(mf, cfg)
-	writeLayoutsForNodeAsPageTests(t, fs)
-	for _, lang := range []string{"nn", "en"} {
-		writeRegularPagesForNodeAsPageTestsWithLang(t, fs, lang)
-	}
-	th := testHelper{cfg, fs, t}
-	sites, err := NewHugoSites(deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg})
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Failed to create sites: %s", err)
-	}
-	if len(sites.Sites) != 3 {
-		t.Fatalf("Got %d sites", len(sites.Sites))
-	}
-	// Only write node pages for the English and Deutsch
-	writeNodePagesForNodeAsPageTests(t, fs, "en")
-	writeNodePagesForNodeAsPageTests(t, fs, "de")
-	err = sites.Build(BuildCfg{})
-	if err != nil {
-		t.Fatalf("Failed to build sites: %s", err)
-	}
-	// The en and de language have content pages
-	enHome := sites.Sites[1].getPage("home")
-	require.NotNil(t, enHome)
-	require.Equal(t, "en", enHome.Language().Lang)
-	require.Contains(t, enHome.Content, "l-en")
-	deHome := sites.Sites[2].getPage("home")
-	require.NotNil(t, deHome)
-	require.Equal(t, "de", deHome.Language().Lang)
-	require.Contains(t, deHome.Content, "l-de")
-	require.Len(t, deHome.Translations(), 2, deHome.Translations()[0].Language().Lang)
-	require.Equal(t, "en", deHome.Translations()[1].Language().Lang)
-	require.Equal(t, "nn", deHome.Translations()[0].Language().Lang)
-	// See issue #3179
-	require.Equal(t, expetedPermalink(false, "/de/"), deHome.Permalink())
-	enSect := sites.Sites[1].getPage("section", "sect1")
-	require.NotNil(t, enSect)
-	require.Equal(t, "en", enSect.Language().Lang)
-	require.Len(t, enSect.Translations(), 2, enSect.Translations()[0].Language().Lang)
-	require.Equal(t, "de", enSect.Translations()[1].Language().Lang)
-	require.Equal(t, "nn", enSect.Translations()[0].Language().Lang)
-	require.Equal(t, expetedPermalink(ugly, "/en/sect1/"), enSect.Permalink())
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "nn", "index.html"),
-		"Index Title: Hugo på norsk")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "en", "index.html"),
-		"Index Title: Home Sweet Home!", "<strong>Content!</strong>")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "de", "index.html"),
-		"Index Title: Home Sweet Home!", "<strong>Content!</strong>")
-	// Taxonomy list
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "nn", "categories", "hugo"),
-		"Taxonomy Title: Hugo")
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "en", "categories", "hugo"),
-		"Taxonomy Title: Taxonomy Hugo")
-	// Taxonomy terms
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "nn", "categories"),
-		"Taxonomy Terms Title: Categories")
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "en", "categories"),
-		"Taxonomy Terms Title: Taxonomy Term Categories")
-	// Sections
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "nn", "sect1"),
-		"Section Title: Sect1s")
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "nn", "sect2"),
-		"Section Title: Sect2s")
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "en", "sect1"),
-		"Section Title: Section1")
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "en", "sect2"),
-		"Section Title: Section2")
-	// Regular pages
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "en", "sect1", "regular1"),
-		"Single Title: Page 01")
-	th.assertFileContent(expectedFilePath(ugly, "public", "nn", "sect1", "regular2"),
-		"Single Title: Page 02")
-	// RSS
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "nn", "customrss.xml"), "Hugo på norsk", "<rss")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "nn", "sect1", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Sect1s on Hugo på norsk", "<rss")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "nn", "sect2", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Sect2s on Hugo på norsk", "<rss")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "nn", "categories", "hugo", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Hugo on Hugo på norsk", "<rss")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "nn", "categories", "web", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Web on Hugo på norsk", "<rss")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "en", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Home Sweet Home! on Hugo in English", "<rss")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "en", "sect1", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Section1 on Hugo in English", "<rss")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "en", "sect2", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Section2 on Hugo in English", "<rss")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "en", "categories", "hugo", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Taxonomy Hugo on Hugo in English", "<rss")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "en", "categories", "web", "customrss.xml"), "Recent content in Taxonomy Web on Hugo in English", "<rss")
-func TestNodesWithTaxonomies(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	var (
-		cfg, fs = newTestCfg()
-		th      = testHelper{cfg, fs, t}
-	)
-	cfg.Set("paginate", 1)
-	cfg.Set("title", "Hugo Rocks!")
