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ref: b59bf7e5cc77baea94d172cdced6b39b7035c2b9
parent: 8bb45ec8fb43d6a7c041473a6c192db07d8a6176
author: David Turner <[email protected]>
date: Tue Oct 3 13:07:28 EDT 2000

removing obsolete files:

the design of FT2 has evolved considerably since
these documents were written, and it's better not to
include them in order to avoid confusion among
users of the library..

git/fs: mount .git/fs: mount/attach disallowed
--- a/docs/design/build-system.html
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-<h1>FreeType 2.0 Build System</h1></center>
-&copy; 2000 David Turner (<a href="fichier :///[email protected]">[email protected]</a>)<br>
-&copy; 2000 The FreeType Development Team
-(<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>)
-<center><table width=650><tr><td>
-<p><hr WIDTH="100%"></p>
-<h2>Table of Content</h2>
-<p><font size="+1"><a href="#introduction">Introduction</a></font></p>
-<p><font size="+1"><a href="#features">I. Features & Background</a></font></p>
-  <li><a href="#features-1">1. Convenience, not Requirement</a>
-  <li><a href="#features-2">2. Compiler and platform independence</a>
-  <li><a href="#features-3">3. Uses GNU Make</a>
-  <li><a href="#features-4">4. Automatic host platform detection</a>
-  <li><a href="#features-5">5. User-selectable builds</a>
-  <li><a href="#features-6">6. Robustness</a>
-  <li><a href="#features-7">7. Simple modules management</a>
-<p><font size="+1"><a href="#overview">II. Overview of the build process</a></font></p>
-  <p><li><a href="#overview-1">1. Build setup</a>
-  <ul>
-    <li><a href="#overview-1-a">a. Default build setup</a>
-    <li><a href="#overview-1-b">b. Selecting another build configuration</a>
-  </ul>
-  </p>
-  <li><a href="#overview-2">2. Library compilation</a>
-<p><font size="+1"><a href="#setup">III. Build setup details</a></font></p>
-<p><font size="+1"><a href="#compilation">IV. Library compilation details</a></font></p>
-    <li><a href="#compilation-1">a. Compiling the <tt>ftsystem</tt> component</a>
-    <li><a href="#compilation-2">b. Compiling the base layer and optional components</a>
-    <li><a href="#compilation-3">c. Compiling the modules</a>
-    <li><a href="#compilation-4">d. Compiling the <tt>ftinit</tt> component</a>
-  </ul>
-<hr><a name="introduction">
-  <p>This document describes the new build system that was introduced
-     with FreeType 2.</p>
-<a name="features">
-<h2>I. Features and Background:</h2>
-  <p>The FreeType 2 build system is a set of Makefiles and sub-Makefiles that
-      are used to build the library on a very large variety of systems easily.
-      One of its main features are the following:</p>
-  <a name="features-1">
-  <h3>1. Convenience, not Requirement</h3>
-  <p>Even though the build system is rather sophisticated, it simply is a
-     convenience that was written simply to allow the compilation of the
-     FreeType 2 library on as many platforms as possible, as easily as
-     possible. However, it is not a requirement and the library can be
-     compiled manually or in a graphical IDE without using it, with minimal
-     efforts</p>
-  <p>(for more information on this topic, see the <tt>BUILD</tt>
-     document that comes with your release of FreeType, in its <em>Detailed
-     Compilation Guide</em> section).</p>
-  <a name="features-2">
-  <h3>2. Compiler and platform independence</h3>
-  <p>The FreeType 2 build system can be used with any compiler, on any platform.
-     It is independent of object file suffix, executable file suffix, directory
-     separator convention (i.e. "/" or "\"), and compiler flags for path
-     inclusion, macro definition, output naming, ansi compliance, etc..</p>
-  <p>Supporting a new compiler is trivial and only requires writing a minimal
-     configuration sub-makefile that contains several Makefile variables
-     definitions that are later used by the rest of the build system. This is
-     described in details later in the document.</p>
-  <a name="features-3">
-  <h3>3. Uses GNU Make</h3>
- <p>The build system works <em>exclusively</em> with <b>GNU Make</b>. Reason
-    is that it is the only make utility that has all the features required to
-    implement the build system as described below. Moreover, it is already
-    ported to hundreds of various distinct platforms and is widely and
-    freely available.</p>
- <p>It also uses the native command line shell. <em>You thus
-    don't need a Unix-like shell on your platform</em>.
-    For example, FreeType 2 already compiles on Unix, Dos, Windows
-    and OS/2 right "out of the box" (assuming you have GNU Make
-    installed).</p>
- <p>Finally, note that the build system is <em>specifically</em> designed
-    for gnu make and will <em>fail</em> with any other make tool. We have
-    <em>no plans</em> to support a different tools, as you'll rapidly
-    understand by reading this document or looking at the sub-makefiles
-    themselves.</p>
-  <a name="features-4">
-  <h3>4. Automatic host platform detection</h3>
-   <p>When you launch the build system for the first time, by simply invoking
-      GNU make in the top-level directory, it automatically tries to detect
-      your current platform in order to choose the best configuration
-      sub-makefile available. It then displays what it found. If everything
-      is ok, you can then launch compilation of the library, by invoking make
-      a second time.</p>
-   <p>The following platforms are currently automatically detected:</p>
-   <ul>
-     <li>Dos (plain-dos, windows in Dos mode, or Dos session under OS/2)
-     <li>Windows 95, 98 + Windows NT (a.k.a win32)
-     <li>OS/2
-     <li>Unix (uses Autoconf/Automake)
-   </ul>
-   <p>Note that adding support for a new platform requires writing a minimal
-      number of very small files, and simply putting them in a new sub-directory
-      of <tt>freetype2/config</tt>.</p>
-  <a name="features-5">
-  <h3>5. User-selectable builds</h3>
- <p>The platform auto-detection rules try to setup the build for a default
-    compiler (<em>gcc</em> for most platforms), with default build options
-    for the library (which normally is
-    <em>"all features enable, no debugging"</em>), as well as the default
-    list of modules (which is <em>"all modules in <tt>freetype2/src</tt>"</em>)</p>
- <p>There are cases where it is important to specify a different compiler,
-    different build options or simply a different module list. The FreeType 2
-    build system is designed in such a way that all of this is easily possible
-    from the command line, <em>without having to touch a single file</em>.
-    The latter is crucial when dealing with projects that need specific
-    builds of the library without modifying a single file from the FreeType
-    distribution.</p>
- <p>The exact mechanism and implementation to do this is described later in
-    this document. It allows, for example, to compile FreeType with any of
-    the following compilers on Win32: gcc, Visual C++, Win32-LCC.</p>
-  <a name="features-6">
-  <h3>6. Robustness</h3>
-  <p>The build system uses a single top-level Makefile that includes
-     one or more sub-makefiles to build the entire library (base layer
-     plus all modules).
-  <font color="red">
-    To understand why this is important, we <em>strongly</em> recommend
-    the following article to all of our readers:</font></p>
-  <p>
-    <center>
-      <font size="+2"><a href="">
-      Recursive Make Considered Dangerous
-      </a>
-      </font>
-    </center>
-  </p>
-  <p>As an example, here's a short list of files that make up the
-     build system. Note that each sub-makefile contains rules corresponding
-     to a very specific purpose, and that they all use the "<tt>.mk</tt>"
-     suffix:</p>
-  <ul>
-    <li><tt>freetype2/Makefile</tt>
-    <li><tt>freetype2/config/</tt>
-    <li><tt>freetype2/config/</tt>
-    <li><tt>freetype2/config/<em>&lt;system&gt;</em>/</tt>
-    <li><tt>freetype2/src/<em>&lt;module&gt;</em>/</tt>
-    <li><tt>freetype2/src/<em>&lt;module&gt;</em>/</tt>
-  </ul>
-  <a name="features-7">
-  <h3>7. Simple Module Management</h3>
-  <p>FreeType 2 has a very modular design, and is made of a core
-     <em>base layer</em> that provides its high-level API as well as
-     generic services used by one or more <em>modules</em>.
-     Most modules are used to support a specific font format (like TrueType
-     or Type 1), and they are called <em>font drivers</em>. However, some of
-     them do not support font files directly, but rather provide helper
-     services to the font drivers.</p>
-  <p>FreeType 2 is designed so that adding modules at run-time is possible
-     and easy. Similarly, we expect many more modules to come in the near
-     future and wanted a build system that makes such additions to the
-     source package itself dead easy.
-     Indeed, all source code (base + modules) is located in the
-     <tt>freetype2/src</tt> directory hierarchy. And the build system is
-     capable of re-generating automatically the list of known modules
-     from the contents of this directory. Hence, adding a new font driver
-     to the FreeType sources simply requires to:</p>
-  <ul>
-    <li><p>Add a new sub-directory to <tt>freetype2/src</tt>
-    <li><p>Re-launch the build system</p>
-  </ul>
-  <p>There is thus no need to edit a source file</p>
-<a name="overview">
-<h2>II. Overview of the build process(es):</h2>
-<p>Before describing in details how the build system works, it is essential
-   to give a few examples of how it's used. This section presents
-   what's the build process is to the typical developer:</p>
-<p>Compiling the library is normally done in two steps: the first one
-   configures the build according to the current platform and possible
-   additional parameters, while the second simply compiles the library with
-   the information gathered in the configuration step.</p>
-<a name="overview-1">
-<h3>1. Build Setup</h3>
- <a name="overview-1-a">
- <h4>a. Default build setup</h4>
- <p>To configure the build, simply invoke gnu make from the top-level FreeType
-    directory. This will launch a series of rules that will detect your current
-    host platform, and choose a configuration file for you. It will then display
-    what it found. For example, here's the output of typing the command "make"
-    on a win32 platform (assuming this calls GNU make):</p>
-<pre><font color="blue">
-    <font color="purple">C:\FreeType> make</font>
-    FreeType build system -- automatic system detection
-    The following settings are used:
-      platform                     win32
-      compiler                     gcc
-      configuration directory      ./config/win32
-      configuration rules          ./config/win32/
-    If this does not correspond to your system or settings please remove the file
-    '' from this directory then read the INSTALL file for help.
-    Otherwise, simply type 'make' again to build the library.
-    <font color="purple">C:\FreeType></font>
- <p>Note that this step copies the selected configuration file (here
-    <tt>./config/win32/</tt>) to <em>the current directory</em>, under
-    the name <tt><b></b></tt>. This file contains data that is used
-    to drive the library compilation of the second step. It correspond to
-    the platform and compiler selected by the auto-detection phase.</p>
- <p>Note that you can re-generate the <tt><b></b></tt> file anytime
-    by invoking <tt>make setup</tt> whenever you need it, even when the file is
-    already present in the current directory.</p>
- <p>Finally, if your platform is not correctly detected, the build system will
-    display and use configuration information for the virtual "ansi" platform.
-    </p>
- <a name="overview-1-b">
- <h4>b. Selecting another build configuration</h4>
- <p>You may not be really satisfied by the configuration file selected by the
-    auto-detection routines. Typically, you might be using a compiler that is
-    not the default one for your platform. It is however possible to re-launch
-    the build setup phase with an additional argument, used to specify a
-    different compiler/config file. For example, you can type the following
-    commands on Win32 systems:</p>
- <p align=center><table width="80%"  cellpadding=10><tr valign=top><td>
- <p><b><tt>make&nbsp;setup</tt></b></p>
- </td><td>
- <p>re-run the platform detection phase, and select the default compiler for it.
- On Win32, this is <em>gcc</em>.</p>
- </td></tr><tr valign=top><td>
- <p><b><tt>make&nbsp;setup&nbsp;visualc</tt></b></p>
- </td><td>
- <p>re-run the platform detection phase, and select a config file that
-    corresponds to the <em>Visual C++</em> compiler</p>
- </td></tr><tr valign=top><td>
- <p><b><tt>make&nbsp;setup&nbsp;lcc</tt></b></p>
- </td><td>
- <p>re-run the platform detection phase, and select a config file that
-    corresponds to the <em>Win32-LCC</em> compiler</p>
- </td></tr></table>
- </p>
- <p>Note that a specific configuration is selected with a command that
-    looks like : <tt><b>make&nbsp;setup&nbsp;<em>compiler</em></b></tt>,
-    where the <em><tt>compiler</tt></em> keywords depends on the platform.
-    Moreover, each one of them corresponds to a specific configuration
-    sub-makefile that is copied as <b><tt></tt></b> in the current
-    directory.</p>
-<a name="overview-2">
-<h3>2. Library compilation</h3>
-  <p>Once you're satisfied with the version of <b><tt></tt></b> that
-     has been copied to your current directory, you can simply re-invoke
-     gnu make <em>with no arguments</em>. The top-level Makefile will
-     automatically detect the config sub-makefile in the current directory,
-     and use it to drive the library compilation. The latter can be seen
-     as a series of different steps decribed here:</p>
-  <ul>
-    <li><p><b>Compiling the <tt>ftsystem</tt> component</b><br><ul>
-        It encapsulates all low-level operations (memory management +
-        i/o access) for the library. Its default version, located in
-        <tt>./src/base/ftsystem.c</tt> uses the ANSI C library but
-        system-specific implementations are also available to
-        improve performance (e.g. memory-mapped files on Unix).
-        </ul></p>
-    <li><p><b>Compiling the <em>base layer</em> and optional components</b><br><ul>
-        They provide the library's high-level API as well as various useful
-        routines for client applications. Many features of the base layer can
-        be activated or not depending on a configuration file named
-        <tt>ftoption.h</tt>
-        </ul></p>
-    <li><p><b>Compiling the <em>modules</em></b><br><ul>
-        Each module is used to support a specific font format (it is then
-        called a <em>font driver</em>), or to provide helper services to
-        the drivers (e.g. the auto-hinter). They are all located in
-        sub-directories of <tt>./src</tt>, like <tt>./src/truetype</tt>,
-        <tt>./src/type1</tt>.
