shithub: freetype+ttf2subf

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ref: 1d85a73d1a2650ff22192b698e329375c457c241
parent: 7e68ad481f8684cafa267114ffadd7ef7dc819ab
author: David Turner <[email protected]>
date: Fri Mar 17 05:15:20 EST 2000

Added a new version of the "smooth". This one uses
an algorithm that is very close to our standard raster.

However, it is (theorically for now) capable of direct
composition !!

git/fs: mount .git/fs: mount/attach disallowed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/src/ftgrays2.c
@@ -1,0 +1,1705 @@
+/*                                                                           */
+/*  ftgrays2.c  - a new version of the standard FreeType anti-aliaser        */
+/*                                                                           */
+/*  (c) 2000 David Turner - <[email protected]>                      */
+/*                                                                           */
+/*  Beware, this code is still in heavy beta..                               */
+/*                                                                           */
+/*  After writing a "perfect" anti-aliaser (see ftgrays.c), it is clear      */
+/*  that the standard FreeType renderer is better at generating glyph images */
+/*  because it uses an approximation that simply produced more contrasted    */
+/*  edges, making its output more legible..                                  */
+/*                                                                           */
+/*  This code is an attempt to rewrite the standard renderer in order to     */
+/*  support the following:                                                   */
+/*                                                                           */
+/*   - get rid of al rendering artifacts produced by the original algorithm  */
+/*   - allow direct composition, by generating the output image as a "list"  */
+/*     of span in successive scan-lines (the standard code is forced to use  */
+/*     an intermediate buffer, and this is just _bad_ :-)                    */
+/*                                                                           */
+#include <ftimage.h>
+#define _STANDALONE_
+#define xxxDEBUG_GRAYS
+#define SPECIAL
+#define HORZ
+#define ErrRaster_Invalid_Outline  -1
+#define ErrRaster_Overflow         -2
+#include "ftgrays2.h"
+/* include the FreeType main header if necessary */
+#ifndef _STANDALONE_
+#include "freetype.h"  /* for FT_MulDiv & FT_Outline_Decompose */
+#include <stdio.h>
+  #define  RAS_ARG    PRaster  raster
+  #define  RAS_ARG_   PRaster  raster,
+  #define  RAS_VAR    raster
+  #define  RAS_VAR_   raster,
+  #define  ras (*raster)
+  #define  RAS_ARG
+  #define  RAS_ARG_
+  #define  RAS_VAR
+  #define  RAS_VAR_
+  static TRaster  ras;
+#define FMulDiv(a,b,c)  ((long)(a)*(b)/(c))
+#ifdef _STANDALONE_
+#define SMulDiv(a,b,c)  FMulDiv(a,b,c)  /* XXXX - TO BE CHANGED LATER */
+#define SMulDiv(a,b,c)  FT_MulDiv(a,b,c)
+/* note: PIXEL_BITS must not be less than 6 !! */
+#define  PIXEL_BITS  6
+#define  ONE_PIXEL   (1L << PIXEL_BITS)
+#define  ONE_HALF    (ONE_PIXEL/2)
+#define  PIXEL_MASK  (-1L << PIXEL_BITS)
+#define  TRUNC(x)    ((x) >> PIXEL_BITS)
+#define  FRAC(x)     ((x) & (ONE_PIXEL-1))
+#define  SUBPIXELS(x) ((x) << PIXEL_BITS)
+#define  FLOOR(x)    ((x) & -ONE_PIXEL)
+#define  CEILING(x)  (((x)+ONE_PIXEL-1) & -ONE_PIXEL)
+#define  ROUND(x)    (((x)+ONE_HALF) & -ONE_PIXEL)
+#define  UPSCALE(x)  ((x) << (PIXEL_BITS-6))
+#define  DOWNSCALE(x)  ((x) >> (PIXEL_BITS-6))
+#define  WRITE_CELL(top,u,v,dir)  write_cell( RAS_VAR_ top, u, v, dir )
+/*                                                                          */
+/*   INITIALIZE THE CELLS TABLE                                             */
+/*                                                                          */
+void  init_cells( RAS_ARG_  void*  buffer, long byte_size )
+  ras.cells      = (PCell)buffer;
+  ras.max_cells  = byte_size / sizeof(TCell);
+  ras.cell_limit = ras.cells + ras.max_cells;
+  ras.num_cells  = 0;
+/*                                                                          */
+/*   WRITE ONE CELL IN THE RENDER POOL                                      */
+/*                                                                          */
+int  write_cell( RAS_ARG_  PCell  cell, TPos  u,  TPos  v, TDir  dir )
+  static const char  dirs[5] = "udrl?";
+  if (dir & dir_horizontal)
+  {
+    /* only keep horizontal cells within our clipping box */
+    if ( u < ras.min_y || u >= ras.max_y ||
+         v < ras.min_x || v >= ras.max_x ) goto Nope;
+    /* get rid of horizontal cells with pos == 0, they're irrelevant */
+    if ( FRAC(u) == 0 ) goto Nope;
+    cell->y = TRUNC( u - ras.min_y );
+    cell->x = TRUNC( v - ras.min_x );
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    /* get rid of vertical cells that are below or above our clipping    */
+    /* box. Also discard all cells that are on the right of the clipping */
+    /* box..                                                             */
+    if (u >= ras.max_x || v < ras.min_y || v >= ras.max_y) goto Nope;
+    u -= ras.min_x;
+    v -= ras.min_y;
+    /* all cells that are on the left of the clipping box are located */
+    /* on the same virtual "border" cell..                            */
+    if (u < 0) u = -1;
+    cell->x = TRUNC( u );
+    cell->y = TRUNC( v );
+  }
+  cell->dir = dir;
+  cell->pos = FRAC(u);
+  fprintf( stderr, "[%d,%d,%c,%d]\n",
+                   (int)cell->y,
+                   (int)cell->x,
+                   dirs[dir],
+                   cell->pos );
