shithub: freetype+ttf2subf

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ref: c12ec72c2fb3cf14a546759ea9c74401bc4abd45
parent: 7246d9d3af761077f393447d99a52a34c6cc98c5
author: David Turner <[email protected]>
date: Thu Jun 10 17:30:08 EDT 2004

removing obsolete files

git/fs: mount .git/fs: mount/attach disallowed
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2004-06-10  David Turner  <[email protected]>
+        * src/base/ftobject.c, src/base/fthash.c, src/base/ftexcept.c,
+        src/base/ftsysio.c, src/base/ftsysmem.c, src/base/ftlist.c:
+        removing obsolete files
 2004-06-08  David Turner  <[email protected]>
 	* include/freetype/freetype.h (FT_Glyph_Metrics, FT_GlyphSlotRec),
--- a/src/base/ftexcept.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +1,0 @@
-#include <ft2build.h>
-#include FT_EXCEPT_H
-  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
-  ft_cleanup_stack_init( FT_CleanupStack  stack,
-                         FT_Memory        memory )
-  {
-    stack->chunk = &stack->chunk_0;
-    stack->top   = stack->chunk->items;
-    stack->limit = stack->top + FT_CLEANUP_CHUNK_SIZE;
-    stack-> = NULL;
-    stack->memory = memory;
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
-  ft_cleanup_stack_done( FT_CleanupStack  stack )
-  {
-    FT_Memory        memory = stack->memory;
-    FT_CleanupChunk  chunk, next;
-    for (;;)
-    {
-      chunk = stack->chunk;
-      if ( chunk == &stack->chunk_0 )
-        break;
-      stack->chunk = chunk->link;
-      FT_Free( chunk, memory );
-    }
-    stack->memory = NULL;
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
-  ft_cleanup_stack_push( FT_CleanupStack  stack,
-                         FT_Pointer       item,
-                         FT_CleanupFunc   item_func,
-                         FT_Pointer       item_data )
-  {
-    FT_CleanupItem  top;
-    FT_ASSERT( stack && stack->chunk && stack->top );
-    FT_ASSERT( item  && item_func );
-    top = stack->top;
-    top->item      = item;
-    top->item_func = item_func;
-    top->item_data = item_data;
-    top ++;
-    if ( top == stack->limit )
-    {
-      FT_CleanupChunk  chunk;
-      chunk = FT_QAlloc( sizeof(*chunk), stack->memory );
-      chunk->link  = stack->chunk;
-      stack->chunk = chunk;
-      stack->limit = chunk->items + FT_CLEANUP_CHUNK_SIZE;
-      top          = chunk->items;
-    }
-    stack->top = top;
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
-  ft_cleanup_stack_pop( FT_CleanupStack   stack,
-                        FT_Int            destroy )
-  {
-    FT_CleanupItem  top;
-    FT_ASSERT( stack && stack->chunk && stack->top );
-    top = stack->top;
-    if ( top == stack->chunk->items )
-    {
-      FT_CleanupChunk  chunk;
-      chunk = stack->chunk;
-      if ( chunk == &stack->chunk_0 )
-      {
-        FT_ERROR(( "cleanup.pop: empty cleanup stack !!\n" ));
-        ft_cleanup_throw( stack, FT_Err_EmptyCleanupStack );
-      }
-      chunk = chunk->link;
-      FT_QFree( stack->chunk, stack->memory );
-      stack->chunk = chunk;
-      stack->limit = chunk->items + FT_CLEANUP_CHUNK_SIZE;
-      top          = stack->limit;
-    }
-    top --;
-    if ( destroy )
-      top->item_func( top->item, top->item_data );
-    top->item      = NULL;
-    top->item_func = NULL;
-    top->item_data = NULL;
-    stack->top = top;
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_CleanupItem )
-  ft_cleanup_stack_peek( FT_CleanupStack  stack )
-  {
-    FT_CleanupItem   top;
-    FT_CleanupChunk  chunk;
-    FT_ASSERT( stack && stack->chunk && stack->top );
-    top   = stack->top;
-    chunk = stack->chunk;
-    if ( top > chunk->items )
-      top--;
-    else
-    {
-      chunk = chunk->link;
-      top   = NULL;
-      if ( chunk != NULL )