-        </ul></p>
-    <li><p><b>Compiling the <tt>ftinit</tt> component</b><br><ul>
-        This one is in charge of implementing <tt>FT_Init_FreeType</tt>,
-        the library initialisation routine. It also selects what modules
-        are activated when a new library instance is created.
-        </ul></p>
-  </ul>
-<a name="setup">
-<h2>II. Details of the build setup.</h2>
- <p>When the top-level <tt>Makefile</tt> is invoked, it looks for a
-    file named <b><tt></tt></b> in the <em>current directory</em>.
-    If this file is found, it is used directly to build the library
-    (skip to <a href="library">Section III</a> for details then).</p>
- <p>Otherwise, the file <b><tt>./config/</tt></b> is included
-    by the top-level <tt>Makefile</tt> and parsed. Its purpose is to drive the
-    platform-detection phase, by:</p>
- <ul>
-     <li><p>Defining the <tt>PLATFORM</tt> variable, which indicates
-            what the currently detected platform is. It is initially
-            set to the default value "<tt><b>ansi</b></tt>".
-            </p>
-     <li><p>Searching for a <tt></tt> file in <em>all
-            subdirectories</em> of <b><tt>./config</tt></b>.
-            Each such file is included and parsed. Each of these files must
-            try to detect if the host platform is a system it knows
-            about. If so, it changes the value of the <tt>PLATFORM</tt> variable
-            accordingly.</p>
-     <li><p>Copying the selected configuration submakefile to the current directory
-            under the name <tt><b></b></tt>.</p>
- </ul>
- <p>This is illustrated by the following graphics :</p>
-    <p><center>
-        <img src="platform-detection.png" border=0>
-    </center></p>
- <p>Each system-specific <b><tt></tt></b> works as follows:</p>
- <ul>
-   <li><p>It checks that the value of <tt>PLATFORM</tt> is currently set
-          to <b>ansi</b>, which indicates that no platform was detected
-          for now. If this isn't true, it doesn't do anything</p>
-   <li><p>Otherwise, it runs a series of test to see wether it is on a
-          system it knows about. Here are a few examples of tests:</p>
-       <p><center><table width="80%" cellpadding=5><tr valign=top><td>
-       <em><b>Unix</b></em>
-       </td><td>
-       <p>checks for a file named <tt>/sbin/init</tt>, and runs, when it found
-       it, a 'configure' script to generate the relevant config sub-makefile</p>
-       </td></tr><tr valign=top><td>
-       <em><b>Dos</b></em>
-       </td><td>
-       <p>checks for the <tt>COMSPEC</tt> environment variable, then tries to
-       run the "<tt>ver</tt>" command on the current shell to check that there
-       is a "Dos" substring in its output; if not, it tries to find the
-       substring "<tt>MDOS\COMMAND</tt>" in <tt>COMSPEC</tt>, which indicates
-       a Dos session under OS/2.</p>
-       </td></tr><tr valign=top><td>
-       <em><b>Win32</b></em>
-       </td><td>
-       <p>if the environment variable <tt>OS</tt> is defined and has the value
-       <tt>Windows_NT</tt>, or if <tt>COMSPEC</tt> is defined and the
-       "<tt>ver</tt>" returns a string that contains <tt>Windows</tt> in it,
-       we're on a Win32 system.</p>
-       </td></tr></table></center>
-       </p>
-   <li><p>It sets the value of <tt>PLATFORM</tt> to a new value corresponding
-          to its platform.</p>
-   <li><p>It then tries to select a configuration
-          sub-makefile, depending on the current platform and any optional
-          make target (like "visualc" or "devel", etc..). Note that it can
-          even generate the file, as on Unix through Autoconf/Automake.</p>
-   <li><p>It copies the selected configuration sub-makefile to the current
-          directory, under the name <tt><b></b></tt>
- </ul>
- <p>If one wants to support a new platform in the build system, it simply needs
-    to provide:</p>
- <ul>
-    <li>A new subdirectory, in <tt>./config</tt>, with a file named
-        <tt></tt> in it, containing relevant checks for the system.
-    <li>One or more configuration sub-makefiles that will get copied to
-        <tt></tt> at build setup time. You can use the one in
-        <tt>./config/ansi/</tt> as a template.
- </ul>
- <p>Similary, supporting a new compiler on an existing system simply means:</p>
- <ul>
-    <li>Writing a new config sub-makefile that contains definitions used to
-        specify the compiler and flags for the build.
-    <li>Change your <tt>./config/<em>system</em>/</tt> to recognize
-        a new optional build target that will copy your new config sub-makefile
-        instead of the default one.
- </ul>
-<h2>III. Details of the library compilation.</h2>
-<p>When the top-level Makefile is invoked, it looks for a file named
-   <tt></tt> in the current directory. If one is found, it
-   defines the <tt>BUILD_FREETYPE</tt> variable, then includes and parses it.
-   The structure of this file is the following:
-   </p>
-  <li><p>First, it defines a series of Make variables that describe
-         the host environment, like the compiler, compilation flags,
-         object file suffix, the directory where all object files are
-         placed, etc..</p>
-  <li><p>If <tt>BUILD_FREETYPE</tt> is defined, it includes the file
-         <tt><b>./config/</b></tt>, which is in charge of
-         defining all the rules used to build the library object files.
-         (The test is useful to use the <tt></tt> file to
-          compile other projects that rely on FreeType 2, like its
-          demonstration programs).</p>
-  <li><p>Finally, it defines the rule(s) used to link FreeType 2 object files
-         into a library file (e.g. <tt>libfreetype.a</tt>, <tt>freetype.lib</tt>,
-         <tt>freetype.dll</tt>, ...). Unfortunately, the command line interface of link tools is
-         a <em>lot less</em> standardized than those of compilers, which
-         explains why this rule must be defined in the system-specific
-         <tt></tt>.</p>
-<p>The following is an explanation of what <tt><b>./config/</b></tt>
-   does to build the library objects:
-   </p>
-<h4>a. Include paths</h4>
- <p>To avoid namespace pollution, the <tt><em>freetype</em></tt> directory prefix
-    is used to include all public header files of the library. This means
-    that a client application will typically use lines like:</p>
-<pre><font color="blue">
-    #include &lt;freetype/freetype.h&gt;
-    #include &lt;freetype/ftglyph.h&gt;
- <p>to include one the FreeType 2 public header files. <tt></tt>
-    uses a variable named <tt><b>INCLUDES</b></tt> to hold the inclusion
-    paths list, and thus starts by adding <tt>./include</tt> to it. However,
-    nothing prevents
- <p><tt></tt> uses a variable named <tt><b>INCLUDES</b></tt>
-    to hold directory inclusion-path to be used when compiling the library.
-    It always add <tt>./include</tt> to this variable, which means
-<h4>b. Configuration header files:</h4>
-  <p>Three header files used to configure the compilation of the
-     FreeType 2 library. Their default versions are all located in the
-     directory <tt><b>./include/freetype/config/</b></tt>, even though
-     project specific versions can be provided on a given build, as
-     described later:</p>
-  <ul>
-    <p><b><tt>#include &lt;freetype/config/ftoption.h&gt;</tt></b><br><ul>
-        This file contains a set of configuration macro definitions that
-        can be toggled to activate or deactivate certain features of the
-        library. By changing one of these definitions, it is possible to
-        compile <em>only the features that are needed</em> for a specific
-        project. Note that by default, all options are enabled.
-        <br><br>
-        You might need to provide an alternative version of <tt>ftoption.h</tt>
-        for one of your own projects.
-        </ul></p>
-    <p><b><tt>#include &lt;freetype/config/ftconfig.h&gt;</tt></b><br><ul>
-        This file includes <tt>ftoption.h</tt> but also contains some automatic
-        macro definitions used to indicate some important system-specific
-        features (e.g: word size in bytes, DLL export prefix macros, etc..).
-        <br><br>
-        You shouldn't normally need to change or provide an alternative
-        version of this file.
-        </ul></p>
-    <p><b><tt>#include &lt;freetype/config/ftmodule.h&gt;</tt></b><br><ul>
-        This file is very special, as it is normally machine-generated, and
-        used by the <tt>ftinit</tt> component that is described below. To
-        understand it, one must reminds that FreeType 2 has an extremely
-        modular design and that it's possible to change, <em>at run-time</em>,
-        the modules it's using. The <tt>ftmodule.h</tt> file simply contains
-        the list of modules that are registered with each new instance of
-        the library.
-        <br><br>
-        Note that the file can be re-generated automatically by invoking
-        <tt>make setup</tt> from the top-level directory. The re-generated
-        list contains all the modules that were found in subdirectories of
-        <tt>./src</tt>.
-        </ul></p>
-  </ul>
-  <p>Note that we strongly advise you to avoid modifying the config files
-     within the FreeType 2 source directory hierarchy. Rather, it's possible
-     to specify alternative versions through the help of a build-specific
-     include path that is include before <tt>./include</tt> in the inclusion
-     path.</p>
-  <p>For example, imagine that your platform, named <em>foo</em>, needs a
-     specific version of <tt>ftoption.h</tt>
-  <h4>a. Compiling the <b><tt>ftsystem</tt></b> component:</h4>
-  <p>FreeType 2 encapsulates all low-level operations (i.e. memory management
-     and i/o access) within a single component called <tt><b>ftsystem</b></tt>.
-     Its default implementation uses the <em>ANSI C Library</em> and is located
-     in <tt>./src/base/ftsystem.c</tt>.</p>
-  <p>However, some alternate, system-specific, implementations of
-     <tt>ftsystem</tt> are provided with the library in order to support more
-     efficient and advanced features. As an example, the file
-     <tt>./config/unix/ftsystem.c</tt> is an implementation that
-     uses memory-mapped files rather than the slow ANSI <tt>fopen</tt>,
-     <tt>fread</tt> and <tt>fseek</tt>, boosting performance significantly.</p>
-  <p>The build system is thus capable of managing alternate implementations
-     of <tt>ftsystem</tt></p>
-  <h4>b. Compiling the base layer and optional components:</h4>
-  <p>The high-level API of the library is provided by a component called the
-     <em>base layer</em>, whose source is located in <tt>./src/base</tt>. This
-     directory also contains one or more components that are optional, i.e.
-     that are not required by the library but provide valuable routines to
-     client applications.</p>
-  <p>The features of the base library and other components are selected through
-     a single configuration file named
-     <tt><b>./include/freetype/config/ftoption.h</b></tt>. It contains a list
-     of commented configuration macro definitions, that can be toggled to
-     activate or de-activate a certain feature or component at build time.</p>
-  <p>For example, the code in <tt>./src/base/ftdebug.c</tt> will be compiled
-     only if one of these two macros are defined in <tt>ftoption.h</tt>:
-     <tt>FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR</tt> or <tt>FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE</tt></p>
-  <h4>c. Compiling the modules:</h4>
-  <p>Once the base layer is completed, the build system starts to compile each
-     additional module independently. These are simply defined as all source
-     code located in a sub-directory of <tt>./src</tt> that contains a file
-     named <tt><b>rules.</b></tt>, for example:
-     <tt>src/sfnt</tt>, <tt>src/truetype</tt>, <tt>src/type1</tt>, ...</p>
-  <p>The <tt><b>rules.</b></tt> file simply contains directives used by the
-     build system to compile the corresponding module into a single object
-     file.</p>
-  <h4>d. Compiling the <b><tt>ftinit</tt></b> component:</h4>
-  <p>The file <tt><b>./src/base/ftinit.c</b></tt> is special because it is used
-     to implement the library initialisation function <tt>FT_Init_FreeType</tt>.
-     </p>
-  <p>Typically, you will end up with all object files, as well as the
-     corresponding  library file, residing in the <tt>freetype2/obj</tt>
-     directory.</p>
-<h3>1. Purpose of the configuration sub-makefile</h3>
-<h3>2. Managing module dependencies</h3>
-<h3>3. </h3>
-<a name="modules">
-<h2>IV. Managing the modules list</h2>
-    The build system features some important points, which are all detailed
-    in the following sections:<p>
-    <ul>
-        <li><b>Automatic host platform detection</b><br>
-            The first time the top <tt>Makefile</tt> is invoked, it will
-            run a series of rules to detect your platform. It will then
-            create a system-specific configuration sub-Makefile in the
-            current directory, called <b><tt></tt></b>. You can now
-            invoke the top <tt>Makefile</tt> a second time to compile the
-            library directly.
-            <p>
-            The configuration sub-makefile can be regenerated any time
-            by invoking "<tt>make setup</tt>", which will re-run the
-            detection rules even if a <tt></tt> is already present.
-            <p>
-        <li><b>User-selectable builds</b><br>
-            <p>
-        <li><b>Automatic detection of font drivers</b><br>
-            FreeType is made of a "base" layer that invokes several
-            separately-compiled modules. Each module is a given
-            font driver, in charge of supporting a given font format.
-            <p>
-            The list of font drivers is located in the file
-            "<tt>freetype2/config/<em>system</em>/ftmodule.h</tt>", however
-            it can be regenerated on-demand. Adding a new module to the
-            FreeType source tree is thus as easy as:<p>
-            <ul>
-                <li>create a new directory in "<tt>freetype2/src</tt>" and
-                    put the new driver's source code and sub-makefiles there.
-                    <p>
-                <li>invoke the top <tt>Makefile</tt> with target
-                    "<tt>modules</tt>" (as in "<tt>make modules</tt>"),
-                    as this will automatically regenerate the list of
-                    available drivers by detecting the new directory and
-                    its content.
-            </ul>
-            <p>
-    </ul>
-<h2>II. Host Platform Detection</h2>
-    When the top-level <tt>Makefile</tt> is invoked, it looks for a
-    file named <tt></tt> in the current directory. If this
-    file is found, it is used to build the library
-    (see <a href="library">Section III</a>).
-    <p>
-    Otherwise, the file <tt>freetype2/config/</tt> is included
-    and parsed. Its purpose is to:<p>
-    <ul>
-        <li>Define the <tt>PLATFORM</tt> variable, which indicates
-            what is the currently detected platform. It is initially
-            set to the default value "<tt>ansi</tt>".
