shithub: hugo

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ref: 28179bd55619847f46ca0ffd316ef52fc9c96f1e
parent: fef057b489731129d7aacf6857203efa68bb57f8
author: Cameron Moore <[email protected]>
date: Wed Oct 7 04:09:28 EDT 2020

output: Reformat TestLayout table

--- a/output/layout_test.go
+++ b/output/layout_test.go
@@ -64,72 +64,383 @@
 		expect         []string
 		expectCount    int
-		{"Home", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home"}, "", ampType,
-			[]string{"index.amp.html", "home.amp.html", "list.amp.html", "index.html", "home.html", "list.html", "_default/index.amp.html"}, 12},
-		{"Home baseof", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home", Baseof: true}, "", ampType,
-			[]string{"index-baseof.amp.html", "home-baseof.amp.html", "list-baseof.amp.html", "baseof.amp.html", "index-baseof.html"}, 16},
-		{"Home, HTML", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home"}, "", htmlFormat,
+		{
+			"Home", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home"}, "", ampType,
+			[]string{
+				"index.amp.html",
+				"home.amp.html",
+				"list.amp.html",
+				"index.html",
+				"home.html",
+				"list.html",
+				"_default/index.amp.html",
+			},
+			12,
+		},
+		{
+			"Home baseof", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home", Baseof: true}, "", ampType,
+			[]string{
+				"index-baseof.amp.html",
+				"home-baseof.amp.html",
+				"list-baseof.amp.html",
+				"baseof.amp.html",
+				"index-baseof.html",
+			},
+			16,
+		},
+		{
+			"Home, HTML", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home"}, "", htmlFormat,
 			// We will eventually get to index.html. This looks stuttery, but makes the lookup logic easy to understand.
-			[]string{"index.html.html", "home.html.html"}, 12},
-		{"Home, HTML, baseof", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home", Baseof: true}, "", htmlFormat,
-			[]string{"index-baseof.html.html", "home-baseof.html.html", "list-baseof.html.html", "baseof.html.html"}, 16},
-		{"Home, french language", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home", Lang: "fr"}, "", ampType,
+			[]string{
+				"index.html.html",
+				"home.html.html",
+			},
+			12,
+		},
+		{
+			"Home, HTML, baseof", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home", Baseof: true}, "", htmlFormat,
+			[]string{
+				"index-baseof.html.html",
+				"home-baseof.html.html",
+				"list-baseof.html.html",
+				"baseof.html.html",
+			},
+			16,
+		},
+		{
+			"Home, french language", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home", Lang: "fr"}, "", ampType,
-			24},
-		{"Home, no ext or delim", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home"}, "", noExtDelimFormat,
-			[]string{"index.nem", "home.nem", "list.nem"}, 6},
-		{"Home, no ext", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home"}, "", noExt,
-			[]string{"index.nex", "home.nex", "list.nex"}, 6},
-		{"Page, no ext or delim", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page"}, "", noExtDelimFormat,
-			[]string{"_default/single.nem"}, 1},
-		{"Section", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "section", Section: "sect1"}, "", ampType,
-			[]string{"sect1/sect1.amp.html", "sect1/section.amp.html", "sect1/list.amp.html", "sect1/sect1.html", "sect1/section.html", "sect1/list.html", "section/sect1.amp.html", "section/section.amp.html"}, 18},
-		{"Section, baseof", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "section", Section: "sect1", Baseof: true}, "", ampType,
-			[]string{"sect1/sect1-baseof.amp.html", "sect1/section-baseof.amp.html", "sect1/list-baseof.amp.html", "sect1/baseof.amp.html", "sect1/sect1-baseof.html", "sect1/section-baseof.html", "sect1/list-baseof.html", "sect1/baseof.html"}, 24},
-		{"Section with layout", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "section", Section: "sect1", Layout: "mylayout"}, "", ampType,
-			[]string{"sect1/mylayout.amp.html", "sect1/sect1.amp.html", "sect1/section.amp.html", "sect1/list.amp.html", "sect1/mylayout.html", "sect1/sect1.html"}, 24},
