ref: 76e05c65d5693d53997430edc89e6791a58f2934
parent: 817a85a8adbc7656d40c1e05eafe1af1eb41eb66
author: Werner Lemberg <[email protected]>
date: Thu Sep 20 07:58:51 EDT 2001
Initial revision
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builds/amiga/README
@@ -1,0 +1,85 @@
+The smakefile is a makefile for Amiga SAS/C 6.58 (no longer available,
+latest sold version was 6.50, updates can be found in Aminet). It is
+based on the version found in the sourcecode of ttf.library 0.83b for
+FreeType 1.3.1 from Richard Griffith ([email protected],
+You will also need the latest include files and amiga.lib from the
+Amiga Developer CD V2.1 (or newer, I hope...) for AmigaOS 3.5, the
+generated code should work under AmigaOS 2.04 (V37) and up.
+To use it, call "smake assign" and then "smake" from the builds/amiga
+directory. The results are:
+- A link library "ft2_680x0.lib" (where x depends on the setting of
+ the CPU entry in the smakefile) containing all FreeType2 parts
+ except of the init code, debugging code, and the system interface
+ code.
+- ftsystem.o, an object module containing the standard version of the
+ system interface code which uses fopen() fclose() fread() fseek()
+ ftell() malloc() realloc() and free() from lib:sc.lib (not pure).
+- ftsystempure.o, an object module containing the pure version of the
+ system interface code which uses Open() Close() Read() Seek()
+ ExamineFH() AsmAllocPooled() AsmFreePooled() etc. This version can
+ be used in both normal programs and in Amiga run-time shared system
+ librarys (can be linked with lib:libinit.o, no copying of DATA and
+ BSS hunks for each OpenLibrary() necessary). Source code is in
+ src/base/ftsystem.c.
+- ftdebug.o, an object module containing the standard version of the
+ debugging code which uses vprintf() and exit() (not pure).
+ Debugging can be turned on in FT:include/freetype/config/ftoption.h
+ and with FT_SetTraceLevel().
+- ftdebugpure.o, an object module containing the pure version of the
+ debugging code which uses KVPrintf() from lib:debug.lib and no
+ exit(). For debugging of Amiga run-time shared system libraries.
+ Source code is in src/base/ftdebug.c.
+- NO ftinit.o. Since linking with a link library should result in
+ linking only the needed object modules in it, but standard
+ ftsystem.o would force ALL FreeType2 modules to be linked to your
+ program, I decided to use a different scheme: You must #include
+ FT:src/base/ftinit.c in your sourcecode and specify with #define
+ statements which modules you need. See
+ include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h.
+To use in your own programs:
+- Insert the #define and #include statements from top of
+ include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h in your source code and uncomment
+ the #define statements for the FreeType2 modules you need.
+ calling the FreeType2 functions, since the link library and the
+ object files are compiled with PARAMETERS=BOTH.
+- "smake assign" (assign "FT:" to the FreeType2 main directory).
+- Compile your program.
+- Link with either ftsystem.o or ftsystempure.o, if debugging enabled
+ with either ftdebug.o or (ftdebugpure.o and lib:debug.lib), and with
+ ft2_680x0.lib as link library.
+To adopt to other compilers:
+- The standard ANSI C maximum length of 31 significant characters in
+ identifiers is not enough for FreeType2. Check if your compiler has
+ a minimum length of 40 significant characters or can be switched to
+ it. "idlen=40" is the option for SAS/C. Setting #define
+ HAVE_LIMIT_ON_IDENTS in an include file may also work (not tested).
+- Make sure that the include directory in builds/amiga is searched
+ before the normal FreeType2 include directory, so you are able to
+ replace problematic include files with your own version (same may be
+ useful for the src directory).