-	writeLayoutsForNodeAsPageTests(t, fs)
-	writeRegularPagesForNodeAsPageTests(t, fs)
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", ""), `---
-title: Home With Taxonomies
-categories:  [
-        "Hugo",	
-		"Home"
-	h, err := NewHugoSites(deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg})
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	require.NoError(t, h.Build(BuildCfg{}))
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "categories", "hugo", "index.html"), "Taxonomy Title: Hugo", "# Pages: 5")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "categories", "home", "index.html"), "Taxonomy Title: Home", "# Pages: 1")
-func TestNodesWithMenu(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	var (
-		cfg, fs = newTestCfg()
-		th      = testHelper{cfg, fs, t}
-	)
-	cfg.Set("paginate", 1)
-	cfg.Set("title", "Hugo Rocks!")
-	writeLayoutsForNodeAsPageTests(t, fs)
-	writeRegularPagesForNodeAsPageTests(t, fs)
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", ""), `---
-title: Home With Menu
-  mymenu:
-    name: "Go Home!"
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect1", ""), `---
-title: Sect1 With Menu
-  mymenu:
-    name: "Go Sect1!"
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "categories", "hugo", ""), `---
-title: Taxonomy With Menu
-  mymenu:
-    name: "Go Tax Hugo!"
-	h, err := NewHugoSites(deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg})
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	require.NoError(t, h.Build(BuildCfg{}))
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "index.html"), "Home With Menu", "Home Menu Item: Go Home!: /")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "sect1", "index.html"), "Sect1 With Menu", "Section Menu Item: Go Sect1!: /sect1/")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "categories", "hugo", "index.html"), "Taxonomy With Menu", "Taxonomy Menu Item: Go Tax Hugo!: /categories/hugo/")
-func TestNodesWithAlias(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	var (
-		cfg, fs = newTestCfg()
-		th      = testHelper{cfg, fs, t}
-	)
-	cfg.Set("paginate", 1)
-	cfg.Set("baseURL", "http://base/")
-	cfg.Set("title", "Hugo Rocks!")
-	writeLayoutsForNodeAsPageTests(t, fs)
-	writeRegularPagesForNodeAsPageTests(t, fs)
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", ""), `---
-title: Home With Alias
-    - /my/new/home.html
-	h, err := NewHugoSites(deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg})
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	require.NoError(t, h.Build(BuildCfg{}))
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "index.html"), "Home With Alias")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "my", "new", "home.html"), "content=\"0; url=http://base/")
-func TestNodesWithSectionWithIndexPageOnly(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	var (
-		cfg, fs = newTestCfg()
-		th      = testHelper{cfg, fs, t}
-	)
-	cfg.Set("paginate", 1)
-	cfg.Set("title", "Hugo Rocks!")
-	writeLayoutsForNodeAsPageTests(t, fs)
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect", ""), `---
-title: MySection
-My Section Content
-	h, err := NewHugoSites(deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg})
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	require.NoError(t, h.Build(BuildCfg{}))
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "sect", "index.html"), "My Section")
-func TestNodesWithURLs(t *testing.T) {
-	t.Parallel()
-	var (
-		cfg, fs = newTestCfg()
-		th      = testHelper{cfg, fs, t}
-	)
-	cfg.Set("paginate", 1)
-	cfg.Set("title", "Hugo Rocks!")
