ref: 22afe280479f4bc5c7c59b0112a8ea69c3b9c4c3
parent: 8431871201cba59dea67f617c4564324de6ae2ec
parent: 978856e2ad12d2bcaf37bb9e31f806b30a4c42f4
author: Bjørn Erik Pedersen <[email protected]>
date: Wed Dec 26 05:27:54 EST 2018
Merge commit '978856e2ad12d2bcaf37bb9e31f806b30a4c42f4'
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/config/_default/config.toml
@@ -1,0 +1,90 @@
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+# We do redirects via Netlify's _redirects file, generated by Hugo (see "outputs" below).
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+# Highlighting config (Pygments)
+# It is (currently) not in use, but you can do ```go in a content file if you want to.
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+# See
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+## Configuration for BlackFriday markdown parser:
+plainIDAnchors = true
+# See
+hrefTargetBlank = false
+angledQuotes = false
+latexDashes = true
+# See
+# CatmullRom is a sharp bicubic filter which should fit the docs site well with its many screenshots.
+# Note that you can also set this per image processing.
+resampleFilter = "CatmullRom"
+# Default JPEG quality setting. Default is 75.
+quality = 75
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--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
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+ weight = 5
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+ url = "/getting-started/"
+ name = "Themes"
+ weight = 15
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+ url = "/themes/"
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+ weight = 25
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+ weight = 35
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+ url = "/variables/"
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+ weight = 36
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+ url = "/hugo-pipes/"
+ name = "CLI"
+ weight = 40
+ post = "break"
+ identifier = "commands"
+ url = "/commands/"
+ name = "Troubleshooting"
+ weight = 60
+ identifier = "troubleshooting"
+ url = "/troubleshooting/"
+ name = "Tools"
+ weight = 70
+ identifier = "tools"
+ url = "/tools/"
+ name = "Hosting & Deployment"
+ weight = 80
+ identifier = "hosting-and-deployment"
+ url = "/hosting-and-deployment/"
+ name = "Contribute"
+ weight = 100
+ post = "break"
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+######## QUICKLINKS
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+ url = "/documentation/"
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+ weight = 10
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+ url = ""
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+ url = "/showcase/"
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+ [[global]]
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+ weight = 150
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+ url = ""
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\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
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+ weight = 5
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+ url = "/zh/getting-started/"
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+ weight = 15
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+ weight = 40
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+ url = "/commands/"
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+ weight = 60
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+ url = "/zh/troubleshooting/"
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+ weight = 70
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+ weight = 80
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+ url = "/zh/hosting-and-deployment/"
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+ url = "/zh/contribute/"
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+ weight = 1
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+ name = "文档"
+ weight = 5
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+ url = "/zh/documentation/"
+ name = "主题"
+ weight = 10
+ identifier = "themes"
+ url = ""
+ name = "作品展示"
+ weight = 20
+ identifier = "showcase"
+ url = "/zh/showcase/"
+# Anything with a weight > 100 gets an external icon
+ name = "社区"
+ weight = 150
+ icon = true
+ identifier = "community"
+ post = "external"
+ url = ""
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/config/_default/params.toml
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+description = "The world’s fastest framework for building websites"
+## Used for views in rendered HTML (i.e., rather than using the .Hugo variable)
+release = "0.52"
+## Setting this to true will add a "noindex" to *EVERY* page on the site..
+removefromexternalsearch = false
+## Gh repo for site footer (include trailing slash)
+ghrepo = ""
+## GH Repo for filing a new issue
+github_repo = ""
+### Edit content repo (set to automatically enter "edit" mode; this is good for "improve this page" links)
+ghdocsrepo = ""
+## Gitter URL
+gitter = ""
+## Discuss Forum URL
+forum = ""
+## Google Tag Manager
+gtmid = ""
+# First one is picked as the Twitter card image if not set on page.
+images = ["images/gohugoio-card.png"]
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/config/development/params.toml
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+# Params for development (server mode)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/config/production/config.toml
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+# Config for production
+# This is turned off in development as it is relatively slow.
+# This is needed to get accurate lastMod and Git commit info
+# on the docs pages.
+enableGitInfo = true
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/config/production/params.toml
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@
+# Params for production
+# This is turned off in development as it is relatively slow.
+# This is needed to get accurate lastMod and Git commit info
+# on the docs pages.
+enableGitInfo = true
--- a/docs/content/en/content-management/
+++ b/docs/content/en/content-management/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
| Layout type | `single` | `list` |
| Nesting | Does not allow nesting of more bundles under it | Allows nesting of leaf or branch bundles under it |
| Example | `content/posts/my-post/` | `content/posts/` |
-| Content from non-index page files .. | Accessed only as page resources | Accessed only as regular pages |
+| Content from non-index page files... | Accessed only as page resources | Accessed only as regular pages |
## Leaf Bundles {#leaf-bundles}
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
│ │ ├── image1.jpg
│ │ ├── image2.png
│ │ └──
-│ └── my-another-post
+│ └── my-other-post
│ └──
└── another-section
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
: This leaf bundle has the ``, two other content
Markdown files and two image files.