+- An example of how to replace/workaround a problematic include file
+ is include/config/ftconfig.h; it changes a #define that would
+ prevent SAS/C from generating XDEF's where it should do that and
+ then includes the standard FreeType2 include file.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builds/amiga/include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+// TetiSoft: We must change FT_BASE_DEF and FT_EXPORT_DEF
+//#define FT_BASE_DEF( x ) extern x // SAS/C wouldn't generate an XDEF
+//#define FT_EXPORT_DEF( x ) extern x // SAS/C wouldn't generate an XDEF
+#undef FT_BASE_DEF
+#define FT_BASE_DEF( x ) x
+#define FT_EXPORT_DEF( x ) x
+// TetiSoft: now include original file
+#include "FT:include/freetype/config/ftconfig.h"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builds/amiga/include/freetype/config/ftmodule.h
@@ -1,0 +1,91 @@
+// TetiSoft: To specify which modules you need,
+// insert the following in your source file and uncomment as needed:
+//#define FT_USE_AUTOHINT // autohinter
+//#define FT_USE_RASTER // monochrome rasterizer
+//#define FT_USE_SMOOTH // anti-aliasing rasterizer
+//#define FT_USE_TT // truetype font driver
+//#define FT_USE_T1 // type1 font driver
+//#define FT_USE_T1CID // cid-keyed type1 font driver // no cmap support, useless
+//#define FT_USE_CFF // opentype font driver // does not work with TektonPro
+//#define FT_USE_PCF // pcf bitmap font driver // all tested fonts 12*12 (size unknown)
+//#define FT_USE_WINFNT // windows .fnt|.fon bitmap font driver
+#include "FT:src/base/ftinit.c"
+// TetiSoft: make sure that needed support modules are built in
+#ifdef FT_USE_TT
+#define FT_USE_SFNT
+#ifdef FT_USE_CFF
+#define FT_USE_SFNT
+#ifdef FT_USE_T1
+#define FT_USE_PSAUX
+#ifdef FT_USE_T1CID
+#define FT_USE_PSAUX
+#ifdef FT_USE_PSAUX
+#ifdef FT_USE_SFNT
+// TetiSoft: Now include the modules
+#ifdef FT_USE_CFF
+#ifdef FT_USE_T1CID
+#ifdef FT_USE_PCF
+#ifdef FT_USE_PSAUX
+#ifdef FT_USE_SFNT
+#ifdef FT_USE_TT
+#ifdef FT_USE_T1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builds/amiga/smakefile
@@ -1,0 +1,219 @@
+# Makefile for FreeType2 link library using Amiga SAS/C 6.58
+# to build from the builds/amiga directory call
+# smake assign
+# smake
+# Your programs source code should start with this
+# (uncomment the parts you do not need to keep the program small):
+# ---8<---
+#define FT_USE_AUTOHINT // autohinter
+#define FT_USE_RASTER // monochrome rasterizer
+#define FT_USE_SMOOTH // anti-aliasing rasterizer
+#define FT_USE_TT // truetype font driver
+#define FT_USE_T1 // type1 font driver
+#define FT_USE_T1CID // cid-keyed type1 font driver
+#define FT_USE_CFF // opentype font driver
+#define FT_USE_PCF // pcf bitmap font driver
+#define FT_USE_WINFNT // windows .fnt|.fon bitmap font driver
+#include "FT:src/base/ftinit.c"
+# ---8<---
+# link your programs with ft2_680x0.lib and either ftsystem.o or ftsystempure.o
+# (and either ftdebug.o or ftdebugpure.o if you enabled FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR or
+# FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE in include/freetype/config/ftoption.h).