+  return 1;
+  return 0;
+/*                                                                          */
+/*   COMPUTE THE OUTLINE BOUNDING BOX                                       */
+/*                                                                          */
+void  compute_cbox( RAS_ARG_ FT_Outline*  outline )
+  FT_Vector*  vec   = outline->points;
+  FT_Vector*  limit = vec + outline->n_points;
+  if ( outline->n_points <= 0 )
+  {
+    ras.min_x  = ras.max_x  = 0;
+    ras.min_y  = ras.max_y  = 0;
+    goto Exit;
+  }
+  ras.min_x = ras.max_x = vec->x;
+  ras.min_y = ras.max_y = vec->y;
+  vec++;
+  for ( ; vec < limit; vec++ )
+  {
+    TPos  x = vec->x;
+    TPos  y = vec->y;
+    if ( x < ras.min_x ) ras.min_x = x;
+    if ( x > ras.max_x ) ras.max_x = x;
+    if ( y < ras.min_y ) ras.min_y = y;
+    if ( y > ras.max_y ) ras.max_y = y;
+  }
+  /* grid-fit the bounding box to integer pixels */  
+  ras.min_x  &= -64;
+  ras.min_y  &= -64;
+  ras.max_x   = (ras.max_x+63) & -64;
+  ras.max_y   = (ras.max_y+63) & -64;
+  ras.min_ex = ras.min_x >> 6;
+  ras.max_ex = ras.max_x >> 6;
+  ras.min_ey = ras.min_y >> 6;
+  ras.max_ey = ras.max_y >> 6;
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Function>                                                            */
+  /*    compute_intersects                                                 */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Description>                                                         */
+  /*    Computes the scan-line intersections of a given line and store     */
+  /*    the corresonding cells in the render pool..                        */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Input>                                                               */
+  /*    u1   :: The start u coordinate.                                    */
+  /*    v1   :: The start v coordinate.                                    */
+  /*    u2   :: The end u coordinate.                                      */
+  /*    v2   :: The end v coordinate.                                      */
+  /*    minv :: The minimum vertical grid coordinate.                      */
+  /*    maxv :: The maximum vertical grid coordinate.                      */
+  /*    dir  :: The line direction..                                       */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Return>                                                              */
+  /*    error code. 0 means success..                                      */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  static
+  int   compute_intersects( RAS_ARG_ TPos  u1,   TPos  v1,
+                                     TPos  u2,   TPos  v2,
+                                     TPos  minv, TPos  maxv,
+                                     TDir  dir )
+  {
+    TPos   du, dv, u, v, iu, iv, ru, nu;
+    TScan  e1, e2, size;
+    PCell  top;
+    int    reverse;
+    /* exit if dv == 0 */
+    if ( v1 == v2 ) goto Exit;
+    /* adjust to scanline center */
+    v1   -= ONE_HALF;
+    v2   -= ONE_HALF;
+    maxv -= ONE_PIXEL;
+    /* reverse direction in order to get dv > 0 */
+    reverse = 0;
+    if ( v2 < v1 )
+    {
+      TPos  tmp;
+      v1   = -v1;   v2   = -v2;
+      tmp = minv; minv = -maxv; maxv = -tmp;
+      reverse = 1;
+    }
+    /* check that we have an intersection */
+    if ( v2 < minv || v1 > maxv )
+      goto Exit;
+    du = u2 - u1;
+    dv = v2 - v1;
+    /* compute the first scanline in "e1" */
+    e1 = CEILING(v1);
+    if (e1 == v1 && ras.joint)
+      e1 += ONE_PIXEL;
+    /* compute the last scanline in "e2" */
+    if (v2 <= maxv)
+    {
+      e2        = FLOOR(v2);
+      ras.joint = (v2 == e2);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      e2        = maxv;
+      ras.joint = 0;
+    }
+    size = TRUNC(e2-e1) + 1;
+    if (size <= 0) goto Exit;
+    /* check that there is enough space in the render pool */
+    if ( ras.cursor + size > ras.cell_limit )
+    {
+      ras.error = ErrRaster_Overflow;
+      goto Fail;
+    }
+    if (e1-v1 > 0)
+      u1 += SMulDiv( e1-v1, du, dv );
+    u  = u1;      
+    v  = e1; if (reverse) v = -e1;
+    v += ONE_HALF;
+    iv = (1-2*reverse)*ONE_PIXEL;
+    /* compute decision variables */
+    if (du)
+    {
+      du <<= PIXEL_BITS;
+      iu   = du / dv;
+      ru   = du % dv;
+      if (ru < 0)
+      {
+        iu --;
+        ru += dv;
+      }
+      nu   = -dv;
+      ru <<= 1;
+      dv <<= 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      iu = 0;
+      ru = 0;
+      nu = -dv;
+    }
+    top = ras.cursor;
+    for ( ; size > 0; size-- )
+    {
+      if (WRITE_CELL( top, u, v, dir ))
+        top++;
+      u  += iu;
+      nu += ru;
+      if (nu >= 0)
+      {
+        nu -= dv;
+        u++;
+      }
+      v += iv;
+    }
+    ras.cursor = top;
+  Exit:
+    return 0;
+  Fail:
+    return 1;
+  }
+  /*************************************************************************/
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Function>                                                            */
+  /*    render_line                                                        */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Description>                                                         */
+  /*    This function injects a new line segment in the render pool.       */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Input>                                                               */
+  /*    x      :: target x coordinate (scaled subpixels)                   */
+  /*    y      :: target y coordinate (scaled subpixels)                   */
