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ref: 364686ecbb135b53f4e6e0484836da071c64c35b
parent: eda36787429a3087a30991255f5be1576cf3e121
author: Roy Reveltas <[email protected]>
date: Fri May 13 04:51:36 EDT 2016

docs: Add additional example for taxonomies listing

Add another example how to list taxonomies inline,
adding title (singular or plural) and commas between taxonomies.

See #2143

--- a/docs/content/taxonomies/
+++ b/docs/content/taxonomies/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 - /indexes/displaying/
-lastmod: 2015-05-22
+lastmod: 2016-05-13
 date: 2013-07-01
 linktitle: Displaying
@@ -41,6 +41,19 @@
         <li><a href="tags/{{ . | urlize }}">{{ . }}</a> </li>
       {{ end }}
+If you want to list taxonomies inline, you will have to take
+care of optional plural ending in the title (if multiple taxonomies),
+as well as commas. Let's say we have a taxonomy "directors" such as
+`directors: [ "Joel Coen", "Ethan Coen" ]` in the TOML-format front matter.
+To list such taxonomy use the following:
+### Example
+    {{ if .Params.directors }}
+      <strong>Director{{ if gt (len .Params.directors) 1 }}s{{ end }}:</strong>
+      {{ range $index, $director := .Params.directors }}{{ if gt $index 0 }}, {{ end }}<a href="directors/{{ . | urlize }}">{{ . }}</a>{{ end }}
+    {{ end }}
 ## 2. Listing content with the same taxonomy term