-	cfg.Set("baseURL", "")
-	writeLayoutsForNodeAsPageTests(t, fs)
-	writeRegularPagesForNodeAsPageTests(t, fs)
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect", ""), `---
-title: MySection
-url: /my-section/
-My Section Content
-	h, err := NewHugoSites(deps.DepsCfg{Fs: fs, Cfg: cfg})
-	require.NoError(t, err)
-	require.NoError(t, h.Build(BuildCfg{}))
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "my-section", "index.html"), "My Section")
-	th.assertFileContent(filepath.Join("public", "my-section", "page", "1", "index.html"), `content="0; url="`)
-	s := h.Sites[0]
-	p := s.RegularPages[0]
-	require.Equal(t, "/base/sect1/regular1/", p.URL())
-	// Section with front matter and url set
-	sect := s.getPage(KindSection, "sect")
-	require.Equal(t, "/base/my-section/", sect.URL())
-	require.Equal(t, "", sect.Permalink())
-	require.Equal(t, "/base/my-section/", sect.RelPermalink())
-	// Home page without front matter
-	require.Equal(t, "/base/", s.getPage(KindHome).URL())
-func writeRegularPagesForNodeAsPageTests(t *testing.T, fs *hugofs.Fs) {
-	writeRegularPagesForNodeAsPageTestsWithLang(t, fs, "")
-func writeRegularPagesForNodeAsPageTestsWithLang(t *testing.T, fs *hugofs.Fs, lang string) {
-	var langStr string
-	if lang != "" {
-		langStr = lang + "."
-	}
-	format := "2006-01-02"
-	date, _ := time.Parse(format, "2010-06-15")
-	for i := 1; i <= 4; i++ {
-		sect := "sect1"
-		if i > 2 {
-			sect = "sect2"
-			date, _ = time.Parse(format, "2008-07-15") // Nodes are placed in 2009
-		}
-		date = date.Add(-24 * time.Duration(i) * time.Hour)
-		writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", sect, fmt.Sprintf("regular%d.%smd", i, langStr)), fmt.Sprintf(`---
-title: Page %02d
-lastMod : %q
-date : %q
-categories:  [
-        "Hugo",
-		"Web",
-		"Hugo Rocks!"
-Content Page %02d
-`, i, date.Add(time.Duration(i)*-24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), date.Add(time.Duration(i)*-2*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), i))
-	}
-func writeNodePagesForNodeAsPageTests(t *testing.T, fs *hugofs.Fs, lang string) {
-	filename := ""
-	if lang != "" {
-		filename = fmt.Sprintf("", lang)
-	}
-	format := "2006-01-02"
-	date, _ := time.Parse(format, "2009-01-01")
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", filename), fmt.Sprintf(`---
-title: Home Sweet Home!