+OBJBASE = ftbase.o ftglyph.o ftbbox.o ftmm.o ftsynth.o
+OBJSYSTEM = ftsystem.o ftsystempure.o
+OBJDEBUG = ftdebug.o ftdebugpure.o
+OBJAHINT = autohint.o ahoptim.o
+OBJPSAUX = psaux.o
+OBJPSNAM = psnames.o
+OBJRAST = raster.o
+OBJSMOOTH = smooth.o
+OBJSFNT = sfnt.o
+OBJCACHE = ftcache.o
+OBJOT = cff.o
+OBJT1 = type1.o
+OBJT1C = type1cid.o
+OBJTT = truetype.o
+OBJWINFNT = winfnt.o
+OBJPCF = pcf.o
+CORE = FT:src/
+CPU = 68000
+#CPU = 68020
+#CPU = 68030
+#CPU = 68040
+#CPU = 68060
+OPTIMIZER = optinlocal
+SCFLAGS = optimize opttime optsched strmerge strsect=near idlen=40 cpu=$(CPU)\
+ idir=include/ idir=$(CORE) idir=FT:include/ nostackcheck nochkabort\
+ noicons ignore=79,85,110,306 parameters=both
+LIB = ft2_$(CPU).lib
+# sample linker options
+OPTS = link lib=$(LIB),lib:sc.lib,lib:amiga.lib,lib:debug.lib\
+ smallcode smalldata noicons utillib
+# sample program entry
+#myprog: myprog.c ftsystem.o $(LIB)
+# sc $< programname=$@ ftsystem.o $(SCFLAGS) $(OPTS)
+ assign FT: //
+# uses separate object modules in lib to make for easier debugging
+# also, can make smaller programs if entire engine is not used
+ -delete \#?.o
+realclean: clean
+ -delete ft2$(CPU).lib
+# freetype library base
+ftbase.o: $(CORE)base/ftbase.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+ftinit.o: $(CORE)base/ftinit.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+ftsystem.o: $(CORE)base/ftsystem.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+ftsystempure.o: src/base/ftsystem.c ## pure version for use in run-time library etc
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+ftdebug.o: $(CORE)base/ftdebug.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+ftdebugpure.o: src/base/ftdebug.c ## pure version for use in run-time library etc
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+# freetype library base extensions
+ftglyph.o: $(CORE)base/ftglyph.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+ftbbox.o: $(CORE)base/ftbbox.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+ftmm.o: $(CORE)base/ftmm.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+ftsynth.o: $(CORE)base/ftsynth.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+# freetype library autohinting module
+autohint.o: $(CORE)autohint/autohint.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+# freetype library autohinting module extensions
+ahoptim.o: $(CORE)autohint/ahoptim.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+# freetype library PS support module
+psaux.o: $(CORE)psaux/psaux.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+# freetype library PS glyph names module
+psnames.o: $(CORE)psnames/psnames.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+# freetype library monochrome raster module
+raster.o: $(CORE)raster/raster.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+# freetype library anti-aliasing raster module
+smooth.o: $(CORE)smooth/smooth.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+# freetype library 'sfnt' module
+sfnt.o: $(CORE)sfnt/sfnt.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+# freetype library glyph and image caching system (still experimental)
+ftcache.o: $(CORE)cache/ftcache.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+# freetype library OpenType font driver
+cff.o: $(CORE)cff/cff.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+# freetype library TrueType font driver
+truetype.o: $(CORE)truetype/truetype.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+# freetype library Type1 font driver
+type1.o: $(CORE)type1/type1.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+# freetype library CID-keyed Type1 font driver
+type1cid.o: $(CORE)cid/type1cid.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+# freetype library CID-keyed Type1 font driver extensions
+#cidafm.o: $(CORE)cid/cidafm.c
+# sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+# freetype library Windows FNT/FON bitmap font driver