-        top = chunk->items + FT_CLEANUP_CHUNK_SIZE - 1;
-    }
-    return top;
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
-  ft_xhandler_enter( FT_XHandler  xhandler,
-                     FT_Memory    memory )
-  {
-    FT_CleanupStack  stack = FT_MEMORY__CLEANUP(memory);
-    xhandler->previous = stack->xhandler;
-    xhandler->cleanup  = stack->top;
-    xhandler->error    = 0;
-    stack->xhandler    = xhandler;
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
-  ft_xhandler_exit( FT_XHandler  xhandler )
-  {
-    FT_CleanupStack  stack = FT_MEMORY__CLEANUP(memory);
-    stack->xhandler    = xhandler->previous;
-    xhandler->previous = NULL;
-    xhandler->error    = error;
-    xhandler->cleanup  = NULL;
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
-  ft_cleanup_throw( FT_CleanupStack  stack,
-                    FT_Error         error )
-  {
-    FT_XHandler  xhandler = stack->xhandler;
-    if ( xhandler == NULL )
-    {
-      /* no exception handler was registered. this  */
-      /* means that we have an un-handled exception */
-      /* the only thing we can do is _PANIC_ and    */
-      /* halt the current program..                 */
-      /*                                            */
-      FT_ERROR(( "FREETYPE PANIC: An un-handled exception occured. Program aborted" ));
-      ft_exit(1);
-    }
-    /* cleanup the stack until we reach the handler's */
-    /* starting stack location..                      */
-    xhandler->error = error;
-    longmp( xhandler->jump_buffer, 1 );
-  }                    
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/src/base/fthash.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +1,0 @@
-#include <ft2build.h>
-#include FT_TYPES_H
-#define  FT_HASH_MAX_LOAD  2
-#define  FT_HASH_MIN_LOAD  1
-/* this one _must_ be a power of 2 !! */
-  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
-  ft_hash_done( FT_Hash              table,
-                FT_Hash_ForeachFunc  node_func,
-                const FT_Pointer     node_data )
-  {
-    if ( table )
-    {
-      FT_Memory  memory = table->memory;
-      if ( node_func )
-        ft_hash_foreach( table, node_func, node_data );
-      FT_FREE( table->buckets );
-      table->p     = 0;
-      table->mask  = 0;
-      table->slack = 0;
-      table->node_equal = NULL;
-    }
-  }
-  ft_hash_get_size( FT_Hash  table )
-  {
-    FT_UInt  result = 0;
-    if ( table )
-      result = (table->p + table->mask + 1)*FT_HASH_MAX_LOAD - table->slack;
-    return result;
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Error )
-  ft_hash_init( FT_Hash            table,
-                FT_Hash_EqualFunc  equal,
-                FT_Memory          memory )
-  {
-    FT_Error  error;
-    table->memory     = memory;
-    table->p          = 0;
-    table->mask       = FT_HASH_INITIAL_SIZE-1;
-    table->slack      = FT_HASH_INITIAL_SIZE*FT_HASH_MAX_LOAD;
-    table->node_equal = equal;
-    (void)FT_NEW_ARRAY( table->buckets, FT_HASH_INITIAL_SIZE*2 );
-    return error;
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
-  ft_hash_foreach( FT_Hash              table,
-                   FT_Hash_ForeachFunc  foreach_func,
-                   const FT_Pointer     foreach_data )
-  {
-    FT_UInt       count = table->p + table->mask + 1;
-    FT_HashNode*  pnode = table->buckets;
-    FT_HashNode   node, next;
-    for ( ; count > 0; count--, pnode++ )
-    {
-      node = *pnode;
-      while ( node )
-      {
-        next = node->link;
-        foreach_func( node, foreach_data );
-        node = next;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_HashLookup )
-  ft_hash_lookup( FT_Hash      table,
-                  FT_HashNode  keynode )
-  {
-    FT_UInt       index;
-    FT_UInt32     hash = keynode->hash;
-    FT_HashNode   node, *pnode;
