shithub: hugo

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ref: 0f6b334b6715253b030c4e783b88e911b6e53e56
parent: b78f13b0414fd5006237c0e7cdaa0f8cc8034bff
author: Sven Dowideit <[email protected]>
date: Wed Sep 9 06:03:38 EDT 2015

Source file based relative linking

ala GitHub repository markdown for both md files and non-md files

Signed-off-by: Sven Dowideit <[email protected]>

--- a/helpers/content.go
+++ b/helpers/content.go
@@ -43,27 +43,29 @@
 // Blackfriday holds configuration values for Blackfriday rendering.
 type Blackfriday struct {
-	Smartypants     bool
-	AngledQuotes    bool
-	Fractions       bool
-	HrefTargetBlank bool
-	SmartDashes     bool
-	LatexDashes     bool
-	PlainIDAnchors  bool
-	Extensions      []string
-	ExtensionsMask  []string
+	Smartypants             bool
+	AngledQuotes            bool
+	Fractions               bool
+	HrefTargetBlank         bool
+	SmartDashes             bool
+	LatexDashes             bool
+	PlainIDAnchors          bool
+	SourceRelativeLinksEval bool
+	Extensions              []string
+	ExtensionsMask          []string
 // NewBlackfriday creates a new Blackfriday filled with site config or some sane defaults
 func NewBlackfriday() *Blackfriday {
 	combinedParam := map[string]interface{}{
-		"smartypants":     true,
-		"angledQuotes":    false,
-		"fractions":       true,
-		"hrefTargetBlank": false,
-		"smartDashes":     true,
-		"latexDashes":     true,
-		"plainIDAnchors":  false,
+		"smartypants":         true,
+		"angledQuotes":        false,
+		"fractions":           true,
+		"hrefTargetBlank":     false,
+		"smartDashes":         true,
+		"latexDashes":         true,
+		"plainIDAnchors":      false,
+		"sourceRelativeLinks": false,
 	siteParam := viper.GetStringMap("blackfriday")
@@ -198,7 +200,9 @@
 	return &HugoHtmlRenderer{
-		blackfriday.HtmlRendererWithParameters(htmlFlags, "", "", renderParameters),
+		FileResolver: ctx.FileResolver,
+		LinkResolver: ctx.LinkResolver,
+		Renderer:     blackfriday.HtmlRendererWithParameters(htmlFlags, "", "", renderParameters),
@@ -329,11 +333,13 @@
 // RenderingContext holds contextual information, like content and configuration,
 // for a given content renderin.g
 type RenderingContext struct {
-	Content    []byte
-	PageFmt    string
-	DocumentID string
-	Config     *Blackfriday
-	configInit sync.Once
+	Content      []byte
+	PageFmt      string
+	DocumentID   string
+	Config       *Blackfriday
+	FileResolver FileResolverFunc
+	LinkResolver LinkResolverFunc
+	configInit   sync.Once
 func (c *RenderingContext) getConfig() *Blackfriday {
--- a/helpers/content_renderer.go
+++ b/helpers/content_renderer.go
@@ -19,12 +19,18 @@
+	jww ""
+type LinkResolverFunc func(ref string) (string, error)
+type FileResolverFunc func(ref string) (string, error)
 // Wraps a blackfriday.Renderer, typically a blackfriday.Html
 // Enabling Hugo to customise the rendering experience
 type HugoHtmlRenderer struct {
+	FileResolver FileResolverFunc
+	LinkResolver LinkResolverFunc
@@ -35,6 +41,33 @@
 		out.WriteString(Highlight(str, lang, opts))
 	} else {
 		renderer.Renderer.BlockCode(out, text, lang)
+	}
