ref: fd20da4b7581eea5c6dd8212441a603c69186543
parent: 4654d76d39d1deae9e30af987b82fe4eb4234d7b
author: David Turner <[email protected]>
date: Sun Jan 18 04:49:07 EST 2004
--- a/src/tools/docmaker/
+++ b/src/tools/docmaker/
@@ -1,547 +1,585 @@
-# this file contains routines used to parse the content of documentation
-# comment block and build a more structured objects out of them
-from sources import *
-from utils import *
-import string, re
-# this regular expresion is used to detect code sequences. these
-# are simply code fragments embedded in '{' and '}' like in:
-# {
-# x = y + z;
-# if ( zookoo == 2 )
-# {
-# foobar();
-# }
-# }
-# note that identation of the starting and ending accolades must be
-# exactly the same. the code sequence can contain accolades at greater
-# indentation
-re_code_start = re.compile( r"(\s*){\s*$" )
-re_code_end = re.compile( r"(\s*)}\s*$" )
-# this regular expression is used to isolate identifiers from
-# other text
-re_identifier = re.compile( r'(\w*)' )
-# The DocCode class is used to store source code lines.
-# 'self.lines' contains a set of source code lines that will be dumped as
-# HTML in a <PRE> tag.
-# The object is filled line by line by the parser; it strips the leading
-# "margin" space from each input line before storing it in 'self.lines'.
-class DocCode:
- def __init__( self, margin, lines ):
- self.lines = []
- self.words = None
- # remove margin spaces
- for l in lines:
- if string.strip( l[:margin] ) == "":
- l = l[margin:]
- self.lines.append( l )
- def dump( self, prefix = "", width=60 ):
- for l in self.lines:
- print prefix + l
-# The DocPara class is used to store "normal" text paragraph.
-# 'self.words' contains the list of words that make up the paragraph
-class DocPara:
- def __init__( self, lines ):
- self.lines = None
- self.words = []
- for l in lines:
- l = string.strip(l)
- self.words.extend( string.split( l ) )
- def dump( self, prefix = "", width = 60 ):
- cur = "" # current line
- col = 0 # current width
- for word in self.words:
- ln = len(word)
- if col > 0:
- ln = ln+1
- if col + ln > width:
- print prefix + cur
- cur = word
- col = len(word)
- else:
- if col > 0:
- cur = cur + " "
- cur = cur + word
- col = col + ln
- if col > 0:
- print prefix + cur
-# The DocField class is used to store a list containing either DocPara or
-# DocCode objects. Each DocField also has an optional "name" which is used
-# when the object corresponds to a field of value definition
-class DocField:
- def __init__( self, name, lines ):
- = name # can be None for normal paragraphs/sources
- self.items = [] # list of items
- mode_none = 0 # start parsing mode
- mode_code = 1 # parsing code sequences
- mode_para = 3 # parsing normal paragraph
- margin = -1 # current code sequence indentation
- cur_lines = []
- # now analyze the markup lines to see if they contain paragraphs,
- # code sequences or fields definitions
- #
- start = 0
- mode = mode_none
- for l in lines:
- # are we parsing a code sequence ?
- if mode == mode_code:
- m = re_code_end.match( l )
- if m and len( <= margin:
- # that's it, we finised the code sequence
- code = DocCode( 0, cur_lines )
- self.items.append( code )
- margin = -1
- cur_lines = []
- mode = mode_none
- else:
- # nope, continue the code sequence
- cur_lines.append( l[margin:] )
- else:
- # start of code sequence ?