-            <p>
-        <li>It searches for a <tt></tt> file in all
-            subdirectories of <tt>freetype2/config</tt>. Each such
-            file is included and parsed. Each of these files must
-            try to detect if the host platform is a system it knows
-            about. If so, it changes the value of the <tt>PLATFORM</tt>
-            accordingly.
-    </ul>
-    <p>
-    This is illustrated by the following graphics :<p>
-    <center>
-        <img src="platform-detection.png" border=0>
-    </center>
-    <p>
-    Note that each system-specific <tt></tt> is in charge
-    of copying a valid configuration makefile to the current directory
-    (i.e. the one where <tt>make</tt> was invoked), depending on the
-    current targets. For example, the Win32 <tt></tt> will
-    be able to detect a "<tt>visualc</tt>" or "<tt>lcc</tt>" target,
-    as described in section I. Similarly, the OS/2 <tt></tt>
-    can detect targets like "<tt>borlandc</tt>", "<tt>watcom</tt>"
-    or "<tt>visualage</tt>", etc..
-<h2>III. Building the library</h2>
-    When the top-level <tt>Makefile</tt> is invoked and that it finds
-    a <tt></tt> file in the current directory, it defines
-    the variable <tt>BUILD_FREETYPE</tt>, then includes and parses the
-    configuration sub-makefile.
-    <p>
-    The latter defines a number of important variables that describe
-    the compilation process to the build system. Among other things:<p>
-    <ul>
-        <li>the extension to be used for object files and library files
-            (i.e. <tt>.o</tt> and <tt>.a</tt> on Unix, <tt>.obj</tt>
-             and <tt>.lib</tt> on Dos-Windows-OS/2, etc..).
-            <p>
-        <li>the directory where all object files will be stored
-            (usually <tt>freetype2/obj</tt>), as well as the one
-            containing the library file (usually the same as for
-            objects).
-            <p>
-        <li>the command line compiler, and its compilation flags for
-            indicating a new include path (usually "<tt>-I</tt>"),
-            a new macro declaration (usually "<tt>-D</tt>") or
-            the target object file (usually "<tt>-o&nbsp;</tt>")
-    </ul>
-    <p>
-    Once these variable are defined, <tt></tt> test for the
-    definition of the <tt>BUILD_FREETYPE</tt> variable. If it exists,
-    the makefile then includes "<tt>freetype2/config/</tt>"
-    which contains the rules required to compile the library.
-    <p>
-    Note that <tt></tt> also scans the subdirectories of
-    "<tt>freetype2/src</tt>" for a file called "<tt></tt>".
-    Each <tt></tt> contains, as it names suggests, the rules
-    required to compile a given font driver or module.
-    <p>
-    Once all this parsing is done, the library can be compiled. Usually,
-    each font driver is compiled as a standalone object file (e.g.
-    <tt>sfnt.o</tt>, <tt>truetype.o</tt> and <tt>type1.o</tt>).
-    <p>
-    This process can be illustrated by the following graphics:<p>
-    <center>
-        <img src="library-compilation.png" border=0>
-    </center>
-    <p>
-<h2>IIV. Managing the list of modules</h2>
-    The makefile <tt></tt> only determines how to compile
-    each one of the modules that are located in the sub-directories of
-    <tt>freetype2/src</tt>.
-    <p>
-    However, when the function <tt>FT_Init_FreeType</tt> is invoked at
-    the start of an application, it must create a new <tt>FT_Library</tt>
-    object, and registers all <em>known</em> font drivers to it by
-    repeatly calling <tt>FT_Add_Driver</tt>.
-    <p>
-    The list of <em>known</em> drivers is located in the file
-    "<tt>freetype2/config/<em>system</em>/ftmodule.h</tt>", and is used
-    exclusively by the internal function <tt>FT_Default_Drivers</tt>. The
-    list in <tt>ftmodule.h</tt> must be re-generated each time you add
-    or remove a module from <tt>freetype2/src</tt>.
-    <p>
-    This is normally performed by invoking the top-level <tt>Makefile</tt>
-    with the <tt>modules</tt> target, as in:<p>
-    <ul>
-        <tt>make modules</tt>
-    </ul>
-    <p>
-    This will trigger a special rule that will re-generate
-    <tt>ftmodule.h</tt>. To do so, the Makefile will parse all module
-    directories for a file called "<tt></tt>". Each
-    <tt></tt> is a tiny sub-Makefile used to add a single
-    module to the driver list.
-    <p>
-    This is illustrated by the following graphics:<p>
-    <center>
-        <img src="drivers-list.png" border=0>
-    </center>
-    <p>
-    Note that the new list of modules is displayed in a very human-friendly
-    way after a "<tt>make modules</tt>". Here's an example with the current
-    source tree (on 11 Jan 2000):<p>
-    <ul><pre>
-Regenerating the font drivers list in ./config/unix/ftmodule.h
-* driver:  sfnt      ( pseudo-driver for TrueType & OpenType formats )
-* driver:  truetype  ( Windows/Mac font files with extension *.ttf or *.ttc )
-* driver:  type1     ( Postscript font files with extension *.pfa or *.pfb )
--- done --
-    </pre></ul>
-<h2>V. Building the demonstration programs</h2>
-    Several demonstration programs are located in the
-    "<tt>freetype2/demos</tt>" directory hierarchy. This directory also
-    includes a tiny graphics sub-system that is able to blit glyphs to
-    a great variety of surfaces, as well as display these in various
-    graphics libraries or windowed environments.
-    <p>
-    This section describes how the demonstration programs are compiled,
-    using the configuration <tt>freetype2/</tt> and their own
-    <tt>freetype2/demos/Makefile</tt>.
-    <p>
-    To compile the demonstration programs, <em>after the library</em>,
-    simply go to <tt>freetype2/demos</tt> then invoke GNU make with no
-    arguments.
-    <p>
-    The top-level Makefile will detect the <tt></tt> in the
-    <em>upper</em> directory and include it. Because it doesn't define
-    the <tt>BUILD_FREETYPE</tt> variable, this will not force the
-    inclusion of <tt>freetype2/config/</tt> as described in
-    the previous section.
-    <p>
-    the <tt>Makefile</tt> will then include the makefile called
-    "<tt>freetype2/demos/graph/</tt>". The graphics <tt></tt>
-    defines the rules required to compile the graphics sub-system.
-    <p>
-    Because the graphics syb-system is also designed modularly, it is able
-    to use any number of "modules" to display surfaces on the screen.
-    The graphics modules are located in the subdirectories of
-    <tt>freetype2/demos/config</tt>. Each such directory contains a file
-    named <tt></tt> which is in charge of:<p>
-    <ul>
-        <li>detecting wether the corresponding graphics library is
-            available at the time of compilation.
-            <p>
-        <li>if it is, alter the compilation rules to include the graphics
-            module in the build of the <tt>graph</tt> library.
-    </ul>
-    <p>
-    When the <tt>graph</tt> library is built in <tt>demos/obj</tt>, the
-    demonstration programs executables are generated by the top-level
-    Makefile.
-    <p>
-    This is illustrated by the following graphics:<p>
-    <center>
-        <img src="demo-programs.png" border="0">
-    </center>
binary files a/docs/design/demo-programs.png /dev/null differ
binary files a/docs/design/drivers-list.png /dev/null differ
--- a/docs/design/index.html
+++ /dev/null
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
-   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
-   <meta name="Author" content="David Turner">
-   <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Mozilla/4.5 [fr] (Win98; I) [Netscape]">
-   <title>FreeType 2 Internals</title>
-<body text="#000000"
-      bgcolor="#FFFFFF"
-      link="#0000EF"
-      vlink="#51188E"
-      alink="#FF0000">
-FreeType 2.0 Internals</h1></center>
-Version 1.2</h2></center>
-&copy; 1999-2000 David Turner (<a href="fichier :///[email protected]">[email protected]</a>)<br>
-&copy; 1999-2000 The FreeType Development Team (<a href="fichier :///[email protected]">[email protected]</a>)</h3></center>
-<hr WIDTH="100%">
-<p>This document describes in great deatils the internals of FreeType 2.
-   It is a must read for porters and developers alike. Its purpose is to
-   present the
-<blockquote>This document describes in great details the internals of the
-FreeType 2.0 library. It is a must read for porters and developers alike.
-Its purpose is to present the engine's objects, their roles and interactions.
-It is assumed that the <b><i>FreeType Glyph Conventions</i></b> document
-has been read.
-<p>We advise porters to also read the <b><i>FreeType Porting Guide</i></b>
-after this document. Would-be hackers and maintainers are of course encouraged
-to read the <b><i>FreeType Coding Conventions</i></b> document too. The
-development of a new driver is described in more details in the <b><i>FreeType
-Driver HowTo</i></b> document.</blockquote>
-<hr WIDTH="100%">
-I. Overview :</h2>
-1. Features (and what's new) :</h3>
-<blockquote>FreeType 2.0 has a number of important new features that were
-not found in the 1.x releases :
-<blockquote><b>font-format independent API</b>
-<br>FreeType 2.0 is able to support any kind of font format, be it fixed
-or scalable, through the use of pluggable "font drivers". These drivers
-can be added or replaced at run time, while applications use a new font
-format-independent API.
-<p><b>advanced stream caching</b>
-<br>2.0 is able to control the number of concurrently opened streams when
-using fonts. It is thus possible to open dozens or hundreds of font faces
-without running out of system resources.
-<p><b>real reentrancy support</b>
-<br>It is now possible to use FreeType as a shared library with no static
-data in a multi-threaded environment. The synchronization model has also
-been simplified in order to make font driver writing easier. Of course,
-you can build FreeType with no thread support to get a smaller library.
-<p><b>support for cubic beziers and 17-levels anti-aliasing</b>
-<br>The FreeType scan-line converter (a.k.a. raster) now supports cubic
-bezier arcs seamlessly. It also provides a new anti-aliasing mode which
-uses a palette of 17 levels of grays.
-It also features the following :
-<blockquote><b>performance improvements :</b>
-<br>The FreeType raster has been optimized, and the generation of anti-aliased
-pixmaps is now 60% faster than in the 1.x release. Moreover, the TrueType
-bytecode interpreter has been profiled and greatly optimised.
-<p><b>easier portability</b>
-<br>Porting and configuring FreeType is now much easier. A single file
-must be provided for system-specific operations (like memory, i/o, thread
-management), and a single configuration header is used to select the build
-you need.
-2. Architecture :</h3>
-<blockquote>The engine is now split in several parts, which are :
-a. The base layer :</h4>
-<blockquote>This part contains all the font-format independent features
-of the engine which are :
-list processing</li>
-outline processing</li>
-scan-line converter</li>
-stream manager</li>
-base object classes</li>
-debugging &amp; traces</li>
-high-level API functions</li>
-low-level system object (memory, i/o, threads)</li>
-b. The font drivers :</h4>
-<blockquote>Each font format is managed with the use of a single font driver
-object. The base layer is able to manage several drivers, and these can
-be easily added, removed or upgraded at runtime. Each driver has the following
-features and functions :
-auto-check font format when opening a font resource (i.e. file)</li>
-access, load and/or extract all tables and data from the font file</li>
-grid-fit/hint the glyph outlines (in the case of scalable formats like
-TrueType or Type1)</li>
-provide extensions to access font format-specific data and tables from
-the font file</li>
-Note that FreeType 2.0 is a font service. Its purpose is to provide a unified
-API for all kinds of fonts and extract individual glyph images and metrics.
-However, it does not render text itself, as this operation is left to the
-developer, or to higher-level libraries built on top of FreeType. Here
-are a few features that are thus not implemented :
-<blockquote>1) Text string rendering
-<br>2) Glyph bitmap/outline caching for improved performance
-<br>3) Synthetic fonts (i.e. italicising, emboldening, underlining)
-<br>4) Contextual glyph substitution and other advanced layout processes</blockquote>
-Note that features 1 through 3 should be provided by the SemTex library,
-which may soon become part of the standard FreeType distribution.</blockquote>
-<hr WIDTH="100%">
-II. Design :</h2>
-1. Objects :</h3>
-<blockquote>They are several kinds of objects in FreeType, which can be
-described as follows :
-<blockquote><b>Base objects</b>
-<br>These objects do not relate directly to font data, but to the way it
-is organised and managed. It is the basic core and provides functions that
-are heavily used by each font driver. Examples are the resource objects,
-used to describe font files, the system object used to manage low-level
-system operations, or the raster object, used to convert vector outlines
-into bitmaps or anti-aliased pixmaps. Most of the base objects are not
-directly visible for client applications of FreeType.
-<p><b>Font objects</b>
-<br>The font objects directly model the data as it is found in font files.
-The root classes implemented in the base layer like <tt>FT_Face</tt>, <tt>FT_Size</tt>,
-must be derived in each font driver.</blockquote>
-Objects are defined in the files "<tt>base/freetype.h</tt>" and "<tt>base/ftobjs.h</tt>".
-The former contains all the public object definitions usable by client
-applications. The latter contains private definitions used by the rest
-of the base layer and each font driver.</blockquote>
-2. List management</h3>
-<blockquote>The "<tt>base/ftlist.c</tt>" component a very simple doubly-linked
-list facility which is used by the rest of the engine to create and process
-lists, including iteration and finalisation. The definition of the list
-node and functions are placed in the "<tt>base/freetype.h</tt>" to let
-client applications access listed objects as they like.
-<p>The base list type is <tt>FT_List</tt>, which links nodes of type <tt>FT_ListNode</tt>
-3. Limited encapsulation</h3>
-<blockquote>Unlike what happened in the 1.x releases, the <tt>FT_Face</tt>,
-<tt>FT_GlyphSlot</tt> and <tt>FT_CharMap</tt> types are no longer blind
-pointers to opaque types. Rather, the corresponding structures are now
-public (and defined in "<tt>base/freetype.h</tt>", see <tt>FT_FaceRec</tt>,
-etc..) in order to let client applications read directly the various object
-attributes they're interested in.