+func (renderer *HugoHtmlRenderer) Link(out *bytes.Buffer, link []byte, title []byte, content []byte) {
+	if renderer.LinkResolver == nil || bytes.HasPrefix(link, []byte("{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE")) {
+		// Use the blackfriday built in Link handler
+		renderer.Renderer.Link(out, link, title, content)
+	} else {
+		newLink, err := renderer.LinkResolver(string(link))
+		if err != nil {
+			newLink = string(link)
+			jww.ERROR.Printf("LinkResolver: %s", err)
+		}
+		renderer.Renderer.Link(out, []byte(newLink), title, content)
+	}
+func (renderer *HugoHtmlRenderer) Image(out *bytes.Buffer, link []byte, title []byte, alt []byte) {
+	if renderer.FileResolver == nil || bytes.HasPrefix(link, []byte("{@{@HUGOSHORTCODE")) {
+		// Use the blackfriday built in Image handler
+		renderer.Renderer.Image(out, link, title, alt)
+	} else {
+		newLink, err := renderer.FileResolver(string(link))
+		if err != nil {
+			newLink = string(link)
+			jww.ERROR.Printf("FileResolver: %s", err)
+		}
+		renderer.Renderer.Image(out, []byte(newLink), title, alt)
--- a/hugolib/page.go
+++ b/hugolib/page.go
@@ -234,14 +234,34 @@
 func (p *Page) renderBytes(content []byte) []byte {
+	var fn helpers.LinkResolverFunc
+	var fileFn helpers.FileResolverFunc
+	if p.getRenderingConfig().SourceRelativeLinksEval {
+		fn = func(ref string) (string, error) {
+			return p.Node.Site.GitHub(ref, p)
+		}
+		fileFn = func(ref string) (string, error) {
+			return p.Node.Site.GitHubFileLink(ref, p)
+		}
+	}
 	return helpers.RenderBytes(
 		&helpers.RenderingContext{Content: content, PageFmt: p.guessMarkupType(),
-			DocumentID: p.UniqueID(), Config: p.getRenderingConfig()})
+			DocumentID: p.UniqueID(), Config: p.getRenderingConfig(), LinkResolver: fn, FileResolver: fileFn})
 func (p *Page) renderContent(content []byte) []byte {
+	var fn helpers.LinkResolverFunc
+	var fileFn helpers.FileResolverFunc
+	if p.getRenderingConfig().SourceRelativeLinksEval {
+		fn = func(ref string) (string, error) {
+			return p.Node.Site.GitHub(ref, p)
+		}
+		fileFn = func(ref string) (string, error) {
+			return p.Node.Site.GitHubFileLink(ref, p)
+		}
+	}
 	return helpers.RenderBytesWithTOC(&helpers.RenderingContext{Content: content, PageFmt: p.guessMarkupType(),
-		DocumentID: p.UniqueID(), Config: p.getRenderingConfig()})
+		DocumentID: p.UniqueID(), Config: p.getRenderingConfig(), LinkResolver: fn, FileResolver: fileFn})
 func (p *Page) getRenderingConfig() *helpers.Blackfriday {
--- a/hugolib/site.go
+++ b/hugolib/site.go
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
 	Social                SiteSocial
 	Sections              Taxonomy
 	Pages                 *Pages
-	Files                 []*source.File
+	Files                 *[]*source.File
 	Menus                 *Menus
 	Hugo                  *HugoInfo
 	Title                 string
@@ -217,6 +217,166 @@
 	return s.refLink(ref, page, true)
+func (s *SiteInfo) GitHub(ref string, page *Page) (string, error) {
+	return s.githubLink(ref, page, true)
+func (s *SiteInfo) githubLink(ref string, currentPage *Page, relative bool) (string, error) {
+	var refURL *url.URL
+	var err error
+	// TODO can I make this a param to `hugo --use-github-links=/docs`?
