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ref: 5f3ad1c31985450fab8d6772e9cbfcb57cf5cc53
parent: 8cd3ea565ae57a8e77d0b0935472944a0643b29d
author: Stefan Buynov <[email protected]>
date: Sat Apr 22 19:35:52 EDT 2017

commands: Import Octopress image tag in Jekyll importer

--- a/commands/import_jekyll.go
+++ b/commands/import_jekyll.go
@@ -528,5 +528,50 @@
 		content =, replace.replace)
+	replaceListFunc := []struct {
+		re      *regexp.Regexp
+		replace func(string) string
+	}{
+		// Octopress image tag:
+		{regexp.MustCompile(`{%\s+img\s*(.*?)\s*%}`), replaceImageTag},
+	}
+	for _, replace := range replaceListFunc {
+		content =, replace.replace)
+	}
 	return content
+func replaceImageTag(match string) string {
+	r := regexp.MustCompile(`{%\s+img\s*(\p{L}*)\s+([\S]*/[\S]+)\s+(\d*)\s*(\d*)\s*(.*?)\s*%}`)
+	result := bytes.NewBufferString("{{< figure ")
+	parts := r.FindStringSubmatch(match)
+	// Index 0 is the entire string, ignore
+	replaceOptionalPart(result, "class", parts[1])
+	replaceOptionalPart(result, "src", parts[2])
+	replaceOptionalPart(result, "width", parts[3])
+	replaceOptionalPart(result, "height", parts[4])
+	// title + alt
+	part := parts[5]
+	if len(part) > 0 {
+		splits := strings.Split(part, "'")
+		lenSplits := len(splits)
+		if lenSplits == 1 {
+			replaceOptionalPart(result, "title", splits[0])
+		} else if lenSplits == 3 {
+			replaceOptionalPart(result, "title", splits[1])
+		} else if lenSplits == 5 {
+			replaceOptionalPart(result, "title", splits[1])
+			replaceOptionalPart(result, "alt", splits[3])
+		}
+	}
+	result.WriteString(">}}")
+	return result.String()
+func replaceOptionalPart(buffer *bytes.Buffer, partName string, part string) {
+	if len(part) > 0 {
+		buffer.WriteString(partName + "=\"" + part + "\" ")
+	}
--- a/commands/import_jekyll_test.go
+++ b/commands/import_jekyll_test.go
@@ -97,6 +97,26 @@
 			"{% highlight go %}\nvar s int\n{% endhighlight %}",
 			"{{< highlight go >}}\nvar s int\n{{< / highlight >}}"},
+		// Octopress image tag
+		{map[interface{}]interface{}{},
+			"{% img %}",
+			"{{< figure src=\"\" >}}"},
+		{map[interface{}]interface{}{},
+			"{% img left Place Kitten #2 %}",
+			"{{< figure class=\"left\" src=\"\" title=\"Place Kitten #2\" >}}"},
+		{map[interface{}]interface{}{},
+			"{% img right 150 250 'Place Kitten #3' %}",
+			"{{< figure class=\"right\" src=\"\" width=\"150\" height=\"250\" title=\"Place Kitten #3\" >}}"},
+		{map[interface{}]interface{}{},
+			"{% img right 150 250 'Place Kitten #4' 'An image of a very cute kitten' %}",
+			"{{< figure class=\"right\" src=\"\" width=\"150\" height=\"250\" title=\"Place Kitten #4\" alt=\"An image of a very cute kitten\" >}}"},
+		{map[interface{}]interface{}{},
+			"{% img 150 250 'Place Kitten #4' 'An image of a very cute kitten' %}",
+			"{{< figure src=\"\" width=\"150\" height=\"250\" title=\"Place Kitten #4\" alt=\"An image of a very cute kitten\" >}}"},
+		{map[interface{}]interface{}{},
+			"{% img right /placekitten/300/500 'Place Kitten #4' 'An image of a very cute kitten' %}",
+			"{{< figure class=\"right\" src=\"/placekitten/300/500\" title=\"Place Kitten #4\" alt=\"An image of a very cute kitten\" >}}"},
 	for _, data := range testDataList {