+  /*    raster :: A pointer to the current raster object.                  */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  /* <Return>                                                              */
+  /*    Error code.  0 means success.                                      */
+  /*                                                                       */
+  static
+  int  render_line( RAS_ARG_  TPos  x, TPos  y )
+  {
+    TPos  minv, maxv;
+    TDir  new_dir;
+    minv    = ras.min_y;
+    maxv    = ras.max_y;
+    if (ras.horizontal)
+    {
+      minv = ras.min_x;
+      maxv = ras.max_x;
+    }
+    new_dir = ras.dir;
+    /* first of all, detect a change of direction */
+    if ( y != ras.y )
+    {
+      new_dir = ( y > ras.y ) ? dir_up : dir_down;
+      if (ras.horizontal) new_dir |= dir_horizontal;
+      if ( new_dir != ras.dir )
+      {
+        ras.joint = 0;
+        ras.dir   = new_dir;
+      }
+    }
+    /* then compute line intersections */
+    if ( compute_intersects( RAS_VAR_  ras.x, ras.y, x, y,
+                                       minv, maxv, new_dir ) )
+      goto Fail;
+    ras.x = x;
+    ras.y = y;
+    return 0;
+  Fail:
+    return 1;
+  }
+void  split_conic( FT_Vector*  base )
+  TPos  a, b;
+  base[4].x = base[2].x;
+  b = base[1].x;
+  a = base[3].x = ( base[2].x + b )/2;
+  b = base[1].x = ( base[0].x + b )/2;
+  base[2].x = ( a + b ) / 2;
+  base[4].y = base[2].y;
+  b = base[1].y;
+  a = base[3].y = ( base[2].y + b )/2;
+  b = base[1].y = ( base[0].y + b )/2;
+  base[2].y = ( a + b ) / 2;
+int  render_conic( RAS_ARG_  TPos  x1, TPos y1, TPos x2, TPos y2 )
+  TPos        x0, y0;
+  TPos        dx, dy;
+  int         top, level;
+  int*        levels;
+  FT_Vector*  arc;
+  x0 = ras.x;
+  y0 = ras.y;
+  dx    = x0 + x2 - 2*x1; if (dx < 0) dx = -dx;
+  dy    = y0 + y2 - 2*y1; if (dy < 0) dy = -dy;
+  if (dx < dy) dx = dy;
+  level = 1;
+  dx    = DOWNSCALE(dx)/32;
+  while ( dx > 0 )
+  {
+    dx >>= 1;
+    level++;
+  }
+  if (level <= 1)
+    return render_line( RAS_VAR_ x2, y2 );
+  arc      = ras.bez_stack;
+  arc[0].x = x2;
+  arc[0].y = y2;
+  arc[1].x = x1;
+  arc[1].y = y1;
+  arc[2].x = x0;
+  arc[2].y = y0;
+  levels    = ras.lev_stack;
+  top       = 0;
+  levels[0] = level;
+  for (;;)
+  {
+    level = levels[top];
+    if (level > 1)
+    {
+      split_conic(arc);
+      arc += 2;
+      top ++;
+      levels[top] = levels[top-1] = level-1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if (render_line( RAS_VAR_ arc[0].x, arc[0].y )) return 1;
+      top--;
+      arc-=2;
+      if (top < 0)
+        return 0;
+    }
+  }
+void  split_cubic( FT_Vector*  base )
+  TPos   a, b, c, d;
+  base[6].x = base[3].x;
+  c = base[1].x;
+  d = base[2].x;
+  base[1].x = a = ( base[0].x + c ) / 2;
+  base[5].x = b = ( base[3].x + d ) / 2;
+  c = ( c + d ) / 2;
+  base[2].x = a = ( a + c ) / 2;
+  base[4].x = b = ( b + c ) / 2;
+  base[3].x = ( a + b ) / 2;
+  base[6].y = base[3].y;
+  c = base[1].y;
+  d = base[2].y;
+  base[1].y = a = ( base[0].y + c ) / 2;
+  base[5].y = b = ( base[3].y + d ) / 2;
+  c = ( c + d ) / 2;
+  base[2].y = a = ( a + c ) / 2;
+  base[4].y = b = ( b + c ) / 2;
+  base[3].y = ( a + b ) / 2;
+int  render_cubic( RAS_ARG_ TPos  x1, TPos  y1,
+                            TPos  x2, TPos  y2,
+                            TPos  x3, TPos  y3 )
+  TPos        x0, y0;
+  TPos        dx, dy, da, db;
+  int         top, level;
+  int*        levels;
+  FT_Vector*  arc;
+  x0 = ras.x;
+  y0 = ras.y;
+  dx = x0 + x3 - 2*x1; if (dx < 0) dx = -dx;
+  dy = y0 + y3 - 2*y1; if (dy < 0) dy = -dy;
+  da = dy; if (da < dx) da = dx;
+  dx = x0 + x3 - 3*(x1+x2); if (dx < 0) dx = -dx;
+  dy = y0 + y3 - 3*(y1+y2); if (dy < 0) dy = -dy;
+  db = dy; if (db < dx) db = dx;
+  da = DOWNSCALE(da);
+  db = DOWNSCALE(db);
+  level = 1;
+  da    = da/64;
+  db    = db/128;
+  while ( da > 0 || db > 0 )
+  {
+    da >>= 1;
+    db >>= 2;
+    level++;
+  }
+  if (level <= 1)
+    return render_line( RAS_VAR_ x3, y3 );
+  arc      = ras.bez_stack;
+  arc[0].x = x3;
+  arc[0].y = y3;
+  arc[1].x = x2;
+  arc[1].y = y2;
+  arc[2].x = x1;
+  arc[2].y = y1;
+  arc[3].x = x0;
+  arc[3].y = y0;
+  levels    = ras.lev_stack;
+  top       = 0;
+  levels[0] = level;
+  for (;;)
+  {
+    level = levels[top];
+    if (level > 1)
+    {
+      split_cubic(arc);
+      arc += 3;
+      top ++;
+      levels[top] = levels[top-1] = level-1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if (render_line( RAS_VAR_ arc[0].x, arc[0].y )) return 1;
+      top --;
+      arc -= 3;
+      if (top < 0)
+        return 0;
+    }
+  }
+int  is_less_than( PCell  a, PCell b )
+  if (a->y < b->y) goto Yes;
+  if (a->y == b->y)
+  {
+    if (a->x < b->x) goto Yes;
+    if (a->x == b->x)
+    {
+      TDir  ad = a->dir & dir_horizontal;
+      TDir  bd = b->dir & dir_horizontal;
+      if ( ad < bd ) goto Yes;
+      if ( ad == bd && a->pos < b->pos) goto Yes;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+  return 1;
+/* a macro comparing two cell pointers. returns true if a <= b */
+#define LESS_THAN(a,b)   is_less_than( (PCell)(a), (PCell)(b) )
+#define SWAP_CELLS(a,b,temp)  { temp = *(a); *(a) = *(b); *(b) = temp; }
+#define DEBUG_SORT
+#define QUICK_SORT
+#ifdef SHELL_SORT
+/* A simple shell sort algorithm that works directly on our */
+/* cells table..                                            */
+void shell_sort ( PCell cells,
+                  int   count )
+  PCell  i, j, limit = cells + count;
+  TCell  temp;
+  int    gap;
+  /* compute initial gap */
+  for (gap = 0; ++gap < count; gap *=3 );
+  while ( gap /= 3 )