+	// SVEN: add more tests - the prefix might be a real dir inside tho - add some pages that have it as a legitimate path
+	repositoryPathPrefix := "/docs"
+	refURL, err = url.Parse(strings.TrimPrefix(ref, repositoryPathPrefix))
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	if refURL.Scheme != "" {
+		// TODO: consider looking for http(s?):// and replacing it - tho this may be intentional, so idk
+		//return "", fmt.Errorf("Not a plain filepath link (%s)", ref)
+		// Treat this as not an error, as the link is used as-is
+		return ref, nil
+	}
+	var target *Page
+	var link string
+	if refURL.Path != "" {
+		refPath := filepath.Clean(filepath.FromSlash(refURL.Path))
+		if strings.IndexRune(refPath, os.PathSeparator) == 0 { // filepath.IsAbs fails to me.
+			refPath = refPath[1:]
+		} else {
+			if currentPage != nil {
+				refPath = filepath.Join(currentPage.Source.Dir(), refURL.Path)
+			}
+		}
+		for _, page := range []*Page(*s.Pages) {
+			if page.Source.Path() == refPath {
+				target = page
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		// need to exhaust the test, then try with the others :/
+		// if the refPath doesn't end in a filename with extension `.md`, then try with `.md` , and then `/`
+		mdPath := strings.TrimSuffix(refPath, string(os.PathSeparator)) + ".md"
+		for _, page := range []*Page(*s.Pages) {
+			if page.Source.Path() == mdPath {
+				target = page
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		indexPath := filepath.Join(refPath, "")
+		for _, page := range []*Page(*s.Pages) {
+			if page.Source.Path() == indexPath {
+				target = page
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		if target == nil {
+			return "", fmt.Errorf("No page found for \"%s\" on page \"%s\".\n", ref, currentPage.Source.Path())
+		}
+		// SVEN: look at filepath.Rel() it might help, got the rel/non-rel url's (dangerous tho)
+		if relative {
+			link, err = target.RelPermalink()
+		} else {
+			link, err = target.Permalink()
+		}
+		if err != nil {
+			return "", err
+		}
+	}
+	// SVEN: add tests for github style relative fragments
+	if refURL.Fragment != "" {
+		link = link + "#" + refURL.Fragment
+		if refURL.Path != "" && target != nil && !target.getRenderingConfig().PlainIDAnchors {
+			link = link + ":" + target.UniqueID()
+		} else if currentPage != nil && !currentPage.getRenderingConfig().PlainIDAnchors {
+			link = link + ":" + currentPage.UniqueID()
+		}
+	}
+	return link, nil
+func (s *SiteInfo) GitHubFileLink(ref string, page *Page) (string, error) {
+	return s.githubFileLink(ref, page, false)
+// for non-pages in the site tree
+func (s *SiteInfo) githubFileLink(ref string, currentPage *Page, relative bool) (string, error) {
+	var refURL *url.URL
+	var err error
+	// TODO can I make this a param to `hugo --use-github-links=/docs`?
+	// SVEN: add more tests - the prefix might be a real dir inside tho - add some pages that have it as a legitimate path
+	repositoryPathPrefix := "/docs"
+	refURL, err = url.Parse(strings.TrimPrefix(ref, repositoryPathPrefix))
+	if err != nil {
+		return "", err
+	}
+	if refURL.Scheme != "" {
+		// TODO: consider looking for http(s?):// and replacing it - tho this may be intentional, so idk
+		//return "", fmt.Errorf("Not a plain filepath link (%s)", ref)
+		// Treat this as not an error, as the link is used as-is
+		return ref, nil
+	}
+	var target *source.File
+	var link string
+	if refURL.Path != "" {
+		refPath := filepath.Clean(filepath.FromSlash(refURL.Path))
+		if strings.IndexRune(refPath, os.PathSeparator) == 0 { // filepath.IsAbs fails to me.
