shithub: freetype+ttf2subf

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ref: 26bb2e27d1bd4d754833e803d6084d2b6aae1de5
parent: 8a317cf7ab1a13f9b4b7fbf678454c92c21cfddf
author: David Turner <[email protected]>
date: Wed Sep 27 03:58:43 EDT 2006

* src/base/Jamfile, src/base/, adding
        'ftlcdfil.c' to the list of compiled source files

git/fs: mount .git/fs: mount/attach disallowed
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
         * include/freetype/config/ftheader.h: adding FT_LCD_FILTER_H
         macro that points to <freetype/ftlcdfil.h>
+        * src/base/Jamfile, src/base/, adding
+        'ftlcdfil.c' to the list of compiled source files
 2006-09-26  David Bustin
 	* src/pfr/pfrobjs.c (pfr_face_get_kerning): Skip adjustment bytes
--- a/src/base/
+++ b/src/base/
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
             $(BASE_DIR)/ftrfork.c  \
             $(BASE_DIR)/ftstream.c \
             $(BASE_DIR)/fttrigon.c \
+            $(BASE_DIR)/ftlcdfil.c \
 # Base layer `extensions' sources
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -15,24 +15,24 @@
 $! distribution, for the information you need to provide
 $! This procedure currently does support the following commandline options
-$! in arbitrary order 
+$! in arbitrary order
-$! * DEBUG - Compile modules with /noopt/debug and link shareable image 
+$! * DEBUG - Compile modules with /noopt/debug and link shareable image
 $!           with /debug
 $! * LOPTS - Options to be passed to the link command
 $! * CCOPT - Options to be passed to the C compiler
 $! In case of problems with the install you might contact me at
-$! [email protected](preferred) or 
+$! [email protected](preferred) or
 $! [email protected] (work)
 $! Make procedure history for Freetype2
 $! Version history
 $! 0.01 20040401 First version to receive a number
 $! 0.02 20041030 Add error handling, Freetype 2.1.9
 $ on error then goto err_exit
 $ true  = 1
 $ false = 0
@@ -83,12 +83,12 @@
 $! Create objects
-$ if libdefs .nes. "" 
-$ then 
+$ if libdefs .nes. ""
+$ then
 $   ccopt = ccopt + "/define=(" + f$extract(0,f$length(libdefs)-1,libdefs) + ")"
 $ endif
-$ if f$locate("AS_IS",f$edit(ccopt,"UPCASE")) .lt. f$length(ccopt) - 
+$ if f$locate("AS_IS",f$edit(ccopt,"UPCASE")) .lt. f$length(ccopt) -
     then s_case = true
 $ gosub crea_mms
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
 $  then
 $    if f$locate("DEMOS",file) .eqs. f$length(file) then write optf file
 $    goto floop
-$  endif 
+$  endif
 $ close optf
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
 $   open/append  optf 'optfile'
 $   if s_case then WRITE optf "case_sensitive=YES"
 $   close optf
-$   LINK_/NODEB/SHARE=[.lib]freetype2shr.exe - 
+$   LINK_/NODEB/SHARE=[.lib]freetype2shr.exe -
 $ endif
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
-$! If MMS/MMK are available dump out the descrip.mms if required 
+$! If MMS/MMK are available dump out the descrip.mms if required
 $ write sys$output "Creating descrip.mms files ..."
@@ -169,25 +169,25 @@
 $ write out "CFLAGS = ", ccopt
 $ copy sys$input: out
 $ deck
 all :
-        define freetype [--.include.freetype] 
-        define psaux [-.psaux] 
-        define autofit [-.autofit] 
-        define autohint [-.autohint] 
-        define base [-.base] 
-        define cache [-.cache] 
-        define cff [-.cff] 
-        define cid [-.cid] 
-        define pcf [-.pcf] 
-        define psnames [-.psnames] 
-        define raster [-.raster] 
-        define sfnt [-.sfnt] 
-        define smooth [-.smooth] 
-        define truetype [-.truetype] 
-        define type1 [-.type1] 
-        define winfonts [-.winfonts] 
+        define freetype [--.include.freetype]
+        define psaux [-.psaux]
+        define autofit [-.autofit]
+        define autohint [-.autohint]
+        define base [-.base]
+        define cache [-.cache]
+        define cff [-.cff]
+        define cid [-.cid]
+        define pcf [-.pcf]
+        define psnames [-.psnames]
+        define raster [-.raster]
+        define sfnt [-.sfnt]
+        define smooth [-.smooth]
+        define truetype [-.truetype]
+        define type1 [-.type1]
+        define winfonts [-.winfonts]
         if f$search("lib.dir") .eqs. "" then create/directory [.lib]
         set default [.builds.vms]
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
-     ftbitmap.obj
+     ftbitmap.obj ftlcdfil.obj
 all : $(OBJS)
         library [--.lib]freetype.olb $(OBJS)
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@
         library [--.lib]freetype.olb $(OBJS)
 ftcache.obj : ftcache.c ftcbasic.c ftccache.c ftccmap.c ftcglyph.c ftcimage.c \
-              ftcmanag.c ftcmru.c ftcsbits.c 