- m = re_code_start.match( l )
- if m:
- # save current lines
- if cur_lines:
- para = DocPara( cur_lines )
- self.items.append( para )
- cur_lines = []
- # switch to code extraction mode
- margin = len(
- mode = mode_code
- else:
- if not string.split( l ) and cur_lines:
- # if the line is empty, we end the current paragraph,
- # if any
- para = DocPara( cur_lines )
- self.items.append( para )
- cur_lines = []
- else:
- # otherwise, simply add the line to the current
- # paragraph
- cur_lines.append( l )
- if mode == mode_code:
- # unexpected end of code sequence
- code = DocCode( margin, cur_lines )
- self.items.append( code )
- elif cur_lines:
- para = DocPara( cur_lines )
- self.items.append( para )
- def dump( self, prefix = "" ):
- if self.field:
- print prefix + self.field + " ::"
- prefix = prefix + "----"
- first = 1
- for p in self.items:
- if not first:
- print ""
- p.dump( prefix )
- first = 0
-# this regular expression is used to detect field definitions
-re_field = re.compile( r"\s*(\w*)\s*::" )
-class DocMarkup:
- def __init__( self, tag, lines ):
- self.tag = string.lower(tag)
- self.fields = []
- cur_lines = []
- field = None
- mode = 0
- for l in lines:
- m = re_field.match( l )
- if m:
- # we detected the start of a new field definition
- # first, save the current one
- if cur_lines:
- f = DocField( field, cur_lines )
- self.fields.append( f )
- cur_lines = []
- field = None
- field = # record field name
- ln = len(
- l = " "*ln + l[ln:]
- cur_lines = [ l ]
- else:
- cur_lines.append( l )
- if field or cur_lines:
- f = DocField( field, cur_lines )
- self.fields.append( f )
- def get_name( self ):
- try:
- return self.fields[0].items[0].words[0]
- except:
- return None
- def dump( self, margin ):
- print " "*margin + "<" + self.tag + ">"
- for f in self.fields:
- f.dump( " " )
- print " "*margin + "</" + self.tag + ">"
-class DocChapter:
- def __init__( self, block ):
- self.block = block
- self.sections = []
- if block:
- =
- self.title = block.get_markup_words( "title" )
- self.order = block.get_markup_words( "sections" )
- else:
- = "Other"
- self.title = string.split( "Miscellaneous" )
- self.order = []
-class DocSection:
- def __init__( self, name = "Other" ):
- = name
- self.blocks = {}
- self.block_names = [] # ordered block names in section
- self.defs = []
- self.abstract = ""
- self.description = ""
- self.order = []
- self.title = "ERROR"
- self.chapter = None
- def add_def( self, block ):
- self.defs.append( block )
- def add_block( self, block ):
- self.block_names.append( )
- self.blocks[ ] = block
- def process( self ):
- # lookup one block that contains a valid section description
- for block in self.defs:
- title = block.get_markup_text( "Title" )
- if title:
- self.title = title
- self.abstract = block.get_markup_words( "abstract" )
- self.description = block.get_markup_items( "description" )
- self.order = block.get_markup_words( "order" )
- return
- def reorder( self ):
- self.block_names = sort_order_list( self.block_names, self.order )
-class ContentProcessor:
- def __init__( self ):
- """initialize a block content processor"""
- self.reset()
- self.sections = {} # dictionary of documentation sections
- self.section = None # current documentation section
- self.chapters = [] # list of chapters
- def set_section( self, section_name ):
- """set current section during parsing"""
- if not self.sections.has_key( section_name ):
- section = DocSection( section_name )
- self.sections[ section_name ] = section
- self.section = section
- else:
- self.section = self.sections[ section_name ]
- def add_chapter( self, block ):
- chapter = DocChapter( block )
- self.chapters.append( chapter )
- def reset( self ):
- """reset the content processor for a new block"""
- self.markups = []
- self.markup = None
- self.markup_lines = []
- def add_markup( self ):
- """add a new markup section"""
- if self.markup and self.markup_lines:
- # get rid of last line of markup if it's empty
- marks = self.markup_lines
- if len(marks) > 0 and not string.strip(marks[-1]):
- self.markup_lines = marks[:-1]
- m = DocMarkup( self.markup, self.markup_lines )
- self.markups.append( m )
- self.markup = None
- self.markup_lines = []
- def process_content( self, content ):
- """process a block content and return a list of DocMarkup objects
- corresponding to it"""
- markup = None
- markup_lines = []
- first = 1
- for line in content:
- found = None
- for t in re_markup_tags:
- m = t.match( line )
- if m:
- found = string.lower(
- prefix = len(
- line = " "*prefix + line[prefix:] # remove markup from line
- break
- # is it the start of a new markup section ?