+			refPath = refPath[1:]
+		} else {
+			if currentPage != nil {
+				refPath = filepath.Join(currentPage.Source.Dir(), refURL.Path)
+			}
+		}
+		for _, file := range []*source.File(*s.Files) {
+			if file.Path() == refPath {
+				target = file
+				break
+			}
+		}
+		if target == nil {
+			return "", fmt.Errorf("No file found for \"%s\" on page \"%s\".\n", ref, currentPage.Source.Path())
+		}
+		link = target.Path()
+		// SVEN: look at filepath.Rel() it might help, got the rel/non-rel url's (dangerous tho)
+		// SVEN: reconsider the fact I hardcoded the `relative` bool in both github resolvers
+		if relative {
+			return "./" + filepath.ToSlash(link), nil
+		} else {
+			return "/" + filepath.ToSlash(link), nil
+		}
+		if err != nil {
+			return "", err
+		}
+		return link, nil
+	}
+	return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to find a file to match \"%s\" on page \"%s\"", ref, currentPage.Source.Path())
 func (s *SiteInfo) addToPaginationPageCount(cnt uint64) {
 	atomic.AddUint64(&s.paginationPageCount, cnt)
@@ -479,6 +639,7 @@
 		canonifyURLs:          viper.GetBool("CanonifyURLs"),
 		preserveTaxonomyNames: viper.GetBool("PreserveTaxonomyNames"),
 		Pages:      &s.Pages,
+		Files:      &s.Files,
 		Menus:      &s.Menus,
 		Params:     params,
 		Permalinks: permalinks,
@@ -1395,6 +1556,7 @@
 	jww.FEEDBACK.Printf("%d pages created\n", len(s.Pages))
+	jww.FEEDBACK.Printf("%d non-page files copied\n", len(s.Files))
 	jww.FEEDBACK.Printf("%d paginator pages created\n", s.Info.paginationPageCount)
 	taxonomies := viper.GetStringMapString("Taxonomies")
--- a/hugolib/site_test.go
+++ b/hugolib/site_test.go
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 package hugolib
 import (
-	""
@@ -23,6 +22,8 @@
+	""
@@ -1026,26 +1027,30 @@
 	return nil
-func TestRefLinking(t *testing.T) {
-	viper.Reset()
-	defer viper.Reset()
+func setupLinkingMockSite(t *testing.T) *Site {
 	hugofs.DestinationFS = new(afero.MemMapFs)
 	sources := []source.ByteSource{
 		{filepath.FromSlash(""), []byte("")},
 		{filepath.FromSlash(""), []byte("")},
+		{filepath.FromSlash("root-image.png"), []byte("")},
 		{filepath.FromSlash("level2/"), []byte("")},
 		{filepath.FromSlash("level2/"), []byte("")},
 		{filepath.FromSlash("level2/"), []byte("")},
-		{filepath.FromSlash("level2b/"), []byte("")},
-		{filepath.FromSlash("level2b/"), []byte("")},
-		{filepath.FromSlash("level2b/"), []byte("")},
+//		{filepath.FromSlash("level2b/"), []byte("")},
+//		{filepath.FromSlash("level2b/"), []byte("")},
+//		{filepath.FromSlash("level2b/"), []byte("")},
+		{filepath.FromSlash("level2/2-image.png"), []byte("")},
+		{filepath.FromSlash("level2/common.png"), []byte("")},
 		{filepath.FromSlash("level2/level3/"), []byte("")},
 		{filepath.FromSlash("level2/level3/"), []byte("")},
 		{filepath.FromSlash("level2/level3/"), []byte("")},
+		{filepath.FromSlash("level2/level3/3-image.png"), []byte("")},
+		{filepath.FromSlash("level2/level3/common.png"), []byte("")},
 	site := &Site{
@@ -1064,8 +1069,14 @@
 	viper.Set("PluralizeListTitles", false)
 	viper.Set("CanonifyURLs", false)
-	// END init mock site
+	return site
+func TestRefLinking(t *testing.T) {
+	viper.Reset()
+	defer viper.Reset()
+	site := setupLinkingMockSite(t)
 	currentPage := findPage(site, "level2/level3/")
 	if currentPage == nil {
 		t.Fatalf("failed to find current page in site")
@@ -1083,4 +1094,190 @@
 	// TODO: and then the failure cases.