-<p>This breaks encapsulation of implementation, famed by OOP, but was chosen
-it simplifies a lot the work of client applications and libraries which
-don't need to perform a function call everytime they want to read one important
-object attribute (nor does it force them to cache these attributes in their
-own structures).</li>
-It reduces greatly the API, as many <tt>FT_Get_XXX</tt> functions are avoided.</li>
-Higher-level libraries are able to&nbsp; access data directly. When it
-is used frequently, they don't need to cache it in their own structures.</li>
-It is possible to tightly link FreeType objects with higher-level ones,
-in a clearer and more efficient way. This is very important when one wants
-to write a C++ wrapper or a text rendering library on top of FreeType (actually,
-both projects were performed in an earlier version of FreeType 2.0 which
-featured classic encapsulation through get/set methods. The resulting code
-was ugly and slow. Moving to a limited encapsulation approach simplified
-so many things that the compiled code size was reduced by a factor of two
-Finally, the API and font object structures were designed after the creation
-of two scalable font drivers and one bitmap font driver. They are now very
-stable and the public (visible) attributes are not going to change.</li>
-<hr WIDTH="100%">
-III. Base objects :</h2>
-<blockquote>This section describes the FreeType base object classes :
-1. System objects :</h3>
-<blockquote>The system class is in charge of managing all low-level and
-system-specific operations. This means simply memory management, i/o access
-and thread synchronisation. It is implemented by the "<tt>ftsys.c</tt>"
-component, whose source must be located in the configuration directory
-when building FreeType. (e.g. "<tt>lib/arch/ansi/ftsys.c</tt>" for an ANSI
-build, "<tt>lib/arch/unix/ftsys.c</tt>" for a Unix one, etc..).
-<p>Porting FreeType 2.0 really means providing a new implementation of
-(along with a few configuration file changes). Note however that its interface
-is common to all ports, and located in "<tt>base/ftsys.h</tt>".</blockquote>
-2. Resources and Streams:</h3>
-<blockquote>The concepts of files as storages, and files as streams has
-been separated for FreeType 2.0. The "<b><i>resource</i></b>" concept was
-introduced while the "<b><i>stream</i></b>" one has been redefined. Here
-is how they work together :
-a "<b>resource</b>" is an object which models a file, seen as a storage.
-There are several classes of resources, which differ usually in two ways
-: the way their data is accessed by applications, and the way they're named
-within the system.</li>
-<ul>For example, when parsing files with the ANSI C library, data has to
-be read (through fseek/fread) into intermediate buffers before it can be
-decoded. This scheme is highly portable, but rather inefficient; when using
-it, we'll describe the file as a disk-based resource.
-<p>As most modern operating systems now provide memory-mapped files, which
-allow direct access while improving performance and reducing memory usage.
-Because data can be read directly in memory, we'll speak of a memory-based
-resource in this case. For embedded systems (like printers, PDAs, etc..),
-ROM-fonts fit into this category as well.
-<p>Regarding naming, most systems use a string to name files in their storage
-hierarchy. Though a typical pathname is an ASCII string (<tt>'c:\windows\fonts\times.ttf'</tt>
-on Windows, <tt>'/home/fonts/times.ttf'</tt> on Unix), some OSes use different
-schemes, varying from Unicode character strings to file i-node numbers.
-These details are platform-specific and must be hidden to the rest of the
-library in resource objects.
-<p>A resource encapsulates the lowest details regarding a file, though
-it should have NO STATE. Note that the nature or type of a resource (i.e.
-disk or memory based) is important to the "stream" component only. The
-rest of the library and font drivers work transparently from their implementation.
-<p>Note also that it is perfectly possible to mix resources of distinct
-natures in a single build</ul>
-a "<b>stream</b>" is an object which is used to extract bytes from a resource.
-Only resource objects can create streams, through its <i><tt>Open_Stream()</tt></i>
-method. A stream has state, which typically consist of a file "cursor",
-some intermediate buffers, a "current frame" and, of course, methods used
-to extract the data from streams, resolving endianess and alignement issues.</li>
-Data can be extracted from streams through direct reads, or through the
-use of <b>frames</b>. A frame models <i>a run of contiguous bytes</i> starting
-from the current stream position, and of liberal size.
-<p>Methods exist to extract successive integers of any sizes, while resolving
-endianess and alignement issues. Rather than a long rethorical explanation,
-here's how frames are typically used :
-<br><tt>&nbsp; �</tt>
-<br><tt>&nbsp; FT_Error&nbsp; error;</tt>
-<p><tt>&nbsp; error = FT_Access_Frame( stream, 14 );</tt>
-<br><tt>&nbsp; if (error) goto Fail;</tt>
-<p><tt>&nbsp; val1 = FT_Get_Short(stream);</tt>
-<br><tt>&nbsp; val2 = FT_Get_Long(stream);</tt>
-<br><tt>&nbsp; val3 = FT_Get_Long(stream);</tt>
-<br><tt>&nbsp; val4 = FT_Get_Long(stream);</tt>
-<p><tt>&nbsp; FT_Forget_Frame(stream);</tt>
-<br><tt>&nbsp; �</tt>
-This code does the following :
-&nbsp;first, it "loads" the next 14 bytes from the current cursor position
-into the stream's frame, using the <tt>FT_Access_Frame</tt> API. An error
-is returned if, for example, less than 14 bytes are left in the stream
-when the call occurs..</li>
-&nbsp;it extract four integers (one 16-bit short, three 32-bit longs) from
-the frame using <tt>FT_Get_Short</tt> and <tt>FT_Get_Long</tt>. These function
-increment the frame's cursor finally, it "releases" the stream's frame.</li>
-&nbsp;Each stream has its own frame which can be accessed independently,
-however, nested frame accesses are not allowed. Note also that the bytes
-are effectively read from the stream on the call to <tt>FT_Access_Frame</tt>.
-Any subsequent read will occur after these 14 bytes, even if less are extracted
-through <tt>FT_Get_xxxx</tt> functions.</li>
-The implementation of the resource class is located in the system component
-(i.e. "<tt>arch/<i>&lt;system></i>/ftsys.c</tt>") and can thus be tailored
-for a specific port of the engine.
-<p>A resource can be created through the <tt>FT_New_Resource</tt> API;
-however this function only accepts an 8-bit pathname to name the target
-font file, which may be inappropriate for systems using a different naming
-scheme (e.g. UTF-16 pathname, i-node number, etc..). It's up to the porter
-then to provide its own resource creation function (like. <tt>FT_New_UTF16_Resource</tt>,
-for example) in its version of "<tt>ftsys.c</tt>".
-<p>Note that <tt>FT_New_Resource</tt> will fail and return an error code
-if the font file cannot be found, or when its font format isn't recognized
-by one of the drivers installed in the library. The list or resources created
-for a given library instance is thus the list of "installed font files".
-3. Stream Manager :</h3>
-<blockquote>As said before, resources do not bear states, while streams
-do. Stream creation is also a very lengthy process, depending on the target
-operating system (e.g. "<tt>fopen</tt>" is usually very slow).
-<p>Because a typical font driver will want to use a new stream on each
-access to individual glyphs, being able to cache the most recently used
-streams is a requirement in order to avoid considerable performance penalties.
-<p>Stream caching is thus implemented in the "<tt>ftstream</tt>" component.
-It maintains a simple LRU list of the least recently used streams. Each
-stream in the cache is still opened and available for immediate processing.
-When a resource is destroyed, the stream cache is parsed to remove all
-related cached streams.
-<p>Stream caching can also be disabled with a configuration macro when
-using only ROM based resources (where stream opening is really quick).
-It is implemented through a Stream Manager object (see <tt>ftstream.c</tt>).
-4. Raster :</h3>
-<blockquote>The raster is the component is charge of generating bitmaps
-and anti-aliased pixmaps from vectorial outline definitions. It is also
-sometimes called the scan-line converter. It has been completely rewritten
-for FreeType 2.0 in order to support third-order bezier arcs, 17-levels
-anti-aliasing (through 4x4 sub-sampling), improved performance, as well
-as stand-alone compilation (in order to include it in other graphics package
-without requiring the rest of the FreeType engine).
-<p>Because it was designed for easy re-use and embedded systems, the raster
-is a rtaher 'unusual' piece of code, because it doesn't perform a single
-memory allocation, nor contain any static or global variable. Rather, it
-is up to client applications to allocate a raster object in their own heap
-or memory space.
-<p>Each raster object also needs a rather large block of memory called
-its render pool. The pool is used during rendering (and only during it)
-in order to perform the scan-line conversion. Because it accesses and manages
-data directly within the pool, the raster yelds impressive performance
-as well as bounded memory consumption. It can also automatically decompose
-large requests into smaller individual sub-tasks.
-<p>Finally, it never creates bitmaps or pixmaps, but simply renders into
-them (providing clipping too). These must be described to the raster with
-the help of a <tt>FT_Raster_Map</tt> structure (a very simple bitmap/pixmap
-<p>Note that when rendering anti-aliased pixmaps, the raster doesn't use
-an intermediate bitmap buffer, as filtering is part of the scan-line conversion
-5. Library objects :</h3>
-<blockquote>A library object models a single instance of the FreeType engine.
-This is useful when FreeType is compiled as a shared object (DLL), as it
-can then be used by several applications, each with its own resources and
-<p>The <tt>FT_Library</tt> type is an opaque handle to a library object.
-Such an object is created through a call&nbsp; to <tt>FT_Init_FreeType</tt>.
-Once you don't need it anymore, one can destroy a library object through
-<p>Note that in reentrant builds, several threads can access a single library
-object concurrently. Such a build can be chosen by switching one configuration
-macro in the file '<tt>arch/<i>&lt;system></i>/ftconfig.h</tt>'</blockquote>
-6. Driver objects :</h3>
-<blockquote>A driver object models an instance of a given font driver,
-i.e. an element of FreeType code in charge of handling a given font format,
-like TrueType, Type1, FNT, PCF, etc..
-<p>Each library object contains a given set of driver objects when it is
-created through FT_Init_FreeType, this set being determined at compile
-time (see the file 'base/ftapi.c'). However, removing or adding drivers
-is possible at run-time, in order to make upgrades easy.</blockquote>
-7. Diagram</h3>
-<blockquote>This diagram show the object relationships for the sole base
-layer. The library object is the root of the object graph :
-<p><img SRC="objects_diagram.png" height=300 width=562></center>
-<p>It can be read as follows :
-Each library object has one system, one raster and one stream manager objects.
-These objects can only belong to one given library.</li>
-Each library contains one list of 0 or more resources, as well as one list
-of 0 or more driver objects.</li>
-Each stream manager holds a bounded list ("0..n" where 'n' is the stream
-cache's size) of stream objects. Each stream is related to one given resource
-object. Each resource may be related to zero or one stream.</li>
-Each resource is related to one driver object. A driver is related to 0
-or more resources.</li>
-<hr WIDTH="100%">
-IV. Font objects :</h2>
-<blockquote>Font objects are used to directly map the information found
-in font files into several categories :
-1. Face objects :</h3>
-<blockquote>Face objects are used to model individual font faces. They
-encapsulate data which isn't related to a specific character size, or a
-specific glyph or glyph set. Usually, this means :
-the font face's family and style names (e.g. "Palatino" + "Regular")</li>
-some flags indicating which kind of font this is (scalable or fixed ? fixed-width
-or proportional ? horizontal or vertical ? etc�)</li>
-the number of glyphs, charmaps and eventually fixed character sizes (for
-bitmap formats) found in the font face.</li>
-for scalable formats, some important metrics like the ascender, descender,
-global font bounding box, maximum advance width, etc.. expressed in notional
-font/grid units (as well as the number of units on the EM grid).</li>
-A face is created from a resource object, with the <tt>FT_New_Face</tt>
-API. Each driver contains a list of opened face objects for the resources
-it manages. When a driver is removed or destroyed, all its child faces
-are discarded automatically with it.</blockquote>
-2. Size objects :</h3>
-<blockquote>Size objects are used to model a given character dimension
-for a given device resolution (which really means a given character pixel
-<p>Each size object is created from a parent face object. The object can
-be reset to new dimensions at any time. Each face object holds a list of
-all its child sizes, these are destroyed automatically when the face object
-is discarded.
-<p>The metrics contains metrics, expressed in pixels, for the ascender,
-descender, maximum advance width, etc..
-3. Glyph Slot objects :</h3>
-<blockquote>A glyph slot is a container where one can load individual glyphs,
-be they in vector of bitmap format. Each slot also contains metrics for
-the glyph it contains.
-<p>Each face object contains one or more glyph slot object : the first
-glyph slot is created automatically with its parent face, and it is possible
-to add new glyph slots (this is rarely used outside of debugging purposes).
-4. CharMap objects :</h3>
-<blockquote>A charmap object is a sort of dictionary whose task is to translate
-character codes in a given character encoding (like ShiftJIS, Unicode,
-ANSI, etc..) into glyph indexes in a given font face.
-<p>A face object contains one or more charmap objects. All charmap objects
-are created when the parent face is created, though they're not directly
-visible to client applications (rather, they can be enumerated through
-FT_Get_First_CharMap and FT_Get_Next_CharMap, or more simply picked adequately
-with FT_Find_CharMap for a set of given encodings).
-5. Diagram</h3>
-<blockquote>The following diagram illustrates the relationships between
-font objects :
-<p><img SRC="objects_diagram2.png" height=327 width=561></center>
-<p>Which can be read as :
-each resource may have zero or more child face objects "opened" for it.
-The number of faces is bounded by the number of font faces within the font
-each driver holds a list of all the faces opened for the resources it manages.
-When the driver is removed, its child faces are discarded automatically.</li>
-each face object has one single parent resource, and one single driver.</li>
-each face has one or more charmaps, and one or more glyph slots</li>
-each face holds a list of zero or more child size objects</li>
-each charmap, glyph slot and size is related to one given parent face.