+winfnt.o: $(CORE)winfonts/winfnt.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
+# freetype library PCF bitmap font driver
+pcf.o: $(CORE)pcf/pcf.c
+ sc $(SCFLAGS) objname=$@ $<
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builds/amiga/src/base/ftdebug.c
@@ -1,0 +1,123 @@
+// TetiSoft: replaced vprintf() with KVPrintF() and commented out exit()
+extern void __stdargs KVPrintF( const char *formatString, const void *values );
+/* */
+/* ftdebug.c */
+/* */
+/* Debugging and logging component (body). */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 1996-2001 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* This component contains various macros and functions used to ease the */
+ /* debugging of the FreeType engine. Its main purpose is in assertion */
+ /* checking, tracing, and error detection. */
+ /* */
+ /* There are now three debugging modes: */
+ /* */
+ /* - trace mode */
+ /* */
+ /* Error and trace messages are sent to the log file (which can be the */
+ /* standard error output). */
+ /* */
+ /* - error mode */
+ /* */
+ /* Only error messages are generated. */
+ /* */
+ /* - release mode: */
+ /* */
+ /* No error message is sent or generated. The code is free from any */
+ /* debugging parts. */
+ /* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+#include <ft2build.h>
+ char ft_trace_levels[trace_max];
+#if defined( FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_ERROR ) || defined( FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE )
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+ FT_EXPORT_DEF( void )
+ FT_Message( const char* fmt, ... )
+ {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start( ap, fmt );
+// vprintf( fmt, ap );
+ KVPrintF( fmt, ap );
+ va_end( ap );
+ }
+ FT_EXPORT_DEF( void )
+ FT_Panic( const char* fmt, ... )
+ {
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start( ap, fmt );
+// vprintf( fmt, ap );
+ KVPrintF( fmt, ap );
+ va_end( ap );
+// exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
+ }
+ FT_EXPORT_DEF( void )
+ FT_SetTraceLevel( FT_Trace component,
+ char level )
+ {
+ if ( component >= trace_max )
+ return;
+ /* if component is `trace_any', change _all_ levels at once */
+ if ( component == trace_any )
+ {
+ int n;
+ for ( n = trace_any; n < trace_max; n++ )
+ ft_trace_levels[n] = level;
+ }
+ else /* otherwise, only change individual component */
+ ft_trace_levels[component] = level;
+ }
+#endif /* FT_DEBUG_LEVEL_TRACE */
+ /* ANSI C doesn't allow empty files, so we insert a dummy symbol */
+ extern const int ft_debug_dummy;
+/* END */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/builds/amiga/src/base/ftsystem.c
@@ -1,0 +1,389 @@
+// TetiSoft: Modified to avoid fopen() fclose() fread() fseek() ftell()
+// malloc() realloc() and free() which can't be used in an amiga
+// shared run-time library linked with libinit.o
+#include <proto/exec.h>
+#include <proto/dos.h>
+/* TetiSoft: Missing in alib_protos.h, see amiga.lib autodoc
+ * (These amiga.lib functions work under AmigaOS V33 and up)
+ */
+extern APTR __asm AsmCreatePool(register __d0 ULONG memFlags,
+ register __d1 ULONG puddleSize,
+ register __d2 ULONG threshSize,
+ register __a6 struct ExecBase *SysBase);
+extern VOID __asm AsmDeletePool(register __a0 APTR poolHeader,
+ register __a6 struct ExecBase *SysBase);
+extern APTR __asm AsmAllocPooled(register __a0 APTR poolHeader,
+ register __d0 ULONG memSize,
+ register __a6 struct ExecBase *SysBase);
+extern VOID __asm AsmFreePooled(register __a0 APTR poolHeader,
+ register __a1 APTR memory,
+ register __d0 ULONG memSize,
+ register __a6 struct ExecBase *SysBase);
+// TetiSoft: C implementation of AllocVecPooled (see autodoc exec/AllocPooled)
+APTR AllocVecPooled(APTR poolHeader, ULONG memSize)
+ ULONG newSize = memSize + 4;
+ ULONG *mem = AsmAllocPooled(poolHeader, newSize, SysBase);
