shithub: freetype+ttf2subf

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ref: f78ca0dbb956fbd736698886522a344acfd50a91
parent: 7f49111f81ac6082dbe5cee9e1147306bba4f27e
author: Alexei Podtelezhnikov <[email protected]>
date: Tue Sep 30 18:53:38 EDT 2014

Remove commented out code.

git/fs: mount .git/fs: mount/attach disallowed
--- a/src/base/ftcalc.c
+++ b/src/base/ftcalc.c
@@ -604,127 +604,6 @@
-#if 0
-  /* documentation is in ftcalc.h */
-  FT_EXPORT_DEF( void )
-  FT_MulTo64( FT_Int32   x,
-              FT_Int32   y,
-              FT_Int64  *z )
-  {
-    FT_Int32  s;
-    s  = x; x = FT_ABS( x );
-    s ^= y; y = FT_ABS( y );
-    ft_multo64( x, y, z );
-    if ( s < 0 )
-    {
-      z->lo = (FT_UInt32)-(FT_Int32)z->lo;
-      z->hi = ~z->hi + !( z->lo );
-    }
-  }
-  /* apparently, the second version of this code is not compiled correctly */
-  /* on Mac machines with the MPW C compiler..  tsk, tsk, tsk...           */
-#if 1
-  FT_EXPORT_DEF( FT_Int32 )
-  FT_Div64by32( FT_Int64*  x,
-                FT_Int32   y )
-  {
-    FT_Int32   s;
-    FT_UInt32  q, r, i, lo;
-    s  = x->hi;
-    if ( s < 0 )
-    {
-      x->lo = (FT_UInt32)-(FT_Int32)x->lo;
-      x->hi = ~x->hi + !x->lo;
-    }
-    s ^= y;  y = FT_ABS( y );
-    /* Shortcut */
-    if ( x->hi == 0 )
-    {
-      if ( y > 0 )
-        q = x->lo / y;
-      else
-        q = 0x7FFFFFFFL;
-      return ( s < 0 ? -(FT_Int32)q : (FT_Int32)q );
-    }
-    r  = x->hi;
-    lo = x->lo;
-    if ( r >= (FT_UInt32)y ) /* we know y is to be treated as unsigned here */
-      return ( s < 0 ? 0x80000001UL : 0x7FFFFFFFUL );
-                             /* Return Max/Min Int32 if division overflow. */
-                             /* This includes division by zero!            */
-    q = 0;
-    for ( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
-    {
-      r <<= 1;
-      q <<= 1;
-      r  |= lo >> 31;
-      if ( r >= (FT_UInt32)y )
-      {
-        r -= y;
-        q |= 1;
-      }
-      lo <<= 1;
-    }
-    return ( s < 0 ? -(FT_Int32)q : (FT_Int32)q );
-  }
-#else /* 0 */
-  FT_EXPORT_DEF( FT_Int32 )
-  FT_Div64by32( FT_Int64*  x,
-                FT_Int32   y )
-  {
-    FT_Int32   s;
-    FT_UInt32  q;
-    s  = x->hi;
-    if ( s < 0 )
-    {
-      x->lo = (FT_UInt32)-(FT_Int32)x->lo;
-      x->hi = ~x->hi + !x->lo;
-    }
-    s ^= y;  y = FT_ABS( y );
-    /* Shortcut */
-    if ( x->hi == 0 )
-    {
-      if ( y > 0 )
-        q = ( x->lo + ( y >> 1 ) ) / y;
-      else
-        q = 0x7FFFFFFFL;
-      return ( s < 0 ? -(FT_Int32)q : (FT_Int32)q );
-    }
-    q = ft_div64by32( x->hi, x->lo, y );
-    return ( s < 0 ? -(FT_Int32)q : (FT_Int32)q );
-  }
-#endif /* 0 */
-#endif /* 0 */
 #endif /* FT_LONG64 */