-date : %q
-lastMod : %q
-l-%s Home **Content!**
-`, date.Add(1*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), date.Add(2*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), lang))
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect1", filename), fmt.Sprintf(`---
-title: Section1
-date : %q
-lastMod : %q
-Section1 **Content!**
-`, date.Add(3*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), date.Add(4*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822)))
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "sect2", filename), fmt.Sprintf(`---
-title: Section2
-date : %q
-lastMod : %q
-Section2 **Content!**
-`, date.Add(5*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), date.Add(6*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822)))
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "categories", "hugo", filename), fmt.Sprintf(`---
-title: Taxonomy Hugo
-date : %q
-lastMod : %q
-Taxonomy Hugo **Content!**
-`, date.Add(7*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), date.Add(8*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822)))
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "categories", "web", filename), fmt.Sprintf(`---
-title: Taxonomy Web
-date : %q
-lastMod : %q
-Taxonomy Web **Content!**
-`, date.Add(9*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), date.Add(10*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822)))
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "categories", "hugo-rocks", filename), fmt.Sprintf(`---
-title: Taxonomy Hugo Rocks
-date : %q
-lastMod : %q
-Taxonomy Hugo Rocks **Content!**
-`, date.Add(11*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), date.Add(12*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822)))
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "categories", filename), fmt.Sprintf(`---
-title: Taxonomy Term Categories
-date : %q
-lastMod : %q
-Taxonomy Term Categories **Content!**
-`, date.Add(13*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), date.Add(14*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822)))
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("content", "tags", filename), fmt.Sprintf(`---
-title: Taxonomy Term Tags
-date : %q
-lastMod : %q
-Taxonomy Term Tags **Content!**
-`, date.Add(15*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822), date.Add(16*24*time.Hour).Format(time.RFC822)))
-func writeLayoutsForNodeAsPageTests(t *testing.T, fs *hugofs.Fs) {
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("layouts", "index.html"), `
-Index Title: {{ .Title }}
-Index Content: {{ .Content }}
-# Pages: {{ len .Data.Pages }}
-{{ range .Paginator.Pages }}
-	Pag: {{ .Title }}
-{{ end }}
-{{ with .Site.Menus.mymenu }}
-{{ range . }}
-Home Menu Item: {{ .Name }}: {{ .URL }}
-{{ end }}
-{{ end }}
-Date: {{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}
-Lastmod: {{ .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02" }}
-GetPage: {{ with .Site.GetPage "section" "sect1" }}{{ .Title }}{{ end }} 
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("layouts", "_default", "single.html"), `
-Single Title: {{ .Title }}
-Single Content: {{ .Content }}
-Date: {{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}
-Lastmod: {{ .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02" }}
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("layouts", "_default", "section.html"), `
-Section Title: {{ .Title }}
-Section Content: {{ .Content }}
-# Pages: {{ len .Data.Pages }}
-{{ range .Paginator.Pages }}
-	Pag: {{ .Title }}
-{{ end }}
-{{ with .Site.Menus.mymenu }}
-{{ range . }}
-Section Menu Item: {{ .Name }}: {{ .URL }}
-{{ end }}
-{{ end }}
-Date: {{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}
-Lastmod: {{ .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02" }}
-	// Taxonomy lists
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("layouts", "_default", "taxonomy.html"), `
-Taxonomy Title: {{ .Title }}
-Taxonomy Content: {{ .Content }}
-# Pages: {{ len .Data.Pages }}
-{{ range .Paginator.Pages }}
-	Pag: {{ .Title }}
-{{ end }}
-{{ with .Site.Menus.mymenu }}
-{{ range . }}
-Taxonomy Menu Item: {{ .Name }}: {{ .URL }}
-{{ end }}
-{{ end }}
-Date: {{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}
-Lastmod: {{ .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02" }}
-	// Taxonomy terms
-	writeSource(t, fs, filepath.Join("layouts", "_default", "terms.html"), `
-Taxonomy Terms Title: {{ .Title }}
-Taxonomy Terms Content: {{ .Content }}
-# Pages: {{ len .Data.Pages }}
-{{ range .Paginator.Pages }}
-	Pag: {{ .Title }}
-{{ end }}
-{{ range $key, $value := .Data.Terms }}
-	k/v: {{ $key | lower }} / {{ printf "%s" $value }}
-{{ end }}
-{{ with .Site.Menus.mymenu }}
-{{ range . }}
-Taxonomy Terms Menu Item: {{ .Name }}: {{ .URL }}
-{{ end }}
-{{ end }}
-Date: {{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }}
-Lastmod: {{ .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02" }}
-func expectedFilePath(ugly bool, path ...string) string {
-	if ugly {
-		return filepath.Join(append(path[0:len(path)-1], path[len(path)-1]+".html")...)
-	}
-	return filepath.Join(append(path, "index.html")...)
-func expetedPermalink(ugly bool, path string) string {
-	if ugly {
-		return strings.TrimSuffix(path, "/") + ".html"
-	}
-	return path