ref: 2a6b26a7a520bf88af1413f3f00c7e2782abe8cd
parent: fe9fd0acf4b0fa972d3918d1abcdfcb21de45692
author: Abdo Roig-Maranges <[email protected]>
date: Sun Jan 22 07:28:31 EST 2017
hugolib: Improve menu generation for section pages with content When using the lazy blogger setting to automatically generate menu entries from section pages, we now recognize section pages that have content, and use the weight and linktitle configured in the frontmatter. This way, we can use the lazy blogger automatic generation, and influence menu order and translations, directly from the frontmatter. Updates #2974
--- a/hugolib/site.go
+++ b/hugolib/site.go
@@ -1430,6 +1430,7 @@
flat := map[twoD]*MenuEntry{}
children := map[twoD]Menu{}
+ // add menu entries from config to flat hash
menuConfig := s.getMenusFromConfig()
for name, menu := range menuConfig {
for _, me := range *menu {
@@ -1438,26 +1439,49 @@
sectionPagesMenu := s.Info.sectionPagesMenu
- sectionPagesMenus := make(map[string]interface{})
- //creating flat hash
pages := s.Pages
- for _, p := range pages {
- if sectionPagesMenu != "" {
+ if sectionPagesMenu != "" {
+ // Create menu entries for section pages with content
+ for _, p := range pages {
+ if p.Kind == KindSection {
+ // menu with same id defined in config, let that one win
+ if _, ok := flat[twoD{sectionPagesMenu, p.Section()}]; ok {
+ continue
+ }
+ me := MenuEntry{Identifier: p.Section(),
+ Name: p.LinkTitle(),
+ Weight: p.Weight,
+ URL: p.RelPermalink()}
+ flat[twoD{sectionPagesMenu, me.KeyName()}] = &me
+ }
+ }
+ // Create entries for remaining content-less section pages
+ sectionPagesMenus := make(map[string]interface{})
+ for _, p := range pages {
if _, ok := sectionPagesMenus[p.Section()]; !ok {
if p.Section() != "" {
+ // menu with same id defined in config, let that one win
+ if _, ok := flat[twoD{sectionPagesMenu, p.Section()}]; ok {
+ continue
+ }
me := MenuEntry{Identifier: p.Section(),
Name: helpers.MakeTitle(helpers.FirstUpper(p.Section())),
URL: s.Info.createNodeMenuEntryURL(p.addLangPathPrefix("/"+p.Section()) + "/")}
- if _, ok := flat[twoD{sectionPagesMenu, me.KeyName()}]; ok {
- // menu with same id defined in config, let that one win
- continue
- }
flat[twoD{sectionPagesMenu, me.KeyName()}] = &me
sectionPagesMenus[p.Section()] = true
+ }
+ // Add menu entries provided by pages
+ for _, p := range pages {
for name, me := range p.Menus() {
if _, ok := flat[twoD{name, me.KeyName()}]; ok {
s.Log.ERROR.Printf("Two or more menu items have the same name/identifier in Menu %q: %q.\nRename or set an unique identifier.\n", name, me.KeyName())