shithub: hugo

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ref: 3d4e99ed50221d8dd1213eb587b8e7659e6d4b97
parent: 02b120d1bd6dc7e81a6c81a44621de45a6c9b594
author: Bjørn Erik Pedersen <[email protected]>
date: Sun Feb 19 15:08:03 EST 2017

config: Remove unused var

--- a/config/configProvider.go
+++ b/config/configProvider.go
@@ -17,16 +17,6 @@
 // string operations on content.
 package config
-// A cached version of the current ConfigProvider (language) and relatives. These globals
-// are unfortunate, but we still have some places that needs this that does
-// not have access to the site configuration.
-// These values will be set on initialization when rendering a new language.
-// TODO(bep) Get rid of these.
-var (
-	currentConfigProvider Provider
 // Provider provides the configuration settings for Hugo.
 type Provider interface {
 	GetString(key string) string