- if found:
- first = 0
- self.add_markup() # add current markup content
- self.markup = found
- if len(string.strip( line )) > 0:
- self.markup_lines.append( line )
- elif first == 0:
- self.markup_lines.append( line )
- self.add_markup()
- return self.markups
- def parse_sources( self, source_processor ):
- blocks = source_processor.blocks
- count = len(blocks)
- for n in range(count):
- source = blocks[n]
- if source.content:
- # this is a documentation comment, we need to catch
- # all following normal blocks in the "follow" list
- #
- follow = []
- m = n+1
- while m < count and not blocks[m].content:
- follow.append( blocks[m] )
- m = m+1
- doc_block = DocBlock( source, follow, self )
- def finish( self ):
- # process all sections to extract their abstract, description
- # and ordered list of items
- #
- for sec in self.sections.values():
- sec.process()
- # process chapters to check that all sections are correctly
- # listed there
- for chap in self.chapters:
- for sec in chap.order:
- if self.sections.has_key(sec):
- section = self.sections[ sec ]
- section.chapter = chap
- section.reorder()
- chap.sections.append( section )
- else:
- sys.stderr.write( "WARNING: chapter '" +
- + "' in " + chap.block.location() + \
- " lists unknown section '" + sec + "'\n" )
- # check that all sections are in a chapter
- #
- others = []
- for sec in self.sections.values():
- if not sec.chapter:
- others.append(sec)
- # create a new special chapter for all remaining sections
- # when necessary
- #
- if others:
- chap = DocChapter( None )
- chap.sections = others
- self.chapters.append( chap )
-class DocBlock:
- def __init__( self, source, follow, processor ):
- processor.reset()
- self.source = source
- self.code = []
- self.type = "ERRTYPE"
- self.section = processor.section
- self.markups = processor.process_content( source.content )
- # compute block type from first markup tag
- try:
- self.type = self.markups[0].tag
- except:
- pass
- # compute block name from first markup paragraph
- try:
- markup = self.markups[0]
- para = markup.fields[0].items[0]
- name = para.words[0]
- m = re_identifier.match( name )
- if m:
- name =
- = name
- except:
- pass
- # detect new section starts
- if self.type == "section":
- processor.set_section( )
- processor.section.add_def( self )
- # detect new chapter
- elif self.type == "chapter":
- processor.add_chapter( self )
- else:
- processor.section.add_block( self )
- # now, compute the source lines relevant to this documentation
- # block. We keep normal comments in for obvious reasons (??)
- source = []
- for b in follow:
- if b.format:
- break
- for l in b.lines:
- # we use "/* */" as a separator
- if re_source_sep.match( l ):
- break
- source.append( l )
- # now strip the leading and trailing empty lines from the sources
- start = 0
- end = len( source )-1
- while start < end and not string.strip( source[start] ):
- start = start + 1
- while start < end and not string.strip( source[end] ):
- end = end - 1
- source = source[start:end+1]
- self.code = source
- def location( self ):
- return self.source.location()
- def get_markup( self, tag_name ):
- """return the DocMarkup corresponding to a given tag in a block"""
- for m in self.markups:
- if m.tag == string.lower(tag_name):
- return m
- return None
- def get_markup_name( self, tag_name ):
- """return the name of a given primary markup in a block"""
- try:
- m = self.get_markup( tag_name )
- return m.get_name()
- except:
- return None
- def get_markup_words( self, tag_name ):
- try:
- m = self.get_markup( tag_name )
- return m.fields[0].items[0].words
- except:
- return []
- def get_markup_text( self, tag_name ):
- result = self.get_markup_words( tag_name )
- return string.join( result )
- def get_markup_items( self, tag_name ):
- try:
- m = self.get_markup( tag_name )
- return m.fields[0].items
- except:
+# this file contains routines used to parse the content of documentation
+# comment block and build a more structured objects out of them
+from sources import *
+from utils import *
+import string, re
+# this regular expresion is used to detect code sequences. these
+# are simply code fragments embedded in '{' and '}' like in:
+# {
+# x = y + z;
+# if ( zookoo == 2 )
+# {
+# foobar();
+# }
+# }
+# note that identation of the starting and ending accolades must be
+# exactly the same. the code sequence can contain accolades at greater
+# indentation
+re_code_start = re.compile( r"(\s*){\s*$" )
+re_code_end = re.compile( r"(\s*)}\s*$" )
+# this regular expression is used to isolate identifiers from
+# other text
+re_identifier = re.compile( r'(\w*)' )
+# The DocCode class is used to store source code lines.