+ if (!mem)
+ return NULL;
+ *mem = newSize;
+ return mem + 1;
+// TetiSoft: C implementation of FreeVecPooled (see autodoc exec/AllocPooled)
+void FreeVecPooled(APTR poolHeader, APTR memory)
+ ULONG *realmem = (ULONG *)memory - 1;
+ AsmFreePooled(poolHeader, realmem, *realmem, SysBase);
+/* */
+/* ftsystem.c */
+/* */
+/* ANSI-specific FreeType low-level system interface (body). */
+/* */
+/* Copyright 1996-2001 by */
+/* David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg. */
+/* */
+/* This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used, */
+/* modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project */
+/* license, LICENSE.TXT. By continuing to use, modify, or distribute */
+/* this file you indicate that you have read the license and */
+/* understand and accept it fully. */
+/* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* This file contains the default interface used by FreeType to access */
+ /* low-level, i.e. memory management, i/o access as well as thread */
+ /* synchronisation. It can be replaced by user-specific routines if */
+ /* necessary. */
+ /* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include FT_SYSTEM_H
+#include FT_ERRORS_H
+#include FT_TYPES_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* It is not necessary to do any error checking for the */
+ /* allocation-related functions. This will be done by the higher level */
+ /* routines like FT_Alloc() or FT_Realloc(). */
+ /* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* <Function> */
+ /* ft_alloc */
+ /* */
+ /* <Description> */
+ /* The memory allocation function. */
+ /* */
+ /* <Input> */
+ /* memory :: A pointer to the memory object. */
+ /* */
+ /* size :: The requested size in bytes. */
+ /* */
+ /* <Return> */
+ /* The address of newly allocated block. */
+ /* */
+ FT_CALLBACK_DEF( void* )
+ ft_alloc( FT_Memory memory,
+ long size )
+ {
+// FT_UNUSED( memory );
+// return malloc( size );
+ return AllocVecPooled( memory->user, size );
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* <Function> */
+ /* ft_realloc */
+ /* */
+ /* <Description> */
+ /* The memory reallocation function. */
+ /* */
+ /* <Input> */
+ /* memory :: A pointer to the memory object. */
+ /* */
+ /* cur_size :: The current size of the allocated memory block. */
+ /* */
+ /* new_size :: The newly requested size in bytes. */
+ /* */
+ /* block :: The current address of the block in memory. */
+ /* */
+ /* <Return> */
+ /* The address of the reallocated memory block. */
+ /* */
+ FT_CALLBACK_DEF( void* )
+ ft_realloc( FT_Memory memory,
+ long cur_size,
+ long new_size,
+ void* block )
+ {
+// FT_UNUSED( memory );
+// FT_UNUSED( cur_size );
+// return realloc( block, new_size );
+ void* new_block;
+ new_block = AllocVecPooled ( memory->user, new_size );
+ if ( new_block != NULL )
+ {
+ CopyMem ( block, new_block,
+ ( new_size > cur_size ) ? cur_size : new_size );
+ FreeVecPooled ( memory->user, block );
+ }
+ return new_block;
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* <Function> */
+ /* ft_free */
+ /* */
+ /* <Description> */
+ /* The memory release function. */
+ /* */
+ /* <Input> */
+ /* memory :: A pointer to the memory object. */
+ /* */
+ /* block :: The address of block in memory to be freed. */
+ /* */
+ ft_free( FT_Memory memory,
+ void* block )
+ {
+// FT_UNUSED( memory );
+// free( block );
+ FreeVecPooled( memory->user, block );
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* */
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* The macro FT_COMPONENT is used in trace mode. It is an implicit */
+ /* parameter of the FT_TRACE() and FT_ERROR() macros, used to print/log */
+ /* messages during execution. */
+ /* */
+#define FT_COMPONENT trace_io
+ /* We use the macro STREAM_FILE for convenience to extract the */
+ /* system-specific stream handle from a given FreeType stream object */