-These objects are destroyed automatically when the parent face is discarded.</li>
-<hr WIDTH="100%">
-V. Driver Interface :</h2>
-<blockquote>A font driver is added to a given library object through the
-API. This function receives a structure known as a <tt>FT_DriverInterface</tt>,
-which describes the driver's basic properties.
-<p>The <tt>FT_DriverInterface</tt> contains a set of function pointers
-used for the base FreeType functionalities. However, each driver can also
-provide a font-format-specific extended interface to allow client applications
-to use more advanced features.
-1. Common Interface</h3>
-<blockquote>The structure of <tt>FT_DriverInterface</tt> is rather simple,
-and defined in "<tt>base/ftdriver.h</tt>". It must be well known by any
-developer who wants to write a new driver for the engine. We advise reading
-the <b><i>FreeType Driver HowTo</i></b> as well as the source code of existing
-drivers. Source comments.</blockquote>
-2. Driver-specific extensions</h3>
-<blockquote>The field of the <tt>FT_DriverInterface</tt> structure is a
-typeless pointer to a format-specific interface. This extended interface
-is usually a structure containing function pointers as well as other kind
-of information related to the driver.
-<p>It is assumed that client applications that wish to use the driver-specific
-extensions are able to <tt>#include</tt> the relevant header files to understand
-the format-specific interface structure.</blockquote>
-<hr WIDTH="100%">
-VI. Configuration:</h2>
-<blockquote>This section relates to the configuration of the FreeType library.
-By configuration, we mean selection of build options as well as the choice
-of font drivers to be used for each new library object.
-1. Configuration files :</h3>
-<blockquote>A single file is used to configure the FreeType base engine.
-As it is considered system-specific, it is located in the architecture
-directories of the library, under the name "arch/&lt;system>/ftconfig.h".
-Note that the same directory should also contain a platform-specific implementation
-of "ftsys.c".
-<p>The configuration files is a simple C header which is included by the
-engine's sources during compilation. It is not included in "freetype.h",
-and hence doesn't need to be copied when installing the FreeType headers
-on your system.
-<p>It is made of a series of #define or #undef statements, which are used
-to select or turn off a specific option. Each option is documented with
-heavy comments, and some of them are explained below.</blockquote>
-2. Building and Makefiles :</h3>
-<blockquote>FreeType 2.0 is more complex than its 1.x release. In order
-to facilitate maintenance, as well as ease considerably the writing of
-new font drivers, <b><i>only GNU Make is supported with FreeType 2.0</i></b>.
-However, it is possible to use any compiler, as well as any object or library
-prefix (<tt>.o, .obj, .a, .lib</tt> etc..) with them.
-<p>To build FreeType 2.0, one has to be in the library directory, then
-invoke its platform-specific makefile. For a Unix system, this would be
-<blockquote><tt>% cd freetype2/lib</tt>
-<br><tt>% make -f arch/unix/Makefile</tt>
-<p>where '<tt>make</tt>' is really GNU Make !</blockquote>
-The system-specific <tt>Makefile</tt> located in '<tt>arch/<i>&lt;system></i></tt>'
-is a tiny file used to define several variables. It then includes the file
-which contains all the gory details about library compilation. The system-specific
-<tt>Makefile</tt> can be very easily modified to accomodate a new compiler/platform
-(see the comments within one of these files).
-<p>Each font driver is located in a directory like "<tt>freetype2/lib/drivers/<i>&lt;formatdir></i></tt>".
-For example, the TrueType driver is located in "<tt>drivers/truetype</tt>".
-Each driver directory must contain a <tt>Makefile</tt> which will be included
-by <tt>Makefile.lib</tt>. The former is used to define and build driver
-object files.
-<p><img SRC="build_diagram.png" height=284 width=559></center>
-3. Make options :</h3>
-<blockquote>The base layer, as well as each font driver, are made up of
-several C sources. Traditionally, one compiles each source (i.e. '<tt>.c</tt>'
-file) into an object ('<tt>.o</tt>' or '<tt>.obj</tt>') file, and all of
-them are grouped into a library file (i.e. '<tt>.a</tt>' or '<tt>.lib</tt>').
-<p>By default, FreeType takes a slightly different approach when it comes
-to compiling each part of the engine. Usually, a single tiny source is
-compiled, which includes all other component sources. This results in a
-single object files, with the benefits or reduced code size, usually better
-compilation as well as a drastic reduction of the number of symbols exported
-by the library. Of course, it is made possible through the use of specific
-declaration macros in the FreeType source (see the definition of <tt>LOCAL_DEF</tt>
-and <tt>LOCAL_FUNC</tt> in <tt>ftconfig.h</tt> for details).
-<p>For a concrete example, see the source code in "<tt>base/ftbase.c</tt>"
-which generates the whole base layer in a single object file. The same
-build process is applied to font drivers, in order to generate one single
-object file per given font format (e.g. <tt>truetype.o</tt>, <tt>type1.o</tt>,
-<p>Compiling the library and drivers in "normal" mode is possible, through
-the use of the '<tt>multi</tt>' target (which really means &laquo; multiple
-objects &raquo;). For example, calling :
-<blockquote><tt>% make -f arch/ansi/Makefile multi</tt></blockquote>
-Will build the FreeType library by compiling each source file to an individual
-object, then linking them together. You'll notice that the library is significantly
-bigger in this case. Creating a shared dll from a 'multi' build is certainly
-a very poor idea, as this will export a huge quantity of symbols that aren't
-useful to any client application.</blockquote>
-4. Adding a driver at compile time</h3>
-<blockquote>A driver can be included very easily in the build process by
-including its <tt>Makefile</tt> in <tt>Makefile.lib</tt>. For example,
-the TrueType driver is simply included with the following lines (see <tt>Makefile.lib</tt>):
-<blockquote><tt># TrueType driver rules</tt>
-<br><tt>include $(DRIVERS_DIR)/truetype/Makefile</tt></blockquote>
-<p><br>Where <tt>DRIVERS_DIR</tt> really is "<tt>freetype2/lib/drivers</tt>",
-though this can be redefined. You can, of course specify a different path
-if you want to place your driver sources in another location.
-<p>Note that this only adds the driver's object files to the generated
-library file. A few more steps are needed to make your <tt>FT_Library</tt>
-objects use the driver. They consist in modifying the file "<tt>base/ftinit.c</tt>",
-whose sole purpose is to define the set of driver objects that are to be
-created with each new library object.
-5. Adding a driver at run time</h3>
-<blockquote>New driver objects can be added at run-time through the <tt>FT_Add_Driver</tt>
-API. This function takes a handle to an existing library object, as well
-as a pointer to a given driver interface. This interface is used to create
-a new driver object and register it within the library.
-<p>Similarly, a single driver can be removed from a library anytime through
-This will automatically discard the resources and face objects managed
-by the driver.</blockquote>
-6. Custom library objects :</h3>
-<blockquote>Finally, it is possible to build custom library objects. You
-need to pass a handle to a valid <tt>FT_System</tt> object to the <tt>FT_Build_Library</tt>
-API. The function will return a handle to the new fresh library object.
-Note that the library has no registered drivers after the call, developers
-have to add them by hand with <tt>FT_Add_Driver</tt>.
-<p>It is thus possible to create two distinct library objects with distinct
-implementations in the same session, which can be useful for debugging
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-  <meta name="Author"
-        content="David Turner">
-  <title>FreeType 2 Internals - I/O Frames</title>
-<body text="#000000"
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-<h1 align=center>
-  FreeType 2.0 I/O Frames
-<h3 align=center>
-  &copy; 2000 David Turner
-    (<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>)<br>
-  &copy; 2000 The FreeType Development Team
-    (<a href=""></a>)
-<table width="70%">
-  <hr>
-  <h2>
-    Introduction
-  </h2>
-  <p>This document explains the concept of I/O <b>frames</b> as used in the
-  FreeType&nbsp;2 source code.  It also enumerates the various functions and
-  macros that can be used to read them.</p>
-  <p>It is targeted to FreeType hackers, or more simply to developers who
-  would like a better understanding of the library's source code.</p>
-  <hr>
-  <h2>
-    I. What frames are
-  </h2>
-  <p>Simply speaking, a frame is an array of bytes in a font file that is
-  `preloaded' into memory in order to be rapidly parsed.  Frames are useful
-  to ensure that every `load' is checked against end-of-file overruns, and
-  provides nice functions to extract data in a variety of distinct
-  formats.</p>
-  <p>But an example is certainly more meaningful than anything else.  The
-  following code</p>
-  <font color="blue">
-  <pre>
-    error = read_short( stream, &str.value1 );
-    if ( error ) goto ...
-    error = read_ulong( stream, &str.value2 );
-    if ( error ) goto ...
-    error = read_ulong( stream, &str.value3 );
-    if ( error ) goto ...</pre>
-  </font>
-  <p>can easily be replaced with</p>
-  <font color="blue">
-  <pre>
-    error = FT_Access_Frame( stream, 2 + 4 + 4 );
-    if ( error ) goto ...
-    str.value1 = FT_Get_Short( stream );
-    str.value2 = FT_Get_ULong( stream );
-    str.value3 = FT_Get_ULong( stream );
-    FT_Forget_Frame( stream );</pre>
-  </font>
-  <p>Here, the call to <code>FT_Access_Frame()</code> will</p>
-  <ul>
-    <li>
-      <p>Ensure that there are at least 2+4+4=10 bytes left in the
-      stream.</p>
-    </li>
-    <li>
-      <p>`Preload' (for disk-based streams) 10&nbsp;bytes from the current
-      stream position.</p>
-    </li>
-    <li>
-      <p>Set the frame `cursor' to the first byte in the frame.</p>
-    </li>
-  </ul>
-  <p>Each <code>FT_Get_Short()</code> or <code>FT_Get_ULong()</code> call
-  will read a big-endian integer from the stream (2&nbsp;bytes for
-  <code>FT_Get_Short()</code>, 4&nbsp;bytes for <code>FT_Get_ULong</code>)
-  and advance the frame cursor accordingly.</p>
-  <p><code>FT_Forget_Frame()</code> `releases' the frame from memory.</p>
-  <p>There are several advantages to using frames:</p>
-  <ul>
-    <li>
-      <p>Single-check when loading tables.</p>
-    </li>
-    <li>
-      <p><em>Making code clearer</em> by providing simple parsing functions
-      <em>while keeping code safe</em> from file over-runs and invalid
-      offsets.</p>
-    </li>
-  </ul>
-  <hr>
-  <h2>
-    II. Accessing and reading a frame with macros
-  </h2>
-  <p>By convention in the FreeType source code, macros are able to use two
-  implicit variables named <var>error</var> and <var>stream</var>.  This is
-  useful because these two variables are extremely often used in the
-  library, and doing this only reduces our typing requirements and make the
-  source code much clearer.</p>
-  <p>Note that <var>error</var> must be a local variable of type
-  <code>FT_Error</code>, while <var>stream</var> must be a local variable or
-  argument of type <code>FT_Stream</code>.</p>
-  <p>The macro used to access a frame is <font
-  color="purple"><code><b>ACCESS_Frame(_size_)</b></code></font>, it will
-  translate to</p>
-  <font color="blue">
-  <pre>
-    ( error = FT_Access_Frame( stream, _size_ ) )
-        != FT_Err_Ok</pre>
-  </font>
-  <p>Similarly, the macro <font
-  color="purple"><b><code>FORGET_Frame()</code></b></font> translates to</p>
-  <font color="blue">
-  <pre>
-    FT_Forget_Frame( stream )</pre>
-  </font>
-  <p>Extracting integers can be performed with the <code>GET_xxx()</code>
-  macros, like</p>
-  <table align=center
-         cellpadding=5>
-    <tr valign="top">
-      <th>
-        Macro name
-      </th>
-      <th>
-        Translation
-      </th>
-      <th>
-        Description
-      </th>
-    </tr>
-    <tr valign="top">
-      <td>
-        <font color="purple"><code><b>GET_Byte()</b></code></font>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <font color="blue"><code>FT_Get_Byte(stream)</code></font>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>Reads an 8-bit unsigned byte.</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr valign="top">
-      <td>
-        <font color="purple"><code><b>GET_Char()</b></code></font>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <font color="blue"><code>(FT_Char)<br>
-        FT_Get_Byte(stream)</code></font>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <p>Reads an 8-bit <em>signed</em> byte.</p>
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr valign="top">
-      <td>
-        <font color="purple"><code><b>GET_Short()</b></code></font>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <font color="blue"><code>FT_Get_Short(stream)</code></font>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        Reads a 16-bit signed big-endian integer.
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr valign="top">
-      <td>
-        <font color="purple"><code><b>GET_UShort()</b></code></font>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <font color="blue"><code>(FT_UShort)<br>
-        FT_Get_Short(stream)</code></font>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        Reads a 16-bit unsigned big-endian integer.
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr valign="top">
-      <td>
-        <font color="purple"><code><b>GET_Offset()</b></code></font>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <font color="blue"><code>FT_Get_Offset(stream)</code></font>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        Reads a 24-bit signed big-endian integer.
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr valign="top">
-      <td>
-        <font color="purple"><code><b>GET_UOffset()</b></code></font>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <font color="blue"><code>(FT_UOffset)<br>
-        FT_Get_Offset(stream)</code></font>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        Reads a 24-bit unsigned big-endian integer.
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr valign="top">
-      <td>
-        <font color="purple"><code><b>GET_Long()</b></code></font>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <font color="blue"><code>FT_Get_Long(stream)</code></font>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        Reads a 32-bit signed big-endian integer.
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-    <tr valign="top">
-      <td>
-        <font color="purple"><code><b>GET_ULong()</b></code></font>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        <font color="blue"><code>(FT_ULong)<br>
-        FT_Get_Long(stream)</code></font>
-      </td>
-      <td>
-        Reads a 32-bit unsigned big-endian integer.