-    index = (FT_UInt)(hash & table->mask);
-    if ( index < table->p )
-      index = (FT_UInt)(hash & (2*table->mask+1));
-    pnode = &table->buckets[index];
-    for (;;)
-    {
-      node = *pnode;
-      if ( node == NULL )
-        break;
-      if ( node->hash == hash && table->node_equal( node, keynode ) )
-        break;
-      pnode = &node->link;
-    }
-    return pnode;
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Error )
-  ft_hash_add( FT_Hash        table,
-               FT_HashLookup  lookup,
-               FT_HashNode    new_node )
-  {
-    FT_Error     error = 0;
-    /* add it to the hash table */
-    new_node->link = *lookup;
-    *lookup        = new_node;
-    if ( --table->slack < 0 )
-    {
-      FT_UInt       p     = table->p;
-      FT_UInt       mask  = table->mask;
-      FT_HashNode   new_list, node, *pnode;
-      /* split a single bucket */
-      new_list = NULL;
-      pnode    = table->buckets + p;
-      for (;;)
-      {
-        node = *pnode;
-        if ( node == NULL )
-          break;
-        if ( node->hash & mask )
-        {
-          *pnode     = node->link;
-          node->link = new_list;
-          new_list   = node;
-        }
-        else
-          pnode = &node->link;
-      }
-      table->buckets[ p + mask + 1 ] = new_list;
-      table->slack += FT_HASH_MAX_LOAD;
-      if ( p >= mask )
-      {
-        FT_Memory  memory = table->memory;
-        if (FT_RENEW_ARRAY( table->buckets, (mask+1)*2, (mask+1)*4 ))
-          goto Exit;
-        table->mask = 2*mask + 1;
-        table->p    = 0;
-      }
-      else
-        table->p = p + 1;
-    }
-  Exit:
-    return error;
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Error )
-  ft_hash_remove( FT_Hash        table,
-                  FT_HashLookup  lookup )
-  {
-    FT_HashNode  node;
-    FT_UInt      num_buckets;
-    FT_Error     error = 0;
-    FT_ASSERT( pnode != NULL && node != NULL );
-    node       = *lookup;
-    *lookup    = node->link;
-    node->link = NULL;
-    num_buckets = ( table->p + table->mask + 1) ;
-    if ( ++ table->slack > (FT_Long)num_buckets*FT_HASH_SUB_LOAD )
-    {
-      FT_UInt       p         = table->p;
-      FT_UInt       mask      = table->mask;
-      FT_UInt       old_index = p + mask;
-      FT_HashNode*  pnode;
-      FT_HashNode*  pold;
-      if ( old_index < FT_HASH_INITIAL_SIZE )
-        goto Exit;
-      if ( p == 0 )
-      {
-        FT_Memory  memory = table->memory;
-        table->mask >>= 1;
-        p             = table->mask;
-        if ( FT_RENEW_ARRAY( table->buckets, (mask+1)*2, (mask+1) ) )
-        {
-          /* this should never happen normally, but who knows :-)   */
-          /* we need to re-inject the node in the hash table before */
-          /* returning there, since it's safer                      */
-          pnode      = table->buckets;
-          node->link = *pnode;
-          *pnode     = node;
-          goto Exit;
-        }
-      }
-      else
-        p--;
-      pnode = table->buckets + p;
-      while ( *pnode )
-        pnode = &(*pnode)->link;
-      pold   = table->buckets + old_index;
-      *pnode = *pold;
-      *pold  = NULL;
-      table->slack -= FT_HASH_MAX_LOAD;
-      table->p      = p;
-    }
-  Exit:
-    return error;
-  }
--- a/src/base/ftlist.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +1,0 @@
-/*                                                                         */
-/*  ftlist.c                                                               */
-/*                                                                         */
-/*    Generic list support for FreeType (body).                            */
-/*                                                                         */