+//#define STREAM_FILE( stream ) ( (FILE*)stream->descriptor.pointer )
+#define STREAM_FILE( stream ) ( (BPTR)stream->descriptor.pointer ) // TetiSoft
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* <Function> */
+ /* ft_close_stream */
+ /* */
+ /* <Description> */
+ /* The function to close a stream. */
+ /* */
+ /* <Input> */
+ /* stream :: A pointer to the stream object. */
+ /* */
+ ft_close_stream( FT_Stream stream )
+ {
+// fclose( STREAM_FILE( stream ) );
+ Close( STREAM_FILE( stream ) ); // TetiSoft
+ stream->descriptor.pointer = NULL;
+ stream->size = 0;
+ stream->base = 0;
+ }
+ /*************************************************************************/
+ /* */
+ /* <Function> */
+ /* ft_io_stream */
+ /* */
+ /* <Description> */
+ /* The function to open a stream. */
+ /* */
+ /* <Input> */
+ /* stream :: A pointer to the stream object. */
+ /* */
+ /* offset :: The position in the data stream to start reading. */
+ /* */
+ /* buffer :: The address of buffer to store the read data. */
+ /* */
+ /* count :: The number of bytes to read from the stream. */
+ /* */
+ /* <Return> */
+ /* The number of bytes actually read. */
+ /* */
+ FT_CALLBACK_DEF( unsigned long )
+ ft_io_stream( FT_Stream stream,
+ unsigned long offset,
+ unsigned char* buffer,
+ unsigned long count )
+ {
+// FILE* file;
+ BPTR file; // TetiSoft
+ file = STREAM_FILE( stream );
+// fseek( file, offset, SEEK_SET );
+ Seek( file, offset, OFFSET_BEGINNING ); // TetiSoft
+// return (unsigned long)fread( buffer, 1, count, file );
+ return (unsigned long)FRead( file, buffer, 1, count);
+ }
+ /* documentation is in ftobjs.h */
+ FT_New_Stream( const char* filepathname,
+ FT_Stream astream )
+ {
+// FILE* file;
+ BPTR file; // TetiSoft
+ struct FileInfoBlock *fib; // TetiSoft
+ if ( !astream )
+ return FT_Err_Invalid_Stream_Handle;
+// file = fopen( filepathname, "rb" );
+ file = Open( filepathname, MODE_OLDFILE ); // TetiSoft
+ if ( !file )
+ {
+ FT_ERROR(( "FT_New_Stream:" ));
+ FT_ERROR(( " could not open `%s'\n", filepathname ));
+ return FT_Err_Cannot_Open_Resource;
+ }
+// fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END );
+// astream->size = ftell( file );
+// fseek( file, 0, SEEK_SET );
+ fib = AllocDosObject( DOS_FIB, NULL );
+ if ( !fib )
+ {
+ Close ( file );
+ FT_ERROR(( "FT_New_Stream:" ));
+ FT_ERROR(( " could not open `%s'\n", filepathname ));
+ return FT_Err_Cannot_Open_Resource;
+ }
+ if (!( ExamineFH ( file, fib )))
+ {
+ FreeDosObject(DOS_FIB, fib);
+ Close ( file );
+ FT_ERROR(( "FT_New_Stream:" ));
+ FT_ERROR(( " could not open `%s'\n", filepathname ));
+ return FT_Err_Cannot_Open_Resource;
+ }
+ astream->size = fib->fib_Size;
+ FreeDosObject(DOS_FIB, fib);
+// astream->descriptor.pointer = file;
+ astream->descriptor.pointer = (void *)file;
+ astream->pathname.pointer = (char*)filepathname;
+ astream->pos = 0;
+ astream->read = ft_io_stream;
+ astream->close = ft_close_stream;
+ FT_TRACE1(( "FT_New_Stream:" ));
+ FT_TRACE1(( " opened `%s' (%d bytes) successfully\n",
+ filepathname, astream->size ));
+ return FT_Err_Ok;
+ }
+ /* documentation is in ftobjs.h */
+ FT_EXPORT_DEF( FT_Memory )
+ FT_New_Memory( void )
+ {
+ FT_Memory memory;
+// memory = (FT_Memory)malloc( sizeof ( *memory ) );
+ memory = (FT_Memory)AllocVec( sizeof ( *memory ), MEMF_PUBLIC );
+ if ( memory )
+ {
+// memory->user = 0;
+ memory->user = AsmCreatePool ( MEMF_PUBLIC, 2048, 2048, SysBase );
+ memory->alloc = ft_alloc;
+ memory->realloc = ft_realloc;
+ memory->free = ft_free;
+ if ( memory->user == NULL )
+ {
+ FreeVec ( memory );
+ memory = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return memory;
+ }
+ /* documentation is in ftobjs.h */
+ FT_EXPORT_DEF( void )
+ FT_Done_Memory( FT_Memory memory )
+ {
+// memory->free( memory, memory );
+ AsmDeletePool( memory->user, SysBase );
+ FreeVec( memory );
+ }
+/* END */