+              ftcmanag.c ftcmru.c ftcsbits.c
 # EOF
 $ eod
@@ -1015,41 +1015,41 @@
 $     ccopt = ccopt + f$extract(start,len,cparm)
 $   endif
 $   if cparm .eqs. "LINK" then linkonly = true
-$   if f$locate("LOPTS=",cparm) .lt. f$length(cparm) 
+$   if f$locate("LOPTS=",cparm) .lt. f$length(cparm)
 $   then
 $     start = f$locate("=",cparm) + 1
 $     len   = f$length(cparm) - start
 $     lopts = lopts + f$extract(start,len,cparm)
 $   endif
-$   if f$locate("CC=",cparm) .lt. f$length(cparm) 
+$   if f$locate("CC=",cparm) .lt. f$length(cparm)
 $   then
 $     start  = f$locate("=",cparm) + 1
 $     len    = f$length(cparm) - start
 $     cc_com = f$extract(start,len,cparm)
-      if (cc_com .nes. "DECC") .and. - 
-         (cc_com .nes. "VAXC") .and. - 
+      if (cc_com .nes. "DECC") .and. -
+         (cc_com .nes. "VAXC") .and. -
 	 (cc_com .nes. "GNUC")
 $     then
 $       write sys$output "Unsupported compiler choice ''cc_com' ignored"
 $       write sys$output "Use DECC, VAXC, or GNUC instead"
-$     else 
-$     	if cc_com .eqs. "DECC" then its_decc = true   
-$     	if cc_com .eqs. "VAXC" then its_vaxc = true   
-$     	if cc_com .eqs. "GNUC" then its_gnuc = true   
-$     endif 
+$     else
+$     	if cc_com .eqs. "DECC" then its_decc = true
+$     	if cc_com .eqs. "VAXC" then its_vaxc = true
+$     	if cc_com .eqs. "GNUC" then its_gnuc = true
+$     endif
 $   endif
-$   if f$locate("MAKE=",cparm) .lt. f$length(cparm) 
+$   if f$locate("MAKE=",cparm) .lt. f$length(cparm)
 $   then
 $     start  = f$locate("=",cparm) + 1
 $     len    = f$length(cparm) - start
 $     mmks = f$extract(start,len,cparm)
-$     if (mmks .eqs. "MMK") .or. (mmks .eqs. "MMS") 
+$     if (mmks .eqs. "MMK") .or. (mmks .eqs. "MMS")
 $     then
 $       make = mmks
-$     else 
+$     else
 $       write sys$output "Unsupported make choice ''mmks' ignored"
 $       write sys$output "Use MMK or MMS instead"
-$     endif 
+$     endif
 $   endif
 $   i = i + 1
 $   goto opt_loop
@@ -1062,7 +1062,7 @@
 $! Version history
 $! 0.01 20040220 First version to receive a number
 $! 0.02 20040229 Echo current procedure name; use general error exit handler
-$!               Remove xpm hack -> Replaced by more general dnsrl handling 
+$!               Remove xpm hack -> Replaced by more general dnsrl handling
 $ if f$search("VMSLIB.DAT") .eqs. ""
@@ -1078,18 +1078,18 @@
 !    - Lines starting with ! are treated as comments
 !    - Elements in a data line are separated by # signs
 !    - The elements need to be listed in the following order
-!      1.) Name of the Library (only used for informative messages 
+!      1.) Name of the Library (only used for informative messages
 !                               from
 !      2.) Location where the object library can be found
 !      3.) Location where the include files for the library can be found
 !      4.) Include file used to verify library location
-!      5.) CPP define to pass to the build to indicate availability of 
+!      5.) CPP define to pass to the build to indicate availability of
 !          the library
-! Example: The following lines show how definitions  
-!          might look like. They are site specific and the locations of the 
+! Example: The following lines show how definitions
+!          might look like. They are site specific and the locations of the
 !          library and include files need almost certainly to be changed.
 ! Location: All of the libaries can be found at the following addresses
 !   ZLIB:
@@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@
 $   then
 $     write sys$output "Will use local definition of freetype logical"
 $   else
-$     ft2elem = 0 
+$     ft2elem = 0
 $     ft2srcdir = f$element(ft2elem,",",libsrc)
 $     if f$search("''ft2srcdir'''testinc'") .nes. ""
@@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@
 $       ft2elem = ft2elem + 1
 $       goto ft2_loop
 $     endif
-$   endif	 
+$   endif
 $ endif
 $ goto LIB_LOOP
@@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@
 $ return
-$! Analyze Object files for OpenVMS AXP to extract Procedure and Data 
+$! Analyze Object files for OpenVMS AXP to extract Procedure and Data
 $! information to build a symbol vector for a shareable image
 $! All the "brains" of this logic was suggested by Hartmut Becker
 $! ([email protected]). All the bugs were introduced by me
@@ -1203,10 +1203,10 @@
 $! Version history
 $! 0.01 20040006 Skip over shareable images in option file
-$ ANAL_OBJ_AXP: Subroutine   
+$ ANAL_OBJ_AXP: Subroutine
 $ V = 'F$Verify(0)
 $ IF F$SEARCH("''P1'") .EQS. ""
 $    SAY "ANAL_OBJ_AXP-E-NOSUCHFILE:  Error, inputfile ''p1' not available"
@@ -1283,4 +1283,4 @@
 $ close libsf
 $ if V then set verify
-$ endsubroutine 
+$ endsubroutine