ref: a988d3cf3631e07c7d2bf5bb9eb9be21ee21fd04
parent: 2ded3bf30f257bcf0b48945b01c4b6cd6d19fa37
author: Bjørn Erik Pedersen <[email protected]>
date: Sat Feb 11 15:56:46 EST 2017
docs: Remove the source relative links docs See #3028
--- a/docs/content/overview/
+++ b/docs/content/overview/
@@ -413,56 +413,7 @@
- <tr>
- <td><code><strong>sourceRelativeLinksEval</strong></code></td>
- <td><code>false</code></td>
- <td><code>none</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td class="purpose-description" colspan="3">
- <span class="purpose-title">Purpose:</span>
- <code>true</code> enables source file-based relative linking (à la Github).
- Relative links to Markdown and static files within a page
- will be evaluated relative to the location of that page,
- and then converted to HTML links during rendering.<br>
- <small>
- <strong>Example:</strong>
- <code>[some-reference-text](../other/</code> in
- <code>./content/total/</code> will link to
- <code>./content/other/</code> and render to
- <code>/other/overview/</code> in the HTML output.
- </small>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><code><strong>sourceRelativeLinksProjectFolder</strong></code></td>
- <td><code>/docs/content</code></td>
- <td><code>none</code></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td class="purpose-description" colspan="3">
- <span class="purpose-title">Purpose:</span>
- Set a sub-folder for source file-based relative linking
- on a Hugo Project (i.e., a web site). When
- <code>sourceRelativeLinksEval</code> (see above) is enabled,
- some source level paths may contain absolute respository
- paths to Markdown or static files.
- The absolute portion of these paths should be removed
- before trying to match the intended links.<br />
- <small>
- <strong>Example:</strong>
- Assuming your documentation resides in
- <code>./docs/content</code>,
- then a reference within
- <code>./docs/content/total/</code> to
- <code>[some-reference-text](/docs/content/other/</code>
- will link to
- <code>./docs/content/other/</code> and render to
- <code>/other/overview/</code> in the HTML output.
- </small>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </tbody>
+ </tbody>