shithub: freetype+ttf2subf

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ref: 1fb2bd92cd69675b5e1660da9b0ebd7c1f64ced4
parent: 6e188b419df895a58a17a7b65697628c636b87d5
author: David Turner <[email protected]>
date: Wed Apr 17 18:54:02 EDT 2002

adding new experimental header files

git/fs: mount .git/fs: mount/attach disallowed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/freetype/ftsysio.h
@@ -1,0 +1,69 @@
+#ifndef __FT_SYSTEM_IO_H__
+#define __FT_SYSTEM_IO_H__
+#include <ft2build.h>
+ /* handle to a FT_Stream object */
+  typedef struct FT_StreamRec_*    FT_Stream;
+ /* handle to the FT_Stream class */
+  typedef const struct FT_Stream_ClassRec_*   FT_Stream_Class;
+ /* a method used to read data from a stream into a buffer */
+  typedef FT_ULong  (*FT_Stream_ReadFunc)( FT_Stream   stream,
+                                           FT_Byte*    buffer,
+                                           FT_ULong    size );
+ /* a method used to seek to a new position within a stream */
+ /* position is always relative to the start                */
+  typedef FT_Error  (*FT_Stream_SeekFunc)( FT_Stream   stream,
+                                           FT_ULong    pos );
+ /* the stream class structure + some useful macros */
+  typedef struct FT_Stream_ClassRec_
+  {
+    FT_ClassRec          clazz;
+    FT_Stream_ReadFunc   stream_read;
+    FT_Stream_SeekFunc   stream_seek;
+  } FT_Stream_ClassRec;
+#define  FT_STREAM_CLASS(x)        ((FT_Stream_Class)(x))
+#define  FT_STREAM_CLASS__READ(x)  FT_STREAM_CLASS(x)->stream_read
+#define  FT_STREAM_CLASS__SEEK(x)  FT_STREAM_CLASS(x)->stream_seek;
+ /* the base FT_Stream object structure */
+  typedef struct FT_StreamRec_
+  {
+    FT_ObjectRec        object;
+    FT_ULong            size;
+    FT_ULong            pos;
+    const FT_Byte*      base;
+    const FT_Byte*      cursor;
+    const FT_Byte*      limit;
+  } FT_StreamRec;
+ /* some useful macros */
+#define  FT_STREAM(x)    ((FT_Stream)(x))
+#define  FT_STREAM_P(x)  ((FT_Stream*)(x))
+#define  FT_STREAM_IS_BASED(x)  ( FT_STREAM(x)->base != NULL )
+#if 0
+ /* */
+#endif /* __FT_SYSTEM_STREAM_H__ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/freetype/ftsysmem.h
@@ -1,0 +1,67 @@
+#ifndef __FT_SYSTEM_MEMORY_H__
+#define __FT_SYSTEM_MEMORY_H__
+#include <ft2build.h>
+ /* handle to memory structure */
+  typedef struct FT_MemoryRec_*   FT_Memory;
+ /* a function used to allocate a new block of memory from a heap */
+  typedef FT_Pointer  (*FT_Memory_AllocFunc)( FT_ULong   size,
+                                              FT_Memory  memory );
+ /* a function used to free a block of memory */
+  typedef void        (*FT_Memory_FreeFunc) ( FT_Pointer  block,
+                                              FT_Memory   memory );
+ /* a function used to reallocate a given memory block to a new size */
+  typedef FT_Pointer  (*FT_Memory_ReallocFunc)( FT_Pointer   block,
+                                                FT_ULong     new_size,
+                                                FT_ULong     cur_size,
+                                                FT_Memory    memory );
+ /* a function called to allocate a new structure of 'size' bytes that */
+ /* will be used for a new FT_Memory object..                          */
+ /*                                                                    */
+  typedef FT_Pointer  (*FT_Memory_CreateFunc)( FT_UInt     size,
+                                               FT_Pointer  init_data );
+ /* a function used to destroy a FT_Memory object */  
+  typedef void        (*FT_Memory_DestroyFunc)( FT_Memory  memory );
+ /* a structure holding the functions used to describe a given FT_Memory */
+ /* implementation..                                                     */
+ /*                                                                      */
+  typedef struct FT_Memory_FuncsRec_
+  {
+    FT_Memory_AllocFunc     mem_alloc;
+    FT_Memory_FreeFunc      mem_free;
+    FT_Memory_ReallocFunc   mem_realloc;
+    FT_Memory_CreateFunc    mem_create;
+    FT_Memory_DestroyFunc   mem_destroy;
+  } FT_Memory_FuncsRec, *FT_Memory_Funcs;
+ /* a function used to create a new custom FT_Memory object */
+ /*                                                         */
+  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Memory )
+  ft_memory_new( FT_Memory_Funcs  mem_funcs,
+                 FT_Pointer       mem_init_data );
+ /* a function used to destroy a custom FT_Memory object */
+  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
+  ft_memory_destroy( FT_Memory  memory );
+ /* a pointer to the default memory functions used by FreeType in a */
+ /* given build. By default, uses the ISO C malloc/free/realloc     */
+ /*                                                                 */
+  FT_APIVAR( const FT_MemoryFuncs )    ft_memory_funcs_default;
+/* */
+#endif /* __FT_SYSTEM_MEMORY_H__ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/freetype/internal/ftexcept.h