-/*  Copyright 1996-2001, 2002 by                                           */
-/*  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.                      */
-/*                                                                         */
-/*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,       */
-/*  modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project      */
-/*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
-/*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
-/*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
-/*                                                                         */
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /*  This file implements functions relative to list processing.  Its     */
-  /*  data structures are defined in `freetype/internal/ftlist.h'.         */
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /*************************************************************************/
-#include <ft2build.h>
-#include FT_LIST_H
-  /*************************************************************************/
-  /*                                                                       */
-  /* The macro FT_COMPONENT is used in trace mode.  It is an implicit      */
-  /* parameter of the FT_TRACE() and FT_ERROR() macros, used to print/log  */
-  /* messages during execution.                                            */
-  /*                                                                       */
-#define FT_COMPONENT  trace_list
-  /* documentation is in ftlist.h */
-  FT_EXPORT_DEF( FT_ListNode )
-  FT_List_Find( FT_List  list,
-                void*    data )
-  {
-    FT_ListNode  cur;
-    cur = list->head;
-    while ( cur )
-    {
-      if ( cur->data == data )
-        return cur;
-      cur = cur->next;
-    }
-    return (FT_ListNode)0;
-  }
-  /* documentation is in ftlist.h */
-  FT_EXPORT_DEF( void )
-  FT_List_Add( FT_List      list,
-               FT_ListNode  node )
-  {
-    FT_ListNode  before = list->tail;
-    node->next = 0;
-    node->prev = before;
-    if ( before )
-      before->next = node;
-    else
-      list->head = node;
-    list->tail = node;
-  }
-  /* documentation is in ftlist.h */
-  FT_EXPORT_DEF( void )
-  FT_List_Insert( FT_List      list,
-                  FT_ListNode  node )
-  {
-    FT_ListNode  after = list->head;
-    node->next = after;
-    node->prev = 0;
-    if ( !after )
-      list->tail = node;
-    else
-      after->prev = node;
-    list->head = node;
-  }
-  /* documentation is in ftlist.h */
-  FT_EXPORT_DEF( void )
-  FT_List_Remove( FT_List      list,
-                  FT_ListNode  node )
-  {
-    FT_ListNode  before, after;
-    before = node->prev;
-    after  = node->next;
-    if ( before )
-      before->next = after;
-    else
-      list->head = after;
-    if ( after )
-      after->prev = before;
-    else
-      list->tail = before;
-  }
-  /* documentation is in ftlist.h */
-  FT_EXPORT_DEF( void )
-  FT_List_Up( FT_List      list,
-              FT_ListNode  node )
-  {
-    FT_ListNode  before, after;
-    before = node->prev;
-    after  = node->next;
-    /* check whether we are already on top of the list */
-    if ( !before )
-      return;
-    before->next = after;
-    if ( after )
-      after->prev = before;
-    else
-      list->tail = before;
-    node->prev       = 0;
-    node->next       = list->head;
-    list->head->prev = node;
-    list->head       = node;
-  }
-  /* documentation is in ftlist.h */
-  FT_EXPORT_DEF( FT_Error )
-  FT_List_Iterate( FT_List            list,
-                   FT_List_Iterator   iterator,
-                   void*              user )
-  {
-    FT_ListNode  cur   = list->head;
-    FT_Error     error = FT_Err_Ok;
-    while ( cur )
-    {
-      FT_ListNode  next = cur->next;