+# 'self.lines' contains a set of source code lines that will be dumped as
+# HTML in a <PRE> tag.
+# The object is filled line by line by the parser; it strips the leading
+# "margin" space from each input line before storing it in 'self.lines'.
+class DocCode:
+ def __init__( self, margin, lines ):
+ self.lines = []
+ self.words = None
+ # remove margin spaces
+ for l in lines:
+ if string.strip( l[:margin] ) == "":
+ l = l[margin:]
+ self.lines.append( l )
+ def dump( self, prefix = "", width=60 ):
+ lines = self.dump_lines( 0, width )
+ for l in lines:
+ print prefix + l
+ def dump_lines( self, margin=0, width=60 ):
+ result = []
+ for l in self.lines:
+ result.append( " "*margin + l )
+ return result
+# The DocPara class is used to store "normal" text paragraph.
+# 'self.words' contains the list of words that make up the paragraph
+class DocPara:
+ def __init__( self, lines ):
+ self.lines = None
+ self.words = []
+ for l in lines:
+ l = string.strip(l)
+ self.words.extend( string.split( l ) )
+ def dump( self, prefix = "", width = 60 ):
+ lines = self.dump_lines( 0, width )
+ for l in lines:
+ print prefix + l
+ def dump_lines( self, margin=0, width = 60 ):
+ cur = "" # current line
+ col = 0 # current width
+ result = []
+ for word in self.words:
+ ln = len(word)
+ if col > 0:
+ ln = ln+1
+ if col + ln > width:
+ result.append( " "*margin + cur )
+ cur = word
+ col = len(word)
+ else:
+ if col > 0:
+ cur = cur + " "
+ cur = cur + word
+ col = col + ln
+ if col > 0:
+ result.append( " "*margin + cur )
+ return result
+# The DocField class is used to store a list containing either DocPara or
+# DocCode objects. Each DocField also has an optional "name" which is used
+# when the object corresponds to a field of value definition
+class DocField:
+ def __init__( self, name, lines ):
+ = name # can be None for normal paragraphs/sources
+ self.items = [] # list of items
+ mode_none = 0 # start parsing mode
+ mode_code = 1 # parsing code sequences
+ mode_para = 3 # parsing normal paragraph
+ margin = -1 # current code sequence indentation
+ cur_lines = []
+ # now analyze the markup lines to see if they contain paragraphs,
+ # code sequences or fields definitions
+ #
+ start = 0
+ mode = mode_none
+ for l in lines:
+ # are we parsing a code sequence ?
+ if mode == mode_code:
+ m = re_code_end.match( l )
+ if m and len( <= margin:
+ # that's it, we finised the code sequence
+ code = DocCode( 0, cur_lines )
+ self.items.append( code )
+ margin = -1
+ cur_lines = []
+ mode = mode_none
+ else:
+ # nope, continue the code sequence
+ cur_lines.append( l[margin:] )
+ else:
+ # start of code sequence ?