+  {
+    for ( i = cells+gap; i < limit; i++ )
+    {
+      for ( j = i-gap; ; j -= gap )
+      {
+        PCell  k = j+gap;
+        if ( LESS_THAN(j,k) )
+          break;
+        SWAP_CELLS(j,k,temp);        
+        if ( j < cells+gap )
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+#ifdef QUICK_SORT
+/* this is a non-recursive quicksort that directly process our cells array */
+/* it should be faster than calling the stdlib qsort(), and we can even    */
+/* tailor our insertion threshold...                                       */
+#define QSORT_THRESHOLD  4   /* below this size, a sub-array will be sorted */
+                             /* through a normal insertion sort..           */
+void  quick_sort( PCell cells,
+                  int   count )
+  PCell  stack[40];  /* should be enough ;-) */
+  PCell* top;        /* top of stack */
+  PCell  base, limit;
+  TCell  temp;
+  limit = cells + count;
+  base  = cells;
+  top   = stack;
+  for (;;)
+  {
+    int   len = limit-base;
+    PCell i, j;
+    if ( len > QSORT_THRESHOLD)
+    {
+      /* we use base+len/2 as the pivot */
+      SWAP_CELLS( base, base+len/2, temp );
+      i = base+1;
+      j = limit-1;
+      /* now ensure that *i <= *base <= *j */
+      if (LESS_THAN(j,i))
+        SWAP_CELLS( i, j, temp );
+      if (LESS_THAN(base,i))
+        SWAP_CELLS( base, i, temp );
+      if (LESS_THAN(j,base))
+        SWAP_CELLS( base, j, temp );
+      for (;;)
+      {
+        do i++; while (LESS_THAN(i,base));
+        do j--; while (LESS_THAN(base,j));
+        if (i > j)
+          break;
+        SWAP_CELLS( i,j, temp );
+      }
+      /* move pivot to correct place */
+      SWAP_CELLS( base, j, temp );
+      /* now, push the largest sub-array */
+      if ( j - base > limit -i )
+      {
+        top[0] = base;
+        top[1] = j;
+        base   = i;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        top[0] = i;
+        top[1] = limit;
+        limit  = j;
+      }
+      top += 2;      
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      /* the sub-array is small, perform insertion sort */
+      j = base;
+      i = j+1;
+      for ( ; i < limit; j = i, i++ )
+      {
+        for ( ; LESS_THAN(j+1,j); j-- )
+        {
+          SWAP_CELLS( j+1, j, temp );
+          if (j == base)
+            break;
+        }
+      }
+      if (top > stack)
+      {
+        top  -= 2;
+        base  = top[0];
+        limit = top[1];
+      } else
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+#ifdef DEBUG_SORT
+int  check_sort( PCell  cells, int count )
+  PCell  p, q;
+  for ( p = cells + count-2; p >= cells; p-- )
+  {
+    q = p+1;
+    if (!LESS_THAN(p,q))
+      return 0;
+  }
+  return 1;
+#ifdef _STANDALONE_
+#if 1
+  static
+  int  FT_Outline_Decompose( FT_Outline*        outline,
+                             FT_Outline_Funcs*  interface,
+                             void*              user )
+  {
+    typedef enum  _phases
+    {
+      phase_point,
+      phase_conic,
+      phase_cubic,
+      phase_cubic2
+    } TPhase;
+    FT_Vector  v_first;
+    FT_Vector  v_last;
+    FT_Vector  v_control;
+    FT_Vector  v_start;
+    FT_Vector* point;
+    FT_Vector* limit;
+    char*      tags;
+    int    n;         /* index of contour in outline     */
+    int    first;     /* index of first point in contour */
+    int    error;
+    char   tag;       /* current point's state           */
+    first = 0;
+    for ( n = 0; n < outline->n_contours; n++ )
+    {
+      int  last;  /* index of last point in contour */
+      last  = outline->contours[n];
+      limit = outline->points + last;
+      v_first = outline->points[first];
+      v_last  = outline->points[last];
+      v_start = v_control = v_first;
+      point = outline->points + first;
+      tags  = outline->tags  + first;
+      tag   = FT_CURVE_TAG( tags[0] );
+      /* A contour cannot start with a cubic control point! */
+      if ( tag == FT_Curve_Tag_Cubic )
+        goto Invalid_Outline;
+      /* check first point to determine origin */
+      if ( tag == FT_Curve_Tag_Conic )
+      {
+        /* first point is conic control.  Yes, this happens. */
+        if ( FT_CURVE_TAG( outline->tags[last] ) == FT_Curve_Tag_On )
+        {
+          /* start at last point if it is on the curve */
+          v_start = v_last;
+          limit--;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          /* if both first and last points are conic,         */
+          /* start at their middle and record its position    */
+          /* for closure                                      */
+          v_start.x = ( v_start.x + v_last.x ) / 2;
+          v_start.y = ( v_start.y + v_last.y ) / 2;
+          v_last = v_start;
+        }
+        point--;
+        tags--;
+      }
+      error = interface->move_to( &v_start, user );
+      if (error) goto Exit;
+      while (point < limit)
+      {
+        point++;
+        tags++;
+        tag = FT_CURVE_TAG( tags[0] );
+        switch (tag)
+        {
+          case FT_Curve_Tag_On:  /* emit a single line_to */
+            {
+              error = interface->line_to( point, user );
+              if (error) goto Exit;
+              continue;
+            }
+          case FT_Curve_Tag_Conic:  /* consume conic arcs */
+            {
+              v_control = point[0];
+            Do_Conic:
+              if (point < limit)
+              {
+                FT_Vector  v_middle;
+                point++;
+                tags++;
+                tag = FT_CURVE_TAG( tags[0] );
+                if (tag == FT_Curve_Tag_On)
+                {