-      error = iterator( cur, user );
-      if ( error )
-        break;
-      cur = next;
-    }
-    return error;
-  }
-  /* documentation is in ftlist.h */
-  FT_EXPORT_DEF( void )
-  FT_List_Finalize( FT_List             list,
-                    FT_List_Destructor  destroy,
-                    FT_Memory           memory,
-                    void*               user )
-  {
-    FT_ListNode  cur;
-    cur = list->head;
-    while ( cur )
-    {
-      FT_ListNode  next = cur->next;
-      void*        data = cur->data;
-      if ( destroy )
-        destroy( memory, data, user );
-      FT_FREE( cur );
-      cur = next;
-    }
-    list->head = 0;
-    list->tail = 0;
-  }
-/* END */
--- a/src/base/ftobject.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,396 +1,0 @@
-#include <ft2build.h>
-#define  FT_MAGIC_DEATH   0xDEADdead
-#define  FT_MAGIC_CLASS   0x12345678
-#define  FT_TYPE_HASH(x)  (( (FT_UInt32)(x) >> 2 )^( (FT_UInt32)(x) >> 10 ))
-#define  FT_OBJECT_CHECK(o)                                  \
-           ( FT_OBJECT(o)               != NULL           && \
-             FT_OBJECT(o)->clazz        != NULL           && \
-             FT_OBJECT(o)->ref_count    >= 1              && \
-             FT_OBJECT(o)->clazz->magic == FT_MAGIC_CLASS )
-#define  FT_CLASS_CHECK(c)  \
-           ( FT_CLASS(c) != NULL && FT_CLASS(c)->magic == FT_MAGIC_CLASS )
- /*******************************************************************/
- /*******************************************************************/
- /*****                                                         *****/
- /*****                                                         *****/
- /*****                  M E T A - C L A S S                    *****/
- /*****                                                         *****/
- /*****                                                         *****/
- /*******************************************************************/
- /*******************************************************************/
- /* forward declaration */
-  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Error )
-  ft_metaclass_init( FT_MetaClass  meta,
-                     FT_Library    library );
-  /* forward declaration */
-  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
-  ft_metaclass_done( FT_MetaClass  meta );
-  /* class type for the meta-class itself */
-  static const FT_TypeRec  ft_meta_class_type =
-  {
-    "FT2.MetaClass",
-    NULL,
-    sizeof( FT_MetaClassRec ),
-    (FT_Object_InitFunc)  ft_metaclass_init,
-    (FT_Object_DoneFunc)  ft_metaclass_done,
-    sizeof( FT_ClassRec ),
-    (FT_Object_InitFunc)  NULL,
-    (FT_Object_DoneFunc)  NULL
-  };
- /* destroy a given class */
-  static void
-  ft_class_hnode_destroy( FT_ClassHNode  node )
-  {
-    FT_Class   clazz  = node->clazz;
-    FT_Memory  memory = clazz->memory;
-    if ( clazz->class_done )
-      clazz->class_done( (FT_Object) clazz );
-    FT_FREE( clazz );
-    node->clazz = NULL;
-    node->type  = NULL;
-    FT_FREE( node );
-  }
-  static FT_Int
-  ft_type_equal( FT_Type  type1,
-                 FT_Type  type2 )
-  {
-    if ( type1 == type2 )
-      goto Ok;
-    if ( type1 == NULL || type2 == NULL )
-      goto Fail;
-    /* compare parent types */
-    if ( type1->super != type2->super )
-    {
-      if ( type1->super == NULL           ||
-           type2->super == NULL           ||
-           !ft_type_equal( type1, type2 ) )
-        goto Fail;
-    }
-    /* compare type names */
-    if ( type1->name != type2->name )
-    {
-      if ( type1->name == NULL                        ||
-           type2->name == NULL                        ||
-           ft_strcmp( type1->name, type2->name ) != 0 )
-        goto Fail;
-    }
-    /* compare the other type fields */