+ m = re_code_start.match( l )
+ if m:
+ # save current lines
+ if cur_lines:
+ para = DocPara( cur_lines )
+ self.items.append( para )
+ cur_lines = []
+ # switch to code extraction mode
+ margin = len(
+ mode = mode_code
+ else:
+ if not string.split( l ) and cur_lines:
+ # if the line is empty, we end the current paragraph,
+ # if any
+ para = DocPara( cur_lines )
+ self.items.append( para )
+ cur_lines = []
+ else:
+ # otherwise, simply add the line to the current
+ # paragraph
+ cur_lines.append( l )
+ if mode == mode_code:
+ # unexpected end of code sequence
+ code = DocCode( margin, cur_lines )
+ self.items.append( code )
+ elif cur_lines:
+ para = DocPara( cur_lines )
+ self.items.append( para )
+ def dump( self, prefix = "" ):
+ if self.field:
+ print prefix + self.field + " ::"
+ prefix = prefix + "----"
+ first = 1
+ for p in self.items:
+ if not first:
+ print ""
+ p.dump( prefix )
+ first = 0
+ def dump_lines( self, margin=0, width=60 ):
+ result = []
+ nl = None
+ for p in self.items:
+ if nl:
+ result.append( "" )
+ result.extend( p.dump_lines( margin, width ) )
+ nl = 1
+ return result
+# this regular expression is used to detect field definitions
+re_field = re.compile( r"\s*(\w*)\s*::" )
+class DocMarkup:
+ def __init__( self, tag, lines ):
+ self.tag = string.lower(tag)
+ self.fields = []
+ cur_lines = []
+ field = None
+ mode = 0
+ for l in lines:
+ m = re_field.match( l )
+ if m:
+ # we detected the start of a new field definition
+ # first, save the current one
+ if cur_lines:
+ f = DocField( field, cur_lines )
+ self.fields.append( f )
+ cur_lines = []
+ field = None
+ field = # record field name
+ ln = len(
+ l = " "*ln + l[ln:]
+ cur_lines = [ l ]
+ else:
+ cur_lines.append( l )
+ if field or cur_lines:
+ f = DocField( field, cur_lines )
+ self.fields.append( f )
+ def get_name( self ):
+ try:
+ return self.fields[0].items[0].words[0]
+ except:
+ return None
+ def get_start( self ):
+ try:
+ result = ""
+ for word in self.fields[0].items[0].words:
+ result = result + " " + word
+ return result[1:]
+ except:
+ return "ERROR"
+ def dump( self, margin ):
+ print " "*margin + "<" + self.tag + ">"
+ for f in self.fields:
+ f.dump( " " )
+ print " "*margin + "</" + self.tag + ">"
+class DocChapter:
+ def __init__( self, block ):
+ self.block = block
+ self.sections = []
+ if block:
+ =
+ self.title = block.get_markup_words( "title" )
+ self.order = block.get_markup_words( "sections" )
+ else:
+ = "Other"
+ self.title = string.split( "Miscellaneous" )
+ self.order = []
+class DocSection:
+ def __init__( self, name = "Other" ):
+ = name
+ self.blocks = {}
+ self.block_names = [] # ordered block names in section
+ self.defs = []
+ self.abstract = ""
+ self.description = ""
+ self.order = []
+ self.title = "ERROR"
+ self.chapter = None
+ def add_def( self, block ):
+ self.defs.append( block )
+ def add_block( self, block ):
+ self.block_names.append( )
+ self.blocks[ ] = block
+ def process( self ):
+ # lookup one block that contains a valid section description
+ for block in self.defs:
+ title = block.get_markup_text( "Title" )
+ if title:
+ self.title = title
+ self.abstract = block.get_markup_words( "abstract" )
+ self.description = block.get_markup_items( "description" )
+ self.order = block.get_markup_words( "order" )
+ return
+ def reorder( self ):
+ self.block_names = sort_order_list( self.block_names, self.order )
+class ContentProcessor:
+ def __init__( self ):
+ """initialize a block content processor"""
+ self.reset()
+ self.sections = {} # dictionary of documentation sections
+ self.section = None # current documentation section
+ self.chapters = [] # list of chapters
+ def set_section( self, section_name ):
+ """set current section during parsing"""
+ if not self.sections.has_key( section_name ):
+ section = DocSection( section_name )
+ self.sections[ section_name ] = section
+ self.section = section
+ else:
+ self.section = self.sections[ section_name ]
+ def add_chapter( self, block ):
+ chapter = DocChapter( block )
+ self.chapters.append( chapter )
+ def reset( self ):
+ """reset the content processor for a new block"""
+ self.markups = []
+ self.markup = None
+ self.markup_lines = []
+ def add_markup( self ):
+ """add a new markup section"""
+ if self.markup and self.markup_lines:
+ # get rid of last line of markup if it's empty
+ marks = self.markup_lines
+ if len(marks) > 0 and not string.strip(marks[-1]):
+ self.markup_lines = marks[:-1]
+ m = DocMarkup( self.markup, self.markup_lines )
+ self.markups.append( m )
+ self.markup = None
+ self.markup_lines = []
+ def process_content( self, content ):
+ """process a block content and return a list of DocMarkup objects
+ corresponding to it"""
+ markup = None
+ markup_lines = []
+ first = 1
+ for line in content:
+ found = None
+ for t in re_markup_tags:
+ m = t.match( line )
+ if m:
+ found = string.lower(
+ prefix = len(
+ line = " "*prefix + line[prefix:] # remove markup from line
+ break
+ # is it the start of a new markup section ?