+                  error = interface->conic_to( &v_control, point, user );
+                  if (error) goto Exit;
+                  continue;
+                }
+                if (tag != FT_Curve_Tag_Conic)
+                  goto Invalid_Outline;
+                v_middle.x = (v_control.x + point->x)/2;
+                v_middle.y = (v_control.y + point->y)/2;
+                error = interface->conic_to( &v_control, &v_middle, user );
+                if (error) goto Exit;
+                v_control = point[0];
+                goto Do_Conic;
+              }
+              error = interface->conic_to( &v_control, &v_start, user );
+              goto Close;
+            }
+          default:  /* FT_Curve_Tag_Cubic */
+            {
+              if ( point+1 > limit         ||
+                   FT_CURVE_TAG( tags[1] ) != FT_Curve_Tag_Cubic )
+                goto Invalid_Outline;
+              point += 2;
+              tags  += 2;
+              if (point <= limit)
+              {
+                error = interface->cubic_to( point-2, point-1, point, user );
+                if (error) goto Exit;
+                continue;
+              }
+              error = interface->cubic_to( point-2, point-1, &v_start, user );
+              goto Close;
+            }
+        }
+      }
+      /* close the contour with a line segment */
+      error = interface->line_to( &v_start, user );
+   Close:
+      if (error) goto Exit;
+      first = last+1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+  Exit:
+    return error;
+  Invalid_Outline:
+    return -1;
+  }
+  static
+  int  FT_Outline_Decompose( FT_Outline*        outline,
+                             FT_Outline_Funcs*  interface,
+                             void*              user )
+  {
+    typedef enum  _phases
+    {
+      phase_point,
+      phase_conic,
+      phase_cubic,
+      phase_cubic2
+    } TPhase;
+    FT_Vector  v_last;
+    FT_Vector  v_control;
+    FT_Vector  v_control2;
+    FT_Vector  v_start;
+    FT_Vector* point;
+    char*      tags;
+    int    n;         /* index of contour in outline     */
+    int    first;     /* index of first point in contour */
+    int    index;     /* current point's index           */
+    int    error;
+    char   tag;       /* current point's state           */
+    TPhase phase;
+    first = 0;
+    for ( n = 0; n < outline->n_contours; n++ )
+    {
+      int  last;  /* index of last point in contour */
+      last = outline->contours[n];
+      v_start = outline->points[first];
+      v_last  = outline->points[last];
+      v_control = v_start;
+      tag   = FT_CURVE_TAG( outline->tags[first] );
+      index = first;
+      /* A contour cannot start with a cubic control point! */
+      if ( tag == FT_Curve_Tag_Cubic )
+        return ErrRaster_Invalid_Outline;
+      /* check first point to determine origin */
+      if ( tag == FT_Curve_Tag_Conic )
+      {
+        /* first point is conic control.  Yes, this happens. */
+        if ( FT_CURVE_TAG( outline->tags[last] ) == FT_Curve_Tag_On )
+        {
+          /* start at last point if it is on the curve */
+          v_start = v_last;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          /* if both first and last points are conic,         */
+          /* start at their middle and record its position    */
+          /* for closure                                      */
+          v_start.x = ( v_start.x + v_last.x ) / 2;
+          v_start.y = ( v_start.y + v_last.y ) / 2;
+          v_last = v_start;
+        }
+        phase = phase_conic;
+      }
+      else
+        phase = phase_point;
+      /* Begin a new contour with MOVE_TO */
+      error = interface->move_to( &v_start, user );
+      if ( error )
+        return error;
+      point = outline->points + first;
+      tags = outline->tags  + first;
+      /* now process each contour point individually */
+      while ( index < last )
+      {
+        index++;
+        point++;
+        tags++;
+        tag = FT_CURVE_TAG( tags[0] );
+        switch ( phase )
+        {
+        case phase_point:     /* the previous point was on the curve */
+          switch ( tag )
+          {
+            /* two succesive on points -> emit segment */
+          case FT_Curve_Tag_On:
+            error = interface->line_to( point, user );
+            break;
+            /* on point + conic control -> remember control point */
+          case FT_Curve_Tag_Conic:
+            v_control = point[0];
+            phase     = phase_conic;
+            break;
+            /* on point + cubic control -> remember first control */
+          default:
+            v_control = point[0];
+            phase     = phase_cubic;
+            break;
+          }
+          break;
+        case phase_conic:   /* the previous point was a conic control */
+          switch ( tag )
+          {
+            /* conic control + on point -> emit conic arc */
+          case  FT_Curve_Tag_On:
+            error = interface->conic_to( &v_control, point, user );
+            phase = phase_point;
+            break;
+            /* two successive conics -> emit conic arc `in between' */
+          case FT_Curve_Tag_Conic:
+            {
+              FT_Vector  v_middle;
+              v_middle.x = (v_control.x + point->x)/2;
+              v_middle.y = (v_control.y + point->y)/2;
+              error = interface->conic_to( &v_control,
+                                           &v_middle, user );
+              v_control = point[0];
+            }
+             break;
+          default:
+            error = ErrRaster_Invalid_Outline;