-		{"Term", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "term", Section: "tags"}, "", ampType,
-			[]string{"term/term.amp.html", "term/tags.amp.html", "term/taxonomy.amp.html", "term/list.amp.html", "term/term.html", "term/tags.html", "term/taxonomy.html", "term/list.html", "taxonomy/term.amp.html", "taxonomy/tags.amp.html", "taxonomy/taxonomy.amp.html", "taxonomy/list.amp.html", "taxonomy/term.html", "taxonomy/tags.html", "taxonomy/taxonomy.html", "taxonomy/list.html", "tags/term.amp.html", "tags/tags.amp.html", "tags/taxonomy.amp.html", "tags/list.amp.html", "tags/term.html", "tags/tags.html", "tags/taxonomy.html", "tags/list.html", "_default/term.amp.html", "_default/tags.amp.html", "_default/taxonomy.amp.html", "_default/list.amp.html", "_default/term.html", "_default/tags.html", "_default/taxonomy.html", "_default/list.html"}, 32},
-		{"Taxonomy", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "taxonomy", Section: "categories"}, "", ampType,
-			[]string{"categories/categories.terms.amp.html", "categories/terms.amp.html", "categories/taxonomy.amp.html", "categories/list.amp.html", "categories/categories.terms.html", "categories/terms.html", "categories/taxonomy.html", "categories/list.html", "taxonomy/categories.terms.amp.html", "taxonomy/terms.amp.html", "taxonomy/taxonomy.amp.html", "taxonomy/list.amp.html", "taxonomy/categories.terms.html", "taxonomy/terms.html", "taxonomy/taxonomy.html", "taxonomy/list.html", "_default/categories.terms.amp.html", "_default/terms.amp.html", "_default/taxonomy.amp.html", "_default/list.amp.html", "_default/categories.terms.html", "_default/terms.html", "_default/taxonomy.html", "_default/list.html"}, 24},
-		{"Page", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page"}, "", ampType,
-			[]string{"_default/single.amp.html", "_default/single.html"}, 2},
-		{"Page, baseof", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page", Baseof: true}, "", ampType,
-			[]string{"_default/single-baseof.amp.html", "_default/baseof.amp.html", "_default/single-baseof.html", "_default/baseof.html"}, 4},
-		{"Page with layout", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page", Layout: "mylayout"}, "", ampType,
-			[]string{"_default/mylayout.amp.html", "_default/single.amp.html", "_default/mylayout.html", "_default/single.html"}, 4},
-		{"Page with layout, baseof", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page", Layout: "mylayout", Baseof: true}, "", ampType,
-			[]string{"_default/mylayout-baseof.amp.html", "_default/single-baseof.amp.html", "_default/baseof.amp.html", "_default/mylayout-baseof.html", "_default/single-baseof.html", "_default/baseof.html"}, 6},
-		{"Page with layout and type", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page", Layout: "mylayout", Type: "myttype"}, "", ampType,
-			[]string{"myttype/mylayout.amp.html", "myttype/single.amp.html", "myttype/mylayout.html"}, 8},
-		{"Page with layout and type with subtype", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page", Layout: "mylayout", Type: "myttype/mysubtype"}, "", ampType,
-			[]string{"myttype/mysubtype/mylayout.amp.html", "myttype/mysubtype/single.amp.html", "myttype/mysubtype/mylayout.html"}, 8},
+			24,
+		},
+		{
+			"Home, no ext or delim", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home"}, "", noExtDelimFormat,
+			[]string{
+				"index.nem",
+				"home.nem",
+				"list.nem",
+			},
+			6,
+		},
+		{
+			"Home, no ext", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home"}, "", noExt,
+			[]string{
+				"index.nex",
+				"home.nex",
+				"list.nex",
+			},
+			6,
+		},
+		{
+			"Page, no ext or delim", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page"}, "", noExtDelimFormat,
+			[]string{"_default/single.nem"},
+			1,
+		},
+		{
+			"Section", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "section", Section: "sect1"}, "", ampType,
+			[]string{
+				"sect1/sect1.amp.html",
+				"sect1/section.amp.html",
+				"sect1/list.amp.html",
+				"sect1/sect1.html",