+ if found:
+ first = 0
+ self.add_markup() # add current markup content
+ self.markup = found
+ if len(string.strip( line )) > 0:
+ self.markup_lines.append( line )
+ elif first == 0:
+ self.markup_lines.append( line )
+ self.add_markup()
+ return self.markups
+ def parse_sources( self, source_processor ):
+ blocks = source_processor.blocks
+ count = len(blocks)
+ for n in range(count):
+ source = blocks[n]
+ if source.content:
+ # this is a documentation comment, we need to catch
+ # all following normal blocks in the "follow" list
+ #
+ follow = []
+ m = n+1
+ while m < count and not blocks[m].content:
+ follow.append( blocks[m] )
+ m = m+1
+ doc_block = DocBlock( source, follow, self )
+ def finish( self ):
+ # process all sections to extract their abstract, description
+ # and ordered list of items
+ #
+ for sec in self.sections.values():
+ sec.process()
+ # process chapters to check that all sections are correctly
+ # listed there
+ for chap in self.chapters:
+ for sec in chap.order:
+ if self.sections.has_key(sec):
+ section = self.sections[ sec ]
+ section.chapter = chap
+ section.reorder()
+ chap.sections.append( section )
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write( "WARNING: chapter '" +
+ + "' in " + chap.block.location() + \
+ " lists unknown section '" + sec + "'\n" )
+ # check that all sections are in a chapter
+ #
+ others = []
+ for sec in self.sections.values():
+ if not sec.chapter:
+ others.append(sec)
+ # create a new special chapter for all remaining sections
+ # when necessary
+ #
+ if others:
+ chap = DocChapter( None )
+ chap.sections = others
+ self.chapters.append( chap )
+class DocBlock:
+ def __init__( self, source, follow, processor ):
+ processor.reset()
+ self.source = source
+ self.code = []
+ self.type = "ERRTYPE"
+ self.section = processor.section
+ self.markups = processor.process_content( source.content )
+ # compute block type from first markup tag
+ try:
+ self.type = self.markups[0].tag
+ except:
+ pass
+ # compute block name from first markup paragraph
+ try:
+ markup = self.markups[0]
+ para = markup.fields[0].items[0]
+ name = para.words[0]
+ m = re_identifier.match( name )
+ if m:
+ name =
+ = name
+ except:
+ pass
+ # detect new section starts
+ if self.type == "section":
+ processor.set_section( )
+ processor.section.add_def( self )
+ # detect new chapter
+ elif self.type == "chapter":
+ processor.add_chapter( self )
+ else:
+ processor.section.add_block( self )
+ # now, compute the source lines relevant to this documentation
+ # block. We keep normal comments in for obvious reasons (??)