+          }
+          break;
+        case phase_cubic:  /* the previous point was a cubic control */
+          /* this point _must_ be a cubic control too */
+          if ( tag != FT_Curve_Tag_Cubic )
+            return ErrRaster_Invalid_Outline;
+          v_control2 = point[0];
+          phase      = phase_cubic2;
+          break;
+        case phase_cubic2:  /* the two previous points were cubics */
+          /* this point _must_ be an on point */
+          if ( tag != FT_Curve_Tag_On )
+            error = ErrRaster_Invalid_Outline;
+          else
+            error = interface->cubic_to( &v_control, &v_control2,
+                                         point, user );
+          phase = phase_point;
+          break;
+        }
+        /* lazy error testing */
+        if ( error )
+          return error;
+      }
+      /* end of contour, close curve cleanly */
+      error = 0;
+      tag = FT_CURVE_TAG( outline->tags[first] );
+      switch ( phase )
+      {
+      case phase_point:
+        if ( tag == FT_Curve_Tag_On )
+          error = interface->line_to( &v_start, user );
+        break;
+      case phase_conic:
+        error = interface->conic_to( &v_control, &v_start, user );
+        break;
+      case phase_cubic2:
+        if ( tag == FT_Curve_Tag_On )
+          error = interface->cubic_to( &v_control, &v_control2,
+                                       &v_start,   user );
+        else
+          error = ErrRaster_Invalid_Outline;
+        break;
+      default:
+        error = ErrRaster_Invalid_Outline;
+        break;
+      }
+      if ( error )
+        return error;
+      first = last + 1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+  }
+#endif /* _STANDALONE_ */
+  static
+  int  Move_To2( FT_Vector*  to,
+                 FT_Raster   raster )
+  {
+    PRaster  rast = (PRaster)raster;
+    FT_Pos*  to_x;
+    FT_Pos*  to_y;
+    to_x = &to->x;
+    to_y = &to->y;
+    if (rast->horizontal)
+    {
+      to_x = &to->y;
+      to_y = &to->x;
+    }
+    rast->starter.x = UPSCALE(*to_x);
+    rast->starter.y = UPSCALE(*to_y);
+    rast->joint  = 0;
+    rast->dir    = dir_unknown;
+    rast->last   = 0;
+    rast->start  = 0;
+    if ((*to_x & 63) == 32)
+    {
+      rast->starter.x |= 1;
+      rast->start = to;
+    }
+    if ((*to_y & 63) == 32)
+    {
+      rast->starter.y |= 1;
+      rast->start = to;
+    }
+    rast->x = rast->starter.x;
+    rast->y = rast->starter.y;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  static
+  int  Line_To2( FT_Vector*  to,
+                 FT_Raster   raster )
+  {
+    TPos     x, y;
+    PRaster  rast = (PRaster)raster;
+    if ( to == rast->start )
+    {
+      x = rast->starter.x;
+      y = rast->starter.y;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if ( rast->horizontal )
+      {
+        x = to->y;
+        y = to->x;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        x = to->x;
+        y = to->y;
+      }
+      x = UPSCALE(x);
+      y = UPSCALE(y);
+    }
+    return render_line( rast, x, y );
+  }
+  static
+  int  Conic_To2( FT_Vector*  control,
+                  FT_Vector*  to,
+                  FT_Raster   raster )
+  {
+    PRaster    rast = (PRaster)raster;
+    FT_Vector  ctr, to2;
+    ctr = *control;
+    to2 = *to;
+    if (rast->horizontal)
+    {
+      ctr.x = control->y;
+      ctr.y = control->x;
+      to2.x = to->y;
+      to2.y = to->x;
+    }
+    if ( to == rast->start )
+      to2 = rast->starter;
+    else
+    {
+      to2.x = UPSCALE(to2.x);
+      to2.y = UPSCALE(to2.y);
+    }
+    return render_conic( rast, UPSCALE(ctr.x), UPSCALE(ctr.y), to2.x, to2.y );
+  }
+  static
+  int  Cubic_To2( FT_Vector*  control1,
+                  FT_Vector*  control2,
+                  FT_Vector*  to,
+                  FT_Raster   raster )
+  {
+    PRaster  rast = (PRaster)raster;
+    FT_Vector ctr1, ctr2, to2;
+    ctr1 = *control1;
+    ctr2 = *control2;
+    to2  = *to;
+    if (rast->horizontal)
+    {
+      ctr1.x = control1->y; ctr1.y = control1->x;
+      ctr2.x = control2->y; ctr2.y = control2->x;
+      to2.x  = to->y;  to2.y = to->x;
+    }
+    if ( to == rast->start )
+      to2 = rast->starter;
+    else
+    {
+      to2.x = UPSCALE(to2.x);
+      to2.y = UPSCALE(to2.y);
+    }
+    return render_cubic( rast, UPSCALE(ctr1.x), UPSCALE(ctr1.y),
+                               UPSCALE(ctr2.x), UPSCALE(ctr2.y),
+                               to2.x, to2.y );
+  }
+  static
+  void grays_render_span( int y, int count, FT_GraySpan*  spans, PRaster  raster )
+  {
+    unsigned char *p, *q, *limit;
+    FT_Bitmap*    map = &raster->target;
+    /* first of all, compute the scanline offset */
+    p = (unsigned char*)map->buffer - y*map->pitch;
+    if (map->pitch >= 0)
+      p += (map->rows-1)*map->pitch;
+    for ( ; count > 0; count--, spans++ )
+    {
+      if (spans->coverage)
+      {
+        q     = p + spans->x;
+        limit = q + spans->len;
+        for ( ; q < limit; q++ )
+          q[0] = (spans->coverage+1) >> 1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+#include <stdio.h>
+  static
+  void  dump_cells( RAS_ARG )
+  {
+    static const char  dirs[5] = "udrl?";
+    PCell  cell, limit;
+    int    y = -1;
+    cell = ras.cells;
+    limit = cell + ras.num_cells;
+    for ( ; cell < limit; cell++ )
+    {
+      if ( cell->y != y )
+      {
+        fprintf( stderr, "\n%2d: ", (int)cell->y );
+        y = cell->y;
+      }
+      fprintf( stderr, "[%d %c %d]",
+               (int)cell->x,
+               dirs[cell->dir & 3],
+               cell->pos );
+    }
+    fprintf(stderr, "\n" );