+				"sect1/section.html",
+				"sect1/list.html",
+				"section/sect1.amp.html",
+				"section/section.amp.html",
+			},
+			18,
+		},
+		{
+			"Section, baseof", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "section", Section: "sect1", Baseof: true}, "", ampType,
+			[]string{
+				"sect1/sect1-baseof.amp.html",
+				"sect1/section-baseof.amp.html",
+				"sect1/list-baseof.amp.html",
+				"sect1/baseof.amp.html",
+				"sect1/sect1-baseof.html",
+				"sect1/section-baseof.html",
+				"sect1/list-baseof.html",
+				"sect1/baseof.html",
+			},
+			24,
+		},
+		{
+			"Section with layout", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "section", Section: "sect1", Layout: "mylayout"}, "", ampType,
+			[]string{
+				"sect1/mylayout.amp.html",
+				"sect1/sect1.amp.html",
+				"sect1/section.amp.html",
+				"sect1/list.amp.html",
+				"sect1/mylayout.html",
+				"sect1/sect1.html",
+			},
+			24,
+		},
+		{
+			"Term", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "term", Section: "tags"}, "", ampType,
+			[]string{
+				"term/term.amp.html",
+				"term/tags.amp.html",
+				"term/taxonomy.amp.html",
+				"term/list.amp.html",
+				"term/term.html",
+				"term/tags.html",
+				"term/taxonomy.html",
+				"term/list.html",
+				"taxonomy/term.amp.html",
+				"taxonomy/tags.amp.html",
+				"taxonomy/taxonomy.amp.html",
+				"taxonomy/list.amp.html",
+				"taxonomy/term.html",
+				"taxonomy/tags.html",
+				"taxonomy/taxonomy.html",
+				"taxonomy/list.html",
+				"tags/term.amp.html",
+				"tags/tags.amp.html",
+				"tags/taxonomy.amp.html",
+				"tags/list.amp.html",
+				"tags/term.html",
+				"tags/tags.html",
+				"tags/taxonomy.html",
+				"tags/list.html",
+				"_default/term.amp.html",
+				"_default/tags.amp.html",
+				"_default/taxonomy.amp.html",
+				"_default/list.amp.html",
+				"_default/term.html",
+				"_default/tags.html",
+				"_default/taxonomy.html",
+				"_default/list.html",
+			},
+			32,
+		},
+		{
+			"Taxonomy", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "taxonomy", Section: "categories"}, "", ampType,
+			[]string{
+				"categories/categories.terms.amp.html",
+				"categories/terms.amp.html",
+				"categories/taxonomy.amp.html",
+				"categories/list.amp.html",
+				"categories/categories.terms.html",
+				"categories/terms.html",
+				"categories/taxonomy.html",
+				"categories/list.html",
+				"taxonomy/categories.terms.amp.html",
+				"taxonomy/terms.amp.html",
+				"taxonomy/taxonomy.amp.html",
+				"taxonomy/list.amp.html",
+				"taxonomy/categories.terms.html",
+				"taxonomy/terms.html",
+				"taxonomy/taxonomy.html",
+				"taxonomy/list.html",
+				"_default/categories.terms.amp.html",
+				"_default/terms.amp.html",
+				"_default/taxonomy.amp.html",
+				"_default/list.amp.html",
+				"_default/categories.terms.html",
+				"_default/terms.html",
+				"_default/taxonomy.html",
+				"_default/list.html",
+			},
+			24,
+		},
+		{
+			"Page", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page"}, "", ampType,
+			[]string{
+				"_default/single.amp.html",
+				"_default/single.html",
+			},
+			2,
+		},
+		{
+			"Page, baseof", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page", Baseof: true}, "", ampType,
+			[]string{
+				"_default/single-baseof.amp.html",
+				"_default/baseof.amp.html",
+				"_default/single-baseof.html",
+				"_default/baseof.html",
+			},
+			4,
+		},
+		{
+			"Page with layout", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page", Layout: "mylayout"}, "", ampType,
+			[]string{
+				"_default/mylayout.amp.html",
+				"_default/single.amp.html",
+				"_default/mylayout.html",
+				"_default/single.html",
+			},
+			4,
+		},
+		{
+			"Page with layout, baseof", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page", Layout: "mylayout", Baseof: true}, "", ampType,
+			[]string{
+				"_default/mylayout-baseof.amp.html",
+				"_default/single-baseof.amp.html",
+				"_default/baseof.amp.html",
+				"_default/mylayout-baseof.html",
+				"_default/single-baseof.html",