+ source = []
+ for b in follow:
+ if b.format:
+ break
+ for l in b.lines:
+ # we use "/* */" as a separator
+ if re_source_sep.match( l ):
+ break
+ source.append( l )
+ # now strip the leading and trailing empty lines from the sources
+ start = 0
+ end = len( source )-1
+ while start < end and not string.strip( source[start] ):
+ start = start + 1
+ while start < end and not string.strip( source[end] ):
+ end = end - 1
+ source = source[start:end+1]
+ self.code = source
+ def location( self ):
+ return self.source.location()
+ def get_markup( self, tag_name ):
+ """return the DocMarkup corresponding to a given tag in a block"""
+ for m in self.markups:
+ if m.tag == string.lower(tag_name):
+ return m
+ return None
+ def get_markup_name( self, tag_name ):
+ """return the name of a given primary markup in a block"""
+ try:
+ m = self.get_markup( tag_name )
+ return m.get_name()
+ except:
+ return None
+ def get_markup_words( self, tag_name ):
+ try:
+ m = self.get_markup( tag_name )
+ return m.fields[0].items[0].words
+ except:
+ return []
+ def get_markup_text( self, tag_name ):
+ result = self.get_markup_words( tag_name )
+ return string.join( result )
+ def get_markup_items( self, tag_name ):
+ try:
+ m = self.get_markup( tag_name )
+ return m.fields[0].items
+ except:
return None
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/tools/docmaker/
+++ b/src/tools/docmaker/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# DocBeauty 0.1 (c) 2003 David Turner <[email protected]>
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# DocBeauty 0.1 (c) 2003 David Turner <[email protected]>
# This program is used to beautify the documentation comments used
# in the FreeType 2 public headers.
@@ -8,80 +8,90 @@
# For now, it basically converts all document blocks to a single
# format. It should be able to re-justify all text later in the
# future..
-from sources import *
-from utils import *
-import utils
-import sys, os, time, string, getopt
+from sources import *
+from content import *
+from utils import *
+import utils
+import sys, os, time, string, getopt
+content_processor = ContentProcessor()
def beautify_block( block ):
if block.content:
- # convert all <XXXXX> tags to @XXXXX:
+ content_processor.reset()
+ markups = content_processor.process_content( block.content )
+ text = []
+ first = 1
+ for markup in markups:
+ text.extend( markup.beautify( first ) )
+ first = 0
# now beautify the documentation "borders" themselves
lines = [ " /*************************************************************************" ]
- for l in block.content:
+ for l in text:
lines.append( " *" + l )
lines.append( " */" )
block.lines = lines
-def usage():
- print "\nDocBeauty 0.1 Usage information\n"
- print " docbeauty [options] file1 [ file2 ... ]\n"
- print "using the following options:\n"
- print " -h : print this page"
- print " -b : backup original files with the 'orig' extension"
- print ""
- print " --backup : same as -b"
-def main( argv ):
- """main program loop"""
- global output_dir
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:],
- "hb",
- [ "help", "backup" ] )
- except getopt.GetoptError:
- usage()
- sys.exit( 2 )
- if args == []:
- usage()
- sys.exit( 1 )
- # process options
- #
- output_dir = None
+def usage():
+ print "\nDocBeauty 0.1 Usage information\n"
+ print " docbeauty [options] file1 [ file2 ... ]\n"
+ print "using the following options:\n"
+ print " -h : print this page"
+ print " -b : backup original files with the 'orig' extension"
+ print ""
+ print " --backup : same as -b"
+def main( argv ):
+ """main program loop"""
+ global output_dir
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:],
+ "hb",
+ [ "help", "backup" ] )
+ except getopt.GetoptError:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit( 2 )
+ if args == []:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit( 1 )
+ # process options
+ #
+ output_dir = None
do_backup = None
- for opt in opts:
- if opt[0] in ( "-h", "--help" ):
- usage()
- sys.exit( 0 )
- if opt[0] in ( "-b", "--backup" ):
- do_backup = 1
- # create context and processor
- source_processor = SourceProcessor()
- # retrieve the list of files to process
- file_list = make_file_list( args )
- for filename in file_list:
- source_processor.parse_file( filename )
+ for opt in opts:
+ if opt[0] in ( "-h", "--help" ):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit( 0 )
+ if opt[0] in ( "-b", "--backup" ):
+ do_backup = 1
+ # create context and processor
+ source_processor = SourceProcessor()
+ # retrieve the list of files to process
+ file_list = make_file_list( args )
+ for filename in file_list:
+ source_processor.parse_file( filename )
for block in source_processor.blocks:
- beautify_block( block )
+ beautify_block( block )
new_name = filename + ".new"
ok = None
@@ -93,11 +103,11 @@
ok = 0
-# if called from the command line
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main( sys.argv )
-# eof
+# if called from the command line
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main( sys.argv )
+# eof