-      </td>
-    </tr>
-  </table>
-  <p>(Note that an <b>Offset</b> is an integer stored with 3&nbsp;bytes on
-  the file.)</p>
-  <p>All this means that the following code</p>
-  <font color="blue">
-  <pre>
-    error = FT_Access_Frame( stream, 2 + 4 + 4 );
-    if ( error ) goto ...
-    str.value1 = FT_Get_Short( stream );
-    str.value2 = FT_Get_ULong( stream );
-    str.value3 = FT_Get_ULong( stream );
-    FT_Forget_Frame( stream );</pre>
-    </font>
-    <p>can be simplified with macros:</p>
-    <font color="blue">
-    <pre>
-    if ( ACCESS_Frame( 2 +4 + 4 ) ) goto ...
-    str.value1 = GET_Short();
-    str.value2 = GET_ULong();
-    str.value3 = GET_ULong();
-    FORGET_Frame();</pre>
-    </font>
-    <p>Which is clearer.  Notice that <var>error</var> and <var>stream</var>
-    must be defined locally though for this code to work!</p>
-    <hr>
-  <h2>
-    III. Alternatives
-  </h2>
-  <p>It is sometimes useful to read small integers from a font file without
-  using a frame.  Some functions have been introduced in FreeType&nbsp;2 to
-  do just that, and they are of the form <font
-  color="blue"><code>FT_Read_xxxx</code></font>.</p>
-  <p>For example, <font color="blue"><code>FT_Read_Short(stream,
-  &error)</code></font> reads and returns a 2-byte big-endian integer from a
-  <var>stream</var>, and places an error code in the <var>error</var>
-  variable.</p>
-  <p>Thus, reading a single big-endian integer is shorter than using a frame
-  for it.</p>
-  <p>Note that there are also macros <font
-  color="purple"><code>READ_xxx()</code></font> which translate to</p>
-  <font color="blue">
-  <pre>
-    FT_Read_xxx( stream, &error ), error != FT_Err_Ok</pre>
-  </font>
-  <p>and can be used as in</p>
-  <font color="blue">
-  <pre>
-    if ( READ_UShort( variable1 ) ||
-         READ_ULong ( variable2 ) )
-      goto Fail;</pre>
-  </font>
-  <p>if <var>error</var> and <var>stream</var> are already defined
-  locally.</p>
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-<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
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-   <title>FreeType 2 Internals</title>
-<body text="#000000"
-      bgcolor="#FFFFFF"
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-      vlink="#51188E"
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-FreeType 2.0 System Interface</h1></center>
-&copy; 2000 David Turner (<a href="fichier :///[email protected]">[email protected]</a>)<br>
-&copy; 2000 The FreeType Development Team (<a href="fichier :///[email protected]">[email protected]</a>)</h3></center>
-<hr WIDTH="100%">
-	This document explains how the FreeType 2 library performs the low-level and
-	system-specific operations of memory management and i/o access. It is targetted
-	to FreeType hackers, porters and "advanced" developers who want special
-	features like providing their own memory manager or streams.
-	<p>
-	Note that the only system-specific part of the library is a file
-	named "<tt>ftsystem.c</tt>", normally located in the directory
-    "<tt>freetype2/config/&lt;system&gt;</tt>" where <tt>&lt;system&gt;</tt> designates
-	your platform (e.g. "<tt>config/ansi/ftsystem.c</tt>"  or
-	"<tt>config/unix/ftsystem.c</tt>").
-	<p>
-<h2>I. Memory Management</h2>
-	Memory allocation and releases are performed through a <tt>FT_Memory</tt> object in
-    FreeType. A <tt>FT_Memory</tt> is nothing more than a table of functions plus
-	an arbitrary user data field. It is defined in the file
-    "<tt>freetype2/include/ftsystem.h</tt>" and has the following structure:
-	<p>
-	<ul>
-		<tt>typedef struct</tt><br>
-		<tt>{</tt>
-		<ul>
-		<table>
-			<tr><td><tt><b>void*   user</b></tt>   <td> // a user-defined pointer. This is zero by default
-			<tr><td><tt><b>void* (*alloc)( FT_System, int)</b></tt>  <td> // a function used to allocate a new block
-			<tr><td><tt><b>void* (*realloc)( FT_System, int, int, void* )</b></tt><td> // a function used to reallocate a given block
-			<tr><td><tt><b>void  (*free)( FT_System, void*)</b></tt>   <td> // a function used to release a given block
-		</table>
-		</ul>
-		<tt>} FT_MemoryRec, *FT_Memory;</tt><br>
-	</ul>
-	<p>
-	You'll notice that:<p>
-	<ul>
-		<li>The <tt>FT_Memory</tt> type is really a pointer to a <tt>FT_MemoryRec</tt>.
-			This is a normal convention for the FreeType code.
-		<li>The <tt>realloc</tt> takes two integer arguments. The first one is the
-			current block size, the second one its new size.
-	</ul>
-	<p>
-	All current implementations of "<tt>ftsystem.c</tt>" provide a very simple
-    implementation of the <tt>FT_Memory</tt> interface by calling directly the
-	standard C <tt>alloc</tt>, <tt>realloc</tt> and <tt>free</tt>.
-	<p>
-	The FreeType source code never invokes directly the function pointers. Rather,
-	it calls <tt>FT_Alloc</tt>, <tt>FT_Realloc</tt> and <tt>FT_Free</tt> functions
-	which are defined in "<tt>freetype2/src/base/ftobjs.c</tt>". These will not be
-    discussed here.
-    <p>
-	<b>If you want to use your own memory allocator</b> rather than the one provided
-	by your build of FreeType, follow these simple steps:<p>
-	<ol>
-		<li>Create your own <tt>FT_Memory</tt> object, with pointers that map to
-            your own memory management routines (beware function signatures though).
-		<p>
-		<li>Call <tt>FT_Build_Library(memory,&library)</tt>. This will create a new
-			<tt>FT_Library</tt> object that uses your own <tt>FT_Memory</tt> exclusively.
-			Note however that this library has no font drivers loaded in !!
-		<p>
-		<li>Load the default font drivers into the new library, either by
-			calling <tt>FT_Default_Drivers(library)</tt>, or by adding them manually
-            through repeated calls to <tt>FT_Add_Driver(library,&driver_interface)</tt>
-		<p>
-	</ol>
-	This will replace the <tt>FT_Init_FreeType(&library)</tt> call that an application
-	must do to initialise one library instance.
-	<p>
-	Notice that you <em>don't need to recompile FreeType 2 to use your own memory
-	manager !!</em>.
-	<p>
-<h2>II. Streams</h2>
-	<h3>1. Basic Stream Structure</h3>
-	<p>
-	A stream models the array of bytes found in a font file. FreeType 2 separates
-	streams into two families :<p>
-	<ul>
-		<li><b>memory-based streams:</b><br>
-			when the stream's content is entirely found in memory. This is the
-			case for ROM font files, or memory-mapped files.
-			<p>
-		<li><b>disk-based streams:</b><br>
-			when the stream isn't directly accessible in memory. This is the
-			case for local or remote files.
-			<p>
-	</ul>
-	<p>
-	Note that a stream's nature only determines how FreeType accesses its content, not
-	the way it is effectively stored. For example, in the case of a compressed font file,
-	one implementation may choose to uncompress the font in memory, then provide a memory
-    based stream to access it. Another one might chose a disk based stream to perform
-	on-the-fly decompression of the font data. Similarly, the font file can be stored
-    on a local disk, or obtained from a network. This will be completely transparent to
-    FreeType.
-	<p>
-	The stream structure is:
-	<p>
-	<ul>
-		<tt>typedef struct</tt><br>
-		<tt>{</tt><br>
-		<ul><table>
-			<tr><td><tt><b>char*  base</b></tt>   <td> for memory-based streams, the address
-												   of its first byte.
-			<tr><td><tt><b>ulong  size</b></tt>   <td> the stream's size in bytes.
-			<tr><td><tt><b>ulong  pos</b></tt>    <td> the current stream position in the file
-			<tr><td><tt><b>descriptor</b></tt><td> a union field used to hold either an
-											       integer file descriptor or pointer.
-												   This field is not used by FreeType
-												   itself, but is left to implementations
-												   of "<tt>ftsystem</tt>"
-			<tr><td><tt><b>pathname</b></tt>  <td> a union field that can hold either an
-												   integer or pointer. It is not used by
-												   FreeType itself, but is left to
-												   implementations. These can put the
-												   file pathname's during debugging for
-												   example.
-			<tr><td><tt><b>read</b></tt>   <td> a pointer to a function used to seek the
-											  stream and/or read a run of bytes from it.
-			<tr><td><tt><b>close</b></tt><td> a pointer to a function called when the
-											  stream is closed.
-			<tr><td><tt><b>memory</b></tt> <td> a <tt>FT_Memory</tt> object, which is used
-												to allocate frames for disk-based streams.
-												This field is set and used by FreeType.
-			<tr><td><tt><b>cursor</b></tt> <td> a pointer in memory used when accessing
-												frames. This is set and used by FreeType.
-			<tr><td><tt><b>limit</b></tt>  <td> a pointer in memory used when accessing
-												frames. This is set and used by FreeType.
-		</table></ul>
-		<tt>} FT_StreamRec, *FT_Stream</tt>
-	</ul>
-	<p>
-	The following important things must be noticed here:<p>
-	<ul>
-		<li>The <tt>FT_Stream</tt> type is really a pointer to a <tt>FT_StreamRec</tt>.
-            This is a normal convention for the FreeType source.
-			<p>
-		<li>When the <tt>read</tt> field is non NULL, the stream is considered to be
-			disk-based. Otherwise, the stream is memory-based, and the <tt>base</tt>
-			field <em>must</em> be set by "<tt>ftsystem.c</tt>" when the stream is
-			created.
-			<p>
-		<li>The <tt>base</tt> field must be set to 0 when a disk-based stream is created.
-			However, this field will later be set and used by the FreeType library when
-            accessing frames of bytes within the font file (of course, this doesn't
-            happen with memory-based streams).
-	</ul>
-	<h3>2. Stream lifecyles</h3>
-	<p>
-	Each <tt>FT_Face</tt> needs its own stream to access font data. The most common
-	way to create a new <tt>FT_Stream</tt> object is to call the function
-	<tt>FT_New_Face</tt>. This function takes a <em>file pathname</em> argument that
-	is used to create a new stream object.
-	<p>
-	This is possible because each implementation of "<tt>ftsystem.c</tt>" provides
-	a function called <tt>FT_New_Stream</tt> which takes a file pathname and a
-    <tt>FT_Stream</tt> pointer as an argument. The function simply opens the file
-	and initialises the stream structure accordingly. It is called by <tt>FT_New_Face</tt>
-	to create the face's stream object.
-	<p>
-	A stream is only closed when the face is destroyed through <tt>FT_Done_Face</tt>.
-	Its <tt>close</tt> field function will then be called. Note that the function should
-	<em>never</em> destroy the <tt>FT_Stream</tt>.
-	<p>
-	<h3>3. Using your own streams</h3>
-	<p>
-	There are cases where it is interesting to provide your own stream to create
-	a new face object, rather than rely on the default implementation. For example,
-    a filepathname, which is a C string, might not be useful on a system where files
-	are named with a UTF-16 string or via an i-node number of memory address (for ROM files).
-	<p>
-	For this purpose, the <tt>FT_Open_Face</tt> is defined. It simply takes a
-	<tt>FT_Stream</tt> pointer as its second argument, instead of a file pathname (the
-	stream must be allocated and initialised by you, so be careful).
-	<p>
-	Actually, the only thing that <tt>FT_New_Face</tt> does is create a new stream
-	through <tt>FT_New_Stream</tt>, then call <tt>FT_Open_Face</tt> to create the
-	face with it.
-	<p>
-	Note also that you can use the function <tt>FT_New_Memory_Face</tt> to create
-	a new font face for a memory-based font file, whose address and size can be passed
-	as arguments. The function automatically creates the corresponding memory-based
-	stream and use it to create the face.
-	<p>
-<h2>III. Thread synchronisation</h2>
-	The FreeType library uses no static data. It can be used concurrently by two
-	thread as long as each one uses its own <tt>FT_Library</tt> instance. Otherwise,
-	one can very simply synchronize access to a single library instance by using a
-	mutex to protect each call to one of FreeType's API functions.
-	<p>
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-  <title>FreeType 2 Tutorial</title>
-<body text="#000000"
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-<h1 align=center>
-  FreeType 2.0 Tutorial
-<h3 align=center>
-  &copy; 2000 David Turner
-    (<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>)<br>
-  &copy; 2000 The FreeType Development Team
-    (<a href=""></a>)
-<table width="70%">
-  <hr>
-  <h2>
-    Introduction
-  </h2>
-  <p>This short tutorial will teach you how to use the FreeType&nbsp;2
-  library in your own applications.</p>
-  <hr>
-    <h3>
-      1. Header files
-    </h3>
-    <p>To include the main FreeType header file, simply say</p>
-    <font color="blue">
-    <pre>
-    #include &lt;freetype/freetype.h&gt;</pre>
-    </font>
-    <p>in your application code.  Note that other files are available in the
-    FreeType include directory, most of them being included by
-    <tt>"freetype.h"</tt>.  They will be described later in this
-    tutorial.</p>
-    <hr>
-    <h3>
-      2. Initialize the library
-    </h3>
-    <p>Simply create a variable of type <tt>FT_Library</tt> named, for
-    example, <tt>library</tt>, and call the function
-    <tt>FT_Init_FreeType()</tt> as in</p>
-    <font color="blue">
-    <pre>
-    #include &lt;freetype/freetype.h&gt;
-    FT_Library  library;
-    ...
-    {
-      ...
-      error = FT_Init_FreeType( &library );
-      if ( error )
-      {
-        ... an error occurred during library initialization ...