+  }
+  static
+  void  grays_hline( RAS_ARG_  TScan  y, TScan x, int  coverage, int acount )
+  {
+    FT_GraySpan*   span;
+    int            count;
+    /* compute the coverage line's coverage, depending on the    */
+    /* outline fill rule..                                       */
+    /*                                                           */
+    /* The coverage percentage is area/ONE_PIXEL                 */
+    /*                                                           */
+    coverage <<= 1;
+    coverage >>= (PIXEL_BITS-6);
+    if (coverage < 0)
+      coverage = -coverage;
+    if (coverage >= 256)
+      coverage = 255;
+    if (coverage)
+    {
+      /* see if we can add this span to the current list */
+      count = ras.num_gray_spans;
+      span  = ras.gray_spans + count-1;
+      if (count > 0 && ras.span_y == y && (int)span->x + span->len == (int)x &&
+          span->coverage == coverage)
+      {
+        span->len += acount;
+        return;
+      }
+      if ( ras.span_y != y || count >= FT_MAX_GRAY_SPANS)
+      {
+        if (ras.render_span)
+          ras.render_span( ras.span_y, count, ras.gray_spans, ras.render_span_closure );
+        /* ras.render_span( span->y, ras.gray_spans, count ); */
+#ifdef DEBUG_GRAYS      
+        if (ras.span_y >= 0)
+        {
+        int  n;
+        fprintf( stderr, "y=%3d ", ras.span_y );
+        span = ras.gray_spans;
+        for (n = 0; n < count; n++, span++)
+        {
+          if (span->len > 1)
+            fprintf( stderr, "[%d..%d]:%02x ", span->x, span->x + span->len-1, span->coverage );
+          else
+            fprintf( stderr, "[%d]:%02x ", span->x, span->coverage );
+        }
+        fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+        }
+        ras.num_gray_spans = 0;
+        ras.span_y         = y;
+        count = 0;
+        span  = ras.gray_spans;
+      }
+      else
+        span++;
+      /* add a gray span to the current list */
+      span->x        = (short)x;
+      span->len      = (unsigned char)acount;
+      span->coverage = (unsigned char)coverage;
+      ras.num_gray_spans++;
+    }
+  }
+  static
+  void  grays_sweep( RAS_ARG_  FT_Bitmap*  target )
+  {
+    TScan  x, y, cover, x_black;
+    int    varea, harea, hpos;
+    PCell  start, cur, limit;
+    cur   = ras.cells;
+    limit = cur + ras.num_cells;
+    cover = 0;
+    ras.span_y = -1;
+    ras.num_gray_spans = 0;
+    cover   = 0;
+    x_black = 32000;
+    /* fprintf( stderr, "%2d:", cur->y ); */
+    for (;;)
+    {
+      int  is_black, icover;
+      int  area, numv;
+      start  = cur;
+      y      = start->y;
+      x      = start->x;
+      icover = cover;
+      varea  = cover << PIXEL_BITS;
+      harea  = 0;
+      hpos   = varea;
+      numv   = 0;
+      /* accumulate all start cells */
+      for (;;)
+      {
+        /* XXX : for now, only deal with vertical intersections */
+        switch ((cur->dir)&3)
+        {
+          case dir_up:
+              varea += ONE_PIXEL - cur->pos;
+              if (cur->pos <= 32)
+                hpos = ONE_PIXEL;
+              cover++;
+              numv++;
+              break;
+          case dir_down:
+              varea -= ONE_PIXEL - cur->pos;
+              if (cur->pos <= 32)
+                hpos = 0;
+              cover--;
+              numv++;
+              break;
+          case dir_left:
+              harea += ONE_PIXEL - cur->pos;
+              break;
+          default:
+              harea -= ONE_PIXEL - cur->pos;
+              break;
+        }
+        ++cur;
+        if (cur >= limit || cur->y != start->y || cur->x != start->x)
+          break;
+      }
+      /* nom compute the "real" area in the pixel */
+      if (varea < 0) varea += ONE_PIXEL;
+      if (harea < 0) harea += ONE_PIXEL;
+      if (harea)
+        area = varea + harea;
+      else
+        area = 2*varea;
+#if 1
+      if ( varea < ONE_PIXEL && harea == 0 && (icover|cover) == 0 && area < ONE_PIXEL)
+        area += ONE_HALF;
+      is_black = ( area >= 2*ONE_PIXEL );
+      /* if the start cell isn't black, we may need to draw a black */
+      /* segment from a previous cell..                             */
+      if ( !is_black && start->x > x_black )
+      {
+        /* printf( stderr, " b[%d..%d]", x_black, start->x-1 ); */
+        grays_hline( RAS_VAR_ y, x_black, 2*ONE_PIXEL, start->x - x_black );
+      }
+      /* if the cell is black, then record its position in "x_black" */
+      if ( is_black )
+      {
+        if ( x_black > start->x )
+          x_black = start->x;
+      }
+      /* if the cell is gray, draw a single gray pixel, then record */
+      /* the next cell's position in "x_black" if "cover" is black  */
+      else
+      {
+        x_black = 32000;
+        if ( area )
+        {
+          /* fprintf( stderr, " [%d:%d]", start->x, varea ); */
+          grays_hline( RAS_VAR_ y, start->x, area, 1 );
+          if (cover)
+            x_black = start->x+1;
+        }
+      }
+      /* now process scanline changes/end */
+      if (cur >= limit || cur->y != start->y)
+      {
+        if (cover && x_black < ras.max_ex)
+        {
+          /* fprintf( stderr, " f[%d..%d]", x_black, ras.max_ex-1 ); */
+          grays_hline( RAS_VAR_ y, x_black, 2*ONE_PIXEL, ras.max_ex-x_black );
+        }
+        if (cur >= limit)
+          break;
+        /* fprintf( stderr, "\n%2d:", cur->y ); */
+        cover   = 0;
+        x_black = 32000;
+      }
+    }
+    if (ras.render_span && ras.num_gray_spans > 0)
+      ras.render_span( ras.span_y, ras.num_gray_spans,
+                       ras.gray_spans, ras.render_span_closure );
