shithub: hugo

Download patch

ref: 31c9c690fd042700a377687c85b1eef5230f9860
parent: e8a716b23a1ca78cf29460daacd4ba49bbc05ad1
author: Bjørn Erik Pedersen <[email protected]>
date: Sat Jun 8 10:14:27 EDT 2019

releaser: Update Go Releaser and consolidate the 2 configs

Fixes #5949

--- a/.circleci/config.yml
+++ b/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 defaults: &defaults
-      - image: bepsays/ci-goreleaser:1.12-3
+      - image: bepsays/ci-goreleaser:1.12-5
     CGO_ENABLED: "0"
--- a/goreleaser-extended.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +1,0 @@
-project_name: hugo_extended
-- binary: hugo
-  ldflags:
-    - -s -w -X{{.Date}} -X{{ .ShortCommit }}
-    - "-extldflags '-static'"
-  env:
-    - CGO_ENABLED=1
-    - CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc
-    - CXX=x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++
-  flags:
-    - -tags
-    - extended
-  goos:
-    - windows
-  goarch:
-    - amd64
-- binary: hugo
-  ldflags: -s -w -X{{.Date}} -X{{ .ShortCommit }}
-  env:
-    - CGO_ENABLED=1
-    - CC=o64-clang
-    - CXX=o64-clang++
-  flags:
-    - -tags
-    - extended
-  goos:
-    - darwin
-  goarch:
-    - amd64
-- binary: hugo
-  ldflags: -s -w -X{{.Date}} -X{{ .ShortCommit }}
-  env:
-    - CGO_ENABLED=1
-  flags:
-    - -tags
-    - extended
-  goos:
-    - linux
-  goarch:
-    - amd64
-  formats:
-    - deb
-  vendor: ""
-  homepage: ""
-  maintainer: "Bjørn Erik Pedersen <[email protected]>"
-  description: "A Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with love in GoLang."
-  license: "Apache 2.0"
-  name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}_{{.Version}}_{{.Os}}-{{.Arch}}"
-  replacements:
-    amd64: 64bit
-    386: 32bit
-    arm: ARM
-    arm64: ARM64
-    darwin: macOS
-    linux: Linux
-    windows: Windows
-    openbsd: OpenBSD
-    netbsd: NetBSD
-    freebsd: FreeBSD
-    dragonfly: DragonFlyBSD
-  format: tar.gz
-  format_overrides:
-    - goos: windows
-      format: zip
-  name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}_{{.Version}}_{{.Os}}-{{.Arch}}"
-  replacements:
-    amd64: 64bit
-    386: 32bit
-    arm: ARM
-    arm64: ARM64
-    darwin: macOS
-    linux: Linux
-    windows: Windows
-    openbsd: OpenBSD
-    netbsd: NetBSD
-    freebsd: FreeBSD
-    dragonfly: DragonFlyBSD
-  files:
-    -
-    - LICENSE
-  draft: true
--- a/goreleaser.yml
+++ b/goreleaser.yml
@@ -1,66 +1,174 @@
 project_name: hugo
-  main: main.go
-  binary: hugo
-  ldflags: -s -w -X{{.Date}} -X{{ .ShortCommit }}
-  env:
-    - CGO_ENABLED=0
-  goos:
-    - darwin
-    - linux
-    - windows
-    - freebsd
-    - netbsd
-    - openbsd
-    - dragonfly
-  goarch:
-    - amd64
-    - 386
-    - arm
-    - arm64
-  goarm:
-    - 7
-  formats:
-    - deb
-  vendor: ""
-  homepage: ""
-  maintainer: "Bjørn Erik Pedersen <[email protected]>"
-  description: "A Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with love in GoLang."
-  license: "Apache 2.0"
-  name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}_{{.Version}}_{{.Os}}-{{.Arch}}"
-  replacements:
-    amd64: 64bit
-    386: 32bit
-    arm: ARM
-    arm64: ARM64
-    darwin: macOS
-    linux: Linux
-    windows: Windows
-    openbsd: OpenBSD
-    netbsd: NetBSD
-    freebsd: FreeBSD
-    dragonfly: DragonFlyBSD
-  format: tar.gz
-  format_overrides:
-    - goos: windows
-      format: zip
-  name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}_{{.Version}}_{{.Os}}-{{.Arch}}"
-  replacements:
-    amd64: 64bit
-    386: 32bit
-    arm: ARM
-    arm64: ARM64
-    darwin: macOS
-    linux: Linux
-    windows: Windows
-    openbsd: OpenBSD
-    netbsd: NetBSD
-    freebsd: FreeBSD
-    dragonfly: DragonFlyBSD
-  files:
-    -
-    - LICENSE