-      }
-    }</pre>
-    </font>
-    <p>This function is in charge of the following:</p>
-    <ul>
-      <li>
-         <p>Creating a new instance of the FreeType&nbsp;2 library, and set
-         the handle <tt>library</tt> to it.</p>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <p>Load each modules that FreeType knows about in the library. 
-        This means that by default, your new <tt>library</tt> object is able
-        to handle TrueType, Type&nbsp;1, CID-keyed & OpenType/CFF fonts
-        gracefully.</p>
-      </li>
-    </ul>
-    <p>As you can see, the function returns an error code, like most others
-    in the FreeType API.  An error code of&nbsp;0 <em>always</em> means that
-    the operation was successful; otherwise, the value describes the error,
-    and <tt>library</tt> is set to NULL.</p>
-    <hr>
-    <h3>
-      3. Load a font face
-    </h3>
-      <h4>
-        a. From a font file
-      </h4>
-      <p>Create a new <em>face</em> object by calling <tt>FT_New_Face</tt>. 
-      A <em>face</em> describes a given typeface and style.  For example,
-      "Times New Roman Regular" and "Times New Roman Italic" correspond to
-      two different faces.</p>
-      <font color="blue">
-      <pre>
-    FT_Library   library;   /* handle to library     */
-    FT_Face      face;      /* handle to face object */
-    error = FT_Init_FreeType( &library );
-    if ( error ) { ... }
-    error = FT_New_Face( library,
-                         "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/arial.ttf",
-                         0,
-                         &face );
-    if ( error == FT_Err_Unknown_File_Format )
-    {
-      ... the font file could be opened and read, but it appears
-      ... that its font format is unsupported
-    }
-    else if ( error )
-    {
-      ... another error code means that the font file could not
-      ... be opened or read, or simply that it is broken...
-    }</pre>
-      </font>
-      <p>As you can certainly imagine, <tt>FT_New_Face</tt> opens a font
-      file, then tries to extract one face from it.  Its parameters are</p>
-      <table cellpadding=5>
-        <tr valign="top">
-          <td>
-            <tt><b>library</b></tt>
-          </td>
-          <td>
-            <p>handle to the FreeType library instance where the face object
-            is created</p>
-          </td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr valign="top">
-          <td>
-            <tt><b>filepathname</b></tt>
-          </td>
-          <td>
-            <p>the font file pathname (standard C string).</p>
-          </td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr valign="top">
-          <td>
-            <tt><b>face_index</b></tt>
-          </td>
-          <td>
-            <p>Certain font formats allow several font faces to be embedded
-            in a single file.</p>
-            <p>This index tells which face you want to load.  An error will
-            be returned if its value is too large.</p>
-            <p>Index 0 always work though.</p>
-          </td>
-        </tr>
-        <tr valign="top">
-          <td>
-            <tt><b>face</b></tt>
-          </td>
-          <td>
-            <p>A <em>pointer</em> to the handle that will be set to describe
-            the new face object.</p>
-            <p>It is set to NULL in case of error.</p>
-          </td>
-        </tr>
-      </table>
-      <p>To know how many faces a given font file contains, simply load its
-      first face (use <tt>face_index</tt>=0), then see the value of
-      <tt>face->num_faces</tt> which indicates how many faces are embedded
-      in the font file.</p>
-      <h4>
-        b. From memory
-      </h4>
-      <p>In the case where you have already loaded the font file in memory,
-      you can similarly create a new face object for it by calling
-      <tt>FT_New_Memory_Face</tt> as in</p>
-      <font color="blue">
-      <pre>
-    FT_Library   library;   /* handle to library     */
-    FT_Face      face;      /* handle to face object */
-    error = FT_Init_FreeType( &library );
-    if ( error ) { ... }
-    error = FT_New_Memory_Face( library,
-                                buffer,    /* first byte in memory */
-                                size,      /* size in bytes        */
-                                0,         /* face_index           */
-                                &face );
-    if ( error ) { ... }</pre>
-      </font>
-      <p>As you can see, <tt>FT_New_Memory_Face()</tt> simply takes a
-      pointer to the font file buffer and its size in bytes instead of a
-      file pathname.  Other than that, it has exactly the same semantics as
-      <tt>FT_New_Face()</tt>.</p>
-      <h4>
-        c. From other sources (compressed files, network, etc.)
-      </h4>
-      <p>There are cases where using a file pathname or preloading the file
-      in memory is simply not enough.  With FreeType&nbsp;2, it is possible
-      to provide your own implementation of i/o routines.</p>
-      <p>This is done through the <tt>FT_Open_Face()</tt> function, which
-      can be used to open a new font face with a custom input stream, select
-      a specific driver for opening, or even pass extra parameters to the
-      font driver when creating the object.  We advise you to refer to the
-      FreeType&nbsp;2 reference manual in order to learn how to use it.</p>
-      <p>Note that providing a custom stream might also be used to access a
-      TrueType font embedded in a Postscript Type&nbsp;42 wrapper.</p>
-      <hr>
-    <h3>
-      4. Accessing face content
-    </h3>
-    <p>A <em>face object</em> models all information that globally describes
-    the face.  Usually, this data can be accessed directly by dereferencing
-    a handle, like</p>
-    <table cellpadding=5>
-      <tr valign="top">
-        <td>
-          <tt><b>face->num_glyphs</b></tt>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          <p>Gives the number of <em>glyphs</em> available in the font face.
-          A glyph is simply a character image.  It doesn't necessarily
-          correspond to a <em>character code</em> though.</p>
-        </td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr valign="top">
-        <td>
-          <tt><b>face->flags</b></tt>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          <p>A 32-bit integer containing bit flags used to describe some
-          face properties.  For example, the flag
-          <tt>FT_FACE_FLAG_SCALABLE</tt> is used to indicate that the face's
-          font format is scalable and that glyph images can be rendered for
-          all character pixel sizes.  For more information on face flags,
-          please read the <a href="#">FreeType&nbsp;2 API Reference</a>.</p>
-        </td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr valign="top">
-        <td>
-          <tt><b>face->units_per_EM</b></tt>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          <p>This field is only valid for scalable formats (it is set to 0
-          otherwise).  It indicates the number of font units covered by the
-          EM.</p>
-        </td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr valign="top">
-        <td>
-          <tt><b>face->num_fixed_sizes</b></tt>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          <p>This field gives the number of embedded bitmap <em>strikes</em>
-          in the current face.  A <em>strike</em> is simply a series of
-          glyph images for a given character pixel size.  For example, a
-          font face could include strikes for pixel sizes 10, 12
-          and&nbsp;14.  Note that even scalable font formats can have
-          embedded bitmap strikes!</p>
-        </td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr valign="top">
-        <td>
-          <tt><b>face->fixed_sizes</b></tt>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          <p>this is a pointer to an array of <tt>FT_Bitmap_Size</tt>
-          elements.  Each <tt>FT_Bitmap_Size</tt> indicates the horizontal
-          and vertical <em>pixel sizes</em> for each of the strikes that are
-          present in the face.</p>
-        </td>
-      </tr>
-    </table>
-    <p>For a complete listing of all face properties and fields, please read
-    the <a href="#">FreeType&nbsp;2 API Reference</a>.<p>
-    <hr>
-    <h3>
-      5. Setting the current pixel size
-    </h3>
-    <p>FreeType 2 uses "<em>size objects</em>" to model all
-       information related to a given character size for a given face.
-       For example, a size object will hold the value of certain metrics
-       like the ascender or  text height, expressed in 1/64th of a pixel,
-       for a character size of 12 points.</p>
-    <p>When the <tt>FT_New_Face</tt> function is called (or one of its
-       cousins), it <b>automatically</b> creates a new size object for
-       the returned face. This size object is directly accessible as
-       <b><tt>face->size</tt></b>.</p>
-    <p><em>NOTA BENE: a single face object can deal with one or more size
-       objects at a time, however, this is something that few programmers
-       really need to do. We have thus have decided to simplify the API for
-       the most common use (i.e. one size per face), while keeping this
-       feature available through additional fuctions.</em></p>
-    <p>When a new face object is created, its size object defaults to the
-       character size of 10&nbsp;pixels (both horizontally and vertically) for
-       scalable formats.  For fixed-sizes formats, the size is more or less
-       undefined, which is why you must set it before trying to load a
-       glyph.</p>
-    <p>To do that, simply call <tt>FT_Set_Char_Size()</tt>.  Here is an
-       example where the character size is set to 16pt for a 300x300&nbsp;dpi
-       device:</p>
-    <font color="blue">
-    <pre>
-    error = FT_Set_Char_Size(
-              face,    /* handle to face object           */
-              0,       /* char_width in 1/64th of points  */
-              16*64,   /* char_height in 1/64th of points */
-              300,     /* horizontal device resolution    */
-              300 );   /* vertical device resolution      */</pre>
-    </font>
-    <p>You will notice that:</p>
-    <ul>
-      <li>
-        <p>The character width and heights are specified in 1/64th of
-        points. A point is a <em>physical</em> distance, equaling 1/72th
-	of an inch, it's not a pixel..<p>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <p>The horizontal and vertical device resolutions are expressed in
-        <em>dots-per-inch</em>, or <em>dpi</em>. You can use 72 or
-        96&nbsp;dpi for display devices like the screen. The resolution
-	is used to compute the character pixel size from the character
-	point size.</p>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <p>A value of&nbsp;0 for the character width means "<em>same as
-        character height</em>", a value of&nbsp;0 for the character height
-        means "<em>same as character width</em>".  Otherwise, it is possible
-        to specify different char widths and heights.</p>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <p>Using a value of 0 for the horizontal or vertical resolution means
-        72&nbsp;dpi, which is the default.</p>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <p>The first argument is a handle to a face object, not a size
-	   object. That's normal, and must be seen as a convenience.</p>
-      </li>
-    </ul>
-    <p>This function computes the character pixel size that corresponds to
-    the character width and height and device resolutions.  However, if you
-    want to specify the pixel sizes yourself, you can simply call
-    <tt>FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes()</tt>, as in</p>
-    <font color="blue">
-    <pre>
-    error = FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(
-              face,   /* handle to face object            */
-              0,      /* pixel_width                      */
-              16 );   /* pixel_height                     */</pre>
-    </font>
-    <p>This example will set the character pixel sizes to 16x16&nbsp;pixels. 
-    As previously, a value of&nbsp;0 for one of the dimensions means
-    "<em>same as the other</em>".</p>
-    <p>Note that both functions return an error code.  Usually, an error
-    occurs with a fixed-size font format (like FNT or PCF) when trying to
-    set the pixel size to a value that is not listed in the
-    <tt><b>face->fixed_sizes</b></tt> array.</p>
-    <hr>
-    <h3>
-      6. Loading a glyph image
-    </h3>
-      <h4>
-        a. Converting a character code into a glyph index
-      </h4>
-      <p>Usually, an application wants to load a glyph image based on its
-      <em>character code</em>, which is a unique value that defines the
-      character for a given <em>encoding</em>.  For example, the character
-      code&nbsp;65 represents the `A' in ASCII encoding.</p>
-      <p>A face object contains one or more tables, called
-      <em>charmaps</em>, that are used to convert character codes to glyph
-      indices.  For example, most TrueType fonts contain two charmaps.  One
-      is used to convert Unicode character codes to glyph indices, the other
-      is used to convert Apple Roman encoding into glyph indices.  Such
-      fonts can then be used either on Windows (which uses Unicode) and
-      Macintosh (which uses Apple Roman, bwerk).  Note also that a given
-      charmap might not map to all the glyphs present in the font.</p>
-      <p>By default, when a new face object is created, it lists all the
-      charmaps contained in the font face and selects the one that supports
-      Unicode character codes if it finds one.  Otherwise, it tries to find
-      support for Latin-1, then ASCII.</p>
-      <p>We will describe later how to look for specific charmaps in a face. 
-      For now, we will assume that the face contains at least a Unicode
-      charmap that was selected during <tt>FT_New_Face()</tt>.  To convert a
-      Unicode character code to a font glyph index, we use
-      <tt>FT_Get_Char_Index()</tt> as in</p>
-      <font color="blue">
-      <pre>
-    glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index( face, charcode );</pre>
-      </font>
-      <p>This will look the glyph index corresponding to the given
-      <tt>charcode</tt> in the charmap that is currently selected for the
-      face.  If charmap is selected, the function simply returns the
-      charcode.</p>
-      <p>Note that this is one of the rare FreeType functions that do not
-      return an error code.  However, when a given character code has no
-      glyph image in the face, the value&nbsp;0 is returned.  By convention,
-      it always correspond to a special glyph image called the <b>missing
-      glyph</b>, which usually is represented as a box or a space.</p>
-      <h4>
-        b. Loading a glyph from the face
-      </h4>
-      <p>Once you have a glyph index, you can load the corresponding glyph
-      image.  Note that the glyph image can be in several formats.  For
-      example, it will be a bitmap for fixed-size formats like FNT, FON, or
-      PCF.  It will also be a scalable vector outline for formats like
-      TrueType or Type&nbsp;1.  The glyph image can also be stored in an
-      alternate way that is not known at the time of writing this
-      documentation.</p>
-      <p>The glyph image is always stored in a special object called a
-      <em>glyph slot</em>.  As its name suggests, a glyph slot is simply a
-      container that is able to hold one glyph image at a time, be it a
-      bitmap, an outline, or something else.  Each face object has a single
-      glyph slot object that can be accessed as
-      <b><tt>face->glyph</tt></b>.</p>
-      <p>Loading a glyph image into the slot is performed by calling
-      <tt>FT_Load_Glyph()</tt> as in</p>
-      <font color="blue">
-      <pre>
-    error = FT_Load_Glyph( 
-              face,          /* handle to face object */
-              glyph_index,   /* glyph index           */
-              load_flags );  /* load flags, see below */</pre>
-      </font>
-      <p>The <tt>load_flags</tt> value is a set of bit flags used to
-      indicate some special operations.  The default value
-      <tt>FT_LOAD_DEFAULT</tt> is&nbsp;0.</p>
-      <p>This function will try to load the corresponding glyph image
-         from the face. Basically, this means that:</p>
-      <ul>
-        <li>
-	  <p>If a bitmap is found for the corresponding glyph and pixel
-	     size, it will in the slot (embedded bitmaps are always
-	     favored over native image formats, because we assume that
-	     they are higher-quality versions of the same image. This
-	     can be ignored by using the FT_LOAD_NO_BITMAP flag)</p>
-	</li>
-	<li>
-	  <p>Otherwise, a native image for the glyph will be loaded.