@@ -1,0 +1,83 @@
+#ifndef __FT_EXCEPT_H__
+#define __FT_EXCEPT_H__
+#include <ft2build.h>
+  typedef struct FT_XHandlerRec_*  FT_XHandler;
+  typedef struct FT_XHandlerRec_
+  {
+    FT_XHandler        previous;
+    ft_jmp_buf         jump_buffer;
+    volatile FT_Error  error;
+    FT_Pointer         cleanup;
+  } FT_XHandlerRec;
+  typedef void  (*FT_CleanupFunc)( FT_Pointer  item,
+                                   FT_Pointer  item_data );
+/* the size of a cleanup chunk in bytes is FT_CLEANUP_CHUNK_SIZE*12 + 4 */
+/* this must be a small power of 2 whenever possible..                  */
+/*                                                                      */
+/* with a value of 5, we have a byte size of 64 bytes per chunk..       */
+/*                                                                      */
+  typedef struct FT_CleanupItemRec_
+  {
+    FT_Pointer      item;
+    FT_CleanupFunc  item_func;
+    FT_Pointer      item_data;
+  } FT_CleanupItemRec;
+  typedef struct FT_CleanupChunkRec_*   FT_CleanupChunk;
+  typedef struct FT_CleanupChunkRec_
+  {
+    FT_CleanupChunk    link;
+    FT_CleanupItemRec  items[ FT_CLEANUP_CHUNK_SIZE ];
+  } FT_CleanupChunkRec;
+  typedef struct FT_CleanupStackRec_
+  {
+    FT_CleanupItem   top;
+    FT_CleanupChunk  chunk;
+    FT_Memory        memory;
+  } FT_CleanupStackRec, *FT_CleanupStack;
+  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
+  ft_cleanup_stack_push( FT_CleanupStack  stack,
+                         FT_Pointer       item,
+                         FT_CleanupFunc   item_func,
+                         FT_Pointer       item_data );
+  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
+  ft_cleanup_stack_pop( FT_CleanupStack   stack,
+                        FT_Int            destroy );
+  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Pointer )
+  ft_cleanup_stack_peek( FT_CleanupStack  stack );
+  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
+  ft_xhandler_enter( FT_XHandler  xhandler,
+                     FT_Memory    memory );                         
+  FT_BASE_DEF( void )
+  ft_xhandler_exit( FT_XHandler  xhandler );
+#endif /* __FT_EXCEPT_H__ */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/freetype/internal/ftobject.h
@@ -1,0 +1,102 @@
+#ifndef __FT_OBJECT_H__
+#define __FT_OBJECT_H__
+#include <ft2build.h>
+#include FT_FREETYPE_H
+  typedef struct FT_ObjectRec_*        FT_Object;
+  typedef const struct FT_ClassRec_*   FT_Class;
+  typedef const struct FT_TypeRec_*    FT_Type;
+  typedef struct FT_ObjectRec_
+  {
+    FT_Class  clazz;
+    FT_Int    ref_count;
+  } FT_ObjectRec;
+#define  FT_OBJECT(x)    ((FT_Object)(x))
+#define  FT_OBJECT_P(x)  ((FT_Object*)(x))
+#define  FT_OBJECT__CLASS(x)      FT_OBJECT(x)->clazz
+#define  FT_OBJECT__REF_COUNT(x)  FT_OBJECT(x)->ref_count
+#define  FT_OBJECT__MEMORY(x)     FT_CLASS__MEMORY(FT_OBJECT(x)->clazz)
+  typedef void  (*FT_Object_InitFunc)( FT_Object   object,
+                                       FT_Pointer  init_data );
+  typedef void  (*FT_Object_DoneFunc)( FT_Object   object );
+  typedef void  (*FT_Object_CopyFunc)( FT_Object   target,
+                                       FT_Object   source );
+  typedef struct FT_ClassRec_
+  {
+    FT_ObjectRec        object;
+    FT_UInt32           magic;
+    FT_Type             type;
+    FT_Memory           memory;
+    FT_Library          library;
+    FT_Pointer          info;
+    FT_Pointer          data;    
+    FT_UInt             obj_size;
+    FT_Object_InitFunc  obj_init;
+    FT_Object_DoneFunc  obj_done;
+    FT_Object_CopyFunc  obj_copy;
+  } FT_ClassRec;
+#define  FT_CLASS(x)    ((FT_Class)(x))
+#define  FT_CLASS_P(x)  ((FT_Class*)(x))
+#define  FT_CLASS__MEMORY(x)   FT_CLASS(x)->memory
+#define  FT_CLASS__LIBRARY(x)  FT_CLASS(x)->library
+#define  FT_CLASS__MAGIC(x)    FT_CLASS(x)->magic
+#define  FT_CLASS__TYPE(x)     FT_CLASS(x)->type
+#define  FT_CLASS__DATA(x)     FT_CLASS(x)->data
+#define  FT_CLASS__INFO(x)     FT_CLASS(x)->info
+  typedef struct FT_TypeRec_
+  {
+    const char*         name;
+    FT_Type             super;
+    FT_UInt             class_size;
+    FT_Object_InitFunc  class_init;
+    FT_Object_DoneFunc  class_done;
+    FT_UInt             obj_size;
+    FT_Object_InitFunc  obj_init;
+    FT_Object_DoneFunc  obj_done;
+    FT_Object_CopyFunc  obj_copy;
+  } FT_TypeRec;
+#define  FT_TYPE(x)  ((FT_Type)(x))
+ /* check that a handle points to a valid object */
+  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Int )
+  ft_object_check( FT_Pointer  obj );
+ /* check that an object is of a given class */
+  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Int )
+  ft_object_is_a( FT_Pointer  obj,
+                  FT_Class    clazz );
+  FT_BASE_DEF( FT_Object )
+  ft_object_new( FT_Class    clazz,
+                 FT_Pointer  init_data );
+#endif /* __FT_OBJECT_H__ */