+  - GO111MODULE=on
+  hooks:
+    - go mod download
+  -
+    binary: hugo
+    id: hugo
+    ldflags: -s -w -X{{.Date}} -X{{ .ShortCommit }}
+    env:
+      - CGO_ENABLED=0
+    goos:
+      - darwin
+      - linux
+      - windows
+      - freebsd
+      - netbsd
+      - openbsd
+      - dragonfly
+    goarch:
+      - amd64
+      - 386
+      - arm
+      - arm64
+    goarm:
+      - 7
+  -
+    binary: hugo
+    id: hugo_extended_windows
+    ldflags:
+      - -s -w -X{{.Date}} -X{{ .ShortCommit }}
+      - "-extldflags '-static'"
+    env:
+      - CGO_ENABLED=1
+      - CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc
+      - CXX=x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++
+    flags:
+      - -tags
+      - extended
+    goos:
+      - windows
+    goarch:
+      - amd64
+  - binary: hugo
+    id: hugo_extended_darwin
+    ldflags: -s -w -X{{.Date}} -X{{ .ShortCommit }}
+    env:
+      - CGO_ENABLED=1
+      - CC=o64-clang
+      - CXX=o64-clang++
+    flags:
+      - -tags
+      - extended
+    goos:
+      - darwin
+    goarch:
+      - amd64
+  - binary: hugo
+    id: hugo_extended_linux
+    ldflags: -s -w -X{{.Date}} -X{{ .ShortCommit }}
+    env:
+      - CGO_ENABLED=1
+    flags:
+      - -tags
+      - extended
+    goos:
+      - linux
+    goarch:
+      - amd64
   draft: true
+  -
+    id: "hugo"
+    builds: ['hugo']
+    format: tar.gz
+    format_overrides:
+      - goos: windows
+        format: zip
+    name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}_{{.Version}}_{{.Os}}-{{.Arch}}"
+    replacements:
+      amd64: 64bit
+      386: 32bit
+      arm: ARM
+      arm64: ARM64
+      darwin: macOS
+      linux: Linux
+      windows: Windows
+      openbsd: OpenBSD
+      netbsd: NetBSD
+      freebsd: FreeBSD
+      dragonfly: DragonFlyBSD
+    files:
+      -
+      - LICENSE
+  -
+    id: "hugo_extended"
+    builds: ['hugo_extended_windows', 'hugo_extended_linux', 'hugo_extended_darwin']
+    format: tar.gz
+    format_overrides:
+      - goos: windows
+        format: zip
+    name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}_extended_{{.Version}}_{{.Os}}-{{.Arch}}"
+    replacements:
+      amd64: 64bit
+      386: 32bit
+      arm: ARM
+      arm64: ARM64
+      darwin: macOS
+      linux: Linux
+      windows: Windows
+      openbsd: OpenBSD
+      netbsd: NetBSD
+      freebsd: FreeBSD
+      dragonfly: DragonFlyBSD
+    files:
+      -
+      - LICENSE
+  -
+    id: "hugo"
+    builds: ['hugo']
+    formats:
+        - deb
+    vendor: ""
+    homepage: ""
+    maintainer: "Bjørn Erik Pedersen <[email protected]>"
+    description: "A Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with love in GoLang."
+    license: "Apache 2.0"
+    name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}_{{.Version}}_{{.Os}}-{{.Arch}}"
+    replacements:
+      amd64: 64bit
+      386: 32bit
+      arm: ARM
+      arm64: ARM64
+      darwin: macOS
+      linux: Linux
+      windows: Windows
+      openbsd: OpenBSD
+      netbsd: NetBSD
+      freebsd: FreeBSD
+      dragonfly: DragonFlyBSD
+  -
+    id: "hugo_extended"
+    builds: ['hugo_extended_linux']
+    formats:
+        - deb
+    vendor: ""
+    homepage: ""
+    maintainer: "Bjørn Erik Pedersen <[email protected]>"
+    description: "A Fast and Flexible Static Site Generator built with love in GoLang."
+    license: "Apache 2.0"
+    name_template: "{{.ProjectName}}_extended_{{.Version}}_{{.Os}}-{{.Arch}}"
+    replacements:
+      amd64: 64bit
+      386: 32bit
+      arm: ARM
+      arm64: ARM64
+      darwin: macOS
+      linux: Linux
+      windows: Windows
+      openbsd: OpenBSD
+      netbsd: NetBSD
+      freebsd: FreeBSD
+      dragonfly: DragonFlyBSD
\ No newline at end of file