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ref: 9015aa5b84a1cbe8f9c1e22967faa99c03f5239f
parent: 57eebbf243882cd0d036a19bdad80256ed3d54b1
author: digitalcraftsman <[email protected]>
date: Sat Jan 30 06:12:24 EST 2016

Docs: fix some typos in templates/

--- a/docs/content/templates/
+++ b/docs/content/templates/
@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@
-    affiliatelnk: ""
+    affiliatelink: ""
 	recommendedby: "my Mother"
-Which would then be accessible to a template at <code>/theme/yourtheme/review/single.html</code>, for example, through <code>.Params.affiliatelnk</code> and <code>.Params.recommendedby</code>, respectively. Two common situations where these could be introduced are as a value of a certain attribute (like <code>href=""</code> below) or by itself if it will be displayed. Sample syntaxes include:
+Which would then be accessible to a template at `/theme/yourtheme/review/single.html`, for example, through `.Params.affiliatelink` and `.Params.recommendedby`, respectively. Two common situations where these could be introduced are as a value of a certain attribute (like `href=""` below) or by itself if it will be displayed. Sample syntaxes include:
-    <h3><a href="{{ printf "%s" $.Params.affiliatelnk }}">Buy this book</a></h3>
+    <h3><a href="{{ printf "%s" $.Params.affiliatelink }}">Buy this book</a></h3>
 	<p>It was recommended by {{ .Params.recommendedby }}.</p>
 which would render
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
     <h3><a href="">Buy this book</a></h3>
 	<p>It was recommended by my Mother.</p>
-**See also:** [cross-references]({{% ref "content/" %}}) for consistency of `Params` accross pieces of content.
+**See also:** [cross-references]({{% ref "content/" %}}) for consistency of `Params` across pieces of content.
 ### Param method
 In Hugo you can declare params both for the site and the individual page.  A common use case is to have a general value for the site and a more specific value for some of the pages (i.e. an image).