+				"_default/baseof.html",
+			},
+			6,
+		},
+		{
+			"Page with layout and type", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page", Layout: "mylayout", Type: "myttype"}, "", ampType,
+			[]string{
+				"myttype/mylayout.amp.html",
+				"myttype/single.amp.html",
+				"myttype/mylayout.html",
+			},
+			8,
+		},
+		{
+			"Page with layout and type with subtype", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page", Layout: "mylayout", Type: "myttype/mysubtype"}, "", ampType,
+			[]string{
+				"myttype/mysubtype/mylayout.amp.html",
+				"myttype/mysubtype/single.amp.html",
+				"myttype/mysubtype/mylayout.html",
+			},
+			8,
+		},
 		// RSS
-		{"RSS Home", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home"}, "", RSSFormat,
-			[]string{"index.rss.xml", "home.rss.xml", "rss.xml"}, 15},
-		{"RSS Home, baseof", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home", Baseof: true}, "", RSSFormat,
-			[]string{"index-baseof.rss.xml", "home-baseof.rss.xml", "list-baseof.rss.xml", "baseof.rss.xml"}, 16},
-		{"RSS Section", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "section", Section: "sect1"}, "", RSSFormat,
-			[]string{"sect1/sect1.rss.xml", "sect1/section.rss.xml", "sect1/rss.xml", "sect1/list.rss.xml", "sect1/sect1.xml", "sect1/section.xml"}, 22},
-		{"RSS Term", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "term", Section: "tag"}, "", RSSFormat,
-			[]string{"term/term.rss.xml", "term/tag.rss.xml", "term/taxonomy.rss.xml", "term/rss.xml", "term/list.rss.xml", "term/term.xml", "term/tag.xml", "term/taxonomy.xml", "term/list.xml"}, 37},
-		{"RSS Taxonomy", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "taxonomy", Section: "tag"}, "", RSSFormat,
-			[]string{"tag/tag.terms.rss.xml", "tag/terms.rss.xml", "tag/taxonomy.rss.xml", "tag/rss.xml", "tag/list.rss.xml", "tag/tag.terms.xml", "tag/terms.xml", "tag/taxonomy.xml", "tag/list.xml", "taxonomy/tag.terms.rss.xml", "taxonomy/terms.rss.xml", "taxonomy/taxonomy.rss.xml", "taxonomy/rss.xml", "taxonomy/list.rss.xml", "taxonomy/tag.terms.xml", "taxonomy/terms.xml", "taxonomy/taxonomy.xml", "taxonomy/list.xml", "_default/tag.terms.rss.xml", "_default/terms.rss.xml", "_default/taxonomy.rss.xml", "_default/rss.xml", "_default/list.rss.xml", "_default/tag.terms.xml", "_default/terms.xml", "_default/taxonomy.xml", "_default/list.xml", "_internal/_default/rss.xml"}, 28},
-		{"Home plain text", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home"}, "", JSONFormat,
-			[]string{"index.json.json", "home.json.json"}, 12},
-		{"Page plain text", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page"}, "", JSONFormat,
-			[]string{"_default/single.json.json", "_default/single.json"}, 2},
-		{"Reserved section, shortcodes", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "section", Section: "shortcodes", Type: "shortcodes"}, "", ampType,
-			[]string{"section/shortcodes.amp.html"}, 12},
-		{"Reserved section, partials", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "section", Section: "partials", Type: "partials"}, "", ampType,
-			[]string{"section/partials.amp.html"}, 12},
+		{
+			"RSS Home", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home"}, "", RSSFormat,
+			[]string{
+				"index.rss.xml",
+				"home.rss.xml",
+				"rss.xml",
+			},
+			15,
+		},
+		{
+			"RSS Home, baseof", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home", Baseof: true}, "", RSSFormat,
+			[]string{
+				"index-baseof.rss.xml",
+				"home-baseof.rss.xml",
+				"list-baseof.rss.xml",
+				"baseof.rss.xml",
+			},
+			16,
+		},
+		{
+			"RSS Section", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "section", Section: "sect1"}, "", RSSFormat,
+			[]string{
+				"sect1/sect1.rss.xml",
+				"sect1/section.rss.xml",
+				"sect1/rss.xml",
+				"sect1/list.rss.xml",
+				"sect1/sect1.xml",
+				"sect1/section.xml",
+			},
+			22,
+		},
+		{
+			"RSS Term", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "term", Section: "tag"}, "", RSSFormat,
+			[]string{
+				"term/term.rss.xml",
