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ref: 20358f46c8b813ab627cc27e08b1689687e41410
parent: 5611631539cdff75ce849b85f0f324e831e2e8a5
author: digitalcraftsman <[email protected]>
date: Fri May 27 16:12:58 EDT 2016

docs: Document UniqueID page variable

--- a/docs/content/templates/
+++ b/docs/content/templates/
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
 **.ReadingTime** The estimated time it takes to read the content in minutes.<br>
 **.Weight** Assigned weight (in the front matter) to this content, used in sorting.<br>
 **.RawContent** Raw Markdown content without the metadata header. Useful with [](<br>
+**.UniqueID** The MD5-checksum of the page's filename
 **.Draft** A boolean, `true` if the content is marked as a draft in the front matter.<br>
 **.IsNode** Always false for pages.<br>
 **.IsPage** Always true for page.<br>