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ref: 162d3a586d36cabf6376a76b096fd8b6414487ae
parent: fd5109b6d8c8b927198d948795dbd0be3f72571e
author: Jordan <[email protected]>
date: Tue Apr 25 10:37:35 EDT 2017

docs: Add notes about some output format behaviour

--- a/docs/content/extras/
+++ b/docs/content/extras/
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
  * The names used must match the `Name` of a defined `Output Format`.
  * Any `Kind` without a definition will get `HTML`.
  * These can be overriden per `Page` in front matter (see below).
+ * When `outputs` is specified, only the formats defined in outputs will be rendered
 A `Page` with `YAML` front matter defining some output formats for that `Page`:
@@ -118,7 +119,11 @@
  - json
- Note that the names used for the output formats are case insensitive.
+ Note:
+ * The names used for the output formats are case insensitive.
+ * The first output format in the list will act as the default.
+ * The default output format is used when generating links to other pages in menus, etc.
 ## Link to Output Formats