-    if ( type1->class_size != type2->class_size ||
-         type1->class_init != type2->class_init ||
-         type1->class_done != type2->class_done ||
-         type1->obj_size   != type2->obj_size   ||
-         type1->obj_init   != type2->obj_init   ||
-         type1->obj_done   != type2->obj_done   )
-      goto Fail;
-  Ok:
-    return 1;
-  Fail:
-    return 0;
-  }
-  static FT_Int
-  ft_class_hnode_equal( const FT_ClassHNode  node1,
-                        const FT_ClassHNode  node2 )
-  {
-    FT_Type  type1 = node1->type;
-    FT_Type  type2 = node2->type;
-    /* comparing the pointers should work in 99% of cases */
-    return ( type1 == type2 ) ? 1 : ft_type_equal( type1, type2 );
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
-  ft_metaclass_done( FT_MetaClass  meta )
-  {
-    /* clear all classes */
-    ft_hash_done( &meta->type_to_class,
-                  (FT_Hash_ForeachFunc) ft_class_hnode_destroy,
-                   NULL );
-    meta->clazz.object.clazz     = NULL;
-    meta->clazz.object.ref_count = 0;
-    meta->clazz.magic            = FT_MAGIC_DEATH;
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Error )
-  ft_metaclass_init( FT_MetaClass  meta,
-                     FT_Library    library )
-  {
-    FT_ClassRec*  clazz = (FT_ClassRec*) &meta->clazz;
-    /* the meta-class is its OWN class !! */
-    clazz->object.clazz     = (FT_Class) clazz;
-    clazz->object.ref_count = 1;
-    clazz->magic            = FT_MAGIC_CLASS;
-    clazz->library          = library;
-    clazz->memory           = library->memory;
-    clazz->type             = &ft_meta_class_type;
-    clazz->info             = NULL;
-    clazz->class_done       = (FT_Object_DoneFunc) ft_metaclass_done;
-    clazz->obj_size         = sizeof( FT_ClassRec );
-    clazz->obj_init         = NULL;
-    clazz->obj_done         = NULL;
-    return ft_hash_init( &meta->type_to_class,
-                        (FT_Hash_EqualFunc) ft_class_hnode_equal,
-                        library->memory );
-  }
- /* find or create the class corresponding to a given type */
- /* note that this function will retunr NULL in case of    */
- /* memory overflow                                        */
- /*                                                        */
-  static FT_Class
-  ft_metaclass_get_class( FT_MetaClass  meta,
-                          FT_Type       ctype )
-  {
-    FT_ClassHNodeRec   keynode, *node, **pnode;
-    FT_Memory          memory;
-    FT_ClassRec*       clazz;
-    FT_Class           parent;
-    FT_Error           error;
-    keynode.hnode.hash = FT_TYPE_HASH( ctype );
-    keynode.type       = ctype;
-    pnode = (FT_ClassHNode*) ft_hash_lookup( &meta->type_to_class,
-                                             (FT_HashNode) &keynode );
-    node  = *pnode;
-    if ( node != NULL )
-    {
-      clazz = (FT_ClassRec*) node->clazz;
-      goto Exit;
-    }
-    memory = FT_CLASS__MEMORY(meta);
-    clazz  = NULL;
-    parent = NULL;
-    if ( ctype->super != NULL )
-    {
-      FT_ASSERT( ctype->super->class_size <= ctype->class_size );
-      FT_ASSERT( ctype->super->obj_size   <= ctype->obj_size   );
-      parent = ft_metaclass_get_class( meta, ctype->super );
-    }
-    if ( !FT_NEW( node ) )
-    {
-      if ( !FT_ALLOC( clazz, ctype->class_size ) )
-      {
-        if ( parent )
-          FT_MEM_COPY( (FT_ClassRec*)clazz, parent, parent->type->class_size );
-        clazz->object.clazz     = (FT_Class) meta;
-        clazz->object.ref_count = 1;
-        clazz->memory  = memory;
-        clazz->library = FT_CLASS__LIBRARY(meta);
-        clazz->super   = parent;
-        clazz->type    = ctype;
-        clazz->info    = NULL;
-        clazz->magic   = FT_MAGIC_CLASS;
-        clazz->class_done = ctype->class_done;
-        clazz->obj_size   = ctype->obj_size;