-	     It will also be scaled to the current pixel size, as
-	     well as hinted for certain formats like TrueType and
-	     Type1.</p>
-        </li>
-      </ul>
-      <p>The field <tt><b>glyph->format</b></tt> describe the format
-         used to store the glyph image in the slot. If it is not
-	 <tt>ft_glyph_format_bitmap</tt>, one can immediately
-	 convert it to a bitmap through <tt>FT_Render_Glyph</tt>,
-	 as in:</p>
-      <font color="blue">
-      <pre>
-   error = FT_Render_Glyph(
-                  face->glyph,      /* glyph slot  */
-		  render_mode );    /* render mode */
-      </pre>
-      </font>
-      <p>The parameter <tt>render_mode</tt> is a set of bit flags used
-         to specify how to render the glyph image. Set it to 0 to render
-	 a monochrome bitmap, or to <tt>ft_render_mode_antialias</tt> to
-	 generate a high-quality (256 gray levels) anti-aliased bitmap
-	 from the glyph image.</p>
-      <p>Once you have a bitmap glyph image, you can access it directly
-         through <tt><b>glyph->bitmap</b></tt> (a simple bitmap descriptor),
-	 and position it through <tt><b>glyph->bitmap_left</b></tt> and
-	 <tt><b>glyph->bitmap_top</b></tt>.</p>
-      <p>Note that <tt>bitmap_left</tt> is the horizontal distance from the
-         current pen position to the left-most border of the glyph bitmap,
-	 while <tt>bitmap_top</tt> is the vertical distance from the
-	 pen position (on the baseline) to the top-most border of the
-	 glyph bitmap. <em>It is positive to indicate an upwards
-	 distance</em>.</p>
-      <p>The next section will detail the content of a glyph slot and
-         how to access specific glyph information (including metrics).</p>
-      <h4>
-        c. Using other charmaps
-      </h4>
-      <p>As said before, when a new face object is created, it will look for
-      a Unicode, Latin-1, or ASCII charmap and select it.  The currently
-      selected charmap is accessed via <b><tt>face->charmap</tt></b>.  This
-      field is NULL when no charmap is selected, which typically happens
-      when you create a new <tt>FT_Face</tt> object from a font file that
-      doesn't contain an ASCII, Latin-1, or Unicode charmap (rare
-      stuff).</p>
-      <p>There are two ways to select a different charmap with FreeType 2.
-         The easiest is when the encoding you need already has a corresponding
-	 enumeration defined in <tt>&lt;freetype/freetype.h&gt;</tt>, as
-	 <tt>ft_encoding_big5</tt>. In this case, you can simply call
-	 <tt>FT_Select_CharMap</tt> as in:</p>
-      <font color="blue"><pre>
-    error = FT_Select_CharMap(
-                    face,                 /* target face object */
-		    ft_encoding_big5 );   /* encoding..         */
-      </pre></font>
-      <p>Another way is to manually parse the list of charmaps for the
-         face, this is accessible through the fields
-	 <tt><b>num_charmaps</b></tt> and <tt><b>charmaps</b></tt> 
-	 (notice the 's') of the face object. As you could expect,
-	 the first is the number of charmaps in the face, while the
-	 second is <em>a table of pointers to the charmaps</em>
-	 embedded in the face.</p>
-      <p>Each charmap has a few visible fields used to describe it more
-         precisely. Mainly, one will look at
-	 <tt><b>charmap->platform_id</b></tt> and
-	 <tt><b>charmap->encoding_id</b></tt> that define a pair of
-	 values that can be used to describe the charmap in a rather
-	 generic way.</p>
-      <p>Each value pair corresponds to a given encoding. For example,
-         the pair (3,1) corresponds to Unicode. Their list is
-         defined in the TrueType specification but you can also use the
-	 file <tt>&lt;freetype/ftnameid.h&gt;</tt> which defines several
-	 helpful constants to deal with them..</p> 
-      <p>To look for a specific encoding, you need to find a corresponding
-         value pair in the specification, then look for it in the charmaps
-	 list. Don't forget that some encoding correspond to several
-	 values pair (yes it's a real mess, but blame Apple and Microsoft
-	 on such stupidity..). Here's some code to do it:</p>
-      <font color="blue">
-      <pre>
-    FT_CharMap  found = 0;
-    FT_CharMap  charmap;
-    int         n;
-    for ( n = 0; n &lt; face->num_charmaps; n++ )
-    {
-      charmap = face->charmaps[n];
-      if ( charmap->platform_id == my_platform_id &&
-           charmap->encoding_id == my_encoding_id )
-      {
-        found = charmap;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    if ( !found ) { ... }
-    /* now, select the charmap for the face object */
-    error = FT_Set_CharMap( face, found );
-    if ( error ) { ... }</pre>
-      </font>
-     <p>Once a charmap has been selected, either through
-        <tt>FT_Select_CharMap</tt> or <tt>FT_Set_CharMap</tt>,
-	it is used by all subsequent calls to
-	<tt>FT_Get_Char_Index()</tt>.</p>
-      <h4>
-        d. Glyph Transforms:
-      </h4>
-      <p>It is possible to specify an affine transformation to be applied
-         to glyph images when they're loaded. Of course, this will only
-	 work for scalable (vectorial) font formats.</p>
-      <p>To do that, simply call <tt>FT_Set_Transform</tt>, as in:</p>
-     <font color="blue"><pre>
-   error = FT_Set_Transform(
-                    face,           /* target face object    */
-		    &amp;matrix,    /* pointer to 2x2 matrix */
-		    &amp;delta );   /* pointer to 2d vector  */
-     </pre></font>
-      <p>This function will set the current transform for a given face
-         object. Its second parameter is a pointer to a simple
-	 <tt>FT_Matrix</tt> structure that describes a 2x2 affine matrix.
-	 The third parameter is a pointer to a <tt>FT_Vector</tt> structure
-	 that describe a simple 2d vector.</p>
-      <p>Note that the matrix pointer can be set to NULL, (in which case
-         the identity transform will be used). Coefficients of the matrix
-	 are in 16.16 fixed float units.</p>
-      <p>The vector pointer can also be set to NULL (in which case a delta
-         of (0,0) will be used). The vector coordinates are expressed in
-	 1/64th of a pixel (also known as 26.6 fixed floats).</p>
-      <p><em>NOTA BENE: The transform is applied every glyph that is loaded
-         through <tt>FT_Load_Glyph</tt>. Note that loading a glyph bitmap
-	 with a non-trivial transform will produce an error..</em></p>
-      <hr>
-    <h3>
-      7. Accessing glyph image data
-    </h3>
-    <p>Glyph image data is accessible through <tt><b>face->glyph</b></tt>. 
-    See the definition of the <tt>FT_GlyphSlot</tt> type for more details. 
-    As stated previously, each face has a single glyph slot, where
-    <em>one</em> glyph image <em>at a time</em> can be loaded.  Each time
-    you call <tt>FT_Load_Glyph()</tt>, you erase the content of the glyph
-    slot with a new glyph image.</p>
-    <p>Note however that the glyph slot object itself doesn't change, only
-    its content, which means that you can perfectly create a "shortcut" to
-    access it as in</p>
-    <font color="blue">
-    <pre>
-    {
-      /* shortcut to glyph slot */
-      FT_GlyphSlot  glyph = face->glyph;
-      for ( n = 0; n &lt; face->num_glyphs; n++ )
-      {
-        ... load glyph n ...
-        ... access glyph data as glyph->xxxx
-      }
-    }</pre>
-    </font>
-    <p>The <tt>glyph</tt> variable will be valid until its parent
-    <tt>face</tt> is destroyed.  Here are a few important fields of the
-    glyph slot:<p>
-    <table cellpadding=5>
-      <tr valign="top">
-        <td>
-          <tt><b>glyph->format</b></tt>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          <p>Indicates the type of the loaded glyph image.  Can be either
-          <tt>ft_glyph_format_bitmap</tt>, <tt>ft_glyph_format_outline</tt>,
-          or other values.</p>
-        </td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr valign="top">
-        <td>
-          <tt><b>glyph->metrics</b></tt>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          <p>A simple structure used to hold the glyph image's metrics. 
-          Note that <em>most distances are expressed in 1/64th of
-          pixels!</em> See the API reference or the user guide for a
-          description of the <tt>FT_Glyph_Metrics</tt> structure.</p>
-        </td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr valign="top">
-        <td>
-          <tt><b>glyph->bitmap</b></tt>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          <p>If the glyph slot contains a bitmap, a simple
-          <tt>FT_Bitmap</tt> that describes it.  See the API reference or
-          user guide for a description of the <tt>FT_Bitmap</tt>
-          structure.</p>
-        </td>
-      </tr>
-      <tr valign="top">
-        <td>
-          <tt><b>glyph->outline</b></tt>
-        </td>
-        <td>
-          <p>When the glyph slot contains a scalable outline, this structure
-          describes it. See the definition of the <tt>FT_Outline</tt>
-          structure.</p>
-        </td>
-      </tr>
-    </table>
-    <h3>
-      8. Rendering glyph outlines into bitmaps
-    </h3>
-    <p>You can easily test the format of the glyph image by inspecting the
-    <tt>face->glyph->format</tt> variable.  If its value is
-    <tt>ft_glyph_format_bitmap</tt>, the glyph image that was loaded is a
-    bitmap that can be directly blit to your own surfaces through your
-    favorite graphics library (FreeType&nbsp;2 doesn't provide bitmap
-    blitting routines, as you may imagine&nbsp;:-)</p>
-    <p>If the format is <tt>ft_glyph_format_outline</tt> or something else,
-    the library provides a means to convert such glyph images to bitmaps
-    through what are called <b>rasters</b>.</p>
-    <p>On the other hand, if the image is a scalable outline or something
-    else, FreeType provides a function to convert the glyph image into a
-    pre-existing bitmap that you will handle to it, named
-    <tt>FT_Get_Glyph_Bitmap</tt>.  Here's a <em>simple</em> example code
-    that renders an outline into a <b>monochrome</b> bitmap:</p>
-    <font color="blue">
-    <pre>
-    {
-      FT_GlyphSlot  glyph;
-      ... load glyph ...
-      glyph = face-&gt;glyph;   /* shortcut to glyph data */
-      if ( glyph->format == ft_glyph_format_outline )
-      {
-        FT_Bitmap  bit;
-        /* set-up a bitmap descriptor for our target bitmap */
-        bit.rows       = bitmap_height;
-        bit.width      = bitmap_width;
-        bit.pitch      = bitmap_row_bytes;
-        /* render into a mono bitmap */
-        bit.pixel_mode = ft_pixel_mode_mono;
-        bit.buffer     = bitmap_buffer;
-        /* render the outline directly into the bitmap */
-        error = FT_Get_Glyph_Bitmap( face, &bit );
-        if ( error ) { ... }
-      }
-    }</pre>
-    </font>
-    <p>You should note that <b><em><tt>FT_Get_Glyph_Bitmap()</tt> doesn't
-    create the bitmap</em></b>.  It only needs a descriptor, of type
-    <tt>FT_Bitmap</tt>, and writes directly into it.</p>
-    <p>Note that the FreeType scan-converter for outlines can also generate
-    anti-aliased glyph bitmaps with 128 level of grays.  For now, it is
-    restricted to rendering to 8-bit gray-level bitmaps, though this may
-    change in the future.  Here is some code to do just that:</p>
-    <font color="blue">
-    <pre>
-    {
-      FT_GlyphSlot  glyph;
-      ... load glyph ...
-      glyph = face->glyph;   /* shortcut to glyph data */
-      if ( glyph->format == ft_glyph_format_outline )
-      {
-        FT_Bitmap  bit;
-        /* set-up a bitmap descriptor for our target bitmap */
-        bit.rows       = bitmap_height;
-        bit.width      = bitmap_width;
-        bit.pitch      = bitmap_row_bytes;
-        /* 8-bit gray-level bitmap */
-        bit.pixel_mode = ft_pixel_mode_gray;
-        /* MUST be 128 for now     */
-        bit.grays      = 128;
-        bit.buffer     = bitmap_buffer;
-        /* clean the bitmap - IMPORTANT */
-        memset( bit.buffer, 0, bit.rows*bit.pitch );
-        /* render the outline directly into the bitmap */
-        error = FT_Get_Glyph_Bitmap( face, &bit );
-        if ( error ) { ... }
-      }
-    }</pre>
-    </font>
-    <p>You will notice that</p>
-    <ul>
-      <li>
-        <p>As previously, <tt>FT_Get_Glyph_Bitmap()</tt> doesn't generate
-        the bitmap, it simply renders to it.</p>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <p>The target bitmap must be cleaned before calling the function. 
-        This is a limitation of our current anti-aliasing algorithm and is
-        EXTREMELY important.</p>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <p>The anti-aliaser uses 128&nbsp;levels of grays exclusively for
-        now (this will probably change in a near future).  This means that
-        you <b>must</b> set <tt>bit.grays</tt> to&nbsp;128.  The generated
-        image uses values from 0 (back color) to 127 (foreground color).</p>
-      </li>
-      <li>
-        <p>It is <b>not</b> possible to render directly an anti-aliased
-        outline into a pre-existing gray-level bitmap, or even any
-        colored-format one (like RGB16 or paletted 8-bits).  We will not
-        discuss this issue in great details here, but the reason is that we
-        do not want to deal with graphics composition (or alpha-blending)
-        within FreeType.<p/>
-      </li>
-    </ul>