+func TestSourceRelativeLinksing(t *testing.T) {
+	viper.Reset()
+	defer viper.Reset()
+	site := setupLinkingMockSite(t)
+	type resultMap map[string]string
+	okresults := map[string]resultMap{
+		"": map[string]string{
+			"/docs/":             "/rootfile/",
+			"/docs/":                "/",
+			"":                   "/rootfile/",
+			"":                      "/",
+			"level2/":              "/level2/2-root/",
+			"level2/":               "/level2/",
+			"/docs/level2/":        "/level2/2-root/",
+			"/docs/level2/":         "/level2/",
+			"level2/level3/":       "/level2/level3/3-root/",
+			"level2/level3/":        "/level2/level3/",
+			"/docs/level2/level3/": "/level2/level3/3-root/",
+			"/docs/level2/level3/":  "/level2/level3/",
+			"/docs/level2/2-root/":          "/level2/2-root/",
+			"/docs/level2/":                 "/level2/",
+			"/docs/level2/2-root":           "/level2/2-root/",
+			"/docs/level2":                  "/level2/",
+			"/level2/2-root/":               "/level2/2-root/",
+			"/level2/":                      "/level2/",
+			"/level2/2-root":                "/level2/2-root/",
+			"/level2":                       "/level2/",
+		}, "": map[string]string{
+			"/docs/":             "/rootfile/",
+			"/docs/":                "/",
+			"":                   "/rootfile/",
+			"":                      "/",
+			"level2/":              "/level2/2-root/",
+			"level2/":               "/level2/",
+			"/docs/level2/":        "/level2/2-root/",
+			"/docs/level2/":         "/level2/",
+			"level2/level3/":       "/level2/level3/3-root/",
+			"level2/level3/":        "/level2/level3/",
+			"/docs/level2/level3/": "/level2/level3/3-root/",
+			"/docs/level2/level3/":  "/level2/level3/",
+		}, "level2/": map[string]string{
+			"../":                "/rootfile/",
+			"../":                   "/",
+			"/docs/":             "/rootfile/",
+			"/docs/":                "/",
+			"":                     "/level2/2-root/",
+			"":                      "/level2/",
+			"../level2/":           "/level2/2-root/",
+			"../level2/":            "/level2/",
+			"./":                   "/level2/2-root/",
+			"./":                    "/level2/",
+			"/docs/level2/":         "/level2/",
+			"/docs/level2/":        "/level2/2-root/",
+			"level3/":              "/level2/level3/3-root/",
+			"level3/":               "/level2/level3/",
+			"../level2/level3/":     "/level2/level3/",
+			"../level2/level3/":    "/level2/level3/3-root/",
+			"/docs/level2/level3/":  "/level2/level3/",
+			"/docs/level2/level3/": "/level2/level3/3-root/",
+		}, "level2/": map[string]string{
+			"../":                "/rootfile/",
+			"../":                   "/",
+			"/docs/":             "/rootfile/",
+			"/docs/":                "/",
+			"":                     "/level2/2-root/",
+			"":                      "/level2/",
+			"../level2/":           "/level2/2-root/",
+			"../level2/":            "/level2/",
+			"./":                   "/level2/2-root/",
+			"./":                    "/level2/",
+			"/docs/level2/":         "/level2/",
+			"/docs/level2/":        "/level2/2-root/",
+			"level3/":              "/level2/level3/3-root/",
+			"level3/":               "/level2/level3/",
+			"../level2/level3/":     "/level2/level3/",
+			"../level2/level3/":    "/level2/level3/3-root/",
+			"/docs/level2/level3/":  "/level2/level3/",
+			"/docs/level2/level3/": "/level2/level3/3-root/",
+		}, "level2/level3/": map[string]string{
+			"../../":      "/rootfile/",
+			"../../":         "/",
+			"/docs/":      "/rootfile/",
+			"/docs/":         "/",
+			"../":           "/level2/2-root/",