-        clazz->obj_init   = ctype->obj_init;
-        clazz->obj_done   = ctype->obj_done;
-        if ( parent )
-        {
-          if ( clazz->class_done == NULL )
-            clazz->class_done = parent->class_done;
-          if ( clazz->obj_init == NULL )
-            clazz->obj_init = parent->obj_init;
-          if ( clazz->obj_done == NULL )
-            clazz->obj_done = parent->obj_done;
-        }
-        /* find class initializer, if any */
-        {
-          FT_Type             ztype = ctype;
-          FT_Object_InitFunc  cinit = NULL;
-          do
-          {
-            cinit = ztype->class_init;
-            if ( cinit != NULL )
-              break;
-            ztype = ztype->super;
-          }
-          while ( ztype != NULL );
-          /* then call it when needed */
-          if ( cinit != NULL )
-            error = cinit( (FT_Object) clazz, NULL );
-        }
-      }
-      if (error)
-      {
-        if ( clazz )
-        {
-          /* we always call the class destructor when    */
-          /* an error was detected in the constructor !! */
-          if ( clazz->class_done )
-            clazz->class_done( (FT_Object) clazz );
-          FT_FREE( clazz );
-        }
-        FT_FREE( node );
-      }
-    }
-  Exit:
-    return  (FT_Class) clazz;
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Int )
-  ft_object_check( FT_Pointer  obj )
-  {
-    return FT_OBJECT_CHECK(obj);
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Int )
-  ft_object_is_a( FT_Pointer  obj,
-                  FT_Class    clazz )
-  {
-    if ( FT_OBJECT_CHECK(obj) )
-    {
-      FT_Class   c = FT_OBJECT__CLASS(obj);
-      do
-      {
-        if ( c == clazz )
-          return 1;
-        c = c->super;
-      }
-      while ( c == NULL );
-      return (clazz == NULL);
-    }
-    return 0;
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Error )
-  ft_object_create( FT_Object  *pobject,
-                    FT_Class    clazz,
-                    FT_Pointer  init_data )
-  {
-    FT_Memory  memory;
-    FT_Error   error;
-    FT_Object  obj;
-    FT_ASSERT_IS_CLASS(clazz);
-    memory = FT_CLASS__MEMORY(clazz);
-    if ( !FT_ALLOC( obj, clazz->obj_size ) )
-    {
-      obj->clazz     = clazz;
-      obj->ref_count = 1;
-      if ( clazz->obj_init )
-      {
-        error = clazz->obj_init( obj, init_data );
-        if ( error )
-        {
-          /* IMPORTANT: call the destructor when an error  */
-          /*            was detected in the constructor !! */
-          if ( clazz->obj_done )
-            clazz->obj_done( obj );
-          FT_FREE( obj );
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    *pobject = obj;
-    return error;
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Class )
-  ft_class_find_by_type( FT_Type     type,
-                         FT_Library  library )
-  {
-    FT_MetaClass  meta = &library->meta_class;
-    return ft_metaclass_get_class( meta, type );
-  }
-  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Error )
-  ft_object_create_from_type( FT_Object  *pobject,
-                              FT_Type     type,
-                              FT_Pointer  init_data,
-                              FT_Library  library )
-  {
-    FT_Class  clazz;
-    FT_Error  error;
-    clazz = ft_class_find_by_type( type, library );
-    if ( clazz )
-      error = ft_object_create( pobject, clazz, init_data );
-    else
-    {
-      *pobject = NULL;
-      error    = FT_Err_Out_Of_Memory;
-    }
-    return error;
-  }
--- a/src/base/ftsysio.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +1,0 @@
-#include <ft2build.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
- /* the ISO/ANSI standard stream object */
-  typedef struct FT_StdStreamRec_
-  {
-    FT_StreamRec  stream;