+				"term/tag.rss.xml",
+				"term/taxonomy.rss.xml",
+				"term/rss.xml",
+				"term/list.rss.xml",
+				"term/term.xml",
+				"term/tag.xml",
+				"term/taxonomy.xml",
+				"term/list.xml",
+			},
+			37,
+		},
+		{
+			"RSS Taxonomy", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "taxonomy", Section: "tag"}, "", RSSFormat,
+			[]string{
+				"tag/tag.terms.rss.xml",
+				"tag/terms.rss.xml",
+				"tag/taxonomy.rss.xml",
+				"tag/rss.xml",
+				"tag/list.rss.xml",
+				"tag/tag.terms.xml",
+				"tag/terms.xml",
+				"tag/taxonomy.xml",
+				"tag/list.xml",
+				"taxonomy/tag.terms.rss.xml",
+				"taxonomy/terms.rss.xml",
+				"taxonomy/taxonomy.rss.xml",
+				"taxonomy/rss.xml",
+				"taxonomy/list.rss.xml",
+				"taxonomy/tag.terms.xml",
+				"taxonomy/terms.xml",
+				"taxonomy/taxonomy.xml",
+				"taxonomy/list.xml",
+				"_default/tag.terms.rss.xml",
+				"_default/terms.rss.xml",
+				"_default/taxonomy.rss.xml",
+				"_default/rss.xml",
+				"_default/list.rss.xml",
+				"_default/tag.terms.xml",
+				"_default/terms.xml",
+				"_default/taxonomy.xml",
+				"_default/list.xml",
+				"_internal/_default/rss.xml",
+			},
+			28,
+		},
+		{
+			"Home plain text", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "home"}, "", JSONFormat,
+			[]string{
+				"index.json.json",
+				"home.json.json",
+			},
+			12,
+		},
+		{
+			"Page plain text", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "page"}, "", JSONFormat,
+			[]string{
+				"_default/single.json.json",
+				"_default/single.json",
+			},
+			2,
+		},
+		{
+			"Reserved section, shortcodes", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "section", Section: "shortcodes", Type: "shortcodes"}, "", ampType,
+			[]string{"section/shortcodes.amp.html"},
+			12,
+		},
+		{
+			"Reserved section, partials", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "section", Section: "partials", Type: "partials"}, "", ampType,
+			[]string{"section/partials.amp.html"},
+			12,
+		},
 		// This is currently always HTML only
-		{"404, HTML", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "404"}, "", htmlFormat,
-			[]string{"404.html.html", "404.html"}, 2},
-		{"404, HTML baseof", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "404", Baseof: true}, "", htmlFormat,
-			[]string{"404-baseof.html.html", "baseof.html.html", "404-baseof.html", "baseof.html", "_default/404-baseof.html.html", "_default/baseof.html.html", "_default/404-baseof.html", "_default/baseof.html"}, 8},
-		{"Content hook", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "render-link", RenderingHook: true, Layout: "mylayout", Section: "blog"}, "", ampType,
-			[]string{"blog/_markup/render-link.amp.html", "blog/_markup/render-link.html", "_default/_markup/render-link.amp.html", "_default/_markup/render-link.html"}, 4},
+		{
+			"404, HTML", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "404"}, "", htmlFormat,
+			[]string{
+				"404.html.html",
+				"404.html",
+			},
+			2,
+		},
+		{
+			"404, HTML baseof", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "404", Baseof: true}, "", htmlFormat,
+			[]string{
+				"404-baseof.html.html",
+				"baseof.html.html",
+				"404-baseof.html",
+				"baseof.html",
+				"_default/404-baseof.html.html",
+				"_default/baseof.html.html",
+				"_default/404-baseof.html",
+				"_default/baseof.html",
+			},
+			8,
+		},
+		{
+			"Content hook", LayoutDescriptor{Kind: "render-link", RenderingHook: true, Layout: "mylayout", Section: "blog"}, "", ampType,
+			[]string{
+				"blog/_markup/render-link.amp.html",
+				"blog/_markup/render-link.html",
+				"_default/_markup/render-link.amp.html",
+				"_default/_markup/render-link.html",
+			},
+			4,
+		},
 	} {
 		c.Run(, func(c *qt.C) {
 			l := NewLayoutHandler()
@@ -147,12 +458,9 @@
 				formatted = strings.Replace(formatted, " ", "\", \"", -1)
 				c.Fatalf("Got %d/%d:\n%v\nExpected:\n%v\nAll:\n%v\nFormatted:\n%s", len(layouts), this.expectCount, got, this.expect, layouts, formatted)
 func BenchmarkLayout(b *testing.B) {