: This leaf bundle has only the ``.
--- a/docs/content/en/functions/
+++ b/docs/content/en/functions/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: reflect.IsMap
description: Reports if a value is a map.
+draft: true
date: 2018-11-28
publishdate: 2018-11-28
--- a/docs/content/en/functions/
+++ b/docs/content/en/functions/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
title: reflect.IsSlice
description: Reports if a value is a slice.
+draft: true
date: 2018-11-28
publishdate: 2018-11-28
binary files /dev/null b/docs/content/en/news/0.53-relnotes/featured-hugo-53-poster.png differ
--- a/docs/content/en/news/0.53-relnotes/
+++ b/docs/content/en/news/0.53-relnotes/
@@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
date: 2018-12-24
-title: "0.53"
-description: "0.53"
+title: "Hugo Christmas Edition"
+description: "Hugo 0.53: Faster, config dir support, new unmarshal func, global site var, and more ..."
categories: ["Releases"]
- From all of us to all of you, a very Merry Christmas -- and Hugo `0.53`!
+From all of us to all of you, a very Merry Christmas -- and Hugo `0.53`!
The main new features in this release are:
-* You can now split your configuration into directories per environment. Hugo did support multiple configuration files before this release, but it was hard to manage for bigger sites, especially those with multiple languages. With this we have also formalized the concept of an `environment`; the defaults are `production` (when running `hugo`) or `development` (when running `hugo server`) but you can create any environment you like. We will update the documentation, but all the details are in [this issue]( Also, see [this PR]( for how the refactored configuration for the Hugo website looks like.
-* `transform.Unmarshal` (see the [documentation]( is a new and powerful template function that can turn `Resource` objects or strings with JSON, TOML, YAML or CSV into maps/arrays.
-* Two new global variables in `site` and `hugo`. `hugo` gives you version info etc. (´{{ hugo.Version }}`, ´{{ hugo.Environment }}`), but the `site` is probably more useful, as it allows you to access the current [site's variables]( (e.g. `{{ site.RegularPages }}`) without any context (or ".").
+**Config Dir:** You can now split your configuration sections into directories per environment. Hugo did support multiple configuration files before this release, but it was hard to manage for bigger sites, especially those with multiple languages. With this we have also formalized the concept of an `environment`; the defaults are `production` (when running `hugo`) or `development` (when running `hugo server`) but you can create any environment you like. We will update the documentation, but all the details are in [this issue]( Also, see [this PR]( for how the refactored configuration for the Hugo website looks like.
+**Unmarshal JSON, TOML, YAML or CSV:** `transform.Unmarshal` (see the [documentation]( is a new and powerful template function that can turn `Resource` objects or strings with JSON, TOML, YAML or CSV into maps/arrays.
+**Global site and hugo var:** Two new global variables in `site` and `hugo`. `hugo` gives you version info etc. (`{{ hugo.Version }}`, `{{ hugo.Environment }}`), but the `site` is probably more useful, as it allows you to access the current [site's variables]( (e.g. `{{ site.RegularPages }}`) without any context (or ".").
This version is also the fastest to date. A site building benchmark shows around 10% faster, but that depends on the site. The important part here is that we're not getting slower. It’s quite a challenge to consistently add significant new functionality and simultaneously improve performance. It's like not gaining weight during Christmas. We also had a small performance boost in version `0.50`. A user then reported that his big and complicated site had a 30% reduction in build time. This is important to us, one of the core features. It's in the slogan: "The world’s fastest framework for building websites."
--- a/docs/netlify.toml
+++ b/docs/netlify.toml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
command = "hugo --gc --minify"
-HUGO_VERSION = "0.52"
+HUGO_VERSION = "0.53"
HUGO_ENV = "production"
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
command = "hugo --gc --minify --enableGitInfo"
-HUGO_VERSION = "0.52"
+HUGO_VERSION = "0.53"
HUGO_ENV = "production"
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@
command = "hugo --gc --minify --buildFuture -b $DEPLOY_PRIME_URL"
-HUGO_VERSION = "0.52"
+HUGO_VERSION = "0.53"
command = "hugo --gc --minify -b $DEPLOY_PRIME_URL"
-HUGO_VERSION = "0.52"
+HUGO_VERSION = "0.53"
--- a/docs/resources/_gen/assets/css/output/css/app.css_d11fe7b62c27961c87ecd0f2490357b9.content
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