-    FILE*         file;
-    const char*   pathname;
-  } FT_StdStreamRec, *FT_StdStream;
- /* read bytes from a standard stream */
-  static FT_ULong
-  ft_std_stream_read( FT_StdStream   stream,
-                      FT_Byte*       buffer,
-                      FT_ULong       size )
-  {
-    long   read_bytes;
-    read_bytes = fread( buffer, 1, size, stream->file );
-    if ( read_bytes < 0 )
-      read_bytes = 0;
-    return (FT_ULong) read_bytes;
-  }
- /* seek the standard stream to a new position */
-  static FT_Error
-  ft_std_stream_seek( FT_StdStream   stream,
-                      FT_ULong       pos )
-  {
-    return ( fseek( stream->file, pos, SEEK_SET ) < 0 )
-         ? FT_Err_Stream_Seek
-         : FT_Err_Ok;
-  }
- /* close a standard stream */  
-  static void
-  ft_std_stream_done( FT_StdStream  stream )
-  {
-    fclose( stream->file );
-    stream->file     = NULL;
-    stream->pathname = NULL;
-  }
- /* open a standard stream from a given pathname */
-  static void
-  ft_std_stream_init( FT_StdStream  stream,
-                      const char*   pathname )
-  {
-    FT_ASSERT( pathname != NULL );
-    stream->file = fopen( pathname, "rb" );
-    if ( stream->file == NULL )
-    {
-      FT_ERROR(( " could not open '%s'\n", pathname ));
-      FT_XTHROW( FT_Err_Stream_Open );
-    }
-    /* compute total size in bytes */
-    fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END );
-    FT_STREAM__SIZE(stream) = ftell( file );
-    fseek( file, 0, SEEK_SET );
-    stream->pathname = pathname;
-    stream->pos      = 0;
-    FT_TRACE1(( " opened '%s' (%ld bytes) succesfully\n",
-                 pathname, FT_STREAM__SIZE(stream) ));
-  }                 
-  static void
-  ft_std_stream_class_init( FT_ClassRec*  _clazz )
-  {
-    FT_StreamClassRec*  clazz = FT_STREAM_CLASS(_clazz);
-    clazz->stream_read = (FT_Stream_ReadFunc) ft_std_stream_read;
-    clazz->stream_seek = (FT_Stream_SeekFunc) ft_std_stream_seek;
-  }
-  static const FT_TypeRec  ft_std_stream_type;
-  {
-    "StreamClass",
-    NULL,
-    sizeof( FT_ClassRec ),
-    ft_stream_class_init,
-    NULL,
-    sizeof( FT_StdStreamRec ),
-    ft_std_stream_init,
-    ft_std_stream_done,
-    NULL,
-  };
-  FT_EXPORT_DEF( FT_Stream )
-  ft_std_stream_new( FT_Memory    memory,
-                     const char*  pathname )
-  {
-    FT_Class  clazz;
-    clazz = ft_class_from_type( memory, &ft_std_stream_type );
-    return (FT_Stream) ft_object_new( clazz, pathname );
-  }                     
-  FT_EXPORT_DEF( void )
-  ft_std_stream_create( FT_Memory    memory,
-                        const char*  pathname,
-                        FT_Stream*   astream )
-  {
-    FT_Class  clazz;
-    clazz = ft_class_from_type( memory, &ft_std_stream_type );
-    ft_object_create( clazz, pathname, FT_OBJECT_P(astream) );
-  }                        
--- a/src/base/ftsysmem.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +1,0 @@
-#include <ft2build.h>
-  static FT_Memory
-  ft_memory_new_default( FT_ULong  size )
-  {
-    return (FT_Memory) ft_malloc( size );
-  }
-  static void
-  ft_memory_destroy_default( FT_Memory  memory )
-  {
-    ft_free( memory );
-  }
- /* notice that in normal builds, we use the ISO C library functions */
- /* 'malloc', 'free' and 'realloc' directly..                        */
- /*                                                                  */
-  static const FT_Memory_FuncsRec  ft_memory_funcs_default_rec = 
-  {
-    (FT_Memory_CreateFunc)  ft_memory_new_iso,
-    (FT_Memory_DestroyFunc) ft_memory_destroy_iso,
-    (FT_Memory_AllocFunc)   ft_malloc,
-    (FT_Memory_FreeFunc)    ft_free,
-    (FT_Memory_ReallocFunc) ft_realloc
-  };
-  FT_APIVAR_DEF( const FT_Memory_Funcs )
-  ft_memory_funcs_default = &ft_memory_funcs_defaults_rec;