+			"../":            "/level2/",
+			"/docs/level2/": "/level2/2-root/",
+			"/docs/level2/":  "/level2/",
+			"":              "/level2/level3/3-root/",
+			"":               "/level2/level3/",
+			"./":            "/level2/level3/3-root/",
+			"./":             "/level2/level3/",
+			//			"../level2/level3/":    "/level2/level3/3-root/",
+			//			"../level2/level3/":     "/level2/level3/",
+			"/docs/level2/level3/": "/level2/level3/3-root/",
+			"/docs/level2/level3/":  "/level2/level3/",
+		}, "level2/level3/": map[string]string{
+			"../../":      "/rootfile/",
+			"../../":         "/",
+			"/docs/":      "/rootfile/",
+			"/docs/":         "/",
+			"../":           "/level2/2-root/",
+			"../":            "/level2/",
+			"/docs/level2/": "/level2/2-root/",
+			"/docs/level2/":  "/level2/",
+			"":              "/level2/level3/3-root/",
+			"":               "/level2/level3/",
+			"./":            "/level2/level3/3-root/",
+			"./":             "/level2/level3/",
+			//			"../level2/level3/":    "/level2/level3/3-root/",
+			//			"../level2/level3/":     "/level2/level3/",
+			"/docs/level2/level3/": "/level2/level3/3-root/",
+			"/docs/level2/level3/":  "/level2/level3/",
+		},
+	}
+	for currentFile, results := range okresults {
+		currentPage := findPage(site, currentFile)
+		if currentPage == nil {
+			t.Fatalf("failed to find current page in site")
+		}
+		for link, url := range results {
+			if out, err := site.Info.githubLink(link, currentPage, true); err != nil || out != url {
+				t.Errorf("Expected %s to resolve to (%s), got (%s) - error: %s", link, url, out, err)
+			} else {
+				//t.Logf("tested ok %s maps to %s", link, out)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// TODO: and then the failure cases.
+	// 			"":           "",
+	// site_test.go:1094: Expected to resolve to (), got () - error: Not a plain filepath link (
+func TestGitHubFileLinking(t *testing.T) {
+	viper.Reset()
+	defer viper.Reset()
+	site := setupLinkingMockSite(t)
+	type resultMap map[string]string
+	okresults := map[string]resultMap{
+		"": map[string]string{
+			"/root-image.png": "/root-image.png",
+			"root-image.png":  "/root-image.png",
+		}, "": map[string]string{
+			"/root-image.png": "/root-image.png",
+		}, "level2/": map[string]string{
+			"/root-image.png": "/root-image.png",
+			"common.png":      "/level2/common.png",
+		}, "level2/": map[string]string{
+			"/root-image.png": "/root-image.png",
+			"common.png":      "/level2/common.png",
+			"./common.png":    "/level2/common.png",
+		}, "level2/level3/": map[string]string{
+			"/root-image.png": "/root-image.png",
+			"common.png":      "/level2/level3/common.png",
+			"../common.png":   "/level2/common.png",
+		}, "level2/level3/": map[string]string{
+			"/root-image.png": "/root-image.png",
+			"common.png":      "/level2/level3/common.png",
+			"../common.png":   "/level2/common.png",
+		},
+	}
+	for currentFile, results := range okresults {
+		currentPage := findPage(site, currentFile)
+		if currentPage == nil {
+			t.Fatalf("failed to find current page in site")
+		}
+		for link, url := range results {
+			if out, err := site.Info.githubFileLink(link, currentPage, false); err != nil || out != url {
+				t.Errorf("Expected %s to resolve to (%s), got (%s) - error: %s", link, url, out, err)
+			} else {
+				//t.Logf("tested ok %s maps to %s", link, out)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	// TODO: and then the failure cases.
+	// 			"":           "",
+	// site_test.go:1094: Expected to resolve to (), got () - error: Not a plain filepath link (