+    {
+      int  n;
+      FT_GraySpan*  span;
+      fprintf( stderr, "y=%3d ", ras.span_y );
+      span = ras.gray_spans;
+      for (n = 0; n < ras.num_gray_spans; n++, span++)
+      {
+        if (span->len > 1)
+          fprintf( stderr, "[%d..%d]:%02x ", span->x, span->x + span->len-1, span->coverage );
+        else
+          fprintf( stderr, "[%d]:%02x ", span->x, span->coverage );
+      }
+      fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
+    }
+  }
+  static
+  int  Convert_Glyph( RAS_ARG_ FT_Outline*  outline )
+  {
+    static
+    FT_Outline_Funcs  interface =
+    {
+      (FT_Outline_MoveTo_Func)Move_To2,
+      (FT_Outline_LineTo_Func)Line_To2,
+      (FT_Outline_ConicTo_Func)Conic_To2,
+      (FT_Outline_CubicTo_Func)Cubic_To2
+    };
+    /* Set up state in the raster object */
+    compute_cbox( RAS_VAR_ outline );
+    if (ras.min_ex < 0) ras.min_ex = 0;
+    if (ras.min_ey < 0) ras.min_ey = 0;
+    if (ras.max_ex > ras.max_ex =;
+    if (ras.max_ey >  ras.max_ey =;
+    ras.min_x = UPSCALE(ras.min_ex << 6);
+    ras.min_y = UPSCALE(ras.min_ey << 6);
+    ras.max_x = UPSCALE(ras.max_ex << 6);
+    ras.max_y = UPSCALE(ras.max_ey << 6);
+    ras.num_cells    = 0;
+    ras.contour_cell = 0;
+    ras.horizontal   = 0;
+    /* compute vertical intersections */
+    if (FT_Outline_Decompose( outline, &interface, &ras ))
+      return 1;
+#if 1
+    /* compute horizontal intersections */
+    ras.horizontal   = 1;
+    return FT_Outline_Decompose( outline, &interface, &ras );      
+  }
+  extern
+  int  grays2_raster_render( TRaster*     raster,
+                             FT_Outline*  outline,
+                             FT_Bitmap*   target_map )
+  {
+    if ( !raster || !raster->cells || !raster->max_cells )
+      return -1;
+    /* return immediately if the outline is empty */
+    if ( outline->n_points == 0 || outline->n_contours <= 0 )
+      return 0;
+    if ( !outline || !outline->contours || !outline->points )
+      return -1;
+    if ( outline->n_points != outline->contours[outline->n_contours - 1] + 1 )
+      return -1;
+    if ( !target_map || !target_map->buffer )
+      return -1;
+    ras.outline   = *outline;
+    = *target_map;
+    ras.num_cells = 0;
+    ras.cursor    = ras.cells;
+    if (Convert_Glyph( (PRaster)raster, outline ))
+      return 1;
+    ras.num_cells = ras.cursor - ras.cells;
+#ifdef SHELL_SORT    
+    shell_sort( ras.cells, ras.num_cells );
+    quick_sort( ras.cells, ras.num_cells );
+#ifdef DEBUG_GRAYS    
+    check_sort( ras.cells, ras.num_cells );
+    dump_cells( RAS_VAR );
+#if 1
+    ras.render_span         = (FT_GraySpan_Func)grays_render_span;
+    ras.render_span_closure = &ras;
+    grays_sweep( (PRaster)raster, target_map );
+    return 0;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  extern
+  int  grays2_raster_init( FT_Raster    raster,
+                           const char*  pool_base,
+                           long         pool_size )
+  {
+/*    static const char  default_palette[5] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 }; */
+    /* check the object address */
+    if ( !raster )
+      return -1;
+    /* check the render pool - we won't go under 4 Kb */
+    if ( !pool_base || pool_size < 4096 )
+      return -1;
+    /* save the pool */
+    init_cells( (PRaster)raster, (char*)pool_base, pool_size );
+    return 0;
+  }
+  FT_Raster_Interface  ft_grays2_raster =
+  {
+    sizeof( TRaster ),
+    ft_glyph_format_outline,
+    (FT_Raster_Init_Proc)     grays2_raster_init,
+    (FT_Raster_Set_Mode_Proc) 0,
+    (FT_Raster_Render_Proc)   grays2_raster_render
+  };
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demos/src/ftgrays2.h
@@ -1,0 +1,102 @@
+#ifndef FTGRAYS2_H
+#define FTGRAYS2_H
+typedef int   TScan;
+typedef long  TPos;
+typedef float TDist;
+#define FT_MAX_GRAY_SPANS  32
+typedef struct FT_GraySpan_
+  short          x;
+  short          len;
+  unsigned char  coverage;
+} FT_GraySpan;
+typedef int (*FT_GraySpan_Func)( int           y,
+                                 int           count,
+                                 FT_GraySpan*  spans,
+                                 void*         user );
+typedef enum {
+  dir_up    = 0,
+  dir_down  = 1,
+  dir_right = 2,
+  dir_left  = 3,
+  dir_horizontal = 2,
+  dir_reverse    = 1,
+  dir_unknown = 4
+} TDir;
+typedef struct TCell_
+  unsigned short  x;
+  unsigned short  y;
+  unsigned short  pos;
+  TDir            dir;
+} TCell, *PCell;
+typedef struct TRaster_
+  PCell   cells;
+  PCell   cursor;
+  PCell   cell_limit;
+  int     max_cells;
+  int     num_cells;
+  TScan   min_ex, max_ex;
+  TScan   min_ey, max_ey;
+  TPos    min_x,  min_y;
+  TPos    max_x,  max_y;
+  TScan   ex, ey;
+  TScan   cx, cy;
+  TPos    x,  y;
+  PCell   contour_cell;  /* first contour cell */
+  char    joint;
+  char    horizontal;
+  TDir    dir;
+  PCell   last;
+  FT_Vector  starter;
+  FT_Vector* start;
+  int     error;
+  FT_Vector   bez_stack[32*3];
+  int         lev_stack[32];
+  FT_Outline  outline;
+  FT_Bitmap   target;
+  FT_GraySpan gray_spans[ FT_MAX_GRAY_SPANS ];
+  int         num_gray_spans;
+  FT_GraySpan_Func  render_span;
+  void*             render_span_closure;
+  int               span_y;
+} TRaster, *PRaster;
+  extern
+  int  grays2_raster_render( TRaster*     raster,
+                             FT_Outline*  outline,
+                             FT_Bitmap*   target_map );
+  extern
+  int  grays2_raster_init( FT_Raster    raster,
+                           const char*  pool